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Preface // Shawn Bolz 3

Walking in God’s Intention // Graham Cooke 4

Life Giving Words // Katherine Ruonala 7
Street Signs and Wonders // Will Ford 9
Prophecy is Creative // Bob Hazlett 13
Stewarding Prophetic Favor // Julian Adams 16
Strategies for Reaching the World // Cindy McGill 19
How Apostles and Prophets Work Together // Ché Ahn 22
Back to the Future // Jamie Galloway 26
Tracking My Prophetic Words // Shawn Bolz 29
(Good) Prophecy Is Awesome // Sally Hanan 32
How to Receive More Revelation // Jeremy Butrous 36
Good News: Prophecy Invigorates Prayer // Bobby Conner 39
How to See the Storms Through Prophetic Eyes // Doug Addison 43
Two Major Hindrances to Properly Interpreting Prophecy // Bishop Hamon 46
What Are You Doing? // Julie Meyers 49
You Are Anointed for This Moment on the World Stage // Lance Wallnau 52

Conclusion // Shawn Bolz 56

Shawn Bolz

I believe that prophetic gifts are going to be some of the main harvesting tools in the next great
revival. In other words, as God speaks through us, we invite the world to know who God is, what
he is like, and how to connect to him.

This book was lovingly put together to bring a fresh approach to the subject of prophetic min-
istry today. The prophetic has changed vastly since it was introduced in a major way back in the
1980s—it has matured so much, and there has even been a reformation among those who pursue
prophetic ministry regarding their ministry goals and direction.

I have been reading articles and books for years to grow my faith and strengthen my connection
to God, and I want to help you do the same by connecting you with some of our friends—people
who I believe have some of the most relevant insight on the subject. We asked sixteen of them
to write about what they see God doing through prophetic ministry in this season. We wanted
to consolidate their voices to bring you a fresh take on how to connect God’s people to a greater
understanding of the prophetic in this generation of ministry.

These seasoned prophetic and apostolic leaders, as well as some emerging leaders and new voices
(from different races and both genders), bring you some thought-provoking ideas and revelatory
teaching that will empower you in your own pursuit of hearing and sharing God’s heart of love.
They have all grown my hunger and faith for more of what I already love, and I believe--whether
you are new to the subject or are well-versed in revelatory gifts--you will benefit from everything
you read here.

Out of all of the gifts and roles God has given for this side of eternity, hearing fresh prophetic per-
spectives can be one of the most encouraging and life-building tools we receive. By joining some
great ministry voices from every generation, we can bring you solutions on how to pursue prophetic
ministry, bring perspective on what it is for, introduce some new themes, and reform some old ones.

I still remember a time many years ago: I was so discouraged with the quality of much of the prophetic
ministry available, but then I pressed past my human frustration and looked deeply into God’s word.
It clearly says in 1 Corinthians 14:1 to follow love like our lives depend on it and to eagerly desire to
prophesy. As I prayed into this, I pushed myself past the discouragement and even annoyance at some
of the ministries that were dominating the prophetic space. Instead, I opened my heart to really see
this gift become useful in my life and in the lives of those around me again.

I want to encourage you to do the same.

Graham Cooke

The two questions that I have consistently been asked in the past four decades of ministry are:

1. “What is God really like?” and

2. “What is the will of God?”

New Testament prophets answer both questions as soon as they open their mouths! Both are re-
lational issues. God’s nature is the critical part of our freedom. Guidance is the byproduct of right
relationship with him. We learn both these vital features by learning the lessons of abiding, which
are to:

be still and remain,
consciously indwell and be a partaker of Christ within,
take a simple turn and yield our hearts throughout the day,
remain joyful and thankful,
see all of life through the eyes of God’s goodness.

We bask in his love because we are his beloved. We practice living every day under his smile. We
are much-loved children learning how to grow up in him and become confident, more mature
adults. The Father loves us as much, and in the same way, as he does the Lord Jesus (John 17). He
put us into Christ and Jesus into us so that he can treat us exactly the same!

In the will of God, a right relationship is the key to moving forward. “Everything in Christ is yes
and amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20). The Lord always wants us moving forward. It’s normal to pray
and commit things to him; this is an important part of our relationship. We must learn how he
says yes, no or wait. The will of God is primarily relational. As we abide, we become sensitive to

his heart. He gives us confidence.

Everything is yes in Christ! That means we always have a green light until God turns it red. Our
responsibility is to be ready to go on green. His authority is to turn the light amber, which means
wait, or red, which signifies stop. Yes, no, and wait are the main directives of guidance, with yes
being the priority. Go until you hear no. There is no inertia in the Spirit. We are the subjects of
great love; therefore, we can make ourselves vulnerable to his goodness.

In relationship, we become sensitized to the nature of God. We can learn to live in awe, wonder,
and astonishment. These are the beautiful attributes of beloved children. The nature of God is our
most compelling adventure. His heart for us is the promised land of exploration.

I love my story in God. In the hardest chapters, I have seen beauty and extreme lovingkindness.
I have been to hell and prospered because he held my hand. I have lost everything and thrived. I
have been in the valley of the shadow and lost all fear. I have been on the mountain, bathed in a
light so strong I thought I would dissolve in happiness.

In the depths of humiliation and embarrassment, crushed by my own stupidity and inadequacy,
he showed me a grace so amazing it brought healing to my soul. He taught me how to find kind-
ness everywhere, and the fun in being patient. His love leaves me awestruck with gratitude. In all
these encounters, every event of my life has been about his primary purpose in making me in his
image (Genesis 1:26). Everything is relational.

That is also the primary purpose of prophecy: to produce the bride, the beloved. All new cove-
nant prophets are the friends of the Bridegroom (John 3:27-30). We produce people who know,
with a joyful certainty, how much they are loved.

The nature of God and the will of God are folded together in primary purpose that is as unchang-
ing as God himself. The outcome of every circumstance is cleverly designed to show us another
glimpse of the Father’s heart. Abiding empowers us to see properly. We always behold what we
must look for and look like in life. Every application of his will and purpose is to make us in his
image. We are learning how to grow up in all things.

Every prophetic word, vision, or dream has that same intentionality. “My people know my voice”
(John 10:27). It’s the voice of the One who knows us best and loves us best. It’s the One calling
us up in Christ. We serve a God who is dedicated to seeing us get things right. In return, we live
and abide in the sheer pleasure of waiting on him. We learn to use the all-access pass of delight
in his presence.

All prophecy begins with a logos word that we have already experienced in ourselves, and on top
of that foundation, our hearts are secure enough to hear the rhema word of the future he is calling
us to, or the direct now word that can challenge our circumstances.

Alternatively, we may see a rhema word first and release a future directive word—one that can
then be rooted and grounded in the logos word that provides practical wisdom in how to process
the promise. Both are required in order to fulfill God’s intentionality for the achievement of pri-
mary purpose.

In this context, we must learn that the Holy Spirit is our inheritance. These are the signature
points that are made with every prophetic word. Primary purpose, nature of God, future and a
hope (huge sense of expectation).

Prophets empower hope because they, themselves, have embraced love. Assurance is a byproduct
of presence. In all the circumstances of life, prophecy is the healing, releasing factor that elevates
people into the high places of God’s intentionality.

Graham Cooke
Author of twenty books,
including Crafted Prayer and
Approaching the Heart of Prophecy

Katherine Ruonala

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words—wow! They can do so some real damage.
But they can also release amazing healing and hope. I want share some thoughts on the power
of delivering healing words.

God loves to share his secrets with his friends the prophets, but the prophets must be lovers
who overflow with his love in order to effectively reveal the heart of the One speaking. We are
created in the image of the God who created the world with his words, so we must be very care-
ful to speak words of life. We need to seek God for his way of delivery and his interpretation,
always being aware that when dealing with people, we are dealing with the apple of his eye. To
be filled with all the fullness of God is to overflow, and with that overflow comes love-empow-
ered signs and wonders. Prophecy will flow like a river from a heart overflowing with love.

I remember receiving a word regarding my songwriting when I was quite young, and it brings
home the importance of delivering a word in love so that it releases hope and life. I had just
started writing songs when a man called me out of a crowd to give me a word. He proceeded to
say that he had seen a vision of a clock at a quarter past the hour and then gave his interpreta-
tion. He said that my songwriting was one-quarter anointed and three-quarters un-anointed. I
was devastated! I went home and certainly didn’t want to pick up a pencil and write anymore.
If, instead, the word had been delivered out of an overflow of God’s loving heart, grounded in a
revelation of his grace, I would have reacted very differently. The same vision could have been
delivered like this: “I see that the Lord has anointed you to write songs, and it is his desire to
increase that anointing threefold.” Such a delivery would have inspired me to run home and
write. The same word delivered two different ways can have vastly different impacts. As it says
in Proverbs 16:24, “Nothing is more appealing than speaking beautiful, life-giving words, for
they release sweetness to our soul and inner healing to our spirit” (TPT).

Often prophecy is made up of a word of knowledge, a prophetic word, and a word of wisdom.
A life-giving word never just consists of a word of knowledge about the problem; it should always

include a prophetic word revealing Jesus as the answer and the hope for the future. Keep looking and
keep asking the Holy Spirit until the hope is revealed. “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy”
(Rev 19:10). Jesus always manifested himself as the answer to those who came to him with a problem,
and our prophetic words should be a manifestation of Jesus as people’s answer and hope. With Christ
at the heart of our prophesying, life will always manifest. He is the way, the truth, and the life.

Christ-centered, life-giving prophetic words can bring amazing healing. A few years ago, a man from
Australia was diagnosed with terminal bladder cancer and given three months to live. He began to
search the Web looking for ministers who had prayed for cancer victims and found one of our video
testimonies. Inspired with hope, he came to one of our meetings. Partway through the service, I felt the
Holy Spirit prompt me to call him to come for prayer. He was so excited; to him, that was the confir-
mation he was waiting for to know he would be healed. I declared the Lord’s healing over his life and
gave him a prophetic word regarding his future ministry. He was overjoyed and left the meeting that
night full of faith. When he got home, he went to the doctor to confirm his healing, but he was told
that while his condition had improved, he was still in the final stages of cancer and nothing more could
be done. But this man continued to rejoice that he was healed because God had said so, and he kept
telling people about the word he’d received about his future. In the following weeks, even as he was in
severe pain, he continued to declare the prophetic word spoken over him and the fact that he had been
healed. Six months later, he wrote to us to say that he had a clear report. Years later, he is still alive and
well and praising God, walking in the prophetic word he received and preaching the gospel. I love it
when we see immediate results, as we often do, but I appreciate this story because of the beauty of this
man’s hope-filled journey of faith. The prophetic word released in love is life giving.

I love that he waged war with his prophetic word. 1 Tim. 1:18 tells us to wage war with the prophetic
words spoken over us. Prophecy is a powerful weapon to fight with. David waged that kind of war
when he was being pursued in the wilderness. He wrote, “I would have despaired unless I had believed
that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” (Ps. 27:13 NAS). He held on in
hope to the promise of God spoken prophetically to him through Samuel and Jonathan. I have done
the same thing many times, pulling out prophetic words I have received and praying them back to
God, declaring them in faith that God who is faithful will fulfill his promises (Ps. 57:2). It is important
to understand that a prophecy is not always an inevitability—it is most often an invitation that God
wants us to agree with and wage war with. In the midst of discouragement, words are such a wonderful
blessing. Prophecy is a life-giving gift and glorious revelation of God’s love for people. I want to chal-
lenge you to step out and love people with God’s life-giving words.

