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info - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
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One of the largest Motorcaravan dealers in the South West

Cars and Caravans taken in part exchange
Finance available 7 years to pay at 9% flat
Turnpike Road (A38), Lower Weare, Nr. Axbridge, Somerset
Tel: (0934) 732503/732838 - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
It is again, w ith m uch pleasure, that I and all m em bers of
THE AUTO-SLEEPER FORDS 13-15 A uto-S leepers w elco m e you to the 1988 issue of our
C om pany Magazine.
THE AUTO-SLEEPER RENAULTS 16-21 N ow in o u r 2 7th year, w e continue to m anufacture
m oto r caravans to th e highest standards of design,
quality and w orkm anship. These characteristics always
THE AUTO-SLEEPER VOLKSWAGENS 28-31 have been, and will continue to be, the hallm ark o f our
C om pany. This is fu rthe r underlined by the them e o f this
SPECIFICATIONS 32-33 year’s m agazine, C otsw o ld C raftsm anship.
AUTO-SLEEPER DEALER LIST 37 I’m pleased to report th a t 1987 has been another m ost
successful year. O ur new fa cto ry com plex, incorporating
THE MASTER DEALERS ASSOCIATION 37 o ur C oachbuilt D epartm ent, Paint S hop and vehicle
storage co m p o u n d , has now been fully operational for
MOTORCARAVANS AND THE SMMT 38 alm ost a year, a new reception area and cu stom er
w aiting room has been built at our main factory and we
continue to m ake ever increasing use of our new main -
fram e c o m p u te r system . W e have further exciting new
plans w hich will be reported in future C om pany
M agazines.
A n othe r a spe ct o f w hich w e are justifiably proud is that
o f our after sales service. W e are always delighted to see
custom ers, old and new, and our aim, as ever, is to
guarantee first class after sales service irrespective of the
age o f th eir A uto-S leepers. A w arm w elcom e, also, is
There are tw o fu rthe r points a bo ut w hich I am pleased

Europes to report. Firstly, w e are m ost honoured to have w on the

Jam boree Shield for our V olksw agen VHT conversion.
S econdly, as you w ill read elsew here in this M agazine,

Leading we are ind ee d honoured that one of our earlier vehicles,

a C om m er A uto-S leeper, w as chosen fo r perm anent
d is p la y at the N ational M otor M useum , Beaulieu.

Suppliers of I should like to end by thanking all our Dealers fo r their

loyal s u p p o rt over the past year and also all m em bers of
our C om pany fo r th eir hard w o rk and dedication in

Caravan producing vehicles w hich w e feel are second to none.

Furnishings in r
Beauvale Furnishings Ltd., A.L.C. TREVELYAN
Hal lam Fields Road,
Ilkeston, Derbyshire DE7 4BQ.
Telephone 0602 308848.

Auto-Sleepers Magazine is published on behalf of Auto-Sleepers Ltd,

Orchard Works, W illersey, Nr. Broadway, W orcester W R12 7PT
(0386-853338/9/853647) by Which M otorcaravan, Sanglier Publications Ltd.
-zr -.-h e r information, brochures and price lists please write to: © A u to -S le e p e rs Ltd and Sanglier Publications Ltd. All rights reserved.

AUTO-SLEEPERS LTD Care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of statem ents made in
ORCHARD WORKS Auto-Sleepers Magazine but Auto-Sleepers Ltd reserve the right to alter
WILLERSEY specifications, equipm ent and prices without prior notice. Readers are
NR BROADWAY advised to check all current specifications and prices with Auto-Sleepers
Ltd or an officially appointed dealer.
WR12 7PT

>M AGAZINE! - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans



A la rg e ra n g e o f q u a lity new a nd
used M o to r Caravans, is alw ays
o n sh ow a t o u r p re m is e s o n the
frin g e o f th e new fo re s t. Every
v e h ic le is fu lly ch e c k e d a nd
se rvice d b e fo re we h a n d o v e r
the keys a n d c a rrie s a p a rts and
la b o u r w a rra n ty . For
e x p e rie n c e d a d vice c o n ta c t
Roy Fox o r M a lco lm H aw ker.



SO E A S Y T O FIND! Ju s t 3 miles
ESTERNi east of Bath
on the A 4




To you, the customer, this means unrivalled
experience in helping you to choose the
right model from our
BIG SELECTION, and modify and
maintain it for you to the highest standard
A P P O IM I I) in our own workshop.
AGf NTS Always a good selection of quality used models

B O X R O A D (A4)
MOTOR C A R A V A N S (0 2 2 5 )8 5 8 2 9 0
(OPEN MON-SAT 8.30 TO 6.00)

4 - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Auto-Sleeper quality o f finish is so manufacturing tolerances are a mile
well known am ong experienced out. The ‘ironm ongery’ is worth
m otor caravanners that it has examining too. Hinges are of brass,
becom e a standard to be emulated not stam ped iron horrors. The
by others. Dealers may often be ubiquitous brassed off piano hinge
heard to remark, “ Nearly as good (which eliminates the bother of
as an A uto-S leeper,” fo r here is the cutting recesses) is employed only
yardstick by w hich others are where its use is appropriate.
measured. I am no good with needle and
thread but my wife always has the M otor Show, which is run by the
w ords of praise for the materials Society of M otor M anufacturers
and workm anship of the soft and Traders. Auto-Sleepers have
furnishings. Both will, along with the beaten all other m otor caravan
Consideration for the user: in addition flo o r coverings, w ithstand hard manufacturers in obtaining four of
to water gauge and switches the wear and still look good after a the prestigious Gold Awards.
control panel contains accessible punishing life. And the colours are A fresh award was m ade for the
and identifiable fuses. carefully chosen to be neither dull first tim e at the 1987 Brands Hatch
location of every appliance, has nor dazzling. M otor Caravan Jamboree. This
been closely examined by all
senior m em bers of staff. I was
privileged to attend one of the later
discussions about the new Talbot
Express hightop which, as this
page w ent to press, had several
names still under consideration.
I liked the basic layout immensely,
and could think o f only detail
m odifications. I left the team still
deep in discussion, w ith ‘fo rs ’ and
‘a gainsts’ being weighed by the
No carefree tolerances here: the Managing Director.
hardwood edge of a door is shaved Naturally, all A uto-Sleepers are
for a perfect fit. converted w ith the full approval of
— and in consultation w ith — the
The best, however, is not good m anufacturers of the base vehicles.
enough for this Com pany. Every
year sees an apparently impossible COTSWOLD
im provem ent in quality, not only of CRAFTSMANSHIP A resting place o f distinction fo r a retired Auto-Sleeper: at the National Motor
finish and appearance, but in the As an ex-w oodw orker and firm Museum.
bought-in items w hich form part believer that there is no substitute relied, not on the estim ations of a
of the com plete product. Refrig­ for nature’s generosity, it is few judges, but on the opinions of
erators, w ater pum ps, cookers and encouraging to find a m inimum those w ho m atter m ost. W hilst
electrical appliances are tested of m an-m ade materials in Auto- potential custom ers may perhaps
both on the bench and in the Sleepers’ cabinetw ork. The core is be influenced by show room
vehicle, often to destruction - but if quality plywood (not chipboard) and appearance, the dealers are those
that com es to o soon the pro d u ct is edgings to doors, cupboards and w ho will prefer to sell a reliable
rejected. w o rkto p s are in hardwood. There vehicle that will, hopefully, make
Interior layouts come in for some is little, if any, use of the plastic few claims on the after-sales
critical appraisal, too. A prototype is edging strip beloved of so many service. Auto-Sleepers scored high
first built on the appropriate manufacturers. As in any real in both respects and the Jam boree
vehicle.This is likely to be altered cabinet, Auto-Sleepers' doors FIT; Shield for the best Volkswagen
tim e and tim e again until the placing they are not laid on the surface so conversion went, by public and
of every item of furniture, the that it d oesn’t matter whether dealer vote, to the A uto-Sleeper
Volkswagen VHT.
The only m otor caravan
currently exhibited at the National
M otor Museum at Beaulieu is an
Auto-Sleeper, 14 years old and in
Mr & Mrs Reid, ex-owners o f the pristine condition. It dem onstrates
retired Auto-Sleeper at the National that, if you look after your Auto-
Motor Museum. Sleeper, the initial quality of
construction will make it last for a
very long time.
AWARDS Built on the then popular
AND ACCOLADES Com m er Spacevan, the M useum ’s
Auto-Sleepers pick up awards by exhibit shows the type of finish and
the dozen. At virtually every show appearance a discerning buyer
where some panel of judges tries to could expect in 1968. W hilst to p of
select ‘the b e st’ , an Auto-Sleeper the class in its time, it m ight not be
can be guaranteed to figure in the quite so acceptable by to d a y ’s
final selections. There are all sorts standards . . . which explains w hy
of com petitions which may mean a Auto-Sleepers’ constant striving for
lot or a very little. (Personally, I feel an even better p roduct will continue
that some are more in the nature of for as long as homes are built on
a lucky dip.) wheels.
One award that stands out from John Hunt
Coachlines are painted. It takes longer but gives a better finish. the rest is made every tw o years at

W A U TO S LEE P E R S MAGAZINE MM— — — - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Nobody could improve an Auto-sleeper!
Nobody except Bowers.
W hen you decide to buy an Auto-sleeper that decision will probably be
b a sed on the quality of craftmanship and design. However many of our
m ore discerning purchasers require a higher level of equipment. But they
dem and that the fitting of these accessories is carried out to the same high
standard. That's what you get if you purchase an
A uto-sleeper from Bowers Motor Caravans. So if you want
perhaps a hot water system and shower in an
A uto-sleeper High-Top, or a cut-away cab in an
SV100, or a Zig distribution system with
second battery or, in fact, just about
anything, if you want it to look as if
Auto-sleeper fitted it then consult the
experts for a quotation -
Consult Bowers.


MOTOR CARAVANS ™ EAI081 TO h a r p e n d e n ^

David Saunders has made a lot of

friends over the years
M o to r c a ra v a n n in g
is a frie n d ly affair,
s o m e th in g v e ry
a p p a re n t w h e n
yo u v is it Berkshire R e m e m b e r w e also o p e ra te a h e lp fu l
M o to r C aravan and tro u b le -fre e personal e x p o rt service
and Leisure th ro u g h o u t th e w o rld .
C e n tre . A fa m ily
business, sta rte d
33 years a g o and
reco g n ize d to d a y
as B ritain's
fo re m o s t sto ckist.

This re p u ta tio n
has been e a rn e d by
d is p la y in g an u n riv a lle d se le ctio n o f th e ve ry You are sure o f a
best n e w a nd used m o to r caravans fro m all frie n d ly w e lc o m e , real
th e le a d in g m a n u fa c tu re rs . By p ro v id in g va lu e and p le n ty o f
n o -q u ib b le g u a ra n te e s and co m p re h e n sive fre e a d vice w h e n yo u W h y n o t call in
a fte r-sa le s service. A n d by s to c k in g and v is it D a vid a nd his and see fo r
fit t in g a fu ll range o f accessories. te a m a t Chieveley. yo u rse lf.

