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Physical goals

The weakness which my client had was the speed because she was striving to get the ball.
This is due to her speed.So the less speed she had is the speed making her lose many ball
opportunities.Also affecting her passing skill because the opponent don’t have speed that she
can avoid the opponent's attack.And as a matter of fact she is unable to win the game.Heath
The health goal was to reduce her rate of fear when playing with other people or her opponents

Social goals.
My client was weak in terms of socializing with others so that she cannot get many passes .This
is also affecting her performance because if she doesn’t get a pass from anyone she would be
excluded from the team.

Sessions Activities Explanation justification feedback

Session 1 Warm up:-warm In the warm up Jogging is My client was

up session session we will important able to do the
includes jogg.This because this is warm up session
jogging,jumping, jogging activity to help her well without any
throwing and will take about build the bones complaints and
the crab pose. three minutes in her body onto the main
Main .As jumping 100 strong and also session she was
activity.Due to jumps will help improve the not able to run
her low speed her to grow her cardiovascular for laps though
she can run muscles and fitness.As we she only did
around the make her ready know 3laps.She had a
field this for the cardiovascular very good
4laps.Ater that challenge.In help us to speed and also
session will the main reduce when passing
take 10 min activity the incidence of the ball.We
.She will also four laps.As we mortality from were not able
move with the know running coronary artery to do the
ball around the form is a disease.Jumps cool-downs
field. component of helps to tighten because we
Cool down speed. Moving our muscles to dwelt more on
Dribble with the ball be strong the main
across the field .Running on the training
ten times is a field will also session.So next
training build the session we will
exercise mainly muscles.To try to balance
to increase the move with the the activities
speed. Cool ball from one so that we can
down which is point to have enough
dribbling.Dribbl another will time.
ing is bouncing give her the
the ball and passing
catching it.This skills.Dribbling
dribbling will help her to
session will know how to
take 10-15 tackle the
minutes . opponent and
be able to deal
with the attack.

Session2 warm up session We will push up The one As I was going

In this session 100 times in hundred push on with training
we are going to two sets.This ups is my client I
start by doing will take l0min effectively realized that
the push ups .In the main good because it she was
.And also we session we are brings strength adapting to the
are going to going to throw to our training I was
throw the the ball to each muscles.Throwi doing for her.I
ball.Then we'll other we will ng will help my also realized a
pass to each throw it client to pass little
other the ball sideways and the ball to the improvement
in the main backward.In other player so she was
session.After the cool up that she can making.This is
that we session we are help my client will now meet
will.Then lastly going to do the have no our
we will do some 2 court problems in expectations
stretches . stretches. passing the
stretches will
help my client
to do well after
the game.

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