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Green Sand should be flowable.

The prepared green sand should be free flow and feel moist and fluffy.
It must be filled and packed tightly around the pattern under pressure.
Free flow sand enhance the filling of intricate profile of pattern and
will result into compact and dense mold result into good casting
surface .

4. It should not be friable.

Dryness of green sand lack of temper water is called friable sand. Friability indicates the weakness of the bond holding the
sand grains together in the surface layer of the particular sand mould (mold metal interface).

Friability of the sand causes the following issues during mold making.

1. Friable sand is difficult to molding and tends to mold breakage.

2. If used friable green sand for mold making result in to defects like mold wash, sand inclusion, dross defects and dirt's
inclusion. 3. Friable sand result in to poor casting surface finish like rough surface and poor letter impressions on casting
surface etc.

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