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Mineral Economics


A characterisation of the mechanisms transforming capital

investment into productive capacity in mining projects with long
Maryke C. Rademeyer1 · Richard C. A. Minnitt1 · Rosemary M. S. Falcon2

Received: 19 May 2018 / Accepted: 1 December 2019

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

In the development of mining projects, there is a period in between commitment of finance and production commencement.
Risks are present in various aspects of development such that production start-up could be delayed, thereby affecting the
value of the project. This paper demonstrates the application of convolution in the capital investment problem for projects
with long lead-times as a means of characterising the relationship between capital invested and the materialisation of
capacity for production to begin. The system is functionally similar to that of a causal linear time-invariant system in signal
processing. We find that the filter for capital projects, affecting the rate at which capacity becomes available for use, can be
approximated by a straight-line function with positive gradient on bounded support contained in the positive time domain.
The deterministic version is derived and evaluated, and uncertainty is simulated in the stochastic version, where variance
results from the presence of a random process in the form of a standard Brownian motion.

Keywords Mineral economics · Project investment · Convolution

Introduction costs tend to increase when a project moves from feasi-

bility to construction. This would suggest that there are
Resource extraction operations are typically capital inten- factors affecting project completion which are unknown
sive and subject to relatively long lead-times from the time to investors before project development actually begins.
a decision is first made to invest in the development of Furthermore, project value volatility was found to exceed
a deposit and the commencement of mineral production. mineral price volatility in work by Costa Lima and Suslick
This could result in capital being committed well ahead (2006) where a hypothetical gold mine was evaluated using
of cost realisation. Larsson and Ericsson (2014) point out the real options pricing model, indicating that it may be
in their survey of mining project investments that project necessary to include other factors beyond external market-
or policy-driven influences in the mining investment deci-
sion. As such, it stands to reason that a better understanding
of the relationship between capital investment and physical
 Maryke C. Rademeyer
capacity in-place would contribute towards the understand-
ing of how lead-times affect project viability and ultimately
Richard C. A. Minnitt resource supply. In this paper, a model is derived to represent the trans-
Rosemary M. S. Falcon
formation of capital investment into production capacity for a project with a long lead-time. This model can be used,
firstly, to aid in understanding the underlying mechanisms
governing project development, and secondly, in investi-
School of Mining Engineering, The University
of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS, 2050,
gations into other aspects of resource economics, such as
Johannesburg, South Africa mining operation optimisations and mineral market studies.
2 Clean Coal Research Group, Faculty of Engineering, Genmin
In what follows, it is shown that this project investment
Laboratory The University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag problem can be considered as a problem in signal
3, WITS, 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa processing, by means of the convolution integral in the case
Maryke C. Rademeyer et al.

