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Manifest Desitny and Expansion:

- Annexation of Texas
o What: Texas became a part of the United States under President James K Polk
o When: 1845
o Why: caused conflicts with Mexico, influenced Mexican American War, increased
tensions regarding slavery
- Mexican American War
o Who: Mexico vs. United States
o What: President wanted California and the Southwest, ended with the treaty of
Gudalupe Hidalgo
o When: 1846 - 1848
o Why: sparked by the annexation of Texas and border disputes
- Gadsden Purchase
o Who: negotiated by James Gadsden, U.S. Minister to Mexico
o What: United States got a strip of land in Arizona and New Mexico from Mexico
o When: 1853
o Why: secure a route for a southern transcontinental railroad, part of westward
expansion. Also aimed to resolve border issues and facilitate economic development

Slavery and the failure to compromise lead to Civil War

- Wilmot Proviso
o Who: introduced by Representative David Wilmot
o What: a proposed amendment aimed to ban slavery in any territory acquired from
Mexico in the Mexican-American War
o When: 1846
o Why: highlighted growing tensions between the North and the South states over the
expansion of slavery in new states
- Compromise of 1850
o What: series of legislative measures
o Why: aimed to address the tensions arising the territory that was gained after the
Mexican American War
o Key provisions:
 California entered as a free state, upsetting the balance between free states and
slave states
 New Mexico and Utah allowed to vote for status of slavery
 Fugitive Slave Act required the return of escaped slaves to their owners, even if
they were in free states. Strong opposition in the North
 Slave Trade in D.C. banned
 Texas forked up parts of New Mexico in exchange for federal assumption of its
public debt
- Kansas Nebraska Act
o Who: proposed by senator Ste[hen Douglas
o What: legislation to organize territories of Kansas and Nebraska
o When:
o Where:
o Why:
- Dred Scott Decision
o Who:
o What:
o When:
o Where:
o Why:
- Election of Lincoln
o Who:
o What:
o When:
o Where:
o Why:

Union Victory and the consequences of war

- Military leadership North and South

o Who:
o What:
o When:
o Where:
o Why:
- Superior Resources of the North
o Who:
o What:
o When:
o Where:
o Why:
- Key victories at Antietam, Gettysburg, Vicksburg and Appomattox
o Who:
o What:
o When:
o Where:
o Why:
- Emancipation Proclamation
o Who:
o What:
o When:
o Where:
o Why:

Reconstruction Failures and successes

- 13th, 14th, 15th Amendments
- Radical Republicans
- KKK violence
- Jim Crow Laws

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