Katherine Ruonala,
Senior Leader
Glory City Church, Brisbane
Author of Living in the Miraculous
and Wilderness to Wonders

Will Ford

Prophetic signs are actions, events, or chance encounters that reveal transcendent truth or con-
firm God’s will for something to happen. Like natural signs, they give direction and guidance and
help us to prepare for what’s next. They also cause us to stand in awe of God.

I used to only think of signs and wonders in terms of healing and the miraculous, but many
times, God uses his servants as signs and wonders. I first learned this concept from Is. 8:18, when
Isaiah’s family was a sign and wonder to the nation of Israel: “I and the children whom the Lord
hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel” (KJV). In Hebrews 2:13, this Scripture is
mentioned again in reference to Christ’s redeemed family members in his household of faith. It’s
one thing to walk in signs and wonders; it’s another thing to be a sign and a wonder. In other
words, our lives can be a sign of God’s mercy and grace in that we can bring hopeful reassurance
to people of God’s love and desire to be involved in their lives, and even their nations.

A Connection and an Offer

In August 2000, as my hunger for revival began to grow intensely, I felt the Lord calling me into
forty days of fasting and prayer, which led me to prayer-walking my neighborhood. I’d take my
Bible and declare Scripture promises over my neighborhood; my city of Euless, Texas; and the
nation. During this time, I also studied about the First and Second Great Awakenings and the
Azusa Street Revival in America, and I began crying out for another awakening in our day. At the
time, I had no idea this was preparation for so much more.

A short time after the fast, in March 2001, I chose to go to a conference in Colorado Springs,
Colorado, and I heard a message by Dutch Sheets. I was struck by this phrase: “Not only can we
agree in prayer with the person next to us, but we can also agree in prayer with the generations
behind us.” I began to see that when we understand what previous generations prayed for and

God’s purposes in those prayers, we can move the spiritual momentum forward exponentially.
Jesus’s words, “Whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than
these will he do, because I am going to the Father” (ESV), took on a deeper meaning for me.

During the conference, Cindy Jacobs (whom I also didn’t know at the time), called me out of
the audience to participate in a prayer time for Williamsburg, Virginia. After this, Dutch started
to feel I should play a part in a prayer journey with him. The last day of the conference, he said
that he felt we were to stay in touch with each other. Bear in mind, we had never met each other

While at home, I began to sense this was more than a moment of shared hype or emotionalism
and God was really up to something. After prayer, research, and the leading of the Holy Spirit, I
began to encounter a series of un-coincidental coincidences, which caught my attention. I now
believe what one Archbishop of Canterbury, William Temple, once said: “When I pray, the coin-
cidences happen, but when I stop praying, the coincidences stop.”

I received an e-mail from Dutch saying that he felt we were to not only go to Williamsburg, but
also throughout all of New England and the Northeast to pray for revival. Neither of us had ever
mentioned New England in our conversations before, but I remembered studying the New En-
gland revivals while prayer-walking my neighborhood, before I’d ever attended this conference.
Had God been preparing me for this? I was open to going, but I still needed more confirmation,
because I’d had no relationship with anyone at the conference before this. My thought was, God,
is this really you?

My remaining doubts were erased a few weeks later when Dutch sent me the list of the cities for
the tour. In a very profound way, God truly had prepared me for this prayer journey. I realized
that while I was prayer-walking my neighborhood, I was prayer-walking streets named after the
cities and regions for our projected tour!

Un-Coincidental Coincidences
First, I noticed that Jamestown, one of the original American settlements, was on the tour list—
Jamestown Court was across the street from me. We were to go to Princeton University—Princ-
eton Street was two blocks behind me. New Haven, Connecticut, was on the list—New Haven
Court was one block down from my house. Also on the tour was Plymouth, Massachusetts—
Plymouth Court was across from New Haven Court in my neighborhood; Gettysburg, Pennsyl-
vania—Gettysburg Street was around the corner from me; Dartmouth University—Dartmouth
Court was four blocks down from my house; and Hanover, New Hampshire—Hanover Street is
right next to Princeton Street.

On it went.

We were to visit Williamsburg, Annapolis, and Washington D.C. These cities are in the Chesa-
peake Bay area, and my house was on Chesapeake Street. Potomac, Warwick, Middlebury, Tren-

ton, Rochester, New Bedford, Nantucket, and Saratoga were on Dutch’s list—and streets in my
neighborhood. Basically, I had been prayer-walking cities of New England and America’s original
settlements—and doing this in Texas, no less! I went from walking street signs to being a sign that
God wanted to move in America. I’ve learned that when God gets this serious about the details,
it’s a sign he is inviting us to partner with him.

The Kettle Tour

For me, the invitation was to enter into the unfinished business of praying for the next generation
by continuing the work of intercession from the previous generation in America, especially from
my family, where slaves used a kettle pot as an acoustic means to keep their prayer meetings for
freedom secret. I realized that had it not been for the prayers of a godly remnant of white Chris-
tian abolitionists and black Christian slaves, revival would have never come and slavery would
not have ended in America.

We called our journey the Kettle Tour, and for about a month, we prayed for revival and healing
of the races in America throughout New England and the northeastern portion of the coun-
try. We saw amazing spiritual breakthroughs, especially at Ivy League schools. Shara Pradhan,
a student at Princeton, was present at the prayer meeting we held there. She reported that God
released a revival of prayer on the campus; hundreds of students were showing up for prayer and
many people were getting saved.

What I’ve Learned

This prayer journey launched me into national ministry, and I’ve been traveling and speaking on
prayer, unity, and revival ever since 2001. This is just one example out of many when God used
me as a prophetic sign. And it’s been so much fun! Now, let me give a few precautions, learned
from over twenty years of ministry wonders and blunders.

1. As with all prophetic revelation, especially with signs, don’t make over
reaches. In other words, don’t make the symbol or occurrence mean
more than what it’s stating. Don’t embellish.
2. Also, not every coincidence is a sign from God. The devil likes to orches
trate those too, to distract us and bring fear or derail us.
3. Next, stay biblical. The Word of God is our barometer for all revelation.
Finally, if God uses you this way, remember, you are only a sign that is
pointing people to Jesus and his purposes. It’s not about you. No one
stops at a sign, they follow where it’s leading them to next. Be a good
leader to Jesus and for Jesus, because ultimately, he is the sign. A healthy
accountability team of spiritual leaders, peers, and family members can
help you avoid these pitfalls, so stay accountable. The biggest pitfall for
people that are prophetic signs is for them to lose their wonder. Stay
child-like, not childish, and avoid becoming overly familiar with how
God uses you.

4. Isaiah had a son named Shearja-shub, which literally means “a remnant
shall return.” He was a sign of the remnant that would return to the Lord
and turn a nation back to the Lord. God wants to use you the same way
as his sign, so never lose your wonder. Stay expectant and childlike, and
trust God’s ability to lead you more than Satan’s ability to deceive you.
Stay in awe of God; be the sign of the turnaround and his sign of

My prayer is that your life will be a living witness and testimony of God’s faithfulness. I pray he
uses you like a pen, and with the Holy Spirit as the ink, God will write a love letter through you
to a world looking for hope.

Will Ford, Director of

Marketplace Leadership
Christ for the Nations Institute
Author of History Makers and
Created for Influence

Bob Hazlett

I never used to think of myself as an artsy person. I write with block letters, draw with stick figures, and
usually prefer to color between the lines. It wasn’t until I was introduced to the world of prophecy that
I discovered how creative God is and how he could create through me. Prophecy is a creative activity.

This should not have been a surprise, since, according to Genesis 1:4-5, the process of creating the
world involved God seeing something and then bringing it into existence through words. Consider
Webster’s definition of art: Something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful,
or that expresses important ideas or feelings. In a very real sense, prophecy is art. Just like God’s voice
at creation, it is painting with words.

This truth has been impressed on me countless times while sharing a prophetic word. My custom,
when giving a talk to a group of people, is to share something I am learning and attempting to live out.
I follow that by communicating what I believe God wants to say about that topic to specific individu-
als. Many times, those words are encouraging; occasionally, they are dramatic.

On one such occasion, I was sharing about creation and God’s voice. Genesis chapter one explains
that God’s solution to the chaos, darkness, and emptiness that was in the world was to speak. When
we hear his voice, a new order, new vision, and new resources become available to us. I began to share
with a gentlemen seated there something I saw for his business. He, and the group of people seated
around him, visibly and verbally responded to what I was saying, and they affirmed what was happen-
ing and what they were believing for. What caught my attention next was the young woman seated in
front of this group.

I almost did not notice her; she was dressed in nondescript dark clothing, with a purposefully non-dis-
tinguishing outward appearance that screamed, “I’m just a stick figure. Don’t notice me!” Had she
not responded with a look and body language of aversion while I was speaking to the businessman,

it would have been easy to pass her by. It was this negative reaction which drew my attention toward
her. Just as God’s creative Spirit hovered close to the chaos, darkness, and emptiness of the earth, God’s
voice is drawn to what it wants to create in the lives of individuals. Somehow the creative words I was
speaking were confronting something in her that was created by God. When I looked at her, I saw a
beautiful picture and began to speak.

“God is going to use you to worship and play music that will bring freedom to people with addiction
and identity issues. In one year, you will go to a worship school to be part of a 24/7 house of worship.”
I could see by her response that I was coloring outside of the artificially drawn lines of her identity.
Her arms were folded across her chest, and she tried to melt into her seat and disappear. I knew that
in order to see the portrait God was painting in her life, I needed to identify what had limited her. I
asked God for another picture.

What I saw next was something that had happened to her as young girl—it had scribbled on her soul
and kept her from receiving the light God wanted to give her. I told her God was quietening those
voices and removing limits that kept her from seeing what I could see in her. I turned off my mic and
spoke quietly for those things to be gone. For a moment, her body seemed to react physically to what
was happening spiritually. God was erasing darkness and filling emptiness. This was more than just a
moment of deliverance. It was creativity at its best.

This is a perfect picture of 2 Corinthians 5:16,17: “So from now on we regard no one from a worldly
point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is
in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (NIV). When we see people
the way God sees them, and say what God says about them, we empower them to become what he
says. We also disempower what is keeping them from seeing what God sees. Prophecy erases the lines
that are scribbled on people’s souls and paints a new picture.

I asked a few women sitting around this young lady to stand with her as I once again told her the pic-
ture of the worshipper that I saw. One of those women stayed involved in this young lady’s life over
the next year—to keep the picture in front of her. One year later I returned to speak in the same city,
and a young woman with colorful clothing and a bright countenance approached me. She pulled out
a picture of who she had been a year before, and told me she was leaving the next month for a 24/7
worship school. She had become what God’s words had painted!

Here are a few ways you can learn to be more creative with prophecy and learn to color outside
the lines:

1. Look for those who are trying to blend in, not just those who stand out.
2. Ask God to help you see the limiting lines he wants to erase in people’s lives.
3. Find people you can help by keeping God’s picture of them in front of them.

If you want to grow in prophecy, learn to see people the way God sees them. Write new scripts,
draw in 3-D, and always color outside the lines!