of continuous-time problems, and the convolution sum for development with a focus on the lead-time. Furthermore, the
discrete-time problems. The use of convolution in capital research presented in this paper establishes the link to signal
investment theory is also found in Jorgenson (1996) and processing, thereby making signal processing techniques
Kamien and Muller (1976). When considering linear time- available to solving variations on the lead-time problem in
invariant systems, the system is fed with an input signal f (t) project investment. The derived formulation is solved and
which, when convolved with the system’s impulse response the results validate the model. In addition, we expand on
h(t), produces an output signal y(t), i.e. the applications of the model and show how uncertainty in
lead-time can be accounted for.
The research presented in this paper is useful and
In situations where the input signal is known and an improvement on previous approaches in that we
the output signal can be measured, it is theoretically look specifically at the lead-time that exists during
possible to calculate the system’s impulse response, thereby the construction stage of the development phase. We
obtaining information about the system’s configuration. The formulate the problem such that techniques from signal
linear time-invariant filter is completely described by the processing, a well-established research area in a number
convolution of engineering disciplines, become available for solving
 ∞ this investment problem. The formulation could be used
y(t) = h(τ )x(t − τ )dτ . (1) for improving estimates of the onset of production and
−∞ the subsequent initiation of cash flow. This would support
A system that produces a signal only in response to an input accuracy in project valuation. In addition, our approach can
signal is termed a causal system, and in such a case the accommodate uncertainty by the introduction of a random
lower limit of integration in Eq. 1 is zero. The application of variable, thereby making it viable for use in studies of
convolution in signal processing is discussed in texts such project risk.
as Mitra and Kaiser (1993), Haykin and Van Veen (2005), Our research is applicable to “completion risk” in
and Carlson (1992). particular, or the possibility that the production capacity
Thus, for a mining project in particular, one might think for a mining project might not be available for utilisation
of the capital injections as the input signal, the physical as planned. This may be due to delays in construction,
mine development process as the impulse response, and the costs overruns requiring additional funding, and engineering
rate at which capacity comes on-line as the output signal. It flaws that require redesign (Park and Matunhire 2011). It
follows that since both the rate at which capital is injected follows that our model relates to aspects of the design of the
and the rate at which capacity comes on-line are known mine and its construction, as opposed to the mine schedule2 .
or measurable, it becomes possible to gain insight into We begin by discussing literature on capital investment
the project’s characteristics and the underlying mechanisms theories, investment in mining projects, and project risk
governing the project’s development. Moreover, techniques evaluation. This is followed by the derivation of the
developed for solving problems in signal processing are transformation of invested capital into physical production
equally valid for solving the mathematical problem of lead- capacity, thereby showing that this problem can indeed be
time in project investment. structured as a problem in signal processing as outlined
A similar formulation for capital investment appears above. We then show how, by introducing a random
as a term in the objective function of the coal mining variable to simulate the presence of uncertainty during the
optimisation presented in Rademeyer et al. (2019). There development phase, one might observe how this uncertainty
is however no motivation given for the viability of this would affect the rate at which the physical capacity reaches
formulation. completion and becomes available for utilisation. We also
The research presented in this paper contributes to the cover briefly how the formulation could be applied before
knowledge on investment in mining projects by fully deriving ending with concluding remarks.
the characterisation1 of the relationship between capital
invested and eventual production capacity that exists during
the construction phase of a project. This characterisation 2 Mine design versus mine plan or schedule is discussed in Savolainen
presents a novel means for studying investment in projects (2016). The former is the design of the layout of the mine and the
with long development lead-times, such as mine projects. operational flows. The latter is the plan for the extraction of the
To our knowledge, no earlier work discusses project orebody, the sequencing for the removal of individual units (smallest,
mining units, SMUs) by which the deposit is depleted, and the
areas of operational activity. Whereas the mine design is finalised,
and thus fixed, before mine construction begins, the mine plan is
1 The terms “characterisation”, “formulation” and “model” are used revised periodically and can be adjusted to support mine economics in
interchangeably throughout the paper. response to changing market conditions.
A characterisation of the mechanisms transforming capital investment...