Berkshire Motor Caravan

& Leisure Centre Mk
Oxford Road, Chieveley, Nr. Newbury, Berks. V awaro^ t ✓
Tel: (0635) 248888. Open 7 days a week. a u t o -s l e e p e r / - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
The design was right from the beginning, says Stuart Bladon,
but it nearly landed him in court!'
When I first w rote about Auto- up near Broadway, and if w e went De Luxe — rem em ber the days Septem ber 1966, the conversion
Sleepers, I nearly finished up in over to a garage near Toddington when everything had to be De Luxe? included m uch m ore com fortable
court, accused o f libel! It was not (not the one on th e M1 — the — or a Vauxhall Victor estate car. individual seats with reclining b a ck­
the result o f anything I had w ritten T oddington in Gloucestershire) we So it made the m otor caravan good rests in the cab, derived from the
about Auto-Sleepers, of course, could inspect th e prototype. value, and the Auto-Sleeper prices Sunbeam Alpine, while the engine
and there was indeed little to Mrs. Trevelyan led the way, com pared very well with the other had graduated to the final 1725 c.c.
criticise even in those early flying along in an Alfa Rom eo GT m akes which were on the market. form.
beginnings when the C om pany was Sprint at speeds w hich left me hard I left with the firm agreement Even with this larger pow er unit,
first established. It all arose from a put to keep up in the TR3A. Only that we w o u ld n ’t spoil the happy we still could not better that m agic
com m ent I m ade about another later did I learn that she had been a relationship by testing the BMC J2, 63 m ph m aximum speed. It was
firm. demon racing driver before the war but would wait for a C om m er to be alm ost as though the b ody came up
After the fo under of the and had also raced at Le Mans! But available. I had set my sights on a against an aerodynam ic block at
Com pany, the late Calverley w hat I did know w as that they both grand cam ping to u r of Spain and that speed, but there w ere useful
Trevelyan, had used his design had a soft sp o t fo r The Autocar, on Portugal, fo r which a Hum ber Super gains in acceleration tim es. Also
skills to evolve a new and well whose staff I then w orked, since it Snipe had been booked, so the notable was the big im provem ent in
th o u g h t-o u t m oto r caravan, his had been an advertisem ent in the Editor of the magazine — the late cruising speed which is, after all, the
next step was to get som eone to magazine (for a used Alfa Rom eo — M aurice Smith — w ho was always im portant thing! The test no longer
p roduce it for him. So he subm itted not a marriage bureau) which had keen on m otor caravans from the talked of being ‘able to cruise at 50
it to a firm fo r evaluation. The next brought them together! start, and w ho eventually bought an m ph ’ , but mentioned how ‘w ith a
thing he knew, that same com pany Auto-Sleeper for his retirem ent — strong tail wind, the van raced
was putting its ow n m oto r caravan undertook to w rite the first ever test along at alm ost 65 m p h ’ .
on the m arket, and its design bore a o f the Auto-Sleeper. A special feature of this
striking sim ilarity to the A u to - It had the 1,494 c.c. engine, conversion was the provision of
Sleeper prototype w hich he had although later that year the capacity w alk-through — or perhaps it
subm itted to them ! fo r the C om m er van was increased should be ‘clim b -th ro ug h ’ , since
W riting about this oth er vehicle, to 1,592 c.c., and he w rote that the engine was still in the centre
I felt obliged to report that there ‘50 mph was very satisfactory for between the seats! — access from
was a dispute over th e origins of sustained cruising.' Yet he to o k it the cab to the caravan area.
A very early Auto-Sleeper, based on
its design, and w hen this was on holiday all the way to the South This feature pushed the price
the Austin 152 van.
published, the balloon w ent up in of France, averaging 21.4 mpg for over the £1,000 m ark for the first
the biggest possible way: I was “ W hat will it co st? ” I asked, as 1,654 miles. time; and it is astonishing on
going to be sued for libel! However, I adm ired the sensibly laid out and On his return, I to o k the looking back to recall that you could
as I was able to substantiate the beautifully finished interior o f the C om m er Auto-Sleeper to our local still buy a four-berth Auto-Sleeper
com m ent that 'a dispute existed’ , new m otor caravan, which was to te st venue for perform ance testing. w ithout the divided bulkhead and
and as it was clearly in the public be called an Auto-Sleeper. It gave a to p speed o f 63 mph, and reclining seats for £993 — just £88
interest for this to be known — the "W e haven’t quite de cid e d,” accelerated from rest to 50 mph in more than at the launch, over five
tw o essentials for a defence against replied Mr. Trevelyan; ‘ ‘but we think 32.9 seconds not bad for those years earlier.
libel — it all fizzled out. we can do it for about £900. ’’ Three years later, in Septem ber
More significant, too, is th a t it ‘ ‘Well, I really need an exact 1969, I tested again the faithful
was the Auto-Sleeper, whose figure,” I explained. So then and Com m er Auto-Sleeper, com m ­
registered design was alleged to there, in the show room of the enting that it was certainly the
have been 'p in c h e d ’ by another garage (which I recently noted is still most com fortable and best
manufacturer, was the one which there), w e discussed the price, and th o ug h t-o ut m otor caravan
survived. It has, o f course, always decided that £889 w ould sound conversion. Further im provem ents
offered the tw o features which good. were noted, including substantial
assure success: appeal and value. The only dubious aspect of the widening o f the elevating roof.
It's often w rongly com m ented new Auto-Sleeper was that it was a W hilst good value at £1,117,
th a t the A uto-S leeper is the oldest conversion of w hat was known as I began to feel that it was tim e
m otor caravan. Well, it may have the BM C J2 van. Even by the The Commer Auto-Sleeper was a for the Com m er to be updated;
popular replacement for the old
been as long ago as the late 1950s standards of those days, it was tougher com petition was on the way.
Austin/M orris model.
that the first conversion was unbelievably bad, with a shocking The following year I once again
com pleted and taken on a family ride, appalling roadholding, and a Com paring notes, we agreed to received one of those always
holiday, w hich was to lead to many steering colum n m ounted gear- a final paragraph in the test exciting invitations to ‘com e and
im provem ents to the design in the change which som etim es defied all declaring that this Auto-Sleeper see’ . It was nearly ten years since
light of practical experience; but it a ttem pts to achieve first o r second conversion was the ‘m ost practical the first launch of the Auto-Sleeper,
was not until March, 1961 th a t it gear, m aking it necessary to move solution so fa r’ of the 15 we had and fond memories came flooding
was put on the market. W hen I off in third. tried, and that it had the additional back as I flew along the C otsw old
recorded its announcem ent, I did a ‘ ‘But w e ’re also going to do it on distinction of being 'thoroughly well roads to w a rd s the Willersey factory.
quick run-through of m y latest list of the C om m er,” I was told. Produced built, w ith the fullest attention paid Awaiting my arrival was a
firm s engaged in building m otor by the Rootes Group, with Hillman to detail finish.’ A t least here’s one superb new model tailored to the
caravans, and declared that the Minx engine, the Com m er was a com pany w hich has always known latest Bedford CF vans. At £1,366 it
name Auto-Sleepers brought the well-liked van — the only real rival the meaning of the w ord ‘quality’ , was still good value and at last you
total to 22! for that other good van, the which is not so often heard today. could get the luxury furnishings,
I never needed m uch persua­ Bedford. The Volkswagen Microbus T w o years after that initial design expertise and quality finish in
sion to jum p into my little Trium ph was not a strong contender at that introduction in March 1961, we a vehicle which was vastly better to
TR3A and zoom off to distant time. tested the Auto-Sleeper again, this drive than the ageing Commer.
places, so when I had a call telling The difference in price between tim e with the 1600 c.c. engine, A whole new cha p te r of
me about a new m oto r caravan the Com m er van and the dreaded which gave slightly better accelera­ progress fo r Auto-Sleepers was
som ew here in the C otsw olds, I said BM C J2 was only £16, and this tion, but surprisingly it still could not beginning, which has subsequently
that I w ould 'p op over and see it'. established a price o f £905 fo r the better 63 mph as the to p speed. resulted in their becom ing the m ost
There was no M4 or M 40 in those Com mer. Again w e were full of praise for prestigious m anufacturer of luxury
days of course, but then there Cars were subject to purchase the conversion, but began to feel m otor caravans in the United
w asn’t so m uch traffic either, and tax, which increased their cost by the need for firm er dam ping to iron Kingdom; an achievement en ­
the run from S to w -on-the-W old to about 50 per cent; and m otor out the C om m er’s tendency to a dorsed by the fact that they are the
the lovely C otsw old hom e of the caravans were tax-free. Those were rather plunging, undulating gait only Com pany to have won four
Trevelyan family at W ood Stanway the days, m otor caravanners would which was accentuated by the Gold M edals for the design and
was a delight. say. For the same money, just over forw ard control cab layout. construction of such vehicles
A m bitious-sounding plans were £900, you could have bought a By the tim e Autocar cam e to in International C oachw ork
revealed. A fa cto ry w as being set Ford Zephyr, a Morris Oxford V test an Auto-Sleeper again, it was Com petitions. A
m A U TO S L E E P E R S MAGAZINE, - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
As d istrib u to rs, w e a lw a y s aim to h ave in stock
noroRCflRflVflns various m odels in th e ran g e, along w ith other
m a n u fa c tu re rs ' p roducts and a range o f q u ality used
veh icles. Y ou m ay w e ll do w e ll to give us a call.

TEL: C H U R C H D O W N (0 4 5 2 ) 8 5 7 1 3 1

Brown hi IIs Ltd

Caravan Centre
can supply your (LEISURE) LIMITED
Personal attentio n from a fam ily
Auto-Sleeper ow ned and operated business
with impeccable \j|M / Full after sales service
f, 1 _ AUTO-SLEEPER M as te r Dealers
after-sales service M em bers of th e M.A.A.
View the Auto-Sleeper range and Over 4 0 M otorcaravans on show
Cab W ip d o w Insulation, Burglar Alarm s &
50 other new and used motorhomes Autom atic A w nings for your A uto-Sleepe
at our 2 acre Newark Showground Personal Export (Tax Free)

A46 Farndon Road, 7 DAYS
Newark, Notts. (11am-4pm)
Tel: 0 6 3 6 70 4201 (6 lines) Except
— I Lu i—u Nov to Feb -
- j fn - r ^ T ind.

HAYES (Leisure) LTD.