Bob Hazlett
Author of The Roar: God’s Sound in a Raging World and
Think Like Heaven: Change Your Thinking,
Change Your World

Julian Adams

“They said to him, ‘We have had dreams, and there is no one to interpret them.’ And Joseph
said to them, ‘Do not interpretations belong to God? Please tell them to me.’”
Genesis 40:8 ESV

One of the most exciting shifts that the church is going through is its move from being a people
who gather to being a people who scatter. God is giving the church her voice back. We are begin-
ning to realize that what we have traditionally confined to a church meeting is, in fact, to be used
for kingdom influence in every sphere of society. God is calling us to learn how to prophesy into,
and interpret the dreams of, influencers—without agenda or hidden motives, but simply because
it reveals his nature of love to a lost and dying world. The amazing thing is that as we do this, he
uses our posture of servanthood for the extension of his gracious rule and reign on the earth.

As I have connected with influential people from many different walks of life, I have realized
the incredible opportunity we have, as prophetic voices, to reveal the Father’s heart. I have also
realized the journey we must take in order to find ourselves in these spaces of influence. Unlike a
business networking strategy, we cannot find ourselves in places that shape the world through our
self-promotion or strategic connections. Promotion into influential places requires favor. Favor
is the currency by which we get to influence for heavenly purposes. God is raising up prophetic
voices on the earth today, not through good marketing skills, but through favor that he gives.

My background is one that demonstrates this principle. I grew up during an incredible season of
transition in South Africa. Apartheid, a system that dominated and suppressed people of color
like me, was in full force during my childhood. God raised up men like Nelson Mandela to bring
a measure of freedom, and I clearly remember the day every person of voting age, irrespective
of race or social standing, was able to cast his vote and elect a free democratic government. The

legacy of apartheid, however, was not removed overnight, and we are still working hard to see
that changed in South Africa.

Being a person of color in South Africa meant that I was not afforded any privilege with regard to
education. University was out of the question, and finding a job in our country was challenging.
I have no degrees or academic accolades. In light of this, I find it incredible that God has brought
me to consult prophetically into multi-million dollar companies and into the lives of politicians
and significant society shapers. I am totally unqualified for this, yet God’s favor gets you into
places that human effort never could.

Recently, I was invited to do a closed meeting for very wealthy people in a Middle Eastern na-
tion, and I found myself totally out of my depth. To be honest, I was very nervous! As I got up
to prophesy, God gave me detailed words of knowledge for a certain Hindu couple who were
seeking direction. I was able to see their house and describe it with detailed explanation and in-
sight. It caught their attention. My immediate thought was to “go for the jugular” and present the
gospel—so I could see them saved—but I felt the Lord impress on me to hold back and instead
to simply reveal the love of Jesus to them, no strings attached. This was a couple very familiar
with being used and taken advantage of because of their wealth. They would recognize a gospel
“sales pitch” and see through a lack of authenticity. I am grateful I did not press them hard. In
that prophecy, God revealed so many deep things, and he healed the wife’s long-term illness. As
it turned out, someone else got to lead them to Jesus that night, when they opened their heart to
him, but even if they had not opened their hearts to Jesus, they would have walked away loved.
That is the aim of prophecy. Ultimately, it’s not about the detailed accuracy, but rather the love
that people encounter.

“So Joseph found favor in his sight and attended him, and he made him overseer of his house
and put him in charge of all that he had.” Genesis 39:4 ESV

My journey in growing in prophetic influence has come about because I am learning to steward
the favor that prophecy opens up to me. The truth is that authentic prophetic ministry opens up
doors of favor and influence. Joseph’s favor to impact the highest leader of a nation did not come
about because he suddenly “got an opportunity.” It came because of how he stewarded his heart
and responsibility in unseen places. Joseph grew up knowing he was his father’s favorite. The
journey God then took him on was not one of demotion, despite how it may have appeared, but
rather it was one of adjusting his posture.

When you grow up knowing you are the favorite, you’ll think like a favored one. It’s why Joseph
thought nothing of sharing his dreams with his jealous older brothers. God’s favor on you is never
in question; however, your posture in order to enjoy that favor is important. God took Joseph on
a journey of servanthood. In a sense, Joseph had to learn how to bow before others before his
brothers would bow before him. As I have understood the favor of God on my life, I have also had
to learn that his favor on my life is for the benefit of others, not my own gain. It would be easy to

manipulate people of influence for my own ends and distort the reason why God has given me
opportunities to influence. We must make sure that our position of favor does not overshadow
our posture of serving. The way we do this is by loving and serving when no one is looking. Jo-
seph did not find favor with Pharaoh because of his dream interpretation skills, he found favor
with Pharaoh because he served Potiphar faithfully when everyone else had forgotten him. Serv-
ing for favor only produces striving; serving from favor releases life.

“And God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth, and to keep alive
for you many survivors.” Genesis 45:7 ESV

At every juncture of Joseph’s life, a garment was taken from him. Often in our journey to the next
level of favor, it feels like our insecurities and vulnerabilities are revealed. This is good and is the
process through which God shapes our hearts for greater influence.

When Joseph finally revealed who he was to his brothers, he said to them, “It was not you who
sent me here, but God” (Genesis 45:8 ESV). Joseph realized that his favor and personal call was
connected to God’s bigger purpose, which was saving the bloodline of Jacob so that Israel would
become a great nation. Your personal favor, however small or big it may seem, is about God’s
bigger purpose. As you allow him to shape you and as you serve in the space he gives you, know
your favor is working for kingdom advance.

1. Are you using your favor for the benefit of others?

2. Do you prophesy without agendas?
3. To which areas in your sphere of influence do you need to apply faithful
4. How well are you allowing God to shape your heart when no one else is looking?

Remember, favor always gives you the unfair advantage!

Julian Adams
Author of Gaining Heaven’s Perspective
and The Kiss of the Father

Cindy McGill

Having met Jesus in the Jesus movement in the ‘70s, I have watched the church struggle with
effective ways to communicate God’s love to a dying world of people who desperately need to
know he’s in love with them. Over the years, our teams have explored ways to communicate
God’s love in some of the most unusual places. Using dream interpretation as a bridge builder, we
have gained access into the hearts of many, many people when they have told us about impacting
dreams they have had. Listening intently to their dreams, we have been able to build trust and
confidence with them, which gives us a gateway to share Spirit-breathed truths about their lives.

Our adventures have taken us to places like the Sundance Film Festival—since 2002—where
independent filmmakers gather; the Burning Man festival in the Black Rock desert of Nevada—
since 2004—where over 70,000 trendsetters and spiritual seekers camp in the desert for a ten-day
experience of radical self-expression. We have set up booths at New Age festivals, Pagan events
and, most recently, w e have built teams to be present at major porn conventions, in an effort to
rescue young people from this epidemic of moral-less, destructive lifestyles.

In Luke, we can read about the parable of the great supper, where a table was prepared for peo-
ple to come and eat but everyone made excuses to not attend. At the end of this parable, God
commanded his servants to move “quickly” and go out and compel people to come in and that
his table would be full. Furthermore, specific instructions were given to go out into the highways
(where people are visible) and hedges (where people are hiding) and compel four categories of
people to come in.

And the slave came back and reported this to his master. Then the head of the household
became angry and said to his slave, “Go out at once into the streets and lanes of the city and
bring in here the poor and crippled and blind and lame.” And the slave said, “Master, what

you commanded has been done, and still there is room.” And the master said to the slave,
“Go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my
house may be filled.” (Luke 14: 15-23 NASB)

Let’s take a look prophetically at this portion of Scripture. We see four distinct categories of peo-
ple: the poor, the maimed, the lame, and the blind. Each category has a distinct compelling factor,
which tells us that not all methods work on all people. Let’s look at each one individually.

The Poor
Jesus said the poor will be with us always (see Matt. 26:11), and if we give to the poor, we lend to
the Lord and he will repay us (see Prov. 19:17). This is a great outreach for those starting out, as
the rewards are instant. But there are three other categories we have to look at.

The Lame
These seem to be those who have legs but there is no strength in their walk. They are possibly
holding fast to foreign religions or New Age, deceptive doctrines that cause them to have no
strength to stand in their belief systems. Often the best way to reach the lame is by way of a dream
interpretation. Having already received a message in the night while they sleep, we have an op-
portunity to “help them” understand a message—that could possibly be from God—and divert
them from going to a psychic to get it interpreted. People ask, “Are all dreams from God?” My
answer is “No, but God made every dreamer.” When we can work with them in understanding
a night message, a bridge of trust is built for us to give them a timely word in language they can
understand—one that awakens them to the fact that the “One who made them,” can and will talk
to them while they are sleeping. A new door is open for them to pay attention to God’s voice, and
God will awaken them to his existence and his persistent beckoning.

The Maimed
The compelling factor of this group is their need for us to go the distance with them. There is no
trust, because their trust bridges are all blown up and un-crossable. Because of their brokenness,
they are unrecognizable. They don’t know who we are because they don’t even know who they
are. The maimed have walked through life suffering abuse and deception; they have been used,
devalued, and despised; and as a result, they have hardened their hearts to such an extent that
they hide from society. Their lives exist in the “hedges.” Prophetic words and words of affirmation
won’t do much to help them, because in their minds, words are empty and powerless. Mostly,
salvation will occur on the installment plan: a little down and a little each month. Rebuiling trust
bridges take time with the maimed, and our prayers are to ask the Father to draw them to Jesus
(see John 6:44).

The Blind
The blind are visionless, and without a vision they perish (see Prov. 29:18). Their lives consist of
bumping into walls, stumbling over the same obstacles again and again, and wandering aimlessly.
Prophetic words are extremely helpful for those who are shortsighted and cannot see their pur-

pose. Their hearts are open to hear and receive, because their lack of direction has developed an
insatiable hunger to find life, purpose, and direction.

Jesus told us to follow him and he would actually make us fishers of men, but so often we act with
learned behavior—we repeat what worked the last time we went out on outreach. The above are
just a few examples of how Jesus will direct us to reach the ones he is drawing. My favorite com-
pelling tool of bridge building is dream interpretation. When we give out prophetic words, even
in treasure hunting, people have to decide whether or not they want to hear a word from some-
one they have never met; however, when we interpret dreams, the person we are “compelling to
come in” is telling us something. By doing that, they are lowering the bridge themselves.

Another major key to reaching into the hearts of today’s seekers is to listen well. We have to
learn to listen to hear instead of listen to respond. When we emphatically listen with our hearts,
we shove all of our thoughts out of our heads and make ourselves available to actually listen as
people lower a bridge and gateway into their hearts. A trust is formed, and we are able to loving
communicate truth, love, and wisdom as God gives us language to share his purpose with them
in “un-churchy” language. [We must always remember that people in the world have been turned
off by church. Their perception of Jesus usually makes them want no part of a religious box that
suffocates their creativity and individuality.]

As we make our way out to the highways and hedges in this great harvest, let’s remember that it
is God’s love that compels and his Spirit that guides, and when we learn to follow the leading of
the Holy Spirit and not our learned techniques, God will introduce us to his friends. He is not
condemning or judgmental. It is not our job to correct people; it is our effort to love them…..
And let us not ever forget that we were them before we were us.

