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EDUCATIVA Protect the Earth

Grado 9


Maria Consuelo Galindo B. MAÑANA Inicio de guía Finalización guía 6 Horas
Octubre 26 Noviembre 6

The student can find specific information
The student can make predictions


When we describe activities that are happening now, we can use time expressions such as: now,
right now, these days, at the moment.
▪ People are taking care of animals these days.
▪ My friend is washing his dog at the moment.
▪ We are reading about the environment right now

The word not (n’t) goes after the verb to be.

-She isn´t sleeping -you aren´t practising

When we talk about predictions, we use will/won´t and the following time expressions:
By 2050 In 100 years In the future


1. Complete the sentences with words from the box.

Destroying cleaning changing wasting throwing away making

a. You are _________ water. Turn the tap off!

b. He is _________ that bottle. He could recycle it.
c. The climate is _________. The Earth is getting hotter and hotter.
d. They are _________ the habitats of many animals by cutting down the forests.
e. We are _________ a poster about our project.
f. I am _________ the beach. Look! There is so much rubbish!

2. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

a. I _________________________ English. I love it! (learn)

b. You _________________________ too quickly. I don’t understand. (speak)
c. Our teacher _________________________ us make a poster. (help)
d. We _________________________ all our rubbish. (recycle)
3.A. Read the poster that a class created as a project.


-We are planting trees near our school.
-We are recycling all the paper we use in class.
-We are checking lights are turned off.
-We are not wasting water.
-Our school is only using low-energy light bulbs.
-We are not throwing away our plastic bags.
-We are helping with the washing-up in the kitchen.
-We are not eating too much meat.

B. Put the sentences into two categories: affirmative (what they are doing) and negative (what
they are not doing). Change the sentences so you are writing about the students.

Example: They are planting trees near their school.

4. Prepare a poster like the one in exercise 3A. Try to think of a different title. Try to use your
own ideas.

5. Rewrite these sentences in the negative. Use contractions.

a. The volcano is erupting.
b. I am speaking to you.
c. You’re chatting to your friends.
d. The cows are sleeping.
e. My dog is sleeping under the table.
f. They are noticing the important signs.
6.100 Listen and write will or won’t for each sentence.
a. Some people think that by 2050 we __________ have to stay in our homes.
b. By 2050, we __________ have enough to eat.
c. In 100 years, we __________ have any rainforests left.
d. More people __________ die due to pollution.
e. Some countries __________ have enough water to grow food.
f. Some people believe that the sun __________ be the main power source.
g. Solar power __________ mean that we have cleaner air in the future.
h. We __________ grow two plants in the same place in the future.
i. There __________ be nine billion people by 2050.
j. We have to make changes, but these __________ make us healthier.

Audio script 100

Are you afraid of the future? Many people think that pollution, global warming and a bigger
population will make the current situation worse and by 2050 we will have to stay in our homes
and we won’t have enough to eat. Others are more optimistic and think that by changing our
ways we can make a difference. What do you think? Here are some facts and opinions:

Every year, we cut down forests the size of Panama. In 100 years, some people predict that we
won’t have any rainforests left. Deforestation affects the climate, our water supply and we lose
species of plants and animals.

More than 2 million people die every year due to pollution. This figure will increase unless we
do something about the quality of our air. However we continue to burn fossil fuels.

Water is a problem. More countries will have floods from rising water levels. Other countries
won’t have enough water, making it impossible to grow food. These problems will get worse in
the future as the earth’s temperature rises. Some people are more optimistic and think that by
taking action the earth will be a better place to live by 2050.

We now use more renewable energy like wind and solar power. Some people believe the sun
will be the main source of our energy by 2050. We will have cleaner air, and so fewer people
will die from pollution.

We will use land more efficiently. We will be able to do double-cropping. This means that we
will grow one plant underground, like carrots or potatoes and grow another plant, like
tomatoes, above ground at the same time.

There will be 9 billion people on the Earth by 2050. We will have to change the way we live, but
the changes we make will make us healthier and will look after the planet more. It is time to
change how we live so future life on earth will be possible.

7. Read the article and choose the correct option, A, b, or C.

The three Rs of rubbish

In the last 50 years people have used more resources

than in the rest of history and we’re destroying our planet
in the process. We will have to change so that life can
continue. Renewable energy will help to reduce pollution,
but there are many things we can do as individuals. What
exactly do we need to do?

Reduce - We reduce when we buy and use less! Ideally in

the future we will buy durable products. At the moment,
electronic devices such as TVs, computers and fridges
have a short life. We throw them away and buy new ones.
This creates pollution. Before buying something new, ask
yourself – do you really need it? Before throwing
something away, ask if there’s another option.

Reuse - When we reuse an item many times, we reduce

the amount of rubbish. When you go shopping, take bags
with you to use many times. Buy rechargable batteries
and avoid buying items (like paper plates) that have only
one use. When your clothes are old, take them
somewhere for other people to use.

Recycle – Recycling extends the life of products that we

no longer need. Many materials, such as plastic, paper,
cardboard, metal and textiles, can be recycled and made
into other things. In the future, we won’t be able to put anything into landfill and we will have
to reuse or recycle everything. We live in a world where people buy and throw away easily. We
need to change these bad habits and to focus on the three Rs - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
1. What is wrong with electronic devices?
A. They only last a few years.
B. They are durable goods.
C. They use electricity.

2. How can we reduce the problem of rubbish?

A. Use disposable items.
B. Don’t buy disposable items.
C. Buy things every day.

3. What is a benefit of reusing items?

A. We will reduce the amount of rubbish.
B. We will wash more plates.
C. We will make more rubbish.

4. When we recycle …
A. the item is made into something else.
B. the material isn’t reused.
C. we throw everything into landfill.
5. The three Rs of rubbish are …
A. refuse, reduce and recharge.
B. reduce, reuse and remove.
C. reduce, reuse and recycle.

8. Write the topic of the environment in Colombia

▪ three natural resources in Colombia and/or your region

▪ three environmental problems in the region
▪ three possible ways to help to solve the problems

Referencias Bibliográficas:
English, please! 1

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