Tel: (021) 526 3433
NATIONWIDE DELIVERY : OPEN 7 DAYS (just 5 minutes drive from junction 9—M6 Motorway) - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
AUTOSLEEPABILITY vehicle concerned must be for the
use of a disabled person. However,
on these points, as with any
rotatable captain’s chair with safety
harness could be substituted. For
the very many disabled people in
Disabled but not immobilised technical questions, we are always
available to discuss any matter
our society, it may be that a motor
caravan could prove to be the
which needs further clarification. means for giving mobility.
Adapting motor caravans for use by Amongst the specialist conver­ The practical details of the
the disabled is not new but the sions we have undertaken, there adaptation are usually a matter
technology now being applied to has been a vehicle with a respirator, for common sense, but the new
such vehicles certainly is. For
into which its electrical supply could technology can often add the final
example, modern electronics now be quickly fed, and another where, ingredient to turn a practical
make it possible to open motor for short journeys the wheelchair thought into reality.
caravan doors and lower a ramp, all did duty, but on longer trips a Colin Doman
by means of a small remote hand Bromley Motor Caravans
It is almost three years since
we at Bromley Motor Caravans
decided to take an active interest in WHYAN AUTO-SLEEPER?
providing special vehicles for the
disabled. Earls Court in 1984 was
the catalyst, when it was realised
that there were several visitors in
wheelchairs who were obviously
interested in the possibilities offered
by motor caravans, yet there was
no company at the time offering
specialist advice. A hydraulic ramp is ideal for the
Motor caravans, unlike most Volkswagen’s wide side door and
cars, can be adapted for use by the tucks away out of sight when not in
disabled, but some are more suit­ use.
able than others; side doors, for Auto-Sleepers are now our pre­
instance, are a great help, as are eminent supplier of motor caravans
vehicles with particularly low floors. for disabled customers. The
Although there is no reason why the relationship between our two
larger coachbuilt motor caravans Companies is such that almost
should not be adapted, in practice anything is possible in terms of the
this happens only rarely because degree of conversion to be retained
the single entrance doors to such or discarded. However, all this
vehicles would inevitably have to be has not been achieved overnight
rebuilt; furthermore, the coachbuilt because, quite obviously, it is Harry and Elsie Bennett taking delivery of their new Ford Transit Auto-Sleeper
models tend also to have a higher extremely uneconomic to interrupt Flair from Hayes (Leisure) Ltd of Darlaston.
floor level. A high-top motor production. The answer has been
Before he retired, Mr Bennett was obviously drawn on their vast expe­
caravan, on the other hand, almost for our two Companies to work
an upholsterer and a large retailer rience and achieved the ultimate in
certainly has wide opening rear closely together in agreeing which
for quality fitted furniture and this fitting all the essentials in the right
doors and probably a wide sliding components can be removed
influenced him when he decided to places’ — ‘the quality of the
or hinged door as well. without affecting the structural
buy a motor caravan. He has cabinets and electrical equipment is
With no bodywork modifica­ integrity of the vehicle.
recently changed his CF Bedford superb’ — 'how nice to see hot­
tions, any of the standard-size
Clubman coachbuilt for the smaller plates, grills and sinks in the
high-top motor caravans can
Ford Flair high-top. modern finishes now seen in one’s
accommodate a wheelchair and its
Since taking delivery he has own kitchen at home’ — ‘as a
occupant to give adequate head­
reported;— ‘driving has been a retired upholsterer and fitted
room. Washing and cooking
pleasure with its all round visibility furniture retailer, I feel qualified to
facilities are standard, a toilet is
and comfortable seating’ — ‘large make these comments’ — ‘Elsie
included either as standard or as an
wing mirrors giving maximum vision and I are absolutely delighted with
optional extra and a hook-up for
on all sides’ — ‘Auto-Sleeper have our Flair’.
mains electricity is now provided on
most conversions.
For those who use a wheel-chair
yet drive themselves, the Ford Flair
has several points to recommend it.
It has the option of automatic trans­
An increasing number of potential who holds an Export Licence.
mission, it is light to drive and has motor caravan owners are be­ He then issues a booklet (H.M.
power-assisted steering as a dealer coming aware of the fact that they, Customs & Excise Notice 705),
option. Internally, the layout of seats if eligible, can purchase a motor which explains, in detail, the
converting to two single beds makes caravan free of car tax and VAT, procedure involved in purchasing
it relatively straightforward to representing a saving of over an export vehicle, and submits form
navigate the space between the £ 2000 . VAT 410 on behalf of the customer
wheelchair and driving seat. Into this category fall members to H.M. Customs & Excise for
Until quite recently, the normal of H.M. Forces and Foreign Office clearance.
method of fixing for the wheelchair Extending ramps have been fitted to personnel who are posted abroad. A motor caravan free of taxes
in the motor caravan was by means this Ford Flair and the interior has Overseas visitors, too, qualify — may be used in the United Kingdom
of clamps. Today rails are used, been modified to provide ample namely those who are resident out­ for a maximum of 6 months, after
allowing variation in the position of space for a wheelchair. side the United Kingdom but wish which it must be taken abroad. It
the chair and making it possible to The result is that we can now to purchase a motor caravan in this must then remain outside the
attach a full harness of the type advise our disabled potential country. country for a minimum of 6 months
used by rally drivers. customers without always having to Bowers Motor Caravans are one before being reimported. There­
At Bromley we currently have a refer to the manufacturers, until of the foremost Auto-Sleepers after, the vehicle must be out of the
demonstration Auto-Sleeper Volks­ we are clear about their precise dealers who handle Personal country for a minimum of 6 months
wagen VHT model equipped with requirements. Export Sales. Interestingly, one of each year. If, after 3 or 4 years, an'
hydraulic lift, hand controls and Finally, on a practical note, there their recent customers was Zola owner wishes to import his motor
wheelchair clamps which is used as is the matter of tax exemption and Budd who purchased an Auto- caravan into the United Kingdom,
a basis for discussing the needs the criteria for it. Simply, the Sleeper Talisman for use as both H.M. Customs must be notified,
of disabled individuals. The un­ requirements are that there should accommodation and a hospitality who will then assess the Duty to be
cluttered underfloor of both the be the means of loading and un­ unit whilst touring the European paid to enable the vehicle to be
Volkswagen and front-wheel-drive loading a wheelchair or stretcher, Athletic Circuit. freed of all import restrictions.
Renault Trafic vehicles makes the a means of securing it and that Customers who are eligible to Roger Ennis
stowage of removable ramps such modifications should be purchase an Export Motor Caravan Bowers M otor Caravans
relatively simple. permanent. Lastly, of course, the can only do so through a dealer

WIAUTO-SLEEPERS MAGAZINE < - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans

Tony Johnson, Sales Manager. Stuart Clements, Production Sales William Cook (L), Accountant, with Joyce Stanley, Secretary to
Manager. Anthony Trevelyan. Managing Director.

M argaret Ellison, Sales Administrator. Pam Hadley, Sales Office. Hazel Smith, Assistant to Accountant. Carol Hailing, Wages Clerk.


Neville Jelfs, Foreman, Conversion Alan Beale, After Sales

( K '~J&
Alan Major, Foreman, Coachbuilt Doug Yates, Manager, Paint Shop.
Factory. Factory.

10 m A U TO SLEEPERS M AGAZINE i - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Talbot, Renault and Volkswagen head the three production lines in the main Ford and Talbot chassis-cabs will soon receive Legend and Talisman bodies
factory at Orchard Works. at the coachbuilt factory.

An electric nibbler is used to cu t the W indow apertures and other cut Two operators fit and An example o f the thorough insulation on the
apertures for windows. edges are treated to prevent rust. seal the windows Ford Flair.

The aperture for a roof vent is cut before the Fitting the hightop roof to a Volkswagen VHT. Carpet laying in a Ford Flair. Note the thorough
hightop is mounted on the vehicle. insulation of sidewalls and w indow surround.

Hardwood edges for w orktops and The kitchen is assembled before being The refrigerator is located The special Auto-Sleeper control
furniture are now bonded by microwave. mounted in a Ford Frisky. in its recess in a Talbot SL. panel is installed in a VW.

Installing a trim panel, with insulation,

in the roof of a Ford Legend.

m # //:
H i L . i l

Legend and Talisman bodies are fitted out in the spacious coachbuilt factory.
Fitting the lined chintz curtains to Legend and Talisman have stainless
runners above the sliding windows. steel roof racks and ladders. - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans


For 26 years, Auto-Sleepers The dining area at the front
have been renowned for making is designed for the most elegant
quality caravans. dinner parties. Four people can eat
The Ford Transit Flair is no in comfort, with the centre gang­
exception. way allowing easy access to the
It combines the ultimate in kitchen between courses.
luxury caravans with the latest in The seats can be easily
Ford technology. converted to form two single beds.
The Ford Transit is a vehicle (A double bed option is also
that has passed all the milestones available.) The drop down double
its much lauded predecessor bed above the cab area will
achieved, breaking new ground in accommodate your guests.
economy, comfort, rugged ness Naturally, important details
and reliability. such as a spacious wardrobe,
The Flair offers the mobile heating system, room divider and
home owner the last word in interior design and craftsmanship, w.c. have not been forgotten.
making it as pleasurable to live in, as it is to drive. Co-ordinated furnishing fabrics add the final touches to this
First the kitchen. Superbly appointed, it boasts features that superior caravan.
even the most serious cordon bleu chef wouldn't sniff at. If you would like more information on the Ford Transit Flair,
Stylish dark brown laminate surfaces house a write to: Auto-Sleepers Ltd, Orchard Works,
glass topped cooker; grill, fridge freezer, and an Willersey, near Broadway,
abundance of storage space. Worcestershire WR12 7PT

12 - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
The new Ford Transit is a delight to drive and so easy to park.
Ford M o to r C om pany stru ck an ideal balance when full vision in the case o f th e w ide r coachbuilt Legend),
introducing the new Transit just over a year ago, com bining plus the fitte d interior mirror.
an aerodynam ic body shape w ith tried and trusted Seats are fairly firm yet supportive, as I found on a
m echanical co m p on en ts. The rear wheel drive gives better 200-m ile journey w ith infrequent stops in an Auto-S leeper
traction on w et grass — a point w hich will appeal to users of earlier this year. M y passenger and I arrived fresh and
cam psites — yet th e p o w e r house is at the front and easily relaxed, enjoying th e drive so m uch th a t w e could have
accessible fo r th ose w ho prefer to d o their own gone on fo r another 200 miles! C ontrols are light, the vehicle
m aintenance. has no vices and its road m anners are im peccable. The
T hat curved and sloping fron t profile allows it to slip five speed g earbox and tw o litre engine fitted to all
through th e air w ith o u t fuss or w ind noise, as is apparent if Auto-S leepers allow effortless cruising beyond our legal
the d river’s w in d o w is low ered w hen travelling at speed, for m axim um b ut g entler driving leads to fuel econom y
there is then no d ra ug ht o r buffeting. The low line o f the cab unm atched by m ost o f the rivals. A uto m a tic transm ission
w ind ow s m akes fo r ease o f parking in confined spaces and, and a diesel eng in e are am ong the o ptions available. The
on all three A uto -S le e pe rs m odels, there is a good view Transit is in all resp ects a co m fo rtab le vehicle to live w ith,
rearw ards from the substantial d o o r m irrors (extended for yet is no longer than m any estate cars.

Sprightly and compact,
garageable like a car
With low overall height of less than
seven feet, the little Frisky is ideally
suited to d a y-to -d ay use in addition
to m otorcaravanning, for it will often
be garageable like any other car.
There are four individual forw ard
facing seats for travelling. During
picnic or longer stops, it is the w o rk
of m om ents to turn the front seats
on their swivels to face tw in tables
— one on either side, leaving the
centre gangw ay clear. In fine
weather, the ‘dining roo m ’ has Little and lively: Auto-Sleepers’ Ford Frisky.
direct access to the exterior via the w idth of the vehicle. W ith the easy m atching sink and drainer. The running. To com plete the equip­
open sliding door. Alternatively, the rising roof raised, there are tw o full latter is fed from a large underfloor m ent there is a four-place crockery
side d o o r may be closed and the length stretcher bunks, hidden w ater tank via an elecric pump. A set in its own rattle-free housing
seats arranged as tw o inwards when not in use. w a te r level gauge situated in the and a floor level cupboard is
facing settees w ith a table in the A t the rear o f the vehicle, neatly electrics control panel is standard provided in which is housed a
central gangway. hidden when not in use by Auto- on all Auto-Sleepers. There is a chem ical toilet.
The four seats may quickly be S leepers’ incom parable cabinet­ capacious wardrobe and a refrig­ ‘Frisky’ is well named, being a
converted to tw in single beds, still w ork, will be found cupboards erator w ith freezer com partm ent, sprightly and com pact little run­
with a gangw ay betw een them, o r a galore, a stainless steel cooker with operated by gas when stationary about which is also a well equipped
double w hich stretches the full tw o burners and grill and a o r by the c a r’s alternator when travelling home.

High level fridge/freezer with control panel above.

Alternative double bed spans width. Two drawers in storage space beneath kitchen.

m A U TO SLEEPERS MAGAZINE i - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Flair's sm ooth high roof reduces wind
noise, matches coachwork. not available, a battery m onitor
ensures that there is enough 12 volt

FORD electricity to start the engine next

But it is right at the back, away

Modern as the minute,
from the seating area, that Flair
really lives up to its name for elegant
style and design. On the nearside is
the vitreous enamel cooker, w ith an
a triumph for the designer easily cleaned glass cover, set into
a dark brown laminate w orktop.
The name is equally appropriate, Opposite are matching vitreous sink
describing a vehicle which is stylish and separate drainer. Both units
both inside and outside. The have generous cupboards below,
sm ooth flowing hightop c o m ­ fitted crockery and cocktail
plements the good looks of the cabinets above, A chopping board
vehicle and, being aerodynam ically and gold lustre taps, towel ring and
shaped, preserves the excellent fuel soap dish em phasise that the name
consum ption for w hich the Ford is ‘Flair’ is wholly appropriate.
noted. Twin dinettes leave centre gangway clear of obstruction.
The front seating and sleeping
area emulates that of the Frisky
but the provision of perm anent
standing room inside, throughout
the length of the vehicle, allows
space for a generous, upholstered,
upper double bed, high level cu p ­
boards and opening roof w indow s
which ensure cross ventilation
when needed. W ith both beds in
use, the rear kitchen area is
com pletely unobstructed. The
arrangement of the furniture here is
entirely different from that o f the
Frisky, w ith a refrigerator on a high
plinth facing a w ardrobe. The tw o
make an effective visual screen
between leisure and w orking areas
and, for additional privacy, a roller
blind may be lowered. This allows
the kitchen to becom e a spacious
dressing or toilet room, with hot and
cold running w ater and a chem ical
toilet housed unobtrusively in a floor
level cupboard. An electric
e xtractor fan ensures that the air is
always fresh.
Provided with mains electricity
made safe by an earth leakage trip,
the Flair’s refrigerator/freezer has
three-w ay operation. There is also
an electric socket for dom estic
appliances such as a kettle, fan
heater or television. When mains is Water heater above wardrobe, sink unit beyond. Cooker, refrigerator, control panel and crockery cupboard.

m A U TO -SLEEP ER S MAGAZINE I - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Perfect combination: body by Auto-
Sleepers, chassis-cab by Ford.

