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Technopreneur Project 2

SEM 1, 2022/2023
Case Study 4 (Distribution Channel)

In business model, distribution channels describes how a company communicates with and reaches its
customer segments to deliver a value proposition. Communication, distribution, and sales channels
comprise a company's interface with customers. Channels are customer touch points that play an
important role in the customer experience. An organization can choose between reaching its customers
through its own channels, through partner channels, or through a mix of both. Owned Channels can be
direct, such as an in-house sales force or a web site, or they can be indirect, such as retail stores owned
or operated by the organization.

For this case study, you need to describe and compare between in-house and web site as sales distribution
channel. Please give some example with details explanation of any available business entities that
involved with this kind of operation. In addition, you need to make a conclusion on which of the sale
distribution channel that you think is better in term of increasing revenue of the company.


 This is an individual work.

 You may refer to any available sources. Please list down all the references at the end of the report.
 Report format: Microsoft Word size 12pt, margin-Justify, maximum 2 pages excluding cover page.
 Convert Microsoft Word into PDF file before submitting in Google Classroom.
 Write the PDF file name as CaseStudy3-Matric No-Full Name. (example: CaseStudy3-2111111-
Ahmad Ali)
 Submission due date: 20 January 2023 via Google Classroom.

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