It’s time to follow the true leader, Jesus. This is the millennials’ revival—theirs—they will have
their own sound, their own voice, and their expression. We have a golden opportunity to cham-
pion them, the next leaders, as God advances his kingdom in the most creative ways we have ever

Cindy McGill
Author of What Your Dreams Are Telling You:
Unlocking Solutions While You Sleep

Ché Ahn

I have been asked before, “What are apostles looking for when it comes to prophets?” The answer
to that question is really found in how apostles and prophets are to work together effectively.
Ephesians 2:20-21 are the foundational verses in recognizing the importance of not only the
apostle, but the prophet too.

“Having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself be-
ing the chief cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a
holy temple in the Lord.” Ephesians 2:20-21 NKJV

The church is founded on the apostles and the prophets working together, with Christ being the
cornerst one. This is a significant key for the church growing into all that she is called to be in the
Lord. Another instance of this is with the spiritual offices and gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11-12:
“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors
and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body
of Christ” (NKJV). The offices are listed with apostles first and then prophets second. Each time
those spiritual gifts and offices are listed in Scripture, such as in 1 Corinthians 12:28, they follow
that same pattern: apostles first, prophets second. The goal is to bring the body of Christ into
maturity, so how does it work?

The best model of apostles and prophets working together are found in Scripture. We see, for
example, in the life of the apostle Paul that he had Barnabas, a prophet, with him in his ministry.
Even when he and Barnabas parted ways, Paul picked another prophet, Silas, to join him in his
ministry. In my own personal life, God has given me a powerful prophet in my wife, Sue Ahn. She

has been the prophetic voice in my life since we were married in 1979. And for over thirty-two
years, Lou Engle was my first prophet. Lou is an amazing prophet and an extraordinary prophetic

When I first met Lou, I was his pastor in Maryland. It was before he had met his wife, Therese,
and he was at a singles outing. I oversaw the singles ministry at the time, and I asked him what
he did for a living. Lou said he mowed lawns for a retirement center in the area, Leisure World.
I remarked that it must be the most boring job in the world and Lou, being Lou, said that it was
the best job in the world because he got paid to pray eight hours a day, five days a week, as he
pushed the lawnmower. I knew then that I needed to get to know him! Then later on, when God
helped me to get a church planting team together for Los Angeles, from Maryland, he was one of
the first ones I asked to come out. By then he and Therese were newlyweds, and I asked them to
pray about it.

The way prophets and apostles work is this: Prophets have an extraordinary ability to hear from
God. Everyone should be able to hear from God, but prophets have a higher level of revela-
tion. This will lead to one of the things that I am looking for as an apostle: Can they really hear
what I call “significant words”—words with details and specifics, not just less detailed personal
prophecy, which all of us can do. I have many examples of this, but several are meaningful. For
instance, when HRock Church was first starting out in 1994 in the midst of revival, John Arnott
was encouraging us to move services to Mott Auditorium for nightly protracted meetings. When
we invited John to speak in January of 1995, 2,000 people showed up, and he believed it was time
for us to move to Mott. Although we did eventually move HRock Church to Mott Auditorium,
it was Lou who originally said that we needed to be there, even though I didn’t want to. In fact,
it was Lou and my wife, Sue, who were the only two saying that we needed to be in Mott Audito-
rium. My reasoning was that we couldn’t afford it; after doing the research we found out that the
rent would cost $35,000 a month, and we would need to rent it out 24/7 if we were going to hold
nightly protracted meetings.

HRock was in the nearby city of Arcadia, and I didn’t want to go back to Pasadena—where we
had first started as pastors in California—because I didn’t want to come across as if I was coming
back to my former church. Out of my desire for unity and integrity, I wanted to stay in another
city. But Lou and Sue really heard the Lord that we were supposed to move to Mott. Then their
word was confirmed by James Goll, another prophet who has since become another prophetic
voice in my life. James called me because he had a dream of me holding a bottle of the famous
Mott’s applesauce, but he didn’t know what that meant. When I told him the context of what was
happening and that Lou and Sue were telling me to move back to Mott, he confirmed that word
of the Lord. He said I was to possess Mott Auditorium and that God would take care of the fi-
nances. Sure enough, on the word of the Lord, we moved into Mott Auditorium in April of 1995
and began nightly protracted meetings for the next three years, from 1995-1998, and God truly
met our financial needs.

Apostle and prophets function like this: prophets hear from God, but apostles have to make it
happen. The apostle brings leadership, structure, strategy, resources, people, and more to rally

behind the prophetic vision. So even though Lou heard the word from the Lord about moving
HRock into Mott, he couldn’t make it happen practically and financially. So as the apostle, I had
to organize churches to come together, because we couldn’t do it alone. We were a church of 300
at that time. There was no way we could have afforded it on our own. But with the grace of God,
I was able to provide leadership to make the nightly meetings happen.

This is the same process that took place when it came to launching TheCall, which was birthed
through another significant prophetic word from Lou. In 1997, Lou got a word from the Lord
that we should gather the young people together for a prayer movement in the National Mall in
Washington, D.C. He got the word in 1997 after the million Christian men of Promise Keepers
had gathered there, and he felt that we needed to have a youth counterpoint.

HRock was such a young church in 1997, and Harvest International Ministry (HIM) had just be-
gun in 1996, only one year before. I just didn’t think it was for me to get involved without support
in finances and prayer. I told Lou he needed to ask another apostle to make it happen, and he
did. He asked several major youth leaders who were apostolic if they would take the leadership of
TheCall. All of them said TheCall was a vision from God, but each one declined to be the point
person over the event. However, I’ll never forget: the Lord woke me up at 6 AM on a Saturday
morning in October, 1999, and basically said to me, “Lou laid down his life to serve you; are you
willing to lay down everything to serve him?” It was a rhetorical question, and I knew the answer.
Initially, my heart sank, but I knew I had to obey. I said, while I was still in my bed, “Okay, I’ll
do it.” I knew I needed to talk to my family about it, though, because I would be traveling and
be away from them. The next day after church, I took my family out to lunch and shared with
them. They said the same thing the Lord had said to me, “Of course you are to serve Uncle Lou;
he served you all these years and it’s time for you to serve him.” So that evening I talked to Lou
and Therese, and Lou broke down weeping because he was so relieved, and even though he knew
I was supposed to do it from the beginning, he didn’t want to push it.

This leads to the second thing I look for in prophets. What I’m looking for is prophets to not
only have to have a high level of revelation, they also need to learn how to submit their prophetic
words. In other words, they need to learn how to submit the word and then not keep bringing it
up or harassing the pastor or apostle, reminding him or her of that word.

Because as a prophet, once you submit that word, your job is really done. You can pray, but God
has to speak to the person you gave the word to to obey the word or not to obey that word. Now
the leader is accountable to God. I believe the reason why a lot of apostles and pastors get turned
off from the prophetic is because when they get a prophet or a prophetic person to share a word
and it’s not being acted upon, the prophet can get somewhat hurt. Prophets are sensitive people,
and they can try to make it happen on their own. When the pastor isn’t heeding their word, they
can try to make it happen by praying it through in prayer meetings, or telling others that the
pastor doesn’t value the prophetic, etc. However, this can be divisive, because in reality, they are
casting negative aspersions on the pastor for not heeding their word. That’s why a lot of pastors
shut down the prophetic—because they pick up division.

The prophet or the prophetic person has to learn to submit the word to the apostle or pastor and
trust him that if this is a true word from God, he or she will obey God. Pastors might miss it, but
this way they are the ones accountable to God. Lou did that. He never persisted or harassed me
with a word, he just submitted it and trusted the Lord that he would speak to me and he did. So I
love when prophets submit words and give space for me to hear from God as the apostle.

Essentially, there’s a protocol on how apostles and prophets work together. I’m looking for proph-
ets who are really Christlike and mature and have a high level of revelation, but they also know
how to work with the apostle. They really trust that once they are able to submit the word that the
apostle will be able to carry that word forward. I really believe that if prophets can do that with
pastors and apostles, we will see the prophetic flourish in the local church. This is why we see the
prophetic flourish in our local church, HRock, because we honor the prophetic and how it works
with the apostolic.

Ché Ahn, Founder and President

Harvest International Ministry
Founder of HRock Church
Author of When Heaven Comes Down
and Fire Evangelism

Jamie Galloway

An all-time favorite movie of mine is Back to the Future. Michael J. Fox lit up my imagination
on the tiny ten-inch TV my parents had. It was the only TV in our house, and in that ten-inch
window I saw the future! The future is a wild concept, an idea I fell in love with as a ten-year-old
while watching that film. What wonders await us in the future? What strange and wild things will
we experience?

There’s a moment in Back to Future 2 when Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) travels out of 1985 and
into October 21 of 2015. Within minutes, he is riding a flying skateboard coined a “hoverboard.”
For me, it was the possibility of the hoverboard—a skateboard without wheels that lifted the rider
off into the future—that hooked me! Learning about the prophetic ministry awakened the same
type of curiosity and excitement about the future.

The Father says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of
peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). I am constantly
amazed at God’s accuracy about the future. His knowledge of it keeps me anchored in hope that
he will cause all things to work together for good. Prophecy and prophetic ministry is predicated
on the awareness that:

1. God has a profound understanding of the past,

2. he is fully engaged and present with us in the now,
3. and he has a wonderful and positive vision of the future.

With this in mind, we begin to encounter the tiniest glimpses of something beyond the furthest
side of beyond, bringing us to marvel at the depths of God’s profound awareness of all things.

I was deeply impacted recently by a prophetic word the Holy Spirit gave me for a couple I minis-
tered to. Their son, a friend of mine, had introduced us a few days before, and now I was excited
to share a word with them. When I began to minister prophetically, I felt a check in my spirit to

hold back on speaking into anything I’d learned from my time with them. Instead of prophesying
over them in the moment about their current circumstance, I heard the Holy Spirit telling me to
tell them, “God is going to give you a word.” Now this was happening in a public meeting. I’d had
them stand up in the crowd and I’d told them I had a word for them. They looked all ready and
excited! The word went like this,

“I have a word for you, and the word is … you are going to get a word.”

I stood there and realized this was a very awkward moment for all of us! They were waiting for
something a little more profound. I then heard the Holy Spirit tell me it was coming on Tuesday,
so I continued, “God is going to give you a word, and it is coming on Tuesday!”

They sat down and I could feel their tension. They wanted something more that I could not give
them in that moment. In my soul, I wanted to give them something else, but I knew it would
only be my kind words and not the Father’s. A few weeks later, their son came to me laughing.
His mother had called to tell him the rest of the story. Tuesday came around and the mother
went to the mailbox. When she opened up the box, an envelope was in the pile labeled, A word
from God for you! She opened up the letter to realize this was a mass mailer from a ministry she
would not normally receive from. The ministry was so outside her normal cultural comfort zone
that she had to take a moment so as not to reject it because of the cultural differences. Typically,
she would have thrown the letter in the trash, but she told her son that because of the word be-
forehand, she knew to pay attention, let down her guard, and receive what God was speaking to
her on that Tuesday afternoon. Though the letter might have gone out to hundreds of homes, or
even thousands, she took it as a word for her and her husband! In it were things that might have
sounded like a basic prophecy to many, but she took it as a letter personally handwritten by the
God who knows. It touched on every area of difficulty in their lives, while giving them hope to
move forward in the direction they were contemplating.

1. Prophecy gives us a glimpse into the heart of God for our future.
2. Prophetic ministry has a way of altering our perception to see beyond the
impossible and into a world of possibility.
3. Prophecy helps us to see when God is taking an average Tuesday and turning
it into a breakthrough moment.
4. The prophetic word creates vision and gives purpose for our present reality.

