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By David Gitau Ever wondered why politicians in Kenya retire to poverty