Relevant literature This may be remedied by introducing a cost to capital

adjustment, as in Gould (1968).
The literature discussed here is divided broadly into three Tobin’s Q-theory introduced an adjustment-cost function,
areas as connected to the three main concepts addressed thereby restricting the rate at which capital stock can adjust
by the model presented in this paper. These are project so that investment is then “determined as the optimal
investment theory, project development lead-time and adjusted path to the optimal capital stock” (Eklund 2013).
project risk. As will be seen, literature on investment theory The result of the model proposed by Tobin (1969) suggests
has been concerned mainly with investor behaviour and that the rational firm will continue investing in developing
optimal investment paths, though there has also been some new production capital until the market value of this capital
interest in characterising and measuring risk associated asset is equal to that of purchasing an already existing
with investments with longer lead-times. Investigations asset. Jorgenson and Stephenson (1967) characterised at an
into mining project development in particular have studied industry level the lag between drivers of investment and
project valuation, with the effects of risk restricted to actual expenditures in US manufacturing. The implications
those stemming from environmental and market factors. of capital adjustment costs for the investment behaviour of
Our literature review did however not reveal any previous the firm is discussed by Gould (1968).
research concerning a focused treatment of the lead-time The effects of time-to-build on mining project value is
mechanisms relating capital outlays to physical production discussed by Zhang et al. (2017) in a real options valuation
capacity in place. setting. They find that the optimal price threshold strategy
The importance of capital investment decisions in is altered when accounting for time-to-build, and that time-
determining resource supply is discussed by Bradley to-build cannot be ignored when evaluating projects with
(1985) who points out that the considerable pre-production high investment cost and exposure to highly volatile mineral
investment required in extraction industries together with prices. In particular, time-to-build reduces the real options
the relatively flatness of the average cost function in a rather value, with higher value lost as mining cost rises, and results
broad region around the optimal extraction rate suggests that in a higher optimal price threshold to signal mine activation.
the miner’s present value profit would be more sensitive to The measurement of risk in mining projects is considered
changes in investment allocation than changes in production essential. Risk assessments are needed in order to account
output. This is also shown in Rademeyer et al. (2018). for losses that could arise during the development and opera-
A review by Nourali and Osanloo (2019) of models used tional life of a project. This is to ensure that the investment
in estimating mining capital cost reveals that production decision is made based on an accurate valuation of the
capacity is the most influential driver of cost. project. According to Park and Matunhire (2011), mining
Theories of investment are generally respective to an projects are characterised by large risks, by large capi-
individual firm, a single industry or the wider economy tal investment requirements and with payback periods that
in general. The most influential investment theories are are relatively long. There are three types of risk in min-
reviewed by Eklund (2013). In particular, the neoclassical ing projects: technical risk, economic risk and political risk.
theory of investment (Jorgenson 1963) and Tobin’s Q- These affect the investment decision through the discount
theory (1969) are discussed. Eklund (2013) also covers the rate, which is adjusted to account for these risks. The dis-
accelerator principle as a particular case of the neoclassical count rate strongly influences the economic valuation of
approach with constant prices. a project by its effect on the rate of return. Abel (1983)
Jorgenson’s neoclassical investment theory (1963) essen- investigates the investment behaviour of a risk-neutral com-
tially states that a firm achieves an optimal capital stock petitive firm in an uncertain product price environment and
when it maximises profit in each period over the life of its when faced with convex capital adjustment costs. Teisberg
operations. Capital stock K ∗ is derived as a function of pro- (1993) uses options pricing to model the firm’s invest-
duction output quantity Y , the price of output P and the user ment decision when accounting for project flexibility and
cost of capital c, as shows that investment in projects with shorter lead-times
α is favoured amidst regulatory uncertainty and uncertainty
K ∗ = P Y,
c surrounding the project’s usefulness upon completion. In
with α a constant.3 Eklund (2013) however points out that addition, it was found that the recovery of costs follow-
Jorgenson’s neoclassical theory is really a capital theory ing decommissioning may provide incentive for a rational
rather than an investment theory given that the investment firm to continue investing and delay abandonment. Pindyck
function falls away as a result of the theory assuming (1993) found that irreversible investment decisions con-
immediate adjustment to desired level of capital stock. cerning projects with lead-times differ when faced with
technical costs uncertainty, involving physical difficulties
3 Refer to texts on the Cobb-Douglas production function for details. experienced during project development, as compared with
Maryke C. Rademeyer et al.

input cost uncertainty, concerning construction factor prices It become available to the miner over the years until L,
and government regulations. That is, investment decisions effective capacity online Qt is given by
vary when confronted with costs over which the firm has
Qt = Qt−1 + α0 It + α1 It−1 + · · · + αL−1 It−L+1 , (2)
influence as compared with costs that are external to the
firm. where
In response to the growing importance of risk assessment 
in project development, a couple of prominent risk αt = 1; αi ∈ [0, 1], i = 0, . . . , L − 1.
measurement techniques have emerged. One such method is t=0
by Monte Carlo simulation. Heuberger (2005) demonstrates Expanding Eq. 2 further yields an expression for the
how risk can be accounted for in the widely used net present effective capacity online at time t in terms of initial capacity
value (NPV) or discounted cash flow model for mine Q−1 and all preceding investments, that is,
evaluation by introducing a random variable to simulate