Jesus spoke about the Holy Spirit’s help for the believer in regard to the future: “When the Spirit of
truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he
has heard. He will tell you about the future” (John 16:13 NIV). Prophecy is, simply stated, telling the
future, which is Holy Spirit’s job description; he partners with Jesus and tells us future things. So know-
ing this, we can actually hear from Holy Spirit and begin to look forward to our future!

Jesus spoke to his followers about specific prophetic events as something to watch out for: “Even so,
when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door” (Mark 13:29 NIV).

Though Jesus was speaking about certain prophetic signs to watch out for on a global scale, the
same prophetic principle applies even to the individual. Prophecy gives us mile markers in our
journey so that when we see them, we can be confident we are in God’s timing. These mile mark-
ers give us hope and help us to walk in faith that God’s promises are real. With this confidence,
we can have courage that God is with us in everything we do! I have taken to heart something the
Old Testament prophet Samuel said as he was prophesying of future events: “Once these signs are
fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you”

When God gives us prophetic descriptions about our future, they serve as mile markers—when
we see them start to be fulfilled, we can be confident that God is with us. So how do we activate
the prophetic in a way that helps us step into our future “God moment?” I want to share with you
a simple strategy.

When you start to see little clues of fulfillment of the prophetic word in your life, “Do whatever
your hand finds to do, for God is with you.”

This may seem too simple, but too often we overcomplicate the moment and end up doing noth-
ing. God gives us prophetic moments like the “Tuesday” story above so that when the sign is
fulfilled, we can be confident to do the thing we have had in our heart the entire time!

Jamie Galloway, Founder

Jamie Galloway Ministries
Author of Supernatural Revolution

Shawn Bolz

I’ve been tracking my words for a few years now, and I’ve often written e-mails to a list of people
that I’ve prophesied to. I like to hear if anything has happened and to see if I can just connect,
because in the prophetic world, to connect means to personally develop and grow in your pro-
phetic gifting.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:32 that the spirit of a prophet is subject to the control of the proph-
et. I believe this means that we are in charge, with God, for our stewardship of our gift, not our
church or our denomination. While they can be helpful, ultimately we have to begin to take re-
sponsibility for our words and do some self-critique and growth.

Recently, a family I wrote to immediately wrote back and said: “You called our little boy out by
name and even said he had a condition that could lead to death, but that God was going to give
him victory and answer his family’s prayers for him! Please pray, because he is in the hospital
and it looks so grim.”

I began to pray with them. I knew I wasn’t responsible for the word to come true, but out of love,
I couldn’t help but believe with them. A prophetic word was on the line. In tracking with them, I
got to be part of their journey and battle for this precious little boy in a connected way. 1 Corin-
thians 14:1 says to follow love like your life depends on it, and to eagerly desire prophecy. When
we don’t track some of the things we have put dates and conditions on, we’re not stewarding our
gift, which is paired with stewarding this great love. Sometimes we risk losing sight of love be-
cause of our lack of connection.

Two days later I got an e-mail from the father of the boy entitled: “Bad but Good News!” I was
nervous thinking, I hope he didn’t die and they accepted that as ultimate victory, but I clicked
“open” and read it. It was a miracle!

The first time I wrote, the father said the boy was in a coma and the doctors were saying he was
brain dead. The family was praying because the doctors were talking about life support and giving
them no hope. Here is the report:

“I wish it had been easier and we could say he rose up right away, but it was a battle. The seven-
teenth day in the hospital was when we were told he wouldn’t live. The doctors were preparing
us. We prayed for four more days, and we were letting him go piece by piece as things in his body
were shutting down. Then my wife read your e-mail to us about checking in to get a follow-up
about your prophetic word, and it brought the word back up in a new way. She had recorded
your word on her phone, and she played it one more time. Something happened in our family as
we listened, and we began to pray again with the same faith but with renewed passion. His life
wasn’t over yet, so we weren’t going to give him over to death or grieve like he had died already.
He was still breathing. That’s when it happened. He just started getting better. Then he came out
of the coma. Now he is in physical therapy already. The doctors don’t get it, but we do! Thanks for
walking this out with us!”

I, of course, cried. I was so glad that words that came from God’s Spirit out of my mouth helped
them to fight for something that most humans would have never had hope for. As I tracked a
word with the family, it somehow brought up faith in the word again because I chose to care. I
don’t track every word, but when they are about life and death or serious, it’s hard for me not to,
if I can get the people’s information.

Tracking helps us to keep connected to what God has spoken through us. We grow and gain au-
thority by hearing the very real stories of fulfillment, or by taking responsibility when it doesn’t
work out. I often take responsibility by just saying, “I am growing in hearing from God. I am
so sorry that my word didn’t happen. God bless you.” This is always a little scary (or a lot scary)
when I am wrong, or when the person is just frustrated that the word has no obvious fulfillment.
It helps me, though, to be careful about how much weight to put on different type as of words,
and what kinds of words I have more authority or faith to speak with boldness, or when I need to
be more gentle or purposely vague.

I remember one of my first times after tracking a word with a friend: I asked if it had been fulfilled
by the date I had given. He said no—with a disappointed sadness but love for me. I knew he had
been in confusion for a while and his life journey had been hard. I almost wanted to use that as
an excuse, like it was his fault. Then I heard the Lord speak Proverbs 11:18 to my heart: “Reckless
words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” I immediately said, “I am
so sorry that my date was off! That must be really disappointing. I am still learning how to min-
ister prophetically, and I want to take responsibility for that growth process.” He was so moved
that he was healed right away in an area that might have caused permanent trust issues with the

If you want to grow in the prophetic in a deliberate and accelerated way, get feedback and also
track any trackable information. You will get the opportunity to hear the greatest stories, but
you’ll also learn social skills and self-awareness from the times that you misunderstood, spoke

out of turn, tried your best, or even just were growing.

I want to personally challenge you to track your words, because you will grow so quickly! Take
the time to get people’s e-mails or phone numbers if you give them prophecies for the future, and
then follow up! You will be amazed at what happens next.

Sometimes prophecy is just the beginning of the story!

Shawn Bolz
Author of Translating God
and Keys to Heaven’s Economy

Sally Hanan

Prophecy is God’s heart shared with his people through his people. Prophecy is one of the gifts
God gives us so we can serve each other well. So how do we benefit or help people with prophecy?
We get to encourage, comfort, confirm, exhort, and inspire. “As each has received a gift, use it to
serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10).


Exposing someone’s sin in front of a group of friends—a public shaming
Giving yourself a platform so everyone can look up to you
Having a ministry that implies you’re so in touch with God that you don’t need family
Sharing the problem without the solution
Calling out people on all the things they do that annoy you. To exhort actually means “to draw
near,” so when you exhort someone, you have the privilege of calling that person closer to the
heart of God.

Calling out the greatness in people and reminding them of how awesomely unique they are
Reminding people that God knows exactly what’s going on (good or bad) and that he cares deeply
Confirming things God has already shared with people
Confirming the dreams in people’s hearts and encouraging them to move toward their fulfillment
Seeing into people’s futures and affirming their hope
Sharing solutions and answers

The closer you get to knowing God and his voice, the better you are at serving that up to benefit
others. Perhaps you’re afraid of prophecy because you’ve seen a lot more bad examples than good
ones, but that doesn’t mean you have to keep it for the prayer closet. It just means you need some
practice giving and receiving words in a safe environment. That way you can see up front how a
healthy model works and serve from that place of maturity.

We prophesy from identity, not for one. ~ Ben Armstrong

Prophecy is fun! We get to share the heart of God with many people and change lives because of
our willingness to share what we hear. Giving words should never be reserved solely for church.
It’s always a good time to share God’s heart with people! When you live in the moment and in
the God zone all the time, you catch those seconds of heaven telling you to go speak to someone
or ask a certain question. It takes practice, but don’t miss out on how much of an adventure it is
either. God is always speaking, and when you get to be the one he speaks through, life is fuller.

I was in Whole Foods one evening hovering around the chocolate booth (don’t judge), and when
the girl walked up to help us, I almost missed a sudden flash of light in the corner of my vision.
I gave her a word confirming what she’d been thinking about doing, and the conversation ended
with her talking about possibly finding a regular church again after years of absence. And the
whole thing started with me drooling over chocolate. Validated!

Prophecy is not about telling you what to do as much as it is awakening who you are.
~ Ray Hughes

“Pursue love, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy” (1 Cor-
inthians 14:1). Why does Paul love prophecy so much? Because it makes people happy. Who
wouldn’t be happy to know that our busy, omnipotent God is looking at them and letting them
know how much he loves all the details of their lives?

If you want to be able to prophesy to people, all it takes is a willingness to express what God is
sharing. It’s scary. I get it, but if you compare the feeling of sharing to the feeling of walking away
without having done so, the sharing wins every time. Not many things feel worse than a missed
opportunity. “For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and all be encouraged”
(1 Corinthians 14:31). Apart from the few prophets who are like walking fact knowers, we can
all prophesy. We can all hear God’s voice and we can all share his heart with others in a way that
will teach them something and encourage them. Even for the chosen few (prophets who instantly
know many pertinent facts about your life), the office of a prophet is a life calling for the equip-
ping of the saints to do the works of service” (1 Corinthians 14:31). We’re all on the same page!
Isn’t it interesting that most of the great verses we have on prophecy are in the love book? We’re
all in the love chapters. We all get to serve in love. “So, my brothers, earnestly desire to prophesy”
(1 Corinthians 14:39).

God often specifically chooses you to be the one to share his words because he likes the way
you’re going to say them. The more you practice, the more helpful your words will be. The more
you practice, the greater you’ll trust that God knows what he’s doing by using you as his mouth-
piece. “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in
proportion to our faith” (Romans 12:6). I’ve been practicing for a long, long time, mainly because
it’s extremely rewarding to push people closer to God and into his heart. It was people’s stories
that first inspired me to try it out, so I had a very helpful group of friends let me practice on them
and vice versa.

When I was blessed to be stuck at home with two small children and no car, I’d go through the
church phone list and call people I felt led to pray specific things over. Being able to encourage
them was great, and the more I practiced hearing and sharing, the more of a blessing (I was told)
I became.

Some people have been very fond of using their ability to hear God to manipulate others. “You’re
going to marry me.” “You’re going to start crocheting booty shorts and giving me 50 percent of
the proceeds.” “You’re going to apologize to me and then voluntarily resign.” All sad but true …
although I might have made up the one about the booty shorts. A woman called me one time
to ask me about the latest thing her husband was asking her to do. She had told him no, so his
response was that he’d then prophesy it to her and she’d have to do it. I suggested that he go to the
pastor with his “prophecy” to see what the pastor thought about the word and the obedience of
the man’s wife. That went down like a lead balloon. Don’t turn advice or control into a word. It’s
manipulative and it’s witchcraft.

Let your words be judged. Expect the word to be examined. Others seem to think their words are
only good for leadership. They have a “gift” of pointing out the bad things they notice about how
the church is run, so they feel obliged to share. Below are some questions you can ask yourself
before you decide to share your word.


Do I have a naturally judgmental perspective on life? Is this word one of those judgments?
Am I giving this word so leadership or people will notice me and think I’m important?
Do I have an agenda in giving this word?
Do any of the leaders or people actually know me as a friend? Have I spent time getting to know
them before going in to deliver my truth bombs?
Am I willing to have this word examined and possibly rejected?
Can I deliver this word in a humble way?
Will I get offended if this word is rejected?

