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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368 (2009) 81–87

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Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / j e m b e

High zooxanthella density shortens the survival time of coral cell

aggregates under thermal stress
Badrun Nesa, Michio Hidaka ⁎
Department of Chemistry, Biology, and Marine Science, University of the Ryukyus, Nishihara, Okinawa 903-0213, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To investigate bleaching mechanisms in coral–zooxanthella symbiotic systems, it is important to study the
Received 9 April 2008 cellular- or tissue-level responses of corals to stress. We established an experimental system to study the
Received in revised form 14 October 2008 stress responses of coral cells using coral cell aggregates. Dissociated coral cells aggregate to form spherical
Accepted 15 October 2008
bodies, which rotate by ciliary movement. These spherical bodies (tissue balls) stop rotating and disintegrate
when exposed to a thermal stress. Tissue balls prepared from dissociated cells of Fungia sp. and Pavona
divaricata were exposed to either elevated temperature (31 °C, with 25 °C as the control) or elevated
Coral bleaching
temperature in the presence of exogenous antioxidants (ascorbic acid and catalase, or mannitol). The survival
Symbiosis curves of tissue balls were markedly different between 31 and 25 °C. At 31 °C, most tissue balls disintegrated
Thermal stress within 24 h, whereas at 25 °C, most tissue balls survived for more than 24 h. There was a negative correlation
Zooxanthellae between survival time and the zooxanthella density of tissue balls at 31 °C, but no significant relationship
was found at 25 °C. Antioxidants extended the survival time of tissue balls at high temperature, suggesting
that zooxanthellae produce reactive oxygen species under stress. These results indicate that zooxanthellae
produce harmful substances and damage coral cells under high-temperature stress. Tissue balls provide a
good experimental system with which to study the effects of stress and various chemical reagents on corals
© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Tchernov et al., 2004) leads to the generation of excess electrons,

which react with ambient oxygen to produce reactive oxygen species
Coral bleaching has affected coral reefs over the last decade. In (ROS). Coral hosts expel their symbionts as a protective mechanism
some cases, bleaching has devastated whole reef regions or led to local against ROS (Downs et al., 2002) or host cells die, releasing zoo-
species extinction (Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999; Coles and Brown, 2003). xanthellae (Dunn et al., 2002). However, the cellular and molecular
Coral bleaching, which is the loss of color of hermatypic corals due mechanisms that underlie the breakdown of the symbiotic partner-
to the loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) and/or their ship are still poorly understood.
photosynthetic pigments, is caused by a variety of environmental To investigate the bleaching mechanisms of the coral–zooxanthella
stresses (e.g., Glynn, 1993; Brown, 1997; Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999). symbiotic system, it is important to study the cellular- or tissue-level
However, large-scale coral bleaching is usually ascribed to elevated sea responses of corals to stressful conditions. We established an ex-
surface temperatures and/or increased solar radiation (Brown, 1997; perimental system using aggregates of dissociated corals cells (tissue
Hoegh-Guldberg, 1999, 2000; Fitt et al., 2001). Exposure to elevated balls) to study the responses of coral cells to stress and chemical
temperatures reduces the photosynthetic rate of zooxanthellae and reagents such as antioxidants. Tissue balls are similar to multicellular
predisposes their photosynthetic apparatus to further damage by light endothelial isolates (MEIs) from chemically dissociated coral cells
(Fitt and Warner, 1995; Lesser, 1996; Warner et al., 1996; Jones et al., (Kopecky and Ostrander, 1999) and tissue isolates chemically deta-
1998; Bhagooli and Hidaka, 2004). ched from the skeleton of corals (Domart-Coulon et al., 2004), though
The key to understanding the underlying photo-physiologi- tissue balls used in this study were prepared from mechanically
cal mechanisms of coral bleaching resides in determining how dissociated cells. Tissue balls prepared from the same individual
elevated temperatures exacerbate the effect of incident irradiance. are genetically identical and provide a useful experimental system
One hypothesis is that the thermal inhibition of enzymes involved with which to investigate the effects of environmental stresses
in the carbon fixation cycle (Jones et al., 1998) or a decrease in and chemical reagents on the coral–zooxanthella symbiotic system.
ATP production due to a dysfunction of the thylakoid membrane We evaluated the use of coral cell aggregates (tissue balls) as a model
for bleaching studies. We also evaluated the hypothesis that
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 98 895 8547; fax: +81 98 895 8576. zooxanthellae produce harmful substances such as ROS when exposed
E-mail address: (M. Hidaka). to thermal stress.