uncertainty. Another method is the real options valuation Qt = Q−1 + αs (I−s + · · · + It−s )
(ROV) which argues that the decision to invest in a project s=0
can be considered as a financial option instrument. The
so that
superiority of ROV when compared with the NPV approach  
is discussed by Foo et al. (2018). ROV takes into account the 
L−1 t

ability to delay investment until such a time that the project Qt = Q−1 + αs Iτ −s = Q−1 + αs Iτ −s .
will render the greatest value. That is, it accounts for project s=0 τ =0 s=0 τ =0

value arising from flexibility to benefit from uncertainty. An (3)

extensive review of real options in metals mining is done by For a new project, Q−1 = 0. Assuming the limit exists, the
Savolainen (2016). continuous case of the problem would have capacity Q(t) at
It should be noted however that though useful in mine time t given by
project value estimation, ROV evaluates only the possibility  t  L 
of undertaking an investment. That is, it tells nothing about Q(t) = Q∗ + α(s)I (τ − s)ds dτ, (4)
the risk prevailing during the lead-time period in between 0 0
the initial capital injection and the availability of production with Q∗ = 0 for a new project. It is noted that the term
capacity. in square parentheses is the convolution (α ∗ I )(τ ), as
Machine learning as a means for determining capital expressed in Eq. 1, for α, I : [0, ∞) → R.4
expenditure required for a mining project is discussed in It is assumed that purchase costs are the same for
Nourali and Osanloo (2019). In particular, a model based expansion and replacement. The same assumption is made
on support vector regression (SVR) is developed using data for internal costs as well, though this may not hold in
on capital cost from 52 mines. Machine learning methods reality. Plant adjustment costs should be modelled as being
in general require large data sets for training the models. proportional to the adjustment rate. However, the possibility
Gathering this data could be resource intensive and difficult that there could be dis-economies associated with more
in mining where financial data is typically confidential. rapid changes in capital stock (Gould 1968) is here ignored.
Nourali and Osanloo (2019) also review other data-driven Suppose investment is given by
estimation methods used in developing project cost models  kt
Ae for t ≥ 0,
and find that regression-based methods are most widely I (t) = (5)
0 for t < 0,
with constants A > 0 and k < 0, and suppose the lead-time
response is given by

Deriving a model of capacity investment pt + m for 0 ≤ t ≤ L,
with lead-time α(t) = (6)
0 otherwise,
with constants p, m > 0.
As a consequence of the size and complexity of mining
There are three cases to consider:
operations, there is typically a lead-time of several years
from the time a decision is made to invest in additional Case I: t < 0
capacity and the time at which that capacity becomes  t
available for employment. Let the actual capacity online at h1 (t) = [0]I (t − s)ds = 0,
time t be denoted by Qt and the additional capacity invested
in at time t by It , and introduce a maximum lead-time 4 That is, functions α, I are supported on [0, ∞) only, i.e. zero for
parameter L ∈ N. Then, assuming that parts of investment negative arguments.
A characterisation of the mechanisms transforming capital investment...

Fig. 1 Capital accumulation (blue bars) resulting from investment (red line, rescaled) over time

Case II: t ≥ 0 or t ≤ L To ensure that h(0) = 0, it is required that Ā = 0, from

 0  t which it follows that p = 1 and m = − k1 . The equations
h2 (t) = [0]I (t − s)ds + α(s)I (t − s)ds, comprising Q(t) can then be reduced to
−∞ 0
⎧ ∗
Case III: t > L ⎨Q for t < 0,
Q(t) = Q∗ − A 2
2k t   A 2 for 0 ≤ t ≤ L,
   ⎩ ∗
h3 (t) =
[0]I (t − s)ds +
α(s)I (t − s)ds +
[0]I (t − s)ds. Q + AL
1 − ek(t−L) − 2k L for t < L.
−∞ 0 L
Therefore, we have that
⎧ Results
⎨0 for t < 0,
h(t) = Āekt − Ak pt − Ā for 0 ≤ t ≤ L, (7)
⎩ kt The result for capacity in-place Q(t) as given by Eq. 8 is
B̄e for t > L,
plotted for a particular set of parameter values and shown in
with constants Fig. 1. The resulting curve for capacity in-place resembles a
A p A logistic curve, similar to how one might expect capacity to
Ā = + m and B̄ = − Le−kL .
k k k gradually come online for a project with a long lead-time.
Furthermore, if t < 0, the production capacity in-place is
given by
Capital investment and accumulation
Q1 (t) = Q∗ + 0 = Q∗ . with capacity-loss due to deterioration
If 0 ≤ t ≤ L,
 t As plant ages, it gradually loses functionality resulting in

