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School band has been the dominating force of both my middle school and high school years.

The band has driven me further than I thought I would go and has provided me many, many
wonderful things in the process.
Band has taught me so many things through my seven years of participation. It has taught me
patience - through learning the music and drill to knowing how to stand still and stay focused for
long periods of time. It has also taught me perseverance because most of the music is
challenging, and I have to push myself to the limit sometimes to learn and do what I need to.
Furthermore, band has taught me to not cut corners; cutting corners may get me to my
destination quicker, but it will not help me in the long run. I need to put in the time and effort to
achieve all of my goals, both in band and in life. These characteristics that I have gained in band
have helped succeed in my academic classes and other clubs.
Band has also given me so much joy, but also lots of sadness. Being a class champion and one
of the top ten bands in the nation has been such a blessing and so awesome. I am extremely
happy when all of our hard work pays off at the end of the season, but it also means that the
seniors will be leaving us soon. Seeing the seniors graduate and leave year after year is always
hard, but I know I can keep in contact with them. Most of my closest relationships have
stemmed from the band, and they are also the friendships that have lasted the longest.
Even though there have been many difficulties through my high school journey, band has been
one thing that I know I can always come back to for help, whether from my friends or my band
directors. I would not be the person I am today without my school band teaching me and
pushing me every step of the way.

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