A complete home
for the discerning
motor caravanner
Here is a purpose-built m otor
caravan w ith body styled by William
T owns (responsible for the shape of
the Aston Martin Lagonda). It is
immensely strong, being of m ono-
coque reinforced glass fibre Dinettes below, double bed above in the luxurious interior. High quality cabinetw ork for kitchen,
construction — and beautiful, toilet and wardrobe.
com plem enting the sleek line o f the is to p pe d by a useful w orking room is one of the attractions of the
Forq. surface or sideboarq and above L e gend. The new cassette chem ical
The seating area is based upon that is the glass-fronted cocktail toilet, with exterior service door is
the same co n ce pt as that of the cabinet. The fitted crockery set lives fitted as standard as are the vanity
Frisky and Flair but there is greater in one of the attractive wall unit, foldaw ay wash basin, towel ring
w idth and therefore m ore space. cupboards. Other standard fittings and d u c te d heating. Even a
Both of the cab seats m ay be include mains electricity with earth rem ovable carpet is provided to
swivelled to face the rear, when leakage trip, running hot and cold protect the shower tray.
tables may be m ounted on their water, a therm ostatically controlled This is probably one of the m ost
individual legs to provide tw o space heater with blown air and, attractive coachbuilt m otorhom es
dinettes, with individual seats for generally, am ple storage space at on the market suitable, with its high
four people. The w ide centre g ang­ both high level and in cu p b oa rd s level of equipm ent and thorough
way remains unobstructed. If more beneath the worktops and under the insulation, as a hom e in sum m er or
people need to be accom m odated, seat cushions, plus a good sized winter. Vet the Legend is com pact
the cushions may be quickly wardrobe. and as easy to handle as a car.
rearranged to provide settees along The separate toilet/show er
one o r both sides of the vehicle.
At night, there is the choice of
tw in single beds o f ample length or
a generous transverse double bed.
(When the double bed is used, the
cab seats may be left facing in their toilet compartment, now heated by
travelling position, ready for an ducted warm air.
im m ediate getaw ay if necessary.) The kitchen, w ith full . oven
Above the cab is another big double cooker, is at the rear, well away
bed, beloved by children but easily from the seating area. There is an
able to a ccom m odate tw o adults. opening w indow w ith V e n e tia n blind
If this bed is not required, Auto- and curtains, enabling the cook to
S le e p e r s w ill f it a s e t o f adjust light and tem perature to suit
cupboards to take its place and all conditions. The stainless steel,
m atch the rest o f the furniture. highly polished sink has an integral
W hether it be a bed o r cupboards, it drainer and next to it is the full oven
is possible to w alk to the cab seats co o ke r with hob and grill. When not
w ithout bending during the day­ in use, the whole kitchen is hidden
time. in a cabinet. The refrigerator nearby Stainless steel ladder and roofrack are standard equipment. - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Front engine and front wheel drive allows
the lowest floor level of all base vehicles.
A u to -S le e pe rs’ faith in the Renault Trafic is confirm ed by
the fa ct that fo u r separate conversions are listed am ong
their m odel range: one elevating roof and three hightops, all
on the c o m p a ct short w he elb ase van. Renault have taken
advantage of the front engine and drive config uratio n to
provide an unusually low interior flo or level w hich m akes
these vehicles p articula rly suitable for those unable to clim b
high steps. The d isa b le d find that a sim ple ram p for a
w he elch air can be em p lo ye d rather than an expensive
h ydraulic lift.
All m odels have the 1 700cc engine w ith five speed gear­
box (optional on the RV50). A diesel engine is also available.
All A uto-S leepers use the short w heelbase Trafic, making
them extrem ely c o m p a c t and m anageable conversions. and, although the springs feel fairly soft, cornering ability is
Those w ho have never driven anything o the r than a small reassuring, thanks to the fron t drive. Both petrol engines are
car need have no qualm s a bo ut setting off in a Renault noted fo r their m iserly co nsu m p tion o f tw o star fuel. The
Trafic. It is just as easy to drive and park, w ith extrem ely light Renault vans are also very com petitively priced. These are
controls and excellent visibility. The all-independent the only vehicles w ith hinged (as opp ose d to sliding) side
suspension gives a sm oo th ride over indifferent surfaces doo rs — a feature w hich som e people prefer.

name fam ous. Everything you seats are converted to settees quickly unrolled fo r occupation and,

RENAULT w ould expect is there, including

four forw ard facing seats for
which face a table in the centre
gangway. That is if four are dining.
while headroom is reduced, all
system s below remain accessible

travelling; tw in settees facing a When there are only tw o people, and usable. (Many people have
central table for dining and relaxing; they may sit on the offside settee found, by the way, that an unrolled
tw o easily m ade single beds (or with the d o o r open as they admire bunk m akes a w onderful storage
optional double) and twin upper the view. Again, if the rear seats are area for bedding — just another
A really compact vehicle not required fo r travelling, one or feature of A uto-Sleeper a d a p t­
stretcher bunks; a kitchen with
offering accommodation piped w ater to the stainless steel both may remain as settees. In this ability.)
for four when travelling, sink w ith its m atching cooker/grill; form , they have double th e am ount The rear kitchen is accessible either
a large w ardrobe w ith shelves for of storage space in their base from the front seating area o r the
dining, relaxing orsleeping smaller garm ents; a tw o -w a y lockers. tw in rear doors. On the nearside are
refrigerator situated at a convenient Two roll-out stretcher bunks in the stainless steel sink and drainer
height and even a chem ical toilet. the space above the side w indow s with a m atching tw o-burner hob
If there is such a thing as a That’s it in brief. Now to examine are, in the typical Auto-Sleeper alongside with splash guards of
‘conventional’ Auto-Sleeper, the the RV50 in a little m ore detail. search fo r neatness coupled with highly polished stainless steel.
RV50 is it. Here is an entirely Opening the hinged side d o o r gives convenience, housed unobtrusively Below are cupboards, one
practical little m oto r caravan with access to the rear single passenger in hinged w ooden covers which containing the set of crockery,
an interior layout and quality of seats which m ake this so useful as m atch the rest of the light oak securely fastened so that even
construction that has made the a runabout. At m ealtimes, these cabinetw ork. A t night, they are severe road bum ps will not dislodge

iA U TO SLEEPERS MAGAZINEi - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
RENAULT RV50 RENAULT accom m odation yet can be
arranged to give a full-height w a lk­
way to the cab seats, thanks to an

Similar to RV50,
adjustm ent provision. There is a
flyscreened adjustable ventilator in
the roof. Across the back, above
the rear doors, a deep recess
the fixed hightop provides yet more storage space.
I found it ideal for books. Flanking
gives certain advantages. this, on either side wall o f the
roof, are lockers w ith top-hinged
Here is a design based upon the doors. One, glazed, displays the
successful RV50 but w ith a hightop crockery set to advantage and
giving perm anent standing room makes it readily accessible. The
w ithin and m aking the interior both other provides a set o f glasses in
room y and light. The high roof holders and frets fo r wine bottles.
allows oth er advantages, too, yet Two w indow s allow a view from a
has little effect, if any, on perform ­ standing position. The w hole roof
ance or econom y. interior is neatly covered w ith a
There is a full size double bed carpet type m aterial to im prove
at high level in addition to that insulation and co m b a t condensa­
dow n below. In the stow ed position tion, m aking this a sensible little
above the cab, it provides luggage caravan fo r sum m er or w inter use.
Twin settees and island leg table — space for four at mealtimes.

Porta-Potti has its own locker beneath settee/face-forward seat. Hightop allows crockery cupboard at convenient height.

Twin single beds are quickly made. Upper double bed in RHT. Other hightops are similar.
a convenient height and there is
another useful little cupboard in the
base. Although this is one of the
sm aller and cheaper Auto- Sleepers,
there has been no skim ping on
quality. All cabinetw ork and
upholstery — and attention to detail
— is the same as in more expensive
and larger models.
One of the features of the
fam ous Auto-Sleeper elevating roof
is its ease of operation. There is
also a ventilation control. Both side
walls may be opened fractionally
Rattle-free crockery storage in and secured, proof against rain and
kitchen cupboard. intruders. In fine weather, one panel
or break it. O pposite is the w a rd ­ m ay be dropped com pletely to give
robe unit w ith double doors and a a com m anding view to the exterior.
neat little shelf unit alongside. Next There is a roof rack at the front and
to the wardrobe is the refrigerator the low profile keeps the overall
with electronic ignition. It stands at height to just over seven feet. All Auto-Sleeper Renaults have radio and dashboard shelf. - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
You are cordially
invited to experience
the all new
Renault Rapport
from Auto-Sleepers

With the introduction addition to the eye-level lockers.

of the Renault Rapport, 1988 Sensible space utilisation is also evident in the
promises to be a vintage year for m otor carav an ingenious seating arrangem ent whereby, by
enthusiasts. swivelling the cab passenger seat, you can
This new vehicle, based on the latest either have a dinette for two,or an inward-facing
Renault Trafic, abounds in exciting features, all dinette for four.
designed to provide the user with the ultimate At nightime your comfort is assured by
in comfort and convenience. the two single beds which, if required, convert
Take the kitchen, for example. In the into an optional double. A further double bed
Rapport y o u ’ll find it at the rear of the vehicle. is fitted in the roof. To add to your comfort,
It is in the very latest style, with vitreous there is an externally-flued heater plus full
enamel set into specially chosen laminate body insulation to keep you snug and warm
working surfaces. The cooker is fitted with an even in the m ost inclem ent weather. Underfoot
extractor fan as standard to keep the interior you will find luxury carpets, and the choice of
free from cooking odours. The sink has a furnishing fabrics reflects the general
hardw ood chopping board plus a sensibly ambience of good taste and quality.
positioned soap dish and towel ring. To Everywhere you look in the Rapport,
complete the kitchen’s 5-star specification, y o u ’ll find detail touches w hich make this
th ere’s an eye-level locker for kitchen ware and m otor caravan so excitingly different. T here’s a
a large 2 cu.ft. (gross) Electrolux refrigerator chemical toilet, two 4-way position roof
with freezer com partm ent and electronic ventilators,a five speed gear box, and radio
ignition as standard. The refrigerator is suitable fitted as standard. If you wish, th ere’s the
for gas, 12 volt or mains power, with full safety option of a hot w ater system.
protection. It all adds up to w hat is surely the ultimate
In the all-new Rapport, our designers com pact m otor caravan ever. Designed and
have worked miracles with storage space. built to the now legendary Auto-Sleeper
They’ve built it into every item of furniture, in standards of workmanship.


AUTO-SLEEPER - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
A com plete little home as short as most cars.

Designed for the
connoisseur, with a stylish
interior to gratify all tastes.

