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English Teacher Evaluation

A. Edit the following passage (written by a 14 years old kid)

Topic: How does your favorite food has an impact on the world?

First of all, the most important things to human is food, environment and sleep.

Without them, people will die.

Food! Food give us energy. Without food, people will die. What is environment

actually, environment is a clean place for us to live, have sea, air, trees and so on.

Without them or they are polluted, people will no longer exist, because we are all killed

by global warming or green house gases. As a result, without environment, poeple will

also die.

On the other hand, have you ever think about the relationship between food and

environment! Any conflicts? For example....

My favourite food all over the world is beef (steak). Unluckily, there are a lot of

people love eating beef as meat, so we need a large amount of cattle for us. Cows (cattle)

need to eat grass and grass is their only food. From the point of view of Biology, grass

and tree will help people to clean the environment by breathing in carbon dioxide and

give out oxygen, just opposite to human. More grass are eaten by cattle. It means more

carbon dioxide will give out. At the same time greenhouse gases become a global issue.

My second favorite food is red bean. I think every people or animals are scared of

hearing about beans. As everyone knows that bean will let people and animsls realize

gases, very bad smell gases. As a result, those gases will affect the environment.

Finally, we can see that, a lot of food will cause the same problems, so I think

people do not need to change their diet.

Fill in the blanks:

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English Teacher Evaluation

One day in winter, David was out. Bobby stayed at home. He
________________(have) nothing to. He ________________(watch) David’s fish in the
tank. Without thinking, he ___________________ (pour) some boiling water into the
‘How clever I ____________________ (be)?’
‘Bobby,_________________ you ___________________ (kill) my fish?’ shouted
David. ‘No, I didn’t,’ said Bobby. I was only too kind to __________________ (feed)
your fish, David. I am really sorry. I __________________already
______________________(make) a mess. I ___________________ (choose) some fish
in the market tomorrow. I hope you______________________________ (forgive) me
B) Fill in the blanks.
1. Wear: When I saw her last, she _________________ a red hat.
2. Cook: My mom __________________ for two hours.
3. Play: Samson broke his leg while he ___________________ football.
4. Buy: Tell the tourist how to ________________ a ticket.
5. Beat: _________ Stone ever ____________ anyone?
6. Tell: Jeremy sometimes _______________ lies.
7. Lose: Gigi did not have any money because she __________________ her wallet.
8. Dance: Look! Karis __________________________ beautifully.
9. Call: I was watching TV when you __________________ me
10. Become: The ABC school ___________________________ more interested in
personal development rather than academic result of the children.
11. Dance: The children ________________________ when they heard the music.
12. Buy: ______________ we ________________ a gift for Avis tomorrow?
13. Work: Avis and Samuel _____________ never ________________ together.
14. Need: Plant _________________ water and sun.
15. Talk: I ____________________ on the phone while mom is ironing the clothes.
16. Swim: Mandy can _______________ really fast.
17. Cry: Johnny seldom ______________________ in front of a group of people.

© Copyright 2010. Mentorhood Limited. All rights reserved. V2

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