0022-0981/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
82 B. Nesa, M. Hidaka / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368 (2009) 81–87

2. Materials and Methods became aggregated and achieved a spherical shape. These spherical
bodies (tissue balls) contained various numbers of zooxanthellae and
2.1. Collection and maintenance of coral specimens started to rotate by ciliary movement. After overnight incubation, tissue
balls were transferred to a new Petri dish with fresh FSW. Healthy tissue
Individuals of a solitary coral, Fungia sp., and fragments of the balls of similar size were chosen under a stereomicroscope (Nikon-SMZ-
colonial coral Pavona divaricata were collected from the reef at Sesoko 10) and placed in separate wells of a 96-multiwell plate, with each well
Island or Bise, northern Okinawa, Japan, and were maintained in a containing 300 µl of FSW. Mean (±SD) volume of the tissue balls of
neutral-density shaded (~ 30% of sea surface irradiance) outdoor Fungia sp. and Pavona divaricata was 9.1 ± 6.2 × 105 µm3 and 2.8 ±
seawater table supplied with unfiltered running seawater at Sesoko 2.0 × 106 µm3, respectively. These preparations were allowed to recover
Station, Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus, at room temperature for 3–6 h before the stress experiment.
Japan. Corals were then brought to the Nishihara campus of the
University of the Ryukyus and kept in an aquarium with a subgravel 2.3. Experimental protocol
filter at 26 °C under 150 μmol photons m- 2 s- 1 on a 12:12 h light/dark
cycle for up to 2 weeks prior to use. 2.3.1. Treatment of tissue balls
Tissue balls were exposed to normal (25 °C) or high (31 °C) tem-
2.2. Preparation of tissue balls perature to assess the effects of temperature on the viability of tissue
balls. In each experiment, 13-20 tissue balls were put in separate wells
Individuals of Fungia sp. and fragments of P. divaricata were rinsed of a 96-well plate for each condition. The 96-well plates with tissue
gently with 0.22-μm filtered seawater (FSW). Coral tissue was removed balls were placed in each of two compartments regulated at 25 or 31 °C
from the skeleton using a WaterPik (Teledyne, WP-70J). To remove the of an incubator (Yamato, Program Incubator IQ 820). The plates were
mucus produced during the isolation procedure, the coral blastate was illuminated using a 19 W fluorescent light bulb, and the light intensity
filtered through 180-μm nylon mesh. The blastate was then homo- measured using a light meter (LICOR, LI-250) was 35 µmol photons m- 2
genized with a homogenizer and filtered through 40-μm nylon mesh. s- 1. FSW in the wells was changed once daily, although tissue balls
The resulting filtrate was centrifuged twice at 1000 rpm for 5 min. The incubated at 31 °C died before the first FSW change.
supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was suspended in FSW The experiment was repeated four times with Fungia tissue balls
and dispersed by vortexing. The suspension containing dissociated coral using different individuals and two times with Pavona tissue balls
cells and zooxanthellae was incubated in a Petri dish overnight at room using different colonies. In some experiments, third 96-well plate was
temperature. After a few hours or overnight incubation, coral cells used for incubation at 31 °C in the presence of antioxidant. In each

Fig. 1. Degradation of a tissue ball exposed to high temperature stress. (A) A healthy and swimming Pavona divaricata tissue ball at the start of the experiment. (B) The tissue ball
stopped moving after 6 h. (C) The tissue ball stopped ciliary movement. (D) A dead tissue ball after 8 h. (E) A degraded tissue ball and dispersed zooxanthellae. (F) Completely
dispersed coral and algal cells from a tissue ball.
B. Nesa, M. Hidaka / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368 (2009) 81–87 83

Fig. 2. Survival curves of Fungia sp. (A) and Pavona divaricata (B) tissue balls at 25 °C (○) and 30 °C (●).

