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Youtube vs TV shows

Nowadays, YouTube is replacing many TV shows in the entertainment industry.

Although both platforms use videos as their main viewer attraction, YouTube shows
many differences that make it different from regular TV programs.

One of the main differences is their contents. TV shows tend to have a limited range of
enjoyable content when they have a limited number of cartoons, films, or music
streaming simultaneously. YouTube, however, has a library of different genes, varying
from animations to vlogs or game streaming. It makes YouTube viewers find their
favorite gene of videos by giving them more choices.

The flexibility of each platform is another factor that makes the differences between
them. TV limitations also prevent their viewers from watching their favorite shows at
any time. Unlike YouTube, TV programs follow strict streaming schedules; therefore,
their audiences must wait until a specific time to watch the show they want. By
contrast, YouTube videos are not limited by any schedule due to the Cloud storing
service. As a result, users can manage their enjoyable content whenever they want,
without waiting for days to watch a particular show.

Finally, the quality of content is an unavoidable element when comparing two

entertaining platforms. Although they have such limitations, TV programs tend to have
much better control over their content. Streaming inappropriate or offensive shows
may negatively affect big studios' reputations; therefore, Fox or Disney must
thoroughly moderate content before publishing it on-screen. On the contrary, YouTube
tends to have a weak censorship policy. Having dealt with millions of videos monthly,
the YouTube system cannot detect all content on its platform; as a result, viewers
might get into low-quality content.

In conclusion, each platform has pros and cons when discussing content, flexibility, or
censorship. After all, it is the viewer’s choice to decide which platform to watch based
on their interest.

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