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03/12/2023 19:06 Camembert: a Delicious (and Healthy) French Cheese | Nutrition Advance

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Camembert: a Delicious (and Healthy)

French Cheese
Last updated: April 13, 2019 by Michael Joseph, MSc

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Camembert is a delicious and famous French cheese.

With a soft, creamy texture and a deep, flavorful taste, Camembert enjoys Receive Our
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In this article, we examine the nutrition profile and health benefits of this Get notified of new
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03/12/2023 19:06 Camembert: a Delicious (and Healthy) French Cheese | Nutrition Advance

What Is Camembert Cheese?

Camembert is a traditional French cheese that dates back to the late 18th

With origins in the town of Camembert, Normandy, the cheese has a strong
cultural relevance in its home nation.

In fact, much of the affection people have for it came from the
cheese keeping French soldiers nourished during the first World War.

With a minimum milk fat percentage of 45%, Camembert has a buttery,

creamy taste with a deep flavor.

This intense flavor can also split opinion; some people love Camembert, but
others are put off by its pungent taste.

Since the cheese requires minimal time to ferment, it has a very soft

While some types of aged hard cheese like Cheddar can require years of
aging, the typical aging process for Camembert is only a minimum of three

Camembert is usually eaten raw and often plays a part in cheese platters.
Also, some people enjoy to bake it. 3/20
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Traditionally, French producers make Camembert using raw, unpasteurized

However, due to hygiene and regulatory concerns over raw milk, a

significant number of Camembert cheesemakers now use pasteurized milk.

Notably, the United States is one of the countries that do not allow the sale
of unpasteurized Camembert (1).

Key Point: Camembert is a soft and creamy French cheese. It has a

minimal aging time, and a strong, pungent taste.

Nutrition Facts
The following tables show the nutrition profile per 100 grams of Camembert
cheese (2).

Calories and Macronutrients

Amount (kcal/grams)

Calories 300 kcal

Carbohydrate 0.5 g

Fiber 0g 4/20
03/12/2023 19:06 Camembert: a Delicious (and Healthy) French Cheese | Nutrition Advance

Sugar 0.5 g

Fat 24.3 g

Saturated Fat 15.3 g

Monounsaturated Fat 7.0 g

Polyunsaturated Fat 0.7 g

Omega-3 274 mg

Omega-6 450 mg

Protein 19.8 g

As shown, Camembert is high in protein and fat – mainly saturated and

monounsaturated fatty acids.

The cheese provides a minimal amount of carbohydrate, and only contains

trace amounts of sugar (lactose).

In order of significance, here is Camembert’s vitamin profile;

Vitamin Amount (% RDA)

Riboflavin 29% 5/20
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Vitamin B12 22%

Vitamin A 16%

Folate 16%

Pantothenic Acid 14%

Vitamin B6 11%

Vitamin D 3%

Niacin 3%

Camembert provides a decent range of B vitamins, and it is a good source of

vitamin A.

Additionally, the cheese provides trace amounts of vitamins E and K1.

Depending on the specific cheese and type of bacterial culture used,

Camembert may also supply a good amount of vitamin K2.


Mineral Amount (% RDA)

Calcium 39%

Phosphorus 35% 6/20
03/12/2023 19:06 Camembert: a Delicious (and Healthy) French Cheese | Nutrition Advance

Sodium 35%

Selenium 31%

Zinc 16%

Magnesium 5%

Potassium 5%

Iron 2%

Manganese 2%

Copper 1%

Similar to other dairy products, Camembert is a significant source of calcium

and phosphorus, and it contains a wide range of essential minerals.

Key Point: Camembert is a high-protein, high-fat food and it is

relatively nutrient-dense.

Health Benefits of Camembert Cheese

Camembert has a range of benefits and potential benefits.

1. May Benefit Heart Health 7/20
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Despite the historical fear of foods high in fat, we have realized that there
are good and bad fats.

Firstly, several research studies have looked into the connection between
dairy foods and cardiovascular health in recent years.

