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23 Questions

1. Nama Lengkap :

2. Nomor Absen :

3. Kelas : (diisi 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E, 5F)

4. Gambar untuk nomor soal 1 dan 2
Look at the picture above!
It is a …. of Ice cream.

A scoop B slice

C hand D piece

5. Look at the picute above!

The taste of ice cream is ….

A salty B sweet

C bitter D crunchy

6. Look at the picture below!

Arjuna always have breakfast every morning before go to
He eats …..of fried rice

A a glass B a bunch

C a plate D a bowl

7. Look at statement below!

(1) Candy
(2) Medicine
(3) Bread
(4) Mango
Which one a bitter taste?

A (2) B (3)

C (1) D (4)
8. Look at the picture below!
Malik : Is this a bottle of milk?
Dekha : …………………………………

A Does not it is B Yes, it is

C No, it is not D Yes, It is not

9. Wants - Zaki - cake - piece - a – of

Arrange the word to be a good sentence! (susunlah kata-kata diatas menjadi
kalimat yang benar!)

A Zaki can wants of a cake B Zaki wants a piece of cake

C Zaki wants a cake of piece D Can Zaki wants of a cake

10. a- of – is – juice – glass – watermelon – rupiahs – nine – thousand

Arrange the word to be a good sentence! (susunlah kata-kata diatas menjadi
kalimat yang benar!)

A glass of juice watermelon is nine A glass of watermelon juice is nine

thousand rupiahs thousand rupiahs

A juice watermelon of glass is nine A galss of watermelon juice nine

thousand rupiahs thousand rupiahs is

11. Look at the picture below!

Hanum has ……..because she always drink ice cream.

A cough B fever

C cold D throat

12. When do you go to the dentist? I go to the dentist when I have ….

A toothache B earache

C cold D sore eyes

13. Pilihlah sesuai gambar (Jawaban lebih dari satu)

Shumai and meatball is eight Ice tea is five thousand rupiah

thousand rupiah

Noodle is five thousand rupiah Bread is thirty thousand and five

hundred rupiah

14. How to care your teeth ? (Bagaimana cara merawat gigi)

A I am drinking milk B always brush my teeth

C I am always eat candy D go to the dentist

15. Pasangkanlah pernyataan berikut pada jawaban yang tepat!

Groups: (a) Dekha has a stomachache. , (b) Satria has a sore throat


16. Pasangkanlah pernyataan berikut pada jawaban yang tepat!

Groups: (a) It is a hundred twenty five thousand rup , (b) It is six thousand and five
hunfred rupi

17. Pasangkanlah pernyataan berikut pada jawaban yang tepat!
Groups: (a) Enam Ribu Lima Ratus Rupiah , (b) Fifteen thousand and five
hundred rupiah


18. Pasangkanlah pernyataan berikut pada jawaban yang tepat

Groups: (a) Sweet , (b) bitter

My father always drinks a

I like honey. It is…….
A cup of coffee. The coffee is B
… tastes

19. Pasangkanlah pernyataan berikut pada jawaban yang tepat!

Groups: (a) bitter green tea , (b) sour

What doesn’t
does like
Aini these
A wants? B oranges.
She The
wants oranges
…. are little
bit ….

20. True or false statements

(Pernyataan benar atau salah)
A bowl of meatball is ten hundred rupiahs

A True B False
21. I have two sheets ten thusand rupiahs.
Then, I buy a plate of noodles and orange juice are seven thousand rupiah and
five thousand

A True B False

22. Look at the picture above !

Danesh has a toothaches after watching television for a long

A True B False

23. Look at the picture above!

Vania : Does he has a toothaches?

Syifa : Yes, he does.

The statement above is …….

A False B True
Answer Key

1. n/a 2. n/a 3. n/a 4. a

5. b 6. c 7. a 8. c

9. b 10. b 11. a 12. a

13. a, d, c 14. d, a, b 15. A (b), B (a) 16. A (b), B (a)

17. A (b), B (a) 18. A (b), B (a) 19. A (a), B (b) 20. b

21. b 22. b 23. b

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