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Word Meaning Sentence

1. Serene Calm and peaceful The lake was so calm and peaceful that it created a serene atmosphere.

2. Ethereal Delicate and light The dancers moved gracefully, almost ethereal, across the stage.

3. Mellifluous Sweet-sounding The singer's voice was so mellifluous, it brought tears to my eyes.

4. Luminous Radiant and shining The stars shone luminous in the sky on a clear night.

5. Scintillating Sparkling or shining brightly The fireworks were scintillating in the sky, dazzling the crowd below.

6. Ebullient Cheerful and full of energy The children were ebullient with excitement on Christmas morning.

7. Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time The ephemeral beauty of the cherry blossom trees is fleeting and must be savored.

8. Melancholic Feeling or expressing pensive sadness His music always sounds so melancholic, even when the lyrics are happy.

9. Enigmatic Mysterious and difficult to understand Mona Lisa's smile is enigmatic and has puzzled art historians for centuries.

10. Loquacious Tending to talk a great deal The principal, who's usually quite aloof, was loquacious that afternoon.

11. Resplendent Splendid or magnificent The ballroom was decorated in a resplendent style, with chandeliers and marble

12. Idyllic Picturesque or extremely happy, peaceful The small town was quaint and idyllic, with picturesque shops and amiable people.

13. Nostalgic A sentimental yearning for the past The old photo album made her feel nostalgic for her childhood home.

14. Effervescent Bubbly and enthusiastic The champagne was effervescent and bubbled over the edge of the glass.

15. Sonorous Deep and full in sound The sonorous sound of the organ filled the church during the wedding ceremony.

16. Verbose Using more words than are necessary The author's writing was verbose and could have been more concise.

17. Diaphanous Light, delicate, and translucent The diaphanous curtains fluttered in the breeze, allowing a soft light to enter the

18. Euphoric A feeling of intense excitement and The euphoric feeling she had after winning the race was indescribable.

19. Furtive Attempting to avoid notice or attention The spy made a furtive attempt to steal the classified information.

20. Ineffable Too great or extreme to be described in The beauty of the sunset was ineffable and impossible to capture in a photo.

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