Markedly, several systematic reviews demonstrate that fermented dairy

products like Camembert may decrease our risk of vascular diseases and
cardiovascular events.

These studies consistently find either a neutral or favorable impact on the

risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke (3, 4, 5, 6).

Additionally, randomized trials on human participants show that regular

intake of cheese raises HDL cholesterol and either lowers or has no effect
on LDL cholesterol.

As a result, cheese consumption appears to improve the overall lipid profile

(7, 8, 9).

Key Point: Based on a wide range of research, Camembert cheese is

likely beneficial or neutral for cardiovascular health.

2. Substantial Source of Calcium

The Chemical Formula and Structure For Calcium. 8/20
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Camembert provides a large concentration of calcium, and a 50-gram

portion supplies 20% of the mineral’s recommended daily allowance.

Adequate calcium intake is vital for our bone health and, alongside support
nutrients, a sufficient intake may reduce the risk of osteoporosis (10, 11).

Dairy sources of calcium are also far more bioavailable than (most)
vegetable sources of the mineral.

For instance, calcium from cheese has an absorption rate of approximately

30 – 35% (12).

In contrast, the plant foods highest in calcium, such as spinach and rhubarb,
have an absorption rate of less than 10%.

Key Point: Camembert cheese is a significant – and bioavailable –

source of the mineral calcium. 9/20
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3. Contains a Wide Range of Beneficial Bacteria

The rind (“mold”) of Camembert contains a substantial concentration of
micro-organisms that we commonly call “beneficial bacteria.”

Further to that, this bacteria enters our digestive system where some may
reside and contribute to a healthy intestinal microbiota.

Studies show that Camembert consumption will not significantly change the
composition of the gut microbiota.

However, they also show that some bacteria survive digestion and become
part of the gut bacterial colony (13).

Additionally, the population of a bacteria known as Enterococcus faecium is

“significantly enhanced” by Camembert intake (14).

Having a healthy gut microbiota is believed to benefit our overall health,

and may play a role in reducing the risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes (15,

Key Point: Camembert contains beneficial bacteria which may help to

improve our gut health.

4. Rich In Protein 10/20
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With a 20% protein density, Camembert is an

excellent source of protein, and almost provides as
much as the amount in meat.

Protein has a variety of benefits for our health, and it

is essential for the growth and repair of our body and
plays a role in immune response (17).

Furthermore, protein is the most satiating out of the

three macronutrients; sufficient intake provides a
greater feeling of fullness and decreases appetite (18,

Higher protein intake is also associated with more lean mass, particularly
when combined with resistance training, which has benefits for our overall
health (20).

Key Point: Camembert cheese contains around 20 grams of protein

per 100 g.

How Is Camembert Made?

Although it is not as quick as fresh options like cottage cheese, Camembert
has a very short aging process and takes only several weeks before it is

The process of making Camembert involves several stages (21); 11/20
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Heating: First of all, milk is heated and then mixed with various
bacterial starter cultures as well as ripening cultures.

Coagulation: Once the cheesemakers add the starter cultures, the

next stage is to coagulate the milk using rennet. Rennet contains
enzymes that curdle the casein protein within milk. After adding the
rennet, cheesemakers allow the curd to set and become firm.

Preparing the curds: After the curd has become firm, it is cut into
small cubes which are then salted and placed in Camembert molds.

Draining: Over the following two days, the cheesemaker drains the
curds of excess liquid and whey by regularly turning them. After this
state, the cheese develops a hard and crumbly texture.

Adding mold: Once the cheese has the desired texture, it is sprayed
with a mold known as Penicillium camemberti. Following this, the
cheese is given a legal minimum of three weeks for ripening.

Finished product: During the ripening stage, the Camembert

develops a white surface mold and a soft, creamy inner texture. Once
this is complete, the Camembert is ready for packaging and shipping.

If you are curious about Camembert’s production process, you can see a
video of it here. 12/20

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