As you can tell, there is a high need to know your heart before delivering a word. If there’s any-
thing in it for you, it’s probably not time to give them a word. It’s probably more to do with an
issue in your own heart. If you still feel the need to share it, and you truly believe the word will

benefit and bless them, do so and then go home and ask God if you have any more responsibility
with it. Once God says your responsibility is lifted, don’t worry about it anymore.

If you’re having a rough time with negative thoughts, work with God on cultivating your own
atmosphere of peace, love, hope, and joy. The more time you spend in God’s presence and the
more you filter the words that come out of your mouth, the better your personal atmosphere will

Light is stronger than darkness! The more intensely good your atmosphere gets, the wider the
influence you’ll have and the more you can affect others for the good.

Ministering God’s gifts from a place of love can be a scary thing, but the joy in doing so is so
worth it.

Sally Hanan, speaker

Author of Fix yourself in Jesus
and Empower Yourself in the Holy Spirit

Jeremy Butrous

Revelation is the fruit of intimacy. Regardless of the revelation that you seek, its origin and life is
centered in the life of Christ. Indeed, it is suitable for us to look at the biblical understanding of
revelation before we try to apply any methodology. But first, I would like to take you on a short
journey and present a few realms of thought. You may find an overarching perspective and some
practical tools along the way.

1. Truth is established by the Word of God, not my experience.

My life’s experience, or lack thereof, has never been the qualifier for God’s available abundance.
He is our perfect standard! Would you agree with me that salvation is made available through the
cross? Some have embraced it and some haven’t. Is our experience the origin of our salvation?
No! Jesus has made salvation and the kingdom of heaven available regardless.

2. Heaven is accessible through dimensions of understanding.

How can Abraham, Moses, and others enter into salvation that was made available after their
death? Is it possible they accessed a dimension of understanding by faith that permitted salvation
even before the physical sacrifice of Christ? I believe so. See, spiritual truth is eternal, accessible
to anyone, anywhere, anytime. The Word of God creates realities, while time is simply the stage
for the Word of God to be performed.

3. The Word of God needs to be embodied by willing vessels.

This world that we live in is brought to you by the Word of God. We are alive today because of his
proceeding words. When God said, “Be fruitful and multiply” to Adam and Eve, those proceed-
ing words are still bearing fruit for us today. God already “chose us in him before the foundation
of the world” (Ephesians 1:4 ESV); he simply needed willing vessels to embody the Word.

4. The Word of God is already settled in heaven. Time is simply the opportunity to
manifest it.
Jesus was a willing vessel that embodied the Word of God. He is the Word made flesh, the Lamb
that comes to take away the sin of the world! Wait. Wasn’t the Lamb slain before the foundation
of the world (Revelation 13:8)? The payment had already been made in heaven even though it was
yet to manifest on the earth. Jesus, this willing vessel, simply needed an opportunity to manifest
what was already established in heaven.

With the aforementioned points, we now have place to explore a few spiritual moments that will
bring a deep well of context from the life of John the Beloved.

John the Beloved paved a dimension of intimacy that is worthy of exploration. He had a heavenly
perspective about the entrance and manifestation of Christ to the world. John the Beloved was
not surprised to receive the revelation of Jesus Christ. He carried the preparedness in his life that
properly positioned him to receive the greatest revelation that has been shown to the world: the
culmination of Jesus Christ.

Let’s look at how and why this perspective developed. My desire is that you will identify with his
story and assimilate his process. John understood intimately and coherently the revelation that
he received about Jesus. He was not perplexed and confused. John was a student of the Word and
was brought into the fullness of understanding with each picture and vision. God presented the
revelation to John because of three main reasons:

A. John was able to identify intimately with Jesus in the midst of the Law.
The Law was a perfect standard that no man born of Eve could uphold. It was, no doubt, a substi-
tute for a relationship with God. John, being a student of the Word, was able to see that the entire-
ty of the Law pointed to Jesus as the answer. John, in the midst of the one of the most treacherous
religious times on the earth, was able identify intimately with Jesus as the Son of God. John laid
down his life and followed Jesus despite every obstacle. Jesus even called the religious leaders of
the day children of the devil (see John 8:44). They were, in fact, devilish in their ways and perse-
cuted John for his life.

Moreover, the Law was very active during the days of John. One was not at liberty to access heav-
en so easily. No payment had been made for the sin of the world and thus, no Holy Spirit was
available. An unbelievable feat, one would say, that John was able to be so close to Jesus when his
entire world was a contradiction to the possibilities. John was able to identify with Jesus intimate-
ly in the midst of the Law.

B. John was the only apostle to witness Christ’s crucifixion and sufferings.
The manner in which Christ manifested and how he brought about a perfected redemption to
humanity may be perplexing to some. Nevertheless, it was the manner in which God desired to
do it. There is a unique and intimate access that is established when one is able to partake and
relate to the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. John was able to fellowship in the death,
burial, and resurrection of Christ.

He was the only disciple of the twelve that participated in the greatest love offering that the world
has ever seen. John was shown the heart of the Father, and the implications of that are still being
discovered today. “But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing,
so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation” (1 Peter 4:13 NASB).
John was, in fact, a bondservant of Jesus Christ. His ear was pierced with the nails of the cross
to the doorpost of Christ (see Deuteronomy 15:17 and John 10:9). His hearing was perfected in
the piercing. You can be saved and not be a bondservant. John showed us what a bondservant
actually is.

C. John leaned his head on the chest (heart) of Jesus.

The Bible was not written just so we could have historical facts about what life was like back then.
Each Scripture is an address into the nature and heart of God. The Bible doesn’t contain the Word
of God; it is the Word of God. Simply put, the complexity of treasure is limitless when it comes to
God’s Word. Let’s look at a dimension of understanding when John leaned his head on the chest
of Jesus:

Jesus knew his hour had come. Jesus shared with his disciples about the prediction of his betray-
al. The disciples were undoubtedly perplexed. They just had their feet washed by Jesus and then
their plans for an earthly kingdom were coming to an end. There, in the midst of one of the most
intimate moments, John leaned his head in and rested it on Jesus’s chest.

The invitation that we are brought into—with John leaning on the chest of Christ—speaks vol-
umes. How intimate does one need to be to get that close to God’s (in the flesh) heart? The pic-
ture also speaks of the ability for John to relate to the life and process that Jesus manifested. John
wasn’t off thinking about himself like Judas was; he had his head pressed to the heart of God.
The disciples were perplexed and probably looking inward toward their own failures and doubts,
while John was listening beat by beat to the heart of Jesus. John’s head and mind were resting on
the heart of Jesus. I imagine he wasn’t worried about the troubles in the day. His thoughts were of
intimacy and fellowship.

With the culmination of these three dimensions of understanding. John was able to bring the
revelation of Jesus Christ to the world. John embodied the Word. He accessed heaven by agreeing
with Jesus. He wasn’t confused about the times and seasons in which he lived. John did not put
his God-given responsibility into the hands of a generation that did not yet exist. He learned how
to embrace God and thus learned how to receive more revelation.

Jeremy Butrous
Author of Unveiling Revelation, Transcending Mindsets,
Praying Through the Seven Mountains, and
ghostwriter of Children’s Adoration Prayer Book

Bobby Conner

Prepare to Pray!
Come into Agreement with Paul’s Prayer!

Recently, the Spirit of God said to me, “I have good news for you to share with God’s people!” At
this divine proclamation, my spirit leapt with holy expectation. I was even more encouraged by
the words God then declared: “I am preparing to answer Paul’s prayer recorded in Colossians!”

Ponder deeply, and agree with quickly, this outstanding prayer in Colossians 1:6-12 (Amplified

...which has come to you. Indeed, in the whole world [that Gospel] is bearing fruit and still
is growing [by its own inherent power], even as it has done among yourselves ever since the
day you first heard and came to know and understand the grace of God in truth. [You came
to know the grace or undeserved favor of God in reality, deeply and clearly and thoroughly,
becoming accurately and intimately acquainted with it.]

You so learned it from Epaphras, our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of
Christ in our stead and as our representative and yours.

Also he has informed us of your love in the [Holy] Spirit.

For this reason we also, from the day we heard of it, have not ceased to pray and make [spe-
cial] request for you, [asking] that you may be filled with the full (deep and clear) knowledge
of His will in all spiritual wisdom [in comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of
God] and in understanding and discernment of spiritual things—

That you may walk (live and conduct yourselves) in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully
pleasing to Him and desiring to please Him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work
and steadily growing and increasing in and by the knowledge of God [with fuller, deeper,
and clearer insight, [acquaintance, and recognition].

[We pray] that you may be invigorated and strengthened with all power according to the
might of His glory, [to exercise] every kind of endurance and patience (perseverance and
forbearance) with joy,

Giving thanks to the Father, Who has qualified and made us fit to share the [portion which
is the inheritance of the saints (God’s holy people) in the Light.

Beloved, this prayer is going to be fulfilled—soon and very soon—but we must join with Paul and
pray fervently, contending for these promises to be fulfilled in our lives and the lives of our loved
ones. There must be a boldness and confidence in our prayers, we must pray like never before!
True prayer should be a proclamation of the promises of God see 1 John 5:14.

Without the Spirit of God highlighting this to me through the gift of prophecy—direct commu-
nication with the Father—I would not even be writing this. Eagerly desiring the gift of prophecy
is eagerly desiring to hear what the Father has to say in each and every moment. When he says to
pray, we must pray!

Prayer Proposal: Nine Promises to Bring Nine Breakthroughs

What exactly is going to happen when we pray? Here are the nine promises of this most amazing
prayer of Colossians 1. Many of them relate to the prophetic. We will:

1. be filled with the deep and clear knowledge of God’s will

2. have all spiritual wisdom concerning the ways and purposes of God
3. understand and discern spiritual things
4. walk and live in a manner pleasing to the Lord
5. bear fruit in every good work
6. steadily grow and increase in the knowledge of God
7. be invigorated and strengthened with all power
8. exercise endurance and patience with joy
9. give thanks to the Father, having been qualified for our inheritance

Let us ask, seek, knock, and keep on asking, seeking and knocking for every one of these prayers
to be fulfilled. Let us press on in prayer, praying through to be filled with his Spirit, given all
wisdom and discernment, empowered to walk and bear fruit to please the Lord, to grow and
increase, to exercise endurance and patience, and to be invigorated and strengthened with all

Why do we need this invigorating power? So we may advance God’s kingdom into every aspect
of society and every corner of the earth!

Prayer Strategy: Believe and Stand Strong!

It is imperative, beloved, that we not only pray exactly what God reveals in the moment he reveals
it, but also take a strong stand as we pray. This stand takes place on the battlefield of the mind.
We must make up our minds, make a quality decision, and draw a line in the sand, declaring, as
Martin Luther declared, “Here I stand!”

In other words, we must decide not to continue to stumble about in the confusion that seems to
gridlock believers as well as unbelievers in this culture. Rather, we must walk with God-given
goals, God-given aims, and God-given divine purpose—not our own goals and aims. We are not
to be vague, thoughtless, confused, or distracted during these end-time days; on the contrary,
we can and must discover the Lord’s certain guidance every moment of the day, every day of the

In Ephesians 5:15-17 (Amplified Bible), Paul offers us a most severe warning:

Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the
unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the very most of the
time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. Therefore do not be vague and
thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.