This, the m ost recently introduced

flagship of the Renault fleet, breaks
entirely new ground. W hilst the
seating and bedding arrangem ents
follow broadly those of the RCX and
RHT, the rear end is entirely
different. Just behind the seats is a
Passenger seat reverses to face single dinette, optional for driver’s.
large high-level refrigerator w ith
The stylish sink unit with separate
electronic ignition and a freezer drainer.
com partm ent. O pposite is the
wardrobe. These tw o cabinets cent light recessed into the wall
make an effective visual division (easily located when entering by the
between the seating and w orking rear doorway). Above is the drinks
areas. The latter is right at the back, cupboard, with glasses supplied
either side o f the tw in rear doors. and frets for bottles.
On the nearside, the vitreous A chem ical toilet is carried in a
enamel co o ke r has a hinged glass seat locker. The rear may be
to p and is set into a dark brown, separated from the seating area by
laminated w orktop. There is a a roller blind.
m atching w o rkto p above the Rapport includes in its standard
adjacent refrigerator. Below the equipm ent mains electric linkage
cooker is the grill and cutlery drawer with safety protection, control panel
and below that a spacious c u p ­ with w ater gauge and battery
board w ith twin doors that do not m onitor and an externally flued
obstruct the central gangw ay when heater. A w ater heater is an option
opened. Above is the extractor fan. and, when this is fitted, the space
Twin cupboards are sited here, one heater is replaced by the blown air
with a glass front to display the type. If you are looking for a
Kitchen/dressing room at rear. Roller blind divides from front.
fitted crockery set. com plete yet extremely com pact
O pposite is the sink unit, also in (One thoughtful touch by Auto- prevent rattles w hilst motoring.) m otorhom e, the only difficulty will
vitreous enamel, with matching Sleepers is the provision of a place The sink unit to p s further spacious be choosing between the Renault
drainer and chopping board cover. to clip the chopping board to cupboards and there is a fluores- Rapport and RCXI ML _
m A U T O SLEEPERS MAGAZINE, m - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
mat egx m Est 1934

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BACKED UP BY OVER 50 YEARS View the latest 1988 Auto-Sleepers in the warmth and
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OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK You’ll also see a great selection of new and used elevating
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Don A m ott’s part-exchange allowances are second to none. And
I S o b N o n s OF W o ls in g h a m in W eardale we w ill even take your car or caravan
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Phone our Hot Line now for an instant

Don Amott Hilton, Nr Derby

Motorcaravans, Tel: Etwaii
_ (028 373)2193 - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Hightop follows Renault contours to
reduce drag.

Total comfort for four or
five in the most compact
hightop available.
This hightop m odel goes one stage
further than the RHT, for it in co rp ­
orates a to ile t/sho w e r com partm ent
Seats on both sides face forwards or inwards, as settees.
within its interior, m aking this
probably the m ost co m p a ct m otor
caravan to boast such an amenity.
Naturally, there is piped hot and
cold w ater to both show er and sink
unit. The latter is situated opposite
the show er room at the rear of the
vehicle and is accessible either from
the inside o f the caravan or the rear
doors. A convenient triple-hinged
door may be sw ung across to
isolate the rear of the caravan,
taking in the sink to form a sizeable
washroom and dressing room with
showering and toilet facilities. It is
possible to take a show er in the
little cubicle itself and so avoid Kitchen crockery cupboard, toilet room, wardrobe, control
spraying w ater all over the place. panel.
When the back room is
occupied the rem ainder is available
for others. It is, fo r instance,
possible to get at the cooker and
the refrigerator. There is no excuse
for delaying the m orning cup of tea Toilet/dressing room from rear. Shower
because the bathroom is in action! com partm ent on left.
And all this is in a vehicle only seat and the option of a similar
14ft 8in long. It’s a little miracle. arrangement for the driver’s seat.
Again, the hightop allows for Alternatively, the offside seating
greater convenience. The crockery may take the form of a longitudinal
cupboard is at a high level above settee w hilst the single nearside
the sink and the drinks cupboard seats allow access to the open side
to p s the refrigerator but leaves a flat doorway. Optional extras include
surface on which to stand, for therm ostatically controlled blown
instance, a television set. air heating, flyscreens and a lower
The upper double bed is like that double bed conversion. As in other
in the RHT and also doubles as Renault Auto-Sleeper conversions,
storage space for bedding. The a transverse cab bunk for a child
seating beiow emulates that model, is available, m aking the sleeping
too, w ith reversible passenger cab a ccom m odation a m aximum of five. Overcab bed stowed for full headroom above cab.

IA U TO SLEEPERS MAGAZINE 1 - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
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—Tel:(0202)479444 ?*«* - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
The largest standard base vehicle available
has a sparkling performance
W hen the T albot Express w as introduced in 1982 at a low — im p orta nt to m o to r caravanners — a great deal of usable
price yet w ith a high level of specification, heads were space inside.
shaken: "T h e y will never keep the price co m p e titive .” Although fron t engined w ith driven front wheels, the rack
They have done so. “ It will w ear o u t,” said others with and pinion steering is light, w ith a surprisingly good turning
vested interests. On th e contrary, it has proved to be circle. S uspension is on the firm side, giving exceptional
exceptionally reliable. It has also been gradually im proved road holding ability. Even w ith a hightop fitted, the Express
over the intervening years (latest m odification is to the cab can take corners as if they w ere not there. Yet in spite o f its
heater) and can hold its own w ith any others available to sparkling perform ance (with to p speed well above the legal
UK ow ners. (I know , having ow ned one fo r tw o years.) limit and acceleration to m atch), fuel e conom y is rewarding,
W h a t’s more, it is big, giving greater internal space than any unless the perform ance is used to the full!
other sim ilar m odels. The standard 1.8 litre van is no sluggard but, fo r fullest
Y et it becom es easier and easier to drive. Initial problem s benefit, I personally recom m end the pow erful 2 litre m otor
with sliding d oo rs and a w kw ard gear changes are w orries of (fitted as standard w ith the Ram bler and Talisman). A 2.5
the past. The latest T albots are as pleasant to drive as m ost litre diesel, with a bo ut the sam e pow er output, is available,
others yet have a higher speed and better acceleration and as well as a 2.5 litre tu rb o diesel.

Unique, noted for its
interior space, yet
parkable in a car’s length.
This is the largest elevating roof
m otor caravan in regular p ro d u c­
tion, yet it remains suitable for
parking in the norm al m eter bay.
Auto-Sleepers have cleverly
adapted their standard elevating
roof layout to take advantage of the
space available. A large refrigerator
with freezer com partm ent and
electronic ignition is fitted as
standard. There is an additional An un usually spacious elevating roof m otor caravan.

Spacious kitchen unit tops many cupboards and a drawer. Dinette in SL. Both settees can be changed to forward facing seats.

cupboard alongside the kitchen w elcom e som e additional storage area. Also optional are the extra
unit, w hich is situated at the offside space! Above the refrigerator there cushions to transform the settees
rear, and the unit is com m odious is the electrical control panel with into a transverse double bed.
enough to take a full oven co o ke r if w ater level gauge and safety trip (Twin longitudinal single beds are
this is desired. switch for the mains hook-up. standard.) There are tw o stretcher
Opposite, there is the refrig­ The front area provides four bunks in the roof which, although
erator at a convenient height and in forward facing seats, quickly large, remains easy to raise.
place o f one w ardrobe there are convertible to tw o settees. The The SL is the one to look at if
tw o high cupboards, one w ith fitted table stands between them on its you feel that a little more space, for
wardrobe rail and the other suitable island leg. Front seats may be made relaxing o r m oving about, is what
for a chem ical toilet or . . . well, reversible at extra cost, when they you need. Yet it is still c o m p a rt
m otor caravanners will always behind hinged wooden cover. will form part of a spacious lounge enough for daily motoring.

m A U T O S L E E P E R S M AGAZINE i - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Opening roof w indows and tw o vents ensure adequate ventilation at all times.

An all-new model with
some unique features
and others incorporating
well known Auto-Sleeper
design attributes.
The fact that this new hightop
replaces the CXL, w hich was one of
Britain's m ost popular hightop Distinctive new upholstery for this new and spacious Kitchen at the rear, with sink and drainer on offside, cooker
m otor caravans, is a tribute to A u to - hightop model. and oven on nearside.
Sleepers' constant striving for _____ _ _ H I
perfection. Restyled at the rear for
1988, the interior is the result of
several conferences, in one of
which I was invited to take part. The
essential attributes of the popular
CXL has been preserved — with
many notable im provem ents and
some ideas borrow ed from other
models. For instance, the sink and
drainer, w hich has a lid enabling
Above the sink, secure stowage for
crockery and glassware.
them to be closed away when not
in use, will be found at the rear refrigerator from the back doorway,
offside but opposite is the show er w ithout stepping into the m otor
com partm ent. (Auto-Sleepers caravan.
believe that an entirely separate Two tables are provided which,
shower co m p a rtm e n t is better than w ith the reversible passenger seat,
any hole-in-the flo o r arrangement.) provides the option of tw o dinette
Here is a place w here the arrangem ents, both easily erected
occupants, tired perhaps after a and convenient to use. Apart from
long journey, can refresh th e m ­ that, the seating/bedding area is
selves w ith o u t flooding the rest of Full oven cooker, drawers, cupboards Two-fold door ensures complete similar to that of the Talbot SL
and electrics control panel. privacy in toilet room at rear.
the furniture, however careless they except that, being a hightop, there
may be w ith the show er spray. in a very private place. hinged lid so th a t when closed the is the pull-out upper double bed in
Experience dictated that users The cooker and oven are w orking space is increased. place of the stretcher bunks. With
wanted a larger roof vent to light the forw ard o f th e toilet com partm ent, All the w orktops are finished in a the bed in its stowed position, it is
shower room . A fo u r-w a y m odel is op posite the wardrobe. I tried it out, deep brown laminate which blends possible to w alk to the cab seats
now fitted. T o m ake the dressing w ondering if the separation of attractively w ith the light oak finish w ithout bending double. If not
room, a tw o -fo ld d o o r spans the co o ke r and sink w ould prove o f the cupboard fronts. Unusual in a needed as a bed, this area provides
gangway, m eeting the side o f the difficult. On the contrary, I found it Talbot Express, the large three-way valuable extra storage space.
wardrobe adjacent to the sink and m ost convenient. There seemed to refrigerator with electronic ignition It is a stim ulating design. The
effectively sealing front from rear. be m ore room w hen wielding pots is placed beneath the drainer right previous CXL was an extremely
So the rear co m p a rtm e n t now and pans. Like the sink and drainer, at the offside rear of the vehicle, popular m odel. Its replacem ent
contains shower, sink and toilet, all the cooker is also fitted w ith a making it simple to load the should break all records.

m A U T O SLEEPERS MAGAZINE, - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Similar in shape, design
and layout to the Legend
but offering even greater
interior space for
movement and storage.
! This is A uto-Sleepers' biggest
j m otorhom e, beautifully designed
on the outside by W illiam Tow ns of
Aston Martin Lagonda fame. Again,
the length of the Talbot chassis
allows som ething extra to be
included — in this case additional
cupboard space and a little more
w orktop.
Outside, that highly polished
reinforced glass fibre coachw ork
really does gleam and, co m p le ­
m enting the attractive appearance,
a stainless steel ladder at the rear
leads to a roofrack of the same
material. Low er dow n, the tinted
glass sliding w indow s in the sides
add to the good looks. (Optional
double glazed acrylic w indow s are
also available.) Rear steadies are
One of the best looking coachbuilts available at any price.
part of the standard equipm ent.
Access to the ventilated gas bottle separate unit which does not to p and glass-fronted cocktail the caravan which leaves the cab
locker is from the exterior. M aster depend upon any other part of the cabinet above. The fitted crockery seats ready in their travelling
taps inside may be used to isolate caravan for its use. Hot and cold set is housed in one of the several position. Another generous double
individual appliances. water are piped to show er head, wall lockers — all readily accessible bed is supplied in the overcab area,
The entrance is at the side, near wash basin and sink and, as all w ithout bending. screened by curtains so that
the rear, opening on to the kitchen these units are close together, there Seating may be arranged as four •children may retire early, leaving
area w ith its stainless steel sink and is no waste of hot w ater in long pipe forw ard facers, twin settees or their parents the freedom of the
full oven cooker, all hidden from runs. The toilet co m p a rtm e n t is tw in dinettes with individual seats, whole of the caravan below. Unlike
sight when not needed by the beautifully fitted, with vanity unit, both cab seats being reversible. many ‘overcab beds' in other
quality ca binetw ork w hich is the show er tray w ith protective but W ith the tw in dinettes in use, the conversions, this one allows, in its
hallmark of this old established firm. rem ovable carpet and a large roof w ide central gangway is left un­ stow ed position, full height access
It is a pleasant place to co o k or vent which has the additional obstructed, making it easy for the to the cab seats. A neat set of
even wash the dishes, for the advantage of m aking the room light host and hostess to attend to' the cupboards is available in place of
w indow above the sink may be and airy. w ants o f their guests! the bed — an option which may
opened or screened w ith either Forward of the toilet co m p a rt­ A t night there is a choice of appeal to couples who wish to
Venetian blind or curtains. A fluores­ m ent is a large wardrobe where bedding arrangements. The twin travel far for long periods w ith the
cent light is provided — one of five many garm ents are presented side­ single beds are of ample length and m aximum am ount of storage
in this luxury caravan. ways on — so m uch easier to select w idth and they may also be brought space.
The spacious to ile t/sho w e r the one needed that way. Opposite, into use as long couches when a Here indeed is a mobile home in
com partm ent is situated at the there is the big three-way refrig­ large num ber of people m ust be which you will be proud to entertain
extrem e offside rear and, as is erator with electronic ignition and accom m odated. Alternatively, there your friends or happy to take the
proper in a coachbuilt, is an entirely freezer com partm ent, with a w o rk­ is a king sized double bed across family on extended tours.

