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Sports and Dance Facilities and Equipment
10 General Proper Etiquette and Safety in the Use of
Facilities Equipment (Do’s and Don’ts)
1. Take care in using facilities and equipment.
- In consideration of the school's effort and of other students who
will benefit from using the facilities and equipment, it is in good
form to handle them with care and use them solely on their purpose.
2. Only use the equipment that you already know how to use.
- Do not handle it until such time the teacher gives instruction on how to
operate the said equipment. You could break the equipment or cause
harm to yourself or others.
3. Be alert and aware in the training area.
- Presence of mind could help avoid accidents.
4. In performing exercises and movement in general, practice good
form first.
- Doing exercises in improper form deficit its benefits.
5. Bring back all equipment in place after use.
- This is to prevent having them misplaced, stolen or become
unnecessary clutters in the training area that can cause
6. Do not hug the equipment.
- Do not monopolize the equipment. Allow everyone a fair use of the
7. Return the equipment properly or leave the venue clean.
- Do not leave or pass equipment that is in complete disarray or dirty.
8. Check yourself – practice proper hygiene and care.
- Take a bath or put on deodorant if needed. Do not force yourself to
engage in physical activity if you're feeling sick.
9. Move on the double; do not loiter around the venue or hang on the
equipment doing nothing.
10. Be nice, as a general rule!
Dance is an art and values that comes in many forms that almost
anyone can enjoy. There are so many different reasons to dance,
from casual socializing to the full art of performance in different
1. Ballroom dancing- Chacha, waltz, Rumba, etc.
2. Festival dance
3. Hiphop
4. Cheer dance
5. Ballet
6. Folkdance
Dance Facilities and Equipment
Facilities and Equipment are considered also as important in executing well to the best
of your performance.

1. Stage
2. Spotlight
3. Camera
4. Speaker
5. Microphone
6. Laptop
7. Projector
8. Television
9. Cellphone
10. Costumes (depending its genre that emphasizing body movements and alluring to audience)
Dances and Costume
Ballroom dance costume:

• Men: Tuxedo - black tie

w/vest or cumberbund. Dark
suit or sport coat with tie is
• Ladies: Ballroom Gowns,
long dresses or cocktail
dresses - best not to wear
pant suits.
Hiphop Dance Costume/Attire:
Festival dance costume:
Dance Etiquette (Do’s and Don’ts):
1. Dance in the line of dance must moving most of the time in
counterclockwise direction in genre of ballroom dancing.
2. When things go wrong, apologize. If you bump into someone’s feet
tell them you are sorry. Do not ignore them.
3. Conversation should be off the dance floor. If you would like to
talk, do it off the dance floor.
4. Personal Hygiene. Have in mind to be clean and don’t have bad odor
or bad breath. This is the most important dance etiquette.
5. Dance at your partner’s ability. If you are more expert in dancing with a
beginner follower, adjust yourself to start at easy steps and once you
observed that your followers are in timing that is the time you will
proceed to difficult steps or choreography.
6. Return your borrowed costumes or attire on time. If you rent/borrow attire, make
sure to return it on time to avoid extra payment.
Answer the Question:
practical 1. What are your ways to show etiquette when you are
applications of
using a basketball or volleyball court in your purok
concepts and
skills in daily
or barangay?
living 2. What is your etiquette when borrowing dance
costume or sports materials?
3. Why do you need to practice proper etiquette and
safety in using sports and dance facilities?

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