experiment, the number of tissue balls was the same among different 850) immediately before the stress treatment. The volume of tissue
treatment conditions. balls was estimated from the video prints assuming that they are
ellipsoid. Volume was estimated using the following equation
2.3.2. Survivorship of tissue balls
Tissue balls exposed to normal or high temperature were observed V ¼π=6 LS2
under an inverted microscope (Nikon, Diaphot-300) every 2 h for the where L = the longer diameter of the tissue ball and S = the shorter
first day, every 4 h during the second day, and then every 6 h. Tissue diameter of the tissue ball.
balls were scored as healthy (rotating with intact morphology), stop- After tissue balls became completely disintegrated, the number of
ped (no rotation, but with intact morphology), or degraded at each zooxanthellae within the well was counted under an inverted micro-
observation. At the initial stage of degradation, cells or aggregates of scope. The zooxanthella density of each tissue ball was calculated by
cells dropped from the tissue ball. Finally, whole tissue balls became dividing the number of zooxanthellae by the volume of the tissue ball.
degraded and coral cells and zooxanthellae were dispersed on the The number of dividing cells was small (2.8%) even in high temperature-
bottom of the well. A tissue ball was considered dead when it became treated tissue balls, suggesting that the density of zooxanthellae was
partially degraded and ciliary movement stopped. The survival time of almost constant during the experiment.
tissue balls was defined as time between the start of temperature
exposure and the observation time at which the tissue ball was 2.3.4. Effects of antioxidants
considered dead. Photomicrographs of tissue balls were taken To determine whether exogenous antioxidants extend the survival
occasionally using a 10× or 20× objective lens. time of tissue balls at high temperature, in some experiments, 15-20
tissue balls were put into separate wells of another 96-well plate and
2.3.3. Zooxanthella density in tissue balls were incubated in FSW that contained a mixture of ascorbic acid and
To investigate the relationship between zooxanthella density catalase or FSW that contained mannitol at 31 °C. Ascorbic acid,
and the survival time of tissue balls, tissue balls containing various catalase, and mannitol were used at final concentrations of 125 μM,
numbers of zooxanthellae were exposed to normal (25 °C) or high 250 units ml- 1, and 10 mM, respectively, following Lesser (1997). FSW
(31 °C) temperature and their survival time was recorded. The number that contained the ascorbic acid and catalase mixture was changed
of tissue balls used in each experiment was from 13 to 20, and twice daily because ascorbic acid rapidly oxidizes in seawater. The
experiments were repeated four and two times for Fungia sp. and Pa- mannitol solution was not changed during the experimental period.
vona divaricata, respectively.
To estimate the volume of tissue balls, video images of rotating 2.3.5. Statistical analyses
tissue balls were taken under an inverted microscope and printed Differences in survivorship among treatments were tested using
using a video camera (Victor, TK-910) and a video printer (SONY, UP- the log-rank test for each experiment with each tissue ball as

Fig. 3. Relationship between tissue ball size and survival time at 31 °C (A) and 25 °C (B) for Fungia sp. The dotted line indicates a non-significant correlation.
84 B. Nesa, M. Hidaka / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368 (2009) 81–87

Fig. 4. Relationship between zooxanthella density and survival time of Fungia sp. tissue balls at 31 °C (A) and 25 °C (B) and of Pavona divaricata tissue balls at 31 °C (C) and 25 °C (D).
Solid and dotted lines indicate significant and non-significant correlations, respectively.

