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What´s a community?

A community is an area, such as a city, or even a workplace, where a group of human beings
who have certain elements in common, such as language, customs, values, geographical
location, social status.

What are the elements of community?

People: Community members are the fundamental core. They are individuals who share
interests, values, geographic location or other factors that unite them in a social group.
Social Relations: Interactions between people are crucial in a community. Relationships can
be friendship, family, work, educational and more.
Culture and Traditions: The culture of a community includes shared beliefs, values, customs,
language, music, art and traditions that characterize the group and give it identity.
Geographic Space: Physical location is an important element that defines the community. It
could be a neighborhood, town, city, or even an online group that shares interests.
Institutions: These include organizations, schools, hospitals, local governments, churches and
other entities that provide services and contribute to the functioning of the community.
Economy and Employment: The community has an economy that involves economic activities
and sources of employment that support its members. This may include local businesses,
agriculture, industry, etc.
Norms and Values: There are shared rules, norms and values that guide the behavior of
community members and maintain social harmony.
Civic Participation: Community members can participate in decisions and issues that affect
the group through participation in democratic processes, community groups, and more.
Education and Learning: Schools and other educational centers are essential for transmitting
knowledge and skills to future generations.
Recreation and Public Spaces: Recreation areas, parks, cultural centers and other meeting
places encourage social interaction and community development

What it’s a historical chronicle?

Historical chronicle. They are texts in which the most important facts about a place, a person
or an event from the past are narrated chronologically. These chronicles usually place events
in their context and include documents and testimonies to verify the veracity of the story.
Sometimes the perpetrator may be a witness or a person who lived at the time the events
What are the parts of a historical chronicle?
Headline. It is the name that describes the chronicle. Ideally, it should spark the reader's
interest and suggest the topic to be developed.
Entrance. It is the first paragraph of the chronicle and the one that contains some of the key
elements of the story (main character, time and place), as well as what the chronicle will be
about. It is essential to capture the reader's attention.
Body. It is the bulk of the text, where the events are narrated in a more detailed way, giving
greater context and informing the reader of all the relevant data to accompany the story.
Conclusion. It is the part where the text closes and where the resolution of the theme and the
event that was narrated are told. It may contain a final reflection.

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