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The given diagram shows the life cycle of a large fish in the ocean called “salmon”.

From neing a small

tiny fish to an “adult salmon”.
Overall, it is clear that salmons have to go through 3 stages before making another life cycle.
First of all, “adult salmons” will lay salmon eggs between small stones and reeds in the upper river which
is really slow-moving and it is estimated 5-6 months before it goes to the next stage. Then the salmon
eggs will turn in to a fish called “fry” which is 3-8 cm and go to the lower river, even though in the lower
river you can go fast-flowing but it is estimated to take 4 years before they can travel to the open sea. In
the 4 years, the “fry” has now become the “smolt”, they are about 12-15 cm. Finally, they go to the
open sea which they become an “adult salmon”, and now, they are really big, about 70-76 cm. They
spend 5 years travelling to where they are born and lays eggs.
That is the life cycle of a salmon. Thank for reading!

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