statistical unit. Correlation analysis was used to describe the relation- survival curve of P. divaricata tissue balls was similar to that of Fungia
ship between zooxanthella density or tissue ball volume and survival sp., although P. divaricata tissue balls survived longer than Fungia
time for each experiment with each tissue ball as statistical unit. A tissue balls both at 31 °C and especially at 25 °C (Fig. 2B).
p b 0.05 was considered significant.
3.3. Effect of size on the survival time of tissue balls
3. Results
In most cases, no significant correlation was observed between
3.1. Degradation of tissue balls survival time and the size of tissue balls in either species. Typical plots
of survival time of Fungia tissue balls against the size of the tissue balls at
At the start of the experiment with P. divaricata tissue balls, the tissue 25 and 31 °C in FSW are shown in Fig. 3. The plots are from one ex-
balls rotated (Fig. 1A). After several hours at 31 °C, they stopped rotating, perimental run at 31 °C (Fig. 3A) and 25 °C (Fig. 3B) and each point
but in most cases, ciliary movement could be observed on the surface, represents single tissue ball. We analyzed a total of 16 cases (survival time
and sometimes the balls started to move again. At this point, tissue balls vs size plots obtained under various conditions: 4 plots at both 25 and
were considered stopped, but still alive (Fig. 1B). Later, tissue balls 31 °C and additional 2 plots in the presence of antioxidants with Fungia
started to degrade, losing some coral and algal cells (Fig. 1C). When tissue balls and 2 plots at both 25 and 31 °C and additional 2 plots in the
degradation proceeded further, considerable amounts of coral cells and presence of antioxidant with Pavona tissue balls). In only 2 of 16 cases was
zooxanthellae were sloughing off, and tissue balls did not maintain their
original spherical shape (Fig. 1D). At this stage, ciliary movement was no Table 1
longer observed, and the tissue balls were considered dead. Later, more Correlations between zooxanthella density and survival time of tissue balls
coral cells and zooxanthellae became dispersed, leaving only remnants Species Treatment Exp. No r-value Significance Zoox. density
of tissue balls (Fig. 1E). Finally, coral and algal cells became completely (104 cells/mm3)
dispersed on the bottom of the well (Fig. 1F). Fungia sp. 25 °C I 0.678 (19) ⁎ 0.0 - 1.00
II 0.205 (13) NS 0.57 - 3.04
3.2. Survival of tissue balls at different temperatures III - 0.144 (15) NS 0.024 - 1.57
IV - 0.053 (16) NS 0.0 - 1.21
31 °C I - 0.632 (19) ⁎ 0.006 - 2.02
The survival curves of tissue balls were markedly different between II - 0.607 (13) ⁎ 0.57 - 4.08
the high (31 °C) and normal (25 °C) temperatures (Fig. 2). Tissue balls of III - 0.691 (15) ⁎ 0.019 - 2.01
both Fungia sp. and P. divaricata died significantly more rapidly at 31 °C IV - 0.517 (17) ⁎ 0.0072 - 2.5
Pavona divaricata 25 °C V 0.001 (20) NS 0.083 - 2.44
than at 25 °C (log-rank test, p b 0.001). Each survivorship was from a
VI - 0.067 (19) NS 0.065 - 1.72
single run starting from 13-20 tissue balls. The same results were 31 °C V - 0.646 (20) ⁎ 0.007 - 1.38
obtained in four and two replicated experiments using Fungia and VI - 0.429 (20) NS 0.041 - 1.286
Pavona tissue balls, respectively. At 31 °C, most Fungia sp. tissue balls The range of zooxanthella density is also shown.
died within 24 h, whereas most tissue balls survived for longer than 24 ⁎p b 0.05; NS = not significant.
h and more than half tissue balls survived for 52 h at 25 °C (Fig. 2A). The Number in the parenthesis indicates the number of tissue balls.
B. Nesa, M. Hidaka / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368 (2009) 81–87 85

Fig. 5. (A) Survival curve of Fungia sp. tissue balls at 25 °C (▲), 31 °C (●), and 31 °C in the presence of 125 μM ascorbic acid and 250 U/ml catalase (○). (B) Survival time of Pavona
divaricata tissue balls at 25 °C (▲), 31 °C (●), 31 °C in the presence of 10 mM mannitol (□). A + C indicates ascorbic acid and catalase and MN indicates mannitol.

