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In today's world, modern forms of communication have

transformed our social lives and the way we interact with our
friends. While some may argue that digital communication
such as email and messaging has reduced in-person
interactions and subsequently has a negative effect on our
social lives, to be honest, the impact is not entirely negative.

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modern communication has truthfully genuinely increased
the generality level of socializing between friends. With
emails and text messages, it is now easier than ever to reach
out to friends and stay in touch, even if they are miles away.
This enables us to maintain friendships with people whom we
may have lost touch with. While it may not be in-person
communication, it is still valuable and important for
sustaining relationships. Furthermore, modern communication
has opened up new avenues for socialization. Ffor example,
online interaction has allowed us to connect with friends, both
old and new ones, without difficulty.
Quite the oppositeOn the other hand, it cannot
be disproved that relying solely on digital communication
can devastate on our social lives. Over-reliance on digital
communication can lead to a lack of real-life communication
skills. Simply sending a message or email cannot replace the
warmth and bonding that occurs it offers when we spend time
with our friends in person.

In winding upIn conclusion, while it may be true that

modern forms of communication have reduced the amount of
time people spend seeing their friends, the impact is
not completely negative. As a matter of fact, it has provided
new ways to connect and maintain relationships. The key is
finding a balance between digital communication and in-
person interactions, to ensure healthy social lives.

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