Q2 (t) = Q + h2 (τ )dτ decreasing productivity coupled with increasing operating
0 costs. Consequently, capacity is effectively reduced.5
Ā Ap 2 Ā
= Q∗ + ekt − t − Āt − . Additional capacity that comes online at time t is given by
k 2k k
If t > L, 
dQt = Qt − Qt−1 = αs It−s ,
 L  t
Q3 (t) = Q∗ + h2 (τ )dτ + h3 (τ )dτ
0 L
Ā Ap 2 Ā B̄ kt kL 5 An
= Q∗ + ekL − L − ĀL− + e −e . alternative approach is given in Kamien and Muller (1976) where
k 2k k k a mortality function is convolved with capacity.
Maryke C. Rademeyer et al.

Fig. 2 Capital accumulation (blue bars) resulting from investment (red line, rescaled) over time and subjected to a constant rate of deterioration.
Capacity unaffected by deterioration is shown in the background (grey bars) for comparison

which, when accounting for age, would after t periods Case II: If 0 ≤ t ≤ L,
effectively be  
A t 1 − (1 − rA )t
AQ2 (t) = AQ∗ + + .
k ln(1 − rA ) (ln(1 − rA ))2

(1 − rA )t dQt = (1 − rA )t αs It−s ,
s=0 Case III: If t > L,
where rA is the rate at which functionality is lost. Therefore, A −kL ekt − (1 − rA )t
the effective capacity in-place at time t is then AQ3 (t) = AQ2 (L) + Le . (13)
k ln(1 − rA ) − k

A(Qt ) = (1 − rA )t+1 Q−1 + (1 − rA )t dQ0
+ · · · + (1 − rA )dQt−1 + dQt Figure 2 illustrates the accumulation of capital resulting

t from the investment profile AQ(t) given by Eqs. 11–13.
= (1−rA )t+1 Q−1 + αs (1−rA )t−τ Iτ −s , (9) The capital in-place is also affected by a constant rate
s=0 τ =0 of deterioration rA so that the capital accumulation curve
where A(Qt ) ≤ Qt , i.e. actual capacity in-place is no more exhibits a gentler incline before reaching its maximum as
than apparent capacity invested in. compared with the curve seen in Fig. 1. In addition, the
The continuous version of Eq. 9 is given by capital in-place begins to decline after its initial peak, unlike
the curve in Fig. 1, during the time when investment tapers,
  thereby indicating that the tapering level of investment is
 t L
inadequate to compensate for capacity loss.6 Additional
AQ(t) = AQ∗ + (1 − rA )t−τ α(s)I (τ − s)ds dτ .
0 0 investment would thus have to be undertaken to maintain a
(10) constant capacity level.

Using the result given for h(t) in Eq. 7 for the inner integral 6 In practice, plant deterioration becomes apparent as decreasing
of Eq. 10, we find that an expression for AQ(t) can be found efficiency. However, since efficiency is the ratio of output to input,
by combining the following three cases: a decrease in efficiency would have to result in a decrease in output
(or production) for a constant input. This would hold true for the
Case I: If t < 0, maximum output (as designed) as well. Then, since capacity is defined
as the maximum output per unit time, a decrease in efficiency per unit
AQ1 (t) = AQ∗ . (11) time results in a decrease in capacity.
A characterisation of the mechanisms transforming capital investment...