there a significant correlation between survival time and the size of tissue cells. However, we considered that tissue balls were dead when they
balls: a significant positive correlation in one experiment at 25 °C with no longer maintained their original spherical shape as a result of the
Fungia sp. and a significant negative correlation in one experiment at 31 °C release of cells and cellular fragments. At this stage, no ciliary move-
with P. divaricata, both in the absence of antioxidant. ment was observed on the surface of tissue balls.
Kopecky and Ostrander (1999) obtained multicellular endothelial
3.4. Effect of zooxanthella density on the survival time of tissue balls isolates (MEI), that is, multicellular tissue fragments, from coral cells
dissociated in calcium-free seawater. The tissue balls described here are
There was a significant negative correlation between zooxanthella similar to MEI, although the coral cells were dissociated mechanically
density and the survival time of tissue balls at 31 °C with Fungia sp. using a Waterpik. Both tissue balls and MEI consist of multiple cell types,
(Fig. 4A). There was a significant negative correlation in all four including zooxanthellae. Both tissue balls and MEI rotated continuously,
replicates at 31 °C (Table 1). Similarly, a negative correlation between survived for up to a few hundred hours, and had similar degradation
zooxanthella density and survival time was found at 31 °C with P. processes. Kopecky and Ostrander (1999) suggested that MEI could act
divaricata, although it was significant for only one of two replications as materials for in vitro studies of the effects of chemicals or disease
(Table 1). In contrast, at normal temperature (25 °C), there was no vectors on corals. Domart-Coulon et al. (2004) reported that soft tissue
significant correlation between zooxanthella density and the survival detached from coral skeletons using calcium-free seawater can be
time of tissue balls in three of four replications with Fungia sp. and cultured for a short time (3 days) and is useful for physiological studies.
two replications with P. divaricata (Table 1). A significant positive We demonstrated that tissue balls provide a good experimental system
correlation was found between zooxanthella density and survival time with which to examine the effects of environmental stress on the coral–
at 25 °C in one case with Fungia sp. (Fig. 4B). zooxanthella symbiotic system. Coral larvae can also be used to study
mechanisms of coral bleaching. Coral larvae have differential survivor-
3.5. Effect of antioxidants on the survival time of tissue balls ship at 28, 32, and 36 °C (Baird et al., 2006). The advantage of tissue balls
is that they can be prepared easily and are genetically identical. Fur-
The addition of antioxidants extended the survival time of tissue thermore, tissue balls can be used regardless of the season, whereas
balls in some cases at 31 °C, but the effectiveness of antioxidant coral larvae can be used only during the reproductive season.
reagents differed between the two species. The addition of ascorbic The survivorship of the control tissue balls decreased past 75-100
acid and catalase significantly extended the survival time of Fungia h, suggesting a continuous degradation of the physiological integrity
tissue balls (log-rank test, p b 0.01; Fig. 5A). However, mannitol had no of the cells. Thus the utility of the tissue balls is limited to 3-4 days in
effect on the survivorship of Fungia tissue balls at 31 °C (p = 0.878). On the present experimental condition. But tissue balls are more sensitive
the other hand, the addition of mannitol significantly extended the to thermal stress than coral nubbins and the experimental system
survival time of P. divaricata (log-rank test, p b 0.001; Fig. 5B). The using tissue balls enables us to study the effect of environmental
ascorbic acid and catalase mixture, however, had no effect on the stresses in a shorter period (less than 2-3 days) than when coral
survivorship of P. divaricata tissue balls at 31 °C (p = 0.218). nubbins are used. Furthermore a large number of tissue balls can be
incubated in multi-well plates and can be easily observed under an
inverted microscope. Tissue balls are also ideal material for assays for
4. Discussion cellular damage such as Comet Assay (alkaline single-cell gel
electrophoresis for detection of DNA damage) as they can be easily
4.1. Use of tissue balls to study coral bleaching dissociated to single cells (Nesa and Hidaka, in preparation). In our
preliminary study, some Pavona tissue balls survived more then two
We demonstrated that the survivorship of tissue balls (aggregates weeks, indicating that the survivorship of tissue balls under normal
of dissociated coral cells) differs markedly under normal and high condition might be extended by technical improvement.
temperatures. Tissue balls prepared from dissociated coral cells might
provide a good experimental system to assess the effects of
environmental stresses on corals. The size of tissue balls had no 4.2. Relationship between zooxanthella density and survival time of
significant effect on survival time in most cases. Thus, the size of tissue tissue balls
balls did not affect their survival, at least in the size range used here.
The degradation of tissue balls was a continuous process beginning In most cases, there was a significant negative correlation between
with the cessation of rotation, followed by the partial loss of cells from zooxanthella density and survival time of tissue balls at 31 °C in both
the tissue ball, and finally, the complete dispersion of coral and algal Fungia sp. and P. divaricata. In contrast, there was no significant
86 B. Nesa, M. Hidaka / Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 368 (2009) 81–87

