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Cor 10:3-5

Bringing into Captivity>Colonize (Demolishing,bringing down)

2 Cor 4:4
The god of this world has blinded the minds of people & makes them
deceived>Being Conformed to this world

Stronghold:A mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept

as unchangeable a situation we know is contrary to God's will

Causes of Strongholds:
Through a painful or traumatic experience>Despite going through the
valley,the focus should be on His Rod & Staff

Influence of False teaching & Skewed Theology>We have been redeemed &
therefore no form of curse is on us
SPIRITUAL WARFARE Pt 5(Trust(Loyalty) & Love)
You cannot(Not possible/No ability) to serve God & Mammon
Matt 4:24
Master>Someone who Controls beliefs,hopes & expectations
Trust>To be committed
Mammon is the spirit behind money. It manipulates your lack but God shows
you abundance
Every action you take is either in trusting God or Mammon
Matt 6:25
Don't Worry->Do not be anxious
Food & Drink

Life is more than this
What you will wear

How not to Worry:

Your Relationship with God is much greater than birds
If He feeds the birds,God is your Father & therefore you are of more
Birds are His creation,you are His son
Worry Keeps you in distrust
If He takes care of His creation, how much more His Children
Matt 6:27
Stature-->Status,life value
Matt 6:28
God takes care of the lilies, He has invested so much in them & they are here
today & wither tomorrow.How much more his children?
Matt 6:31
Eliminate conversations that come out of worry
Matt 6:32
Don't be like the Gentiles who operate by worry. Your Father knows 'what you
need' to be restored according to your purpose & assignment therefore you
eliminate worry.
Heavenly Father>Sees the future in a superior & unlimited realm

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