When we take heed; rebuke the enemies of confusion, doubt, and self-reliance; and take hold of
God’s promises by faith—praying earnestly as Paul prayed in Colossians 1—we can rest assured
that God’s continual guidance and provision are certain truths in our lives: we will be invigorated
and strengthened. Growing in our prophetic abilities will ensure our position on the correct path.

Prayer’s Result: Christ Our Wisdom

In Nehemiah 9:20, the Lord promises: You also gave Your good spirit to instruct them, and with-
held not Your manna from them, and gave water for their thirst (AMP).

In Psalm 32:8, the Lord again makes this promise of guidance: “I will instruct you and teach you
in the way you should go: I will guide you with My eye.” The Holy Spirit, the revealer of genuine
truth, the upright Guide, will give clear direction as we seek him and wait upon his guidance.
Consider John 16:13:

But when He, the Spirit of Truth (the Truth-giving Spirit) comes, He will guide you into all
the Truth (the whole, full Truth). For He will not speak His own message [on His own au-
thority]; but He will tell whatever He hears [from the Father; He will give the message that
has been given to Him], and He will announce and declare to you the things that are to come
[that will happen in the future] (AMP).

This last phrase is extremely significant for today: “and He will announce and declare to you the
things that are to come [that will happen in the future].” The entire world seems to be seeking
this revelation, asking, “What does the future hold?” As followers of Christ the King, we have the
answer, and that is the overcoming victory in and through our blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Romans

Christ, himself, living within us, is the wisdom that God is offering to us. God will direct us as
we yield and follow, refusing to lean on our own human understanding but standing on his Word
instead. Dear believer, pray, pray some more, and stand strong—and you will see breakthrough
and be invigorated and strengthened to bring in the harvest! Amen!

Bobby Conner
Author of God’s Supernatural Power
and Gaining the Gaze of God
EaglesView Ministries

Doug Addison

I am sure you have seen the increase in storms and unrest in the world. One cannot help but
wonder where God is in all of this? Many people are claiming these are signs that God is judging
the world.

I would like to give you some prophetic insight into what I am hearing from God about the time
and season we are in now.

Ready for some good news?

God is still in control and still loves and wants to save humanity. It is neve r his will to destroy us.
Many of my prophetic friends and I are seeing that this is a divine time designed to bring about
a great revival.

Of course, right before a major outpouring from God, there will be a lot of turmoil and storms
from the enemy to get you distracted. It is really important we stay at peace and not focus on the

What Is the Root and Fruit?

As part of an Internet prophetic culture, it is easy to get pulled in a million directions with many
prophetic words that can sometimes sound conflicting.

One battery test that I use for evaluating prophetic words is to look at the root and the fruit of
the word:

1. Do you know the person who released the prophecy?

2. Does he/she have a good track record?
3. What is the spiritual result of the word?
4. Are you fearful, hopeless, or angry?

These are often major signposts to guide you through learning to discern the voice of God for

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

My Storm
Recently I got hit with a terrible series of illnesses, and no matter what I did, it would not get
better. At points, it was even life threatening. As a prophetic minister known around the world, it
was not easy reaching out for help. I had people telling me a lot of conflicting advice and giving
me prophetic words of what and why this was happening to me. I would get a significant heal-
ing—then get knocked down again.

I had to hold on to God’s word that he, indeed, loved me and wanted to heal me. I also held tight
to many prophecies spoken over my life that had not yet come to pass. I knew who God was—the
God of justice—and that the enemy had brought this unjust time to my life.

I knew there would be repayment to me once I got through this three-year battle. The good news
is that I got healed, and now my spiritual life is going to a new level because God is repaying me
for all that happened.

How Did Jesus Respond to Storms?

There were two occasions in the Bible in which Jesus was in a major storm.

“Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him. Suddenly a furious storm came up
on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went
and woke him, saying, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’ He replied, ‘You of little faith,
why are you so afraid?’ Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves,
and it was completely calm.” Matthew 8:23-26 NIV

Jesus knew full well there was going to be a storm that night, and he did not give his disciples a
heads-up. It is interesting that the storm came without warning.

There is a temptation by prophetic people to focus on the storms and warn people. Jesus never did
this; instead, he encouraged people to rise above the storms, stay at peace, and take authority. In
one case, he slept, and in another, he walked on the water during a storm.

“Later that night, he was there alone, and the boat was already a considerable distance from
land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. Shortly before dawn Jesus went
out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were
terrified. ‘It’s a ghost,’ they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them:
‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.’ ‘Lord, if it’s you,’ Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you
on the water.’ ‘Come,’ he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and
came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried
out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little
faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?’ And when they climbed into the boat,
the wind died down.” Mathew 14:23-32 NIV

Prophetic Lessons in the Storm

When things get choppy in our lives, it is easy to lose sight of the Lord. It is interesting that Peter
asked for a confirmation that what was happening was really Jesus. You can do this too. Ask God
to speak to you and confirm things in your life.

Jesus invited Peter to walk on the water during a storm, and when Peter focused on the waves, he
began to sink. This is a prophetic word for us to not focus on the storms or attacks of the enemy
right now.

God is releasing something new and great in the Spirit; you will not want to get distracted or miss it.

When the storms are kicking up around you: stay at peace, do not be afraid, ask God to speak to
you, and then take some steps of faith.

Trust God to guide you through the storms of life. And as you get through them, be sure to reach
out and help others who are going through storms as well.


Doug Addison
Author, Life Couch, and Comedian

Bishop Hamon

In sixty years of ministry, I have found two major hindrances to accurately interpreting prophecy:
either one’s eschatology and doctrine, or the anguish of spirit that comes from cruel bondage.

1) Your Eschatology and Doctrine

In 1954 and 1955, I felt strongly that God would do something significant in 1963. My escha-
tology said that the next thing on God’s agenda was Christ’s return, so I knew that’s what I was
sensing. I had statements from Billy Graham and William Branham; I had teachings from dis-
pensationalists with graphs and charts; and I had lined it all out in detail, proving that Jesus
would return in 1963.

Years later, a man wrote the book 88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988, based on Israel
becoming a nation in 1948. He used Matthew 24:34, which says “This generation shall not pass,
till all these things be fulfilled” (KJV). He calculated that a generation was forty years, thus Jesus
had to return by 1988. We both had “sensings” from God, and we both misinterpreted them.

However, something did happen in 1963 and 1988. What happened in 1963 was the birth of the
Charismatic Movement through Dennis Bennett. Then in 1988, we birthed the Prophetic Move-
ment. God did something big, but not what we expected. We interpreted the accurate prophecy,
that there would be a major move of God in those years, as inaccurately meaning Jesus would

Now I hold a different view of eschatology. Acts 3:21 says of Jesus, “Whom the heaven must re-
ceive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his
holy prophets since the world began” (KJV). Once I understood that Acts 3:21 says he is held in
the heavens until the restoration of all things, I now tell people that if Jesus has not come yet, that

means the next thing on the list is not looking for his coming, but rather looking for what needs
to be fulfilled so he can come. Now we have prophesied and seen several restorational moves,
because we are not limiting what we prophesy by our eschatology.

Similarly, we can have a pre-concept of how God is going to fulfill prophecies. I have received
over 3,500 prophecies. Almost all of them have come to pass, but not one ever did when I thought
it should, with whom I thought it should, or the way I thought it should.

I remember once prophesying to this tall Dutch man in Pennsylvania. As I laid my hand on his
head, God started describing some of his attitude that he wanted to fix. I could feel the guy’s head
shaking no, no, no, but when I opened my eyes and looked up, I saw the pastor’s head nodding
yes, yes, yes. God knew, and the pastor knew, which areas God wanted to help the man in, but the
man could not see himself accurately, so he wasn’t “witnessing” to the word.

You can’t interpret prophecy from your head; you must do it from your spirit. Your spirit may be
saying yes, yes, yes, but your head may by thinking no, no, no because of what you understand.
You witness to a word with your spirit, not your doctrine.

2) Anguish of Spirit and Cruel Bondage

“And Moses spake so unto the children of Israel: but they hearkened not unto Moses for anguish
of spirit, and for cruel bondage” (Exodus 6:9). Moses prophesied to Israel, but they couldn’t hear
him. For 400 years they had the same hardships and nothing changed. When you have long-
standing difficulties, it becomes harder and harder to hear the voice of God speaking to your

In 1972, God was bringing me through my dying process. The building we used for Christian
International extension Bible colleges went bankrupt, and I had to move the entire organization
into my garage. My assistant decided he did not have the vision anymore, and he backed out and
left me. Our ministry went down to zero. We had nothing promising.

Three prophets came to me during that time, and each one prophesied the same thing: “I see you
in Africa, Asia, and traveling all over the world.” “I see you on platforms with thousands of faces
in front of you.” I had never even flown on a commercial plane. A man later prophesied that I
would have a prophetic ministry that flowed like a river, and I would prophesy continuously from
one day into the next. I couldn’t imagine anything like that.

In those prophecies, God said nothing about our circumstances. He said nothing about what I
should do with the college or anything else in the present. I was frustrated. I thought Does God
not know where we are today? Doesn’t he know there’s not going to be a tomorrow if he doesn’t
work a miracle today? Then my wife finally said, “Don’t you think that if God is talking about
your future, it means you’re going to make it today?” So we kept going.

Then in 1973, with only $250 to our name, I bought a Greyhound ticket to travel 4,000 miles
around the country starting extension colleges. On my way back, I stopped in Sacramento, Cali-

fornia, to drop in on a former Bible college student who had a church there. He was so glad to see
me. He explained, “I promised these people that God wanted to speak to each one of them. But
I don’t prophesy, and you’re the only person I know who prophesies. Would you ask God to give
you a word for some of these people?”

I agreed and prophesied to a few people here and there. At this point I had only seen, at most,
fifteen people prophesied to in this kind of setting. I had a preconceived “quota” I had learned
from that. So when I reached my quota, I lined up the rest of the people just to pray for them. I
felt the prophetic bubbling up as I prayed. First I tried to bind it, but then I asked the Lord, “Do
you want me to keep prophesying as I feel your unction?” He said, “Yes, son, let it rip.” So I con-
tinued to minister until 2:30 a.m., prophesying to eighty-five people. I had never heard of or seen
anybody do that before. Then I remembered the word that said I would prophesy from one day
until the next.

In 1972, I had never been on a commercial plane, and I had never seen anyone prophesy to more
than a few people in a meeting (when I received those prophecies). A year later, those prophe-
cies came to pass, even though I couldn’t imagine it when I got them. That experience launched
all that Christian International is today. Today, I have been to seventy countries and every state,
have 3,000 churches and ministries worldwide, have trained 300,000 in the prophetic, and have
personally prophesied to over 50,000 people. The word of the Lord came to pass.

I challenge you to believe what God has said and stand until the promise comes to pass. If you
have a prophecy that is impossible to fulfill, then you know that is God—because it’s going to
take God to fulfill it, not your own strength or ability. The same principles it takes to fulfill a logos
promise are the same principles it takes to fulfill a prophetic promise. You have to believe with
faith and keep expecting what God declared. Don’t give up on your prophecy. Continue to believe
what God has spoken, and it will come to pass.

Bishop Hamon
Founder of Christian International Ministries

Julie Meyers

I learned early on in my life the reality of Psalm 139:7: I can never escape from your Spirit! I can
never get away from your presence!