Twin dinettes leave gangway clear but settees and W hether you sleep across or lengthways, the double
central table also available. bed is truly king-sized.

Comprehensive kitchen at rear can all be hidden Easy removal of Cassette waste unit - from the Toilet/shower room with fitted vanity unit and
from sight by the carefully finished cabinetwork. exterior. heating by circulated warm air.

wa - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Now when you’ve
had enough of the
just change them.
Have you ever w ished you could swap the is front-m ounted and front-wheel drive.
bleating of next d o o r’s hi-fi for the baaing of lambs in So, unlike certain com petitors’ vehicles, the
a next door field? Talisman has all its m otor up front and all its hom e
Consider this. You pack a bag. Leave a note for at the back.
the milkman. Walk dow n the drive. Start the engine. Which is w hy there’s so m uch more space in
That’s it. That’s as complicated as motor- the Talisman and all Talbot motorhomes.
caravanning gets. The engine also produces m ore torque than
The Talisman is a perfect example of the joy any comparable vehicle. (If you’ve ever been stuck
of a m otorhom e. behind som eone trying to haul
It was styled by Mr. William a caravan up a Welsh m ountain­
Towns. (He made his name side in the family saloon,
designing Aston Martin/Lagonda so you’ll appreciate the value of
you can just imagine w hat h e’s done high torque.)
with a m otorhom e.) The Express’s main claim
to fame though, is its econom y.
Our converters, Auto-
No other comparable com pact
Sieepers have taken the result
van has low er fuel consumption.*
of his labours and fitted it
with all the creature comforts. However, until y o u’ve had
nose around the Talisman and put it
The kitchen is equipped through its paces, y o u ’ll never realise exactly what
with a tw o-burner grill/cooker with you could do with your w eekends and holidays.
a separate oven below, and a stainless steel sink.
O f course, it’s m ore than possible that you’re
(And w hen you’re not using it, the w hole caboodle
firm friends with the folks next door.
can be closed away out of sight.)
No problem. Take them w ith you. Y ou’ll find
There’s loads of cupboard space throughout—
the Talisman is made to sleep four in total comfort.
with china for four and even a cocktail cabinet as
standard fittings.
As are the fridge, show er unit and toilet,
dinette and table, w ardrobe and thermostatically-
controlled blow n air heating.
So much for the home. W hat about the motor?
The Talbot Express’s powerful 2-litre engine
* 1 30 0 Kg fu lly laden — 2 6 6 5 m p q (C om m ercial M otor. 2 5 .9 .8 2 )

Talbot Sportsman SL Talbot Rambler - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Deservedly popular for over a quarter of a century, the
Volkswagen Transporter remains ahead of the times.
The continued popularity o f the V olksw agen is one o f the reassurance o f locking differentials on both axles.
success stories o f the century. The co n ce p t rem ains the Disabled people find the V olksw agen particularly suited
sam e as w hen th e vehicle w as first im ported into the UK to their needs. The w ide, sliding side d o o r readily accepts
40 years ago: a reliable load carrier w hich is equally suited a hydraulic lift fo r w heelchairs and this is the only such
to transporting people in co m fo rt. A gainst all predictions, vehicle w ith p ow er steering listed as a regular option.
the rear engined ‘B eetle’ and ‘V o lks’ have becom e W hatever yo u r m otoring needs o r am bitions, there will be a
respectively the best selling car and van of all time. Volksw agen to suit them . This is one o f the strongest and
The rear engine o f th e Tra n spo rte r provides certain safest vehicles on the road, as has been proved by
advantages in the w ay o f sound insulation and excellent exhaustive crash tests.
traction on indifferent surfaces. One of the advantages of Auto-S leepers offer three different conversions, tw o w ith
the ‘new sh a p e ’ (a sm oo the r outline introduced about ten elevating roofs and one hightop. They are all suprem ely
years ago) is the engine accessibility. A large, insulated versatile vehicles, capable o f carrying as m any passengers
panel opens up the w hole to p of the engine. A uto-S leepers and as m uch load as an estate car b ut in addition providing
have, in their conversions, ensured th a t this panel is readily living and sleeping a ccom m o da tion aw ay from hom e. All
accessible. have the unique tailgate feature, w here a trolley of goods
Now, 1988 Volksw agens provide a greater choice of from the superm arket m ay be loaded and remain concealed
o ptions than any o the r sim ilar vehicle. A uto-S leepers use as beneath a w ide shelf. For bulky loads, this shelf may be
standard the m ore pow erful 78b hp version o f the 1.9 litre rem oved com pletely.
w atercooled boxer engine w ith fo u r forw ard gears. O ptions All offer sleeping fo r four, on low and high level double
include a five speed close ratio box or autom atic tra n s­ beds, and they all have chem ical toilets fitted as standard.
m ission — or there is the 1.6 litre diesel engine, w ith or A therm ostatically controlled heater w hich blow s w arm air is
w itho ut turb och a rg in g . For greater pow er, there are tw o am ong the options.
versions o f a 2.1 litre fuel injection engine, giving up to The A u to -S le e pe r V olksw agen range is one o f the best
112bhp. Then there is the syncro fo u r wheel drive system sellers. A lthough not the cheapest base vehicle, there is
w hich engages autom atically w henever traction is about p ro o f here that discerning m o to r caravanners will pay for
to be lost, on th e road or in a m uddy field. It is seldom that little extra.
beaten by adverse co nd itio ns b ut there is the additional

A unique concept, with seating for four
on a U-shaped settee.
The unusual but essentially crockery unit is in a separate cu p ­
practical layout provides a very board behind the cab passenger’s
w ide double bed at the rear which is seat, w here there is am ple room for
quickly m ade from the U-shaped a sto ck of jars, tins and bottles.
settee, w here four people may Normally U-shaped, the rear
travel o r dine in com fort. The settee may quickly be changed into
com pact but well equipped kitchen an L-shape further to increase the
is enclosed by A uto-S leepers’ fine already generous floor space.
cabinetw ork so that, on the road, A t night, it is a simple matter
this looks more like a car than a to pull forw ard the base of the
camper. settee, when the backrest flattens,
The kitchen is near the front of m atching up w ith the big rear
the caravan com partm ent, behind cushion to form a generous double With the elevating roof lowered, VT20 is better than any estate car.
the cab seats, and accessible bed. Many people like the extra size
directly from the cab or via the wide, of the main bed in the VT20, for it o f the integral structure. This roof is raised. During the day it
sliding d o o r in th e side. On the stretches the full w idth of the restriction has been used to m akes no difference to the available
offside there is the co o ke r and sink, vehicle. advantage on all their m odels. The standing area. At night, it still leaves
w ith 12 vo lt/g as refrigerator To ensure that the VW base standing area is in the centre of the all facilities accessible. The children
beneath. An ingenious lid hides the vehicle retains the trem endous vehicle where, thanks to the design, may be put to bed whilst their
cooker but may be hinged over the strength for which it is famous, it is the only place where it is parents relax or w ork in the area
driver’s seat to provide m ore w o rk ­ Auto-Sleepers do not remove the needed. A large double bed may be below.
space when needed. The fitted roof bow s which, say VW, are part extended from the rear when the

From the w ide side doorway: kitchen units and Close-up of the unique rear settee, providing A special place for the chemical toilet beneath the
U-shaped settee. places for four. settee.

m A U TO SLEEPERS MAGAZINE - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
. i '

Raised or lowered, the Auto-Sleeper roof complem ents the VW’s modem styling.

An alternative elevating roof layout
with a high level of specification.
From the exterior the VX50 looks of storage and working space.
alm ost identical to the VT20 but Concealed beneath the superb
inside there is a different layout. The cabinetw ork until required, the tw o -
rear settee has becom e a bench burner cooker w ith grill is located
(which again m akes a com fortable behind the driver's seat. Beneath it
double bed) and the kitchen unit is a cupboard and next to that the
extends right along the offside, refrigerator, then further cu p ­
giving a great deal of cupboard boards. One of these holds the
space and allowing the installation Porta-P otti w hich is also part of
of a large 12/2 40 V /ga s refrigerator standard equipm ent. Above is the
with electronic ignition and freezer stainless steel sink and drainer with
com partm ent. The cab passenger a d ro p -d o w n d o o r giving access to
seat swivels to face the rear and, another com partm ent w hich will Optional extra dinette at front of the Volkswagen.
optionally, the driver's seat can also take cutlery, washing up m aterials
be provided w ith a swivel. The tw o and o ther oddm ents. when closed. A t the extrem e rear is the rear settee and, of course, from
front seats will then m ake an extra To the rear of the sink unit is the wardrobe, constructed of the the tailgate beneath the removable,
dinette. Safe mains electricity and another large locker with to p - same w o o d w o rk but reaching to full w id th shelf. This VW conversion
an opening w indow w ith flyscreen hinged lid. This will accept a the ceiling and supplying room for has a place for everything and
are part of the lavish equipm ent m ultitude of items and is tall enough several garm ents on clothes allows the occupants to keep
fitted as standard. for litre wine bottles. Removable hangers. Above the wardrobe, an everything in place!
The long kitchen unit, co n stru c­ trays ensure that smaller pieces are u p p er locker with a fluorescent light Yet it is a fraction under 7 feet
ted to the high standard which not lost within its depths. in the centre, extends the width of the high in travelling m ode and
all w ho know A uto-Sleepers will All these units so far described vehicle. capable, therefore, of being garaged
expect, provides a great deal form a long sideboard with flat top There is further storage beneath in many places.

