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Hi there Mr. Deo let me know how we can do this

Mother company is a holding company called

C-Fe Industries Limited or

C Fe Industries Limited

Depending on available names on BRELA

C Fe Holding Company will leverage cutting edge technologies such as Industrial Automation, Artificial
intelligence, Genetics Engineering, Sustainable energy, Biotechnology, Robotics… and e.t.c to create a
Utopian future for human needs

Under C Fe Industries Limited (Holding Company)

several business operations will act as subsidiaries such as

C Fe Industrial Automation

C Fe Aquaculture

C Fe Agriculture

C Fe Energies

C Fe …


All under the mother company C Fe Industries Limited


To start with

C Fe Industrial Automation business operations are aimed at commissioning Automation projects,

Systems Integration, Automation and Controls, Calibration of Instruments and Sensors In Industrial

C Fe Aquaculture business operations are aimed at Automating Fish Husbandry operations, bettering
Aqua life through Ocean cleanup technologies, Sea, Oceans and Lakes explorations and a lot more about

C Fe Energies business operations will explore alternative energy and sustainable energies such as Solar,
electrification and battery technologies, Wind…Wave energy, Gas for Industrial/ household and logistics


My bottle neck here is starting the mother company C Fe Industries Limited ….

If you can help out on this.

Registering subsidiary businesses is a much less tireless registration process as I have already registered
one; C Fe Aquaculture but

not yet linked to the holding company yet and

also will be easier registering other business names

next will be

C Fe Industrial Automation and tie it to the mother holding company

I did my level best explaining in clarity.

Looking forward to your constructive critics and helpful opinions on this.


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