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I plan to spend the National Day holiday relaxing and having fun with my family.

I will be staying at the family's country house, located in a peaceful village away
from the hustle and bustle of the city. We will go home on the evening of
September 1 and return on the evening of September 3. This way we can make the
most of the long weekend. I will go with my parents and sister. This will be a great
opportunity for all of us to bond and relax together. During our stay, we planned to
explore the beautiful natural surroundings, take leisurely walks, and have a picnic
by the nearby river. We will also host dinner and play games in the evening. I'm
really looking forward to this relaxing getaway with my family, away from the
hustle and bustle of the city. It would be a great way to celebrate Independence
Day and create lasting memories together.

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