Well appointed kitchen. Outlets for optional blown air heater are shown lower Rear settee may be quickly made into this sizeable double bed.

u m mm - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
SUPERBLY STYLED high-top roo f there is a large storage High-quality curtaining and recessed
The Volkswagen Auto-Sleeper is locker, adjacent to which there is an eye- fluorescent lights are fitted as standard.
extremely attractive and is m ost ‘car-like’ level cupboard for the china — even this Whilst the good insulation will keep
to drive. The beautifully styled high-top is supplied as standard. you warm throughout, those requiring
ro o f has been designed with Behind the cooker and sink there is a extra luxury have the option o f specifying
aerodynamics in m ind with the resultant sliding window, complete with an integral a therm ostatically controlled externally
benefit in fuel consumption. fly screen and which provides maximum flued heater unit.
The inside has to be seen to be the sink there is an electrical control The Volkswagen Auto-Sleeper is
believed — it is superb. panel which includes a water level gauge extremely well equipped and the high
The kitchen has a matching stainless- so that you can see exactly how much level of specification includes full
steel sink and two burner/grill cooker, water you have. carpeting throughout, a swivelling
both o f which are fitted with specially Possibly one o f the m ost practical passenger seat enabling maximum
designed lids so that they can be closed features o f the Volkswagen Auto-Sleeper utilisation o f the interior space, and even
away when not in use. Below the sink is the fact that it is fitted with a parcel a chemical toilet in a specially designed
there is a large refrigerator/freezer unit shelf to the rear o f the dinette seats locker.
which is designed for use with g a s /12/240 which enables shopping, etc, to be put in The external appearance o f the
volts and is fitted with mains hook-up the area under it and safely out o f sight. Volkswagen Auto-Sleeper is eye-catching,
and full safety protection. LUXURIOUS LIVING as not only is there an attractive paint
Adjacent to the refrigerator are two The beautiful rear dinette is designed scheme with contrasting coachlines, but
large sized lockers for the storage of to seat two people in total com fort. the wheel trim s, ro o f rack and ladder are
food, etc, whilst there is further storage W hen four people are living in the fitted as standard.
in a large locker which has shelves which vehicle there is an option enabling both A PERFECT COMBINATION
can be adjusted for position as required. cab seats to be swivelled and a table Auto-Sleepers and Volkswagen have
DESIGNED FOR PRACTICABILITY fitted between the two o f them. produced the ideal com bination: a
Practical features abound in the A t night-time the rear dinette converts perfectly planned, fitted and equipped
Volkswagen Auto-Sleeper, the design of to a large and com fortable double bed, interior powered by precision engineering,
which is such that there is always plenty whilst there is a further double bed in the ensuring economy and reliability.
of free floor space. In the front o f the roof.


AUTO-SLEEPER IM - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
The high roof is shaped to give maximum headroom where it is most needed,
in the centre o f the m otor caravan.

The permanent hightop provides
even more storage space.
The VHT follows the same layout as tim es. You may arrange a cross
the VX50 but the addition of the draught or sleep snug and warm.
hightop makes room for an upper ‘D ow nstairs’ , the arrangem ent
double bed or extra storage space. of furniture, seats and bedding is
There is also additional storage in a exactly the same as in the VX50,
large locker above the cab roof, with the attractive long w ork
alongside the fitted crockery set in surface on the offside hiding a
its glass-fronted cupboard — m ultitude o f cupboards plus the
ample room for a television set here cooker, large refrigerator and
and more besides. Porta-Potti. Again, the passenger’s
The double bed, w hich travels in cab seat swivels to face the rear
its co m p a ct position above the and there is the option of a swivel
engine deck, provides further beneath the driver’s seat, allowing a This hidden ‘b o o t’ storage area is to Standard on this well appointed
storage space beneath the hightop front dinette to be installed if be found on all Auto-Sleeper vehicle is a stainless steel roof rack
Volkswagens. and ladder.
roof. Bedding or luggage placed needed.
there is held firm ly in position when The perm anent hightop has will accom m odate provisions and considering if you are likely to be
travelling by a wooden ladder which one more advantage to exhibit. im pedim enta to keep a family of cam ping out of season.
spans the full w idth. A t night, this A stainless steel ladder at the rear four or five independent fo r a long The A uto-S leepers’ craftsm an
same ladder m akes it easy for gives easy access to the roofrack, time! finished interiors com plem ent the
children or adults to clim b to the sturdily constructed o f the same W hilst this, like all other Auto- rugged good looks and hidden
upper bed. A roof ventilator and material. This and the fitted wheel Sleeper products is well insulated, strength o f the VW base vehicle.
opening roof w indow s ensure that trim s are also part of the standard the optional therm ostatically- Any one of them is a vehicle you will
ventilation is under control at all equipm ent. Here is a VW which controlled blown air heater is worth be proud to own.

Dual purpose wooden ladder: keeps luggage in place and aids access to Large overcab locker with fitted china in cupboard beside.
upper double bed.

m A U TO SLEEPERS MAC l n r M M W M M M W M - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans

4 b e rth s W idth 7 ft 3in 4 b e rth s W id th 7 ft 3in 4 be rths W id th 7 ft 10in

H e ig h t 6 ft 11 in L e ngth 15 ft 4in H e ig h t 8 ft 6in Length 15 ft 4in H eigh t 8 ft 10 in Length 17 ft 3in

A. Swivelling cab seats. A. Swivelling cab seats. A. Swivelling cab seats.

B. Dinette converts to two front facing seats. B. Dinette converting to two front facing seats. B. Dinette converting to front facing seats.
Alternatively, A and B convert to two Alternatively A and B convert to two Alternatively A and B convert to two
longitudinal single beds or optional double longitudinal single beds or optional double.bed. longitudinal single beds or a large transverse
bed. C. Tables. double bed.
C. Tables. D. Wardrobe with water heater above and C. Tables.
D. Cooker/grill with cupboard below. thermostatically-controlled heater below. D. Wardrobe with thermostatically-controlled
E. Sink/drainer with cupboards below. E. Sink and drainer, cupboards below and heater below.
F. Wardrobe. above. E. Shower/toilet compartment.
G. Refrigerator/freezer with cupboard below. F. Cooker/grill. Cupboards below and above. F. 2-burner/grill cooker with oven below.
H. Side sliding door. G. Extractor fan. G. Stainless-steel sink and drainer with
I. Chemical toilet. H. Refrigerator/freezer with cupboard below, cupboard below.
crockery cabinet above. H. Refrigerator with freezer compartment.
I. Chemical toilet. I. Cocktail cabinet.
J. Side sliding door. J. Cut-away cab with pull-out double bed.
NOTE: WIDTHS INCLUDE MIRRORS K. Drop-down over-cab bed. K. Gas storage with external access.


4 b e rth s W idth 7 ft Oin 4 be rths W idth 7 ft Oin 4 be rths W idth 7 ft Oin

H eigh t 7 ft 1 in Length 14 ft 9 1/2in H e ig h t 8 ft 7 in Length 14 ft 9 1/2in H eigh t 8 ft 7in Length 14 ft 9 1/2in

B. Dinette converting to two front facing seats. B. Dinette converting to two front facing seats. option).
Alternatively, A and B convert to two Alternatively A and B convert to two B. Swivelling fully adjustable luxury cab seat.
longitudinal single beds. longitudinal single beds or optional double. C. Dinette converting to two front facing seats.
C. Table. C. Large table. Alternatively A, B and C convert to two
D. Refrigerator with cupboard below. D. Small table. longitudinal single beds or optional double bed.
E. Large wardrobe. E. Wardrobe with externally flued heater below. D. Table.
F. 2-burner/grill cooker with cupboard below. F. Sink and drainer, cupboards below and E. 2-burner/grill cooker (drawer and cupboard
G. Sink with cupboard and china below. above. below).
H. Side door providing access to rear seats when G. Cooker/grill, cupboard below and above. F. Sink with cupboard below.
in front facing position. H. Extractor fan. G. China cupboard.
I. Chemical toilet. J. Refrigerator/freezer with cupboard below. H. Shower compartment.
Crockery cupboard above. I. Wardrobe with cupboard below.
K. Side door. J. Refrigerator with cupboard below.
L. Drop-down over-cab bed. K. Cocktail cabinet.
RENAULT RHT — HIGH-TOP M. Chemical toilet. L. Side door providing access to rear seats
As above, but with hightop roof, pullout overcab when in front facing position.
bed and 2 roof lockers, one of which houses the china. M. Cut-away cab with pull-out double bed.

I - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
4 b e rth s W idth 6ft 10in 4 berths W idth 6ft 10in 4 b e rth s W idth 6ft 10in
H e ig h t 6 ft 11 in Length 15ft Oin Height 6ft 11 in. Length 15ft Oin H e ig h t 8 ft 3in Length 15ft Oin

A. Adjustable cab seats. A. Fully adjustable, luxury cab seat (swivel A. Fully adjustable luxury cab seat (swivel option)
B. Sink with refrigerator below. option). B. Swivelling fully adjustable cab seat.
C. 2 burner grill/cooker with cupboard below. B. Swivelling fully adjustable cab seat. C. Optional table. Storage locker and china
D. &E Form “IT shaped dinette. C. Optional table. cupboard above cab.
E. Fold-away seat. D. 2 Burner/grill cooker with cupboard below. D. 2 -burner/grill cooker with cupboard below.
D.E. Convert to a large double bed, or, by removing E. Sink with cupboards below. E. Sink with cupboards below.
& F. cushions a large load carrying area. By leaving F. Large storage locker with removable trays. F. Large storage locker with removable trays.
parcel shelf in position, F forms a boot. G. Wardrobe. G. Wardrobe.
G. Wardrobe. H. Parcel shelf with storage below. H. Parcel shelf with storage below.
H. Large storage locker. I. Dinette seat. I. Dinette seat.
I. Removable table. H. & . Convert to large double bed. H&l. Convert to large double bed.
J. Chemical toilet in special cupboard. J. Table. J. Table.
K. Side door. K. Chemical toilet in a special cupboard. Above K. Chemical toilet in special cupboard above
H.I.J. double bed. H,I,J double bed.
L. Side door. L. Side door.
M. Stainless-steel ladder with roof rack.


4 b e rth s W idth 7ft Oin 4 Berths W idth 7ft Oin 4 b e rth s W idth 7ft 7in
H e ig h t 7 ft 2in Length 15ft 7in H eight 8ft 6 in Length 15ft 7in H e ig h t 8f t 11 in Length 17ft 61/ 2in

A. Fully adjustable luxury cab seats. A. Fully adjustable luxury car seats (passenger A. Swivelling cab seats.
B. Dinette converting to two front facing seats. seat swivels). B. Dinette converting to two front facing seats.
Alternatively, A and B convert to two B. Dinette converting to two front-facing seats. Alternatively A and B convert to two
longitudinal single beds. Alternatively A and B convert to two longitudinal single beds or a large transverse
C. Table. longitudinal single beds or B and C convert to double bed.
D. Cupboard. a transverse double bed. C. Tables.
E. 2-burner grill/cooker (cupboard and drawer C. Large table. D. Small table. D. Cupboard with shelves.
below). E. Pull-out cocktail cabinet. E. Wardrobe with thermostatically-controlled
F. Sink (cupboard and china below). F. Wardrobe with water heater above. heater below.
G. Toilet area. G. Stainless steel sink and drainer with refrigerator F. Shower/toilet compartment.
H. Wardrobe. below and crockery cupboard above. G. 2-burner/grill cooker with oven below.
I. Refrigerator (cupboard below). H. Shower/toilet compartment. H. Stainless-steel sink and drainer with
J. Side door providing access to rear seats I. 2-burner/grill cooker with oven below. cupboard below.
when in front facing position. J. 2-drawers and cupboard below. I. Cupboard with shelves.
K. Extractor fan with cupboard above. J. Cocktail cabinet.
L. Side door providing access to rear seats when K. Refrigerator with freezer compartment.
in front-facing position. L. Cut-away cab with pull-out double bed.
M. Cutaway cab with drop-down overcab bed. M. Gas storage with external access. - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
DUCATO AND TALISMAN: WORKING WONDERS - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
The Talisman from Auto-Sleepers
certainly lives up to its name.
But that’s not surprising when the
power is supplied by the Fiat Ducato.
The 2 litre petrol or 2Vi litre diesel
engines give smooth pulling power with
excellent economy.
The cab design and comfort are also
important reasons why more and more
motorcaravan builders are opting for the
Fiat Ducato chassis.
As well as the coach-built Talisman,
Auto-Sleepers are also a high-top
Ducato-based conversion in the Rambler.
Both models are comprehensively
covered by the Fiat Support Service
which offers features like a six-year anti­
perforation warranty and Fiat Assurance,
our rescue and recovery service.
Add to this the expert servicing and
maintenance provided by the Fiat
network of dealers, and you can be
sure that the power of your Ducato-
based Auto-Sleeper will remain for
many years to come.



aaaa - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans

o f Rochester
M otor Caravan buyers have every reason to be anxious
Specialisi Dealer

about getting the m ost fo r their money. That's w hy

choosing the right dealer is as im portant as choosing the
right M otor Caravan.
G. W ells and Sons Ltd has built up a fine reputation in the
M otor Caravan Industry.
W e pride ourselves on our attention to detail, reliability,
fairness and dedication to after sales service. Our sales
staff have a wide knowledge of the market and can advise
on the best deals and finance term s available.
Customers have the security of dealing w ith a mem ber of
the M otor Agents Association, a V auxhall/O pel/B edford
main dealership and a Volkswagen appointed specialist
m otor caravan d e a le r-a unique com bination. W ells is also
a founder mem ber of the Master Dealers Association. ALWAYS A SELECTION OF
W hy not combine a visit to our showrooms w ith a trip to our
lovely historic city. W e look forward to seeing you . . . NEW AUTOSLEEPER MOTOR CARAVANS


(0 6 3 4 ) (COLD)
7days a week

721021 M w KENT ME2 4BD 9-6 MON-SAT 10-4 SUN


m im w x w

W e are proud to be
official Auto-Sleeper Distributors
for Somerset and Avon

As Members of the Master Dealers'

Association, you know our service
and reputation are second to none.