It was 1989. I was pregnant with twin boys and confined to three months of bedrest. One day,
I turned on the TV and a soap opera was on, Days of Our Lives, so I watched the whole show.
Then the next day, I watched it again. And suddenly I loved Marlana Evans. So every day at noon,
I made sure my door was locked and the curtains were closed, because I didn’t want anyone to
know that I actually loved Marlana and that daily I watched Days of Our Lives. I actually didn’t
l ike soap operas because they twisted life. They seem to make you actually root for characters
to have affairs, lie, and do every single thing that is the opposite of holiness and marriage. Sin
seemed to be celebrated in soap operas. So I actually didn’t like them, yet suddenly I was totally
consumed with Days of Our Lives and what would happen to Marlana on any given day.

After some weeks of giving my heart, my thoughts, and my time to this show, my phone rang
right in the middle of a very dramatic scene. With my eyes and ears still focused on the TV, I said
“Hello,” and I heard the voice on the other end of the phone say, “What are you doing?”

Well, these four words brought me back to reality. I said “What?” I heard these four words again:
“What are you doing?” Of all people to call me right in the middle of my TV show, it was Bob
Jones. But this time, when I said “What?” he said, “You know what. You are watching those wom-
en shows, and you turn that off!”

I was totally shocked. Because my curtains were closed. My door was locked. I was alone in my
room and no one was supposed to know what I was watching. I said “Bob, how do you do that?
Where are you?” I was actually looking around the room wondering if he was just going to appear.

Bob told me, “God showed me exactly what you were watching and you turn that off.” Well, I
waddled over to the TV with that statement and I turned that show off.

That was the time, the day, and the hour that I realized that the eyes of the Lord are in every place.
We might think we are alone; however, we are not alone. God is looking into our lives and he is
always telling someone. This is good, because he wants us to shine in radiant righteousness when
no one is looking. And it is one little choice at a time. That one little choice can pull you to light
or pull you to darkness.

That day, I was awakened to Deuteronomy 4:24: “For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a
jealous God.” That day I learned he is jealous. He wants everything. He wants my choices when
I think I am alone. He wants to work on our character, and he invites us to choices that make a
difference in our lives when no other human is around. He wants us great in character so when he
pours out great favor, great anointing, and great clarity in prophecy, that our character matches
our anointing when no one is looking except his eyes alone.

“God revealed these things by his Spirit. For his Spirit searches out everything
and shows us God’s deep secrets.” I Corinthians 2:10 NIV

The Holy Spirit is always speaking, always revealing mysteries of the Father for us to share with
the world. The more we listen, the more we step out in courageous faith, the more we will hear;
and we will hear with greater clarity. But at the same time, God is looking at the inside. He desires
character to match anointing, not just for a season, but for a complete lifetime—so that as we are
growing in prophecy, we are growing in righteousness on the inside when no one is looking. He
wants us great on the inside. He desires that we shine in happy holiness when no one is looking.
He desires us to stay steady in the place of intimacy with him. Whether we are before thousands,
before ten people, or by ourselves, our choices are always the same. They point us to God or away
from him.

I desire prophecy. I earnestly desire to prophesy. I believe God is also calling us to earnestly desire
to throw off everything that hinders, to throw off sin that easily entangles. It’s time to run and
persevere. It’s time to prophesy with great clarity and, at the very same time, to earnestly desire to
live a life of shining righteousness. The blood of Jesus is so big and so powerful that it washes us
from all sin. He loves us all through the process and through every choice, but the call goes out to
let every choice count. Talk to him. Sing to him. Pray his Word and sing his Word. The more we
talk to him and the more we read his Word, the more help we have in making the right choices
for Jesus when no one is looking.

He is always watching, and if you think you won’t get caught, I promise he will send someone to
tell you what you are doing. And it’s all because he loves us greatly. I believe God desires us to be
his voice to the heart, and in the same breath, to look exactly like Jesus behind the scenes.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off
everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with persever-
ance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.”
Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV

Julie Meyer,
singer, songwriter
Healing Rooms Apostolic Center of Santa Maria

Lance Wallnau

Those who love life in the Spirit naturally gravitate to Bible school and full-time ministry. But
what if your ministry sphere is not in the church? What if it is in the secular marketplace?

Is it possible to navigate your spiritual life in the swelling currents of coarse, secular culture? Can
a prophet thrive in business, academia, entertainment, or politics? Can you stay close to God and
the anointing in an intensely non-Christian environment? The answer to all of these questions is

Here are a few missing pieces that can help a prophetic person, especially as it applies to what’s
unfolding in the world right now. Do you remember the moments in the movie The Matrix when
Neo plugs himself into the Matrix and after two minutes of programming, he opens his eyes say-
ing: “I know Kung Fu!?” He experienced an update of programming!

Here are three downloads that will update your own software:
1. First, your Cyrus download,
2. Second, your Assignment download,
3. Third, your Wi-Fi download.

Your Cyrus Download

So much focus is on the interpretation of our dreams; however, when we talk about major league
prophets and dream interpreters, like Joseph and Daniel, we miss an important point. They ful-
filled their calling by interpreting the dreams that God gave heathen rulers! The God of the glory
cloud and supernatural church is the God of politics—who meddles on occasion with who gets
into office! This paradigm comes as a surprise to contemporary Christians, myself included.

I will never forget the theological shockwave I experienced when I read how Daniel’s intercession
fueled the angelic warfare over the Jewish people. When the angel broke through, he delivered
to Daniel a revelation regarding the shifting of rulers taking place in the second heaven. Then he
added this: “Also I in the first year of Darius the Mede, even I, stood to confirm and to strengthen
him” (Daniel 11:1 KJB).

So why was Daniel’s assignment to King Darius, who wasn’t a Jewish ruler or a prophet! He was
a heathen king. This is something for Christians to consider when they are in the habit of only
supporting other Christians in elections. God and his army of angels don’t only promote believ-
ers! They get engaged in high-level warfare to make sure the right person (believer or unbeliever)
gets into office, power, and influence!

Isaiah prophesied about a secular ruler named Cyrus 200 years before he showed up. God’s words
are interesting because he referred to Cyrus as “my shepherd” (Isaiah 44:28) and called him “my
anointed.” In this case, we discover facts about Cyrus that may apply to other Cyruses–some of
whom you may someday (or already!) serve.

The Lord says that Cyrus was anointed for the sake of God’s people, or God’s agenda. And even
more curiously, the prophet added the words “though you do not know me” (Is. 45:4), implying
that this king did not have a personal revelation of the God who was using him so mightily.

Your Assignment Download

Clearly, God has distributed gifts of grace on people of every creed, and even those of no creed.
All over the world, people are born with talents, abilities, and capacities for inventiveness. They
come with built-in standards of morality and harmony that may or may not be very much in line
with the kingdom.

The reformers spoke of “common grace” as something granted by God to all mankind, whether
they followed God or not, for the promotion of what is right and restraining what is lawless.
Think of world leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Margaret Thatcher (to
name a few), who were brought to the arena not because of their faith but who were used might-
ily for God’s purposes. While everyone has access to grace gifts–you, as a believer, have access to
something even more!

There are certain current-day Pharaohs, Dariuses, and Cyruses that God puts in power. When
God promotes individuals, he does so because they come with an assignment connected to God’s
purposes. Cyrus, for instance, decreed the restoration of Jerusalem, beginning with the house of
God (see Ezra 1:1-4). Darius continued this restoration project, and as we see in Daniel, there
were archangels in warfare to establish him in his position. Nehemiah finished building a wall as
the final act of this Cyrus decree.

Where will these future “common grace” rulers find such prophets and intercessors, if not through
you and me? If our commission is to “go into all the world” (Mark 16:15 NIV), it makes sense
that prophets and Christians are called into every sphere of life–education, the arts, environ-
ment, business, science, journalism, community formation, academia, and so on. As you pray
and establish a spiritual perimeter over the territory you work in, you are creating an atmosphere
conducive with your prophetic gift to see, hear, and sense intuitively what your department needs
to do to flourish.

These rulers need intercessors and prophets in proximity to their office to assist them in admin-
istering that which God has revealed to them.

Your Holy Spirit Wi-Fi Download

Once you enter the sphere you are called to occupy, your spiritual perception—your Holy Spirit
Wi-Fi—will be active in a new way.

You may find yourself as the lowest ranking employee in the company, but if you are a believer
you are the highest ranking spiritual authority in that business! It is time that Christians in these
roles treat their jobs as a ministry and begin by praying on location. I found that by walking
through our corporate office in Babylon, New York (yes, I worked in Babylon), and praying, I
shifted the atmosphere over the office. I discerned what was in the atmosphere and prayed ac-
cordingly. I experienced divine appointments as I did this, because people would speak right out
of their mouths something that confirmed what I was sensing.

I prayed a lot in the Spirit and received words of knowledge on products and how to position
them in the marketplace. I led three men to the Lord and made that new division in our company
a million-dollar profit center. The entire time I worked in Babylon, I was praying to get into full-
time ministry because I thought I was missing out on something. My paradigm was off. Please
do not make this same mistake.

The supernatural activity you seek is wherever God sends you, and he is sending a fresh wave of
influencers into the seven mountains that shape culture! Tap into your Holy Spirit resource to
influence the secular arena!

Influencing the Kingdom

Did you know that for a period of time, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel all overlapped as contem-
porary prophets? Notice that they all got involved with issues of nations and governments.

Two-thirds of the prophets in the Bible were assigned to the role of a prophet in the familiar
sense, but one-third was specially assigned to the secular arena. Their combined intercession
and prophetic words were stored up in the heavens until the right kings started making decrees.

We are told that “Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian”
(Daniel 6:28). He was there to influence the decrees that released all the pent-up intercession,
fasting, and prophecies that were unfulfilled over Jerusalem. Wow! Now, let’s translate that into
this current culture and your moment in history.

How much revival is stored up in heaven, constrained until the right people step into their po-
sitions? Is it time to reassess your assignment? Are you called to partner with “common grace”
leaders? Do you need to reconsider who God is promoting and then consider how you are called
to come alongside to support them?

Jesus said “He who receives you receives Me” (NASB). The moment you walk into that market-
place, Jesus walks in. You are the ultimate problem solver. You are the atmosphere shifter. Expect
to see the force of favor promote you to more influence as you step into the arena.

Dr. Lance Wallnau, Founder

Lance Learning Group


I love how John (in the book of Revelations) says that whoever reads the book will be blessed.
When we read prophetic materials, we are usually blessed by what we read. Our minds are ex-
panded by more revelatory understanding, and our spirits become connected to an awareness
of what God is currently doing and releasing—understanding and awareness we would not have
had without the impartation received just from reading these types of messages!

I pray that as you read our compilation--of insight from current prophetic and apostolic voices-
-that God filled you with his Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you can really understand
what he is doing both in you and in the world around you.

We are called to develop a deep sense of prophetic awareness to what the Spirit is doing so that
we can be the counselors, the friends, and the comforters of the world around us. We get to offer
perspective and insight in a way that no one disconnected from God’s Spirit can offer.

If you want to grow in your own prophetic ministry, each ministry here has materials on growing
in this gift. Our ministry has our bestselling book, Translating God, to offer you too. Go deeper
and grow so that the world around you can be blessed!

Bless you for reading this book!


Shawn Bolz


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