correlation between zooxanthella density and survival time at the Variable effects of antioxidants on corals under light and thermal
normal temperature. In only one of four replicate experiments with stress have been reported. The incubation of the coral Agaricia te-
Fungia tissue balls was there a significant positive correlation between nuifolia with exogenous antioxidants (125 μM ascorbic acid and 250 U
zooxanthella density and survival time. Under high temperature ml- 1 catalase) resulted in improved photosynthetic rates and de-
stress, tissue balls that had a higher density of zooxanthellae tended to creased algal expulsion under elevated temperature conditions
die earlier than those that had a low density of zooxanthella. These (Lesser, 1997). Exogenous antioxidants (500 μM ascorbic acid and
results suggest that zooxanthellae became a burden for the coral hosts 200 U ml- 1 catalase) ameliorated the detrimental effects of toxic oxy-
under high temperature stress. It is possible that at high temperatures, gen on the photoinhibition of cultured zooxanthellae (Lesser, 1996).
zooxanthellae produced harmful substances that induced the degra- However, Franklin et al. (2006) found that the addition of exogenous
dation of tissue balls. antioxidants (150 μM ascorbic acid and 10 mM mannitol) to water
surrounding coral had no effect on either photoinhibition or symbiont
4.3. Involvement of reactive oxygen species in tissue ball degradation mortality in Stylophora pistillata. The species-specific effects of an-
tioxidants might reflect physiological differences among coral–
To examine whether zooxanthellae produce harmful substances zooxanthella symbiotic complexes. If this is the case, it is possible
under thermal stress, we studied effects of antioxidants on the survival that different species have different strategies for protection against
of tissue balls at high temperature. Exogenous antioxidants extended oxidative stress. Further studies are needed to understand the pro-
the survival time in some replicates, supporting the idea that harmful tection provided by various antioxidants and the cause of variation in
substances produced by symbiotic algae under thermal stress are ROS. antioxidant activity on corals and tissue balls.
Oxidative stress is thought to play a role in coral bleaching (Lesser, 1996,
1997; Downs et al., 2002). Several studies have indicated that thermal 5. Conclusions
stress can damage the photosynthetic system of symbiotic algae in the
presence of light through the production of ROS (reviewed by Stat et al., We established an experimental system with which to study the
2006). Thermal stress may directly damage photosystem II or inhibit the responses of coral cells to stress and chemical reagents such as
D1 protein re-synthesis that is necessary to repair photosystem II antioxidants. Many tissue balls that are genetically identical can be
(Warner et al., 1999; Takahashi et al., 2004). Alternatively, damage to prepared and used as replicates for stress experiments. Our results
photosystem II may be a secondary effect of ROS produced through over- suggest that zooxanthellae produce harmful substances under high
reduction of the electron transport chain due to thermal inhibition of the temperature stress. In some cases, antioxidants increased the survival
Calvin cycle in the presence of light (Jones et al., 1998; Bhagooli and time of Fungia sp. and P. divaricata tissue balls, indicating that the
Hidaka, 2004; Yakovleva and Hidaka, 2004). The inhibition of photo- harmful substances from zooxanthellae might be ROS.
system II repair by ROS is accelerated by the deceleration of the Calvin
cycle (Nishiyama et al., 2006). Tchernov et al. (2004) suggested that the Acknowledgements
loss of the integrity of the thylakoid membrane caused by thermal
stress reduces ATP generation and leads to the restriction of carbon This study was partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
assimilation, which results in ROS generation through the Mehler re- Research C (17570023) and by the 21st Century COE program of the
action (i.e., the photochemical reduction of O2 in photosystem I). ROS University of the Ryukyus. We thank the staff of the Tropical Biosphere
produced in algae leak out of algal cells and are transferred to the animal Research Center (Sesoko Station) for allowing us to use the facilities.
host, inducing physiological stress (Downs et al., 2002; Tchernov et al., Badrun Nesa is grateful to Monbukagakusho (Japanese Ministry of
2004). ROS are likely involved in both damage to the photosynthetic Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) for a scholarship.
apparatus of symbiotic algae and in the DNA damage, apoptosis, auto- [SS]
phagy, and necrosis of host cells (Lesser and Farrell, 2004; Richier et al.,
2006; Dunn et al., 2007).
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