TEL: 027 587 2277

OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK lO anrv-8 pm - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
Hilton, Derbyshire. Lee Mill, Ivybridge, Plymouth, PL21 9EG.
Tel: 028 373 2193. Tel: 0752 892977.
1 Ashford Road, Redhill, Bristol BS18 7TH. Otley Road, Bradford, BD3 0LN.
Tel: 027 587 2277. Tel: 0274 630582/3.
Lower Boucher Road, Belfast, BT12 6HR. Wolsingham in Weardale,
Tel: 0232 247770. County Durham. DL13 3HU.
(Talbot only.) Tel: 0388 527242/527314.
Rollesby, Gt. Yarmouth, NR29 5DR. Chester Road, Greenbank, Northwich,
Tel: 0493 740274. Cheshire, CW8 4AL.
The Spinney, Oxford Road, Chieveley, Pantiles Park, London Road, Bagshot,
Newbury, Berkshire, RG16 8RU. Surrey, GU19 5HN.
Tel: 0635 248888. Tel: 0276 75056.
Green Lawns Service Station, Luton Road, St. Leonards Filling Station, 176 Ringwood Road,
Harpenden, Herts, AL5 3FN. St. Leonards, Ringwood, Hants, BH24 2NR.
Tel: 05827 3094. Tel: 04254 77921.
New London Leisure Centre, Station Road, Strood, Rochester, Kent, ME2 4BD.
55/65 Abbey Road, Belvedere, DA17 5DG. Tel: 0634 721021.
Tel: 01-311 3500.
8 BROWNHILLS LTD, Turnpike Road, Lower Weare, Nr. Axbridge,
Newark Caravan Centre, Somerset.
Farndon Road, Newark, Notts, NG23. Tel: 0934 732503.
Tel: 0636 704201.
9 CAPITAL MOTOR CARAVANS LTD, Box Road. Bathford, Bath, Avon, BA1 7QH.
Woodside Road, Glenrothes, Fife, KY74AA. Tel: 0225 858290
Tel: 0592 759260.
Pakefield (A12) Roundabout.
Lanner, Redruth, Cornwall.
Lowestoft, Suffolk.
Tel: 0209 820718.
Tel: 0502 516831.
11 COTSWOLD MOTOR CARAVANS, (Volkswagen only.)
Cheltenham Road East, Churchdown,
Gloucester, GL9 9QL.
Preston/Blackpool Road.
Tel: 0452 857131.
Clifton, Preston. PR4 0XN.
Iford Bridge, Main A35, Oak Avenue, (Volkswagen only.)
Christchurch, BH23 2QA.
Tel: 0202 479444.
Walsall Road, Darlaston,
West Midlands, WS10 9SS.
Tel: 021 526 3433.
Thornley Avenue, Off Burnley Road,
Whitebirk, Blackburn, Lancs. Auto-Sleepers Limited, Orchard Works, Willersey, Nr. Broadway, Worcs. WR12 7PT. England.
Tel: 0254 54090. Tel: Broadway (0386) 853338/9/853647


For those o f you new to m otor w orkshop facilities w ith trained W est Securities, w ho operate our eleven m em bers still hold true — to
caravans let me first of all give you personnel, be prepared to carry out national finance and warranty maintain and where possible to
a brief history of our association. w arranty on both new and used schem e and of course, needless to im prove the total service given to
Up until 1982 specialist m otor m otor caravans supplied by other say, because it is the only national you, our customer,
caravan dealers were, unlike any m em bers and, ju st as im portantly, finance scheme of its type in the To find a MDA m em ber just look
other part of the m oto r industry, have a good reputation w ithin the country, therefore it is extremely out fo r the MDA logo o r w rite to me,
very m uch on their ow n to the industry. com petitive. David Saunders, Chairman, The
detrim ent o f both them selves and O ut o f the original eleven H ow does this help you? Simply M aster Dealers Association Ltd,
the buying public. A t the Caravan m em bers (of which eight are still in th a t our m em bers are am ongst the Leigh House, 4 4 /45 Devizes Road,
Show in Novem ber 1982 a small the association) the m em bership tw e n ty-tw o largest dealers in the Swindon, W ilts, for an up-to-date
nucleus o f specialist dealers met now totals tw e n ty-tw o . Meetings country, cover an area from list of members.
and discussed the problem s that are held thro u g h o u t the year w here Scotland to Cornwall and, like
we were experiencing at th a t tim e m em bers not only discuss Auto-Sleepers, whose tradem ark is
and, out of th a t m eeting, grew m arketing but are appraised of T h e Hallm ark of Q uality’, must at all
the M aster Dealers Association. such inform ation as new p ro d u ct tim es give the quality and service
Incorporated in April 1983 with an launches, exhibitions and current that Auto-Sleepers rightly, expect of
initial m em bership o f eleven it was pro d u ct legislation. To this end we them. Indeed, this is why you will find
and still is th e only definitive m otor are represented on the M otor that nearly every m em ber of this
caravan dealers’ association. The Caravan Section o f the Society of association is an Auto-Sleeper
rules for m em bership at that tim e M otor M anufacturers & Traders. Distributor.
have remained basically unchanged W e will once again this year be M uch of the w o rk carried out by
since and are th a t a m em ber m ust having o u r hospitality stand at the the association is, by its nature,
have at least tw e n ty-o n e new and Caravan Cam ping Holiday Show, carried out ‘behind the scenes’ and
used units in s to ck o r on order at Earls Court, in November. This is is therefore difficult to w rite about
all tim es, have com prehensive

operated in conjunction w ith North but the m ajor aims of the initial - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
A long way from The Horseless Carriage
VAN TH A T'S GOT A t the beginning o f this century, the
‘horseless carriage’ exercised
Exhibitions, however, are only a
part o f the SM M T’s responsibilities
EVERYTHING ELSE? considerable fascination fo r the
general public. Entrepreneurs were
to the m oto r industry. For many
years, m ost of its w o rk has centred
q u ick to cash in on this interest, around the activities o f its various
arranging exhibitions which drew trade sections, the com m ittees of
thousands o f visitors, all apparently which meet regularly at the
more than w illing to pay fo r the Society’s London headquarters to
opportunity o f viewing, and even discuss trade and industrial
riding in, the latest models! matters, and form ulate their
F.R. Sim m s, a pioneer of the collective views on, for example,
infant m otor industry, th o ug h t it any legislation likely to affect the
w rong that the proceeds o f these industry.
exhibitions should go to those who The m anufacturers and co n ­
had no part in the industry itself, verters o f m otor caravans have
so began by planning the basis of a themselves played an active role in
trade association. He invited some the S ociety’s affairs fo r more than
30 representatives o f the m otor a quarter o f a century. Prominent
industry to join him in setting up among the com panies represented
The Society of Motor Manufacturers by to d a y’s M otor Caravan Section
and Traders. M em bership o f this C om m ittee is Auto-Sleepers
new body carried with it an obligation Limited, whose Managing Director,
to support only those exhibitions Anthony Trevelyan, has again been
approved or arranged by the re-elected as Deputy Chairman of
Society, the inducem ent being that the section and is also a m em ber of
the proceeds of such exhibitions Council.
w ould be fed back to benefit the Am ong other m atters, the M otor
THE NEW ELECTROLUX 2 1 2E- industry itself.
The idea caught on and, in
Caravan Section is the driving force
behind a public inform ation
WITH ELECTRONIC IGNITION. January 1903, the SM M T’s first
m otor exhibition was staged at
campaign, aimed at increasing
public awareness o f the pleasures
Crystal Palace. It was a great of m otor caravanning and the
success. Nearly 200 m anufacturers versatility of such vehicles —
It lights at the touch o f a switch. Re-ignites automatically
participated, and a sizeable fleet of nowadays used not only for
within seconds, and warns you when the gas-bottle’s
dem onstration vehicles was kept in holidays and other recreational
run out.
alm ost constant use throughout the purposes but also fo r such diverse
The new 212E uses the art o f electronics to bring you the event. This ultimately developed activities as shopping, taking the
most efficient form o f refrigeration on wheels. A nd peace into what, nowadays, is known as children to school and, in som e
o f mind in the knowledge that it’s 100% safe. th e British International M otor Show. cases, as a mobile office.
W hen the gas bottle is empty, a flashing light and audible
warning function come into operation. T h a t ’s ab ou t the
only noise y o u ’ll hear from your 212 Electronic. Like the
standard RM 212, it has no m otor or moving parts; no
chugging or vibrations. So y o u ’re assured o f a good nig ht’s
sleep into the bargain.
Electronic ignition is exclusive to Electrolux, the world
leaders in mobile refrigeration. The 212E costs a little more
th an the standard model, but it’s worth every penny if
y o u ’re a keen an d frequent caravanner.
Dimensions are identical on both models, which are,
unlike some other makes, made in Britain and carry full
B .E.A .B . approval. Calor approval too.

Post the coupon for full details WITH OUR COMPLETE RAN G E OF
and specifications.

Only Electrolux offers you

double cover.

European Guarantee and

Service. Your full one year
guarantee covers you for the
U.K. and Europe.

P le a se sen d m e d e ta ils o f
N ew R M 2 12E S ta n d a rd R M 212 R M 400 (3 .6 c u .ft).
N ew R M 270 (2.47 c u .ft) R M 212 (I c u .ft) (T ick as a p p lic ab le )

N a m e a n d a d d re ss .


P o st to : E le c tro lu x L td.
L e isu re P ro d u c ts
D iv ision , L u to n L U 4 9 Q Q a E le c tr o lu x W H ITEB IR K , BLAC KBU R N, LANCASHIRE.
OPEN: Sun, Mon, Thurs, Fri, Sat. 9.30a.m.-6p.m. CLOSED: Tues, Wed.

TEL. 0 2 5 4 5 4 0 9 0 - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
ourselves ° " t Motor HP AND LEASING
service « e o ffe ^ ether Friendly, Expert Service
C a rav a n n e rs _ b ° f .e n ce d

c . - - r * - s : r r o n o f° .

^ 0\ r c ^ 3 r canhe,p
pS A» o u r M o l o ^ ^ d e s l l ^
A-12 Roundabout, Lowestoft, Suffolk.
insulated so th e [h e m h a „ e
Tel: 0502 516831
Ju s t a short drive aw ay

S g tfO N m o t o r

Established 1935
No more heating and condensation
YOUR NORTH WEST DEALER problems for your Motorhome. The
Compact PROPEX 1600, LPG fan
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switch or cold air ventilation if
SELECTION OF you need it.
NEW and USED The system is now becoming standard
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MOTOR CARAVANS can be easily fitted to your Caravan or
Motorhome. The 1.6 kW unit fits into
a b ed box or locker space, uses
minimal battery power and is fully
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combustion air are externally flued for
FULL SERVICE safe operation all night, when used
with a thermostat.
AND REPAIRS Nationw ide
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Tel: (0202) 823538 - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans
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E O P LE! - a useful website for owners and enthusiasts of VW T25 / T3 / Vanagon Campervans

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