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The diagrams below give information about the life cycle of a huge fish named the salmon.

Overall, there are 3 stages in the cycle. The first step is fry, the second is smolt and the last one is adult

The first stage, is to salmons eggs slowly move to upper river and in reeds and small stones lie there
approximately 5-6 months. In the following step, eggs become fries (3-8 cm) and migrate to the lower
river, which fast flowing, and stay there around 4 year. In this river fries grow to smolts(12-15cm).

After this, smolts move to the open sea and stay there for a long period of time nearly 5 year. In this
period smolts grow in adults salmon(70-76 cm). In the open sea fish find a partner for reproduction to
continue the specific. The final stage, is to back in the beginning environment and create salmon eggs.

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