Capital accumulation subject to uncertain Rewriting ehs in its Maclaurin series representation, we
project delivery have
 t ∞ 
hn t
The problem of capital accumulation where the progress Ws e ds =
Ws s n ds,
on the delivery of capital invested in is uncertain can be 0 n! 0
investigated by restating the problem with the delivery
where the integral gives the nth moment of Wt .
determination function α(t) cast as a random process. A
comprehensive treatment of stochastic processes is provided
in text such as Øksendal (2003). Differentiating Eq. 4 with
respect to t yields the differential equation
dQ Models are useful because they give decision-makers an idea
= (α ∗ I )(t) = α(s)I (t − s)ds. about possible outcomes that may materialise. This section
dt 0
outlines applications where the formulations or models pre-
Suppose α(t) consists of a deterministic part r(t) and “white
sented in Sections “Deriving a model of capacity investment
noise”, i.e. αt = rt + aWt where 0 ≤ t ≤ L. Wt is
with lead-time” and “Capital investment and accumulation
a Brownian process satisfying the stochastic differential
with capacity-loss due to deterioration” could be used.
The models would be useful to commodity analysts
dWt = μt dt + σt dBt , for simulating the lag between project investment and
commodity production in market studies. This is seen in
where Bt is a standard Brownian motion, i.e. Bt ∼ N(0, t), Rademeyer et al. (2019) where the model appears as a term
μ : Rn → Rn is the drift field and σ : Rn → Rn×m is the representing production capacity in the objective function
diffusion field. Then of the cash flow optimisation problem. In fact, it is the
 L   L 
right-hand term of Eq. 3 in Section “Deriving a model of
dQt = rs It−s ds dt + a Ws It−s ds dt, capacity investment with lead-time” that is used. Rademeyer
0 0
et al. (2019) solve the cash flow optimisation and this yields
with It = I (t) as given in Eq. 5.
results which are consistent with what might be seen for
The solution to the first term was obtained in the
real-life mining operations.
“Deriving a model of capacity investment with lead-time”
When determining capacity requirements and accounting
section. For the solution to the second integral, there are
for delays, using the model, we can determine capacity to
again three cases to consider:
be invested in at the time an investment decision is made.
Case I: t < 0 The product of capacity invested in, and the price of that
 t capacity, yields the investment value at the time of decision-
h1 (t) = [0]It−s ds = 0 making. The same model can be used to address both
expansion investment and replacement investment.
Case II: 0 ≤ t ≤ L Suppose total project capacity requirement is given by
 0  t K, consisting of several distinct aspects such that total
h2 (t) = [0]It−s ds + Ws It−s ds production capacity is given by
−∞ 0

Case III: t > L K= Kj .
 0  L  t j
h3 (t) = [0]It−s ds + Ws It−s ds + [0]It−s ds
−∞ 0 L
Then when taking into account lead-time from investment
until operational start-up, capacity to be invested in is given
In essence, we are required to evaluate
 t  t  t
Ws It−s ds = Ws Aek(t−s) ds = Aekt Ws e−ks ds, I = F (K),
0 0 0
keeping in mind that A > 0 and k < 0. It is noted where F is the function given in Section “Deriving a model
that for our choice of function I (t), the integral is the of capacity investment with lead-time”. Capacity invested in
Laplace transform of Wt . Let −k = h > 0. The presence could be a sum of a series of investments in the lead-time
of the positive exponential results in increasingly unstable period [0 : T ] so that
behaviour for t → ∞, suggesting that variance increases 
over time. That is, greater volatility in project completion is I= It .
associated with longer lead-times, as expected. t
Maryke C. Rademeyer et al.

The single investment or injection at time t would be given lead-time. The system is functionally similar to that of a
by It . Then, the value of that investment would be given by causal linear time-invariant system in signal processing.
It was found that the filter for capital projects can be
Vt = It ∗ Pt .
approximated by an increasing affine function on bounded
That is, the product of the capacity invested in It and its support contained in the positive time domain. Such a
price at time t as denoted by Pt . function convolved with a decreasing exponential integral
In this way, changes over time in procurement prices, representing capital investment over time provides a feasible
due to market cycles and dynamics, can be accommodated. model for investment and the resulting capital expansion
Economies of scale whereby procurement costs are in projects with long lead-times. The deterministic version
lowered as a result of increasing project size could was first evaluated, with consideration given for plant
also be accommodated here by reformulating Pt as a deterioration due to aging. In addition, a stochastic version
function of total production capacity K. Mine size and of the problem was considered by introducing a random
the heterogeneity of ore material should be accounted process in the form of a standard Brownian motion for
for when determining production capacity requirements.7 simulating uncertainty. The variation introduced was found
Capacity to be invested in and lead-times would vary to increase exponentially with time, resulting in rapidly
depending on whether the investment is for replacement or increasing variability in situations where lead-times are
expansion. Extending the model over the production time large.
horizon would enable further investigation into the trade- Our proposed approach lays a basis upon which layers
off between investing in technology to expand or maintain of complexity seen in mine development can be built.
production capacity, and the cost savings that result. Modifications can be introduced towards establishing a
Risk analysis supports decision-making by indicating more representative model of projects with long lead-times.
what the outcomes from a decision taken might be, and It is expected that the functional form for the lead-time
how likely the outcomes are to deviate from the expected filter will change when accounting for particular aspects
outcome or average. In practice, one might have a model of project development, such as logistics, procurement and
with a random variable as input and one would then politics. Future work should be concerned with determining
observe results as a range of possible outcomes. This has viable candidates for lead-time filters. For instance, it would
been demonstrated analytically by the use of a geometric be useful to know what lead-time filter would render a
Brownian motion as input in the model in Section “Capital step-wise output signal such as would more realistically
accumulation subject to uncertain project delivery”. Monte represent how production capacity becomes operational,
Carlo simulation for modelling project risk is demonstrated i.e. by step-wise increases in production. It would also
by Heuberger (2005). be useful to investigate scenarios with functionality loss
Determining the most appropriate filter, as in Eq. 1 in as determined by the rate of capacity utilisation, as well
Section “Introduction”, for the lead-time in mining project as the form of the filter in the case where investment
development could be done on a trial-and-error basis. That cost is proportional to rate of investment. The implications
is, by using financial investment data from actual projects, for investment in expansion technology versus investment
convolving with a trial filter (as shown in Section “Deriving in replacement technology by means of varying capacity
a model of capacity investment with lead-time”), and then requirements in the model present another area of future
comparing the resulting production capacity with actual research.
outcomes. Once suitable filters or “transformation” profiles We believe that the formulation presented in
are determined, then the model can be used to estimate Section “Capital accumulation subject to uncertain project
capital expenditure under uncertain scenarios. delivery” provides insight into how uncertainty affects the
mechanism at work during the time-to-build lead-time. This
should support the structuring of more cost-effective risk
Concluding remarks mitigation measures. Future work should investigate how
structuring financial injections or the use of appropriate
We have demonstrated the application of convolution in financial instruments could be used to manage this risk and
the capital investment problem for a project with a long to compensate for delayed income resulting from a delayed
start in operations.
7 The determination of the capacity required to exploit the heteroge-
We acknowledge that in reality, industrial production
nous orebody at every stage of mine-life is a very complex process. capacity is either available for use or not, and that the
The required production capacity is non-uniform as well. To deal with
investment in capacity composed of several separate parts, one could
proposed gradual availability of production capacity is not
construct a model as the sum of the models as in Section “Deriving a entirely realistic. In mining for instance, a new mine would
model of capacity investment with lead-time” for each individual part. ramp up production from new capacity over time from when
A characterisation of the mechanisms transforming capital investment...

the capacity first becomes available for use. However, the Jorgenson DW (1963) Capital theory and investment behaviour. The
model is still useful when the production capacity yielded Am Econ Rev 53:247–259
Jorgenson DW (1996) Investment: capital theory and investment
by solving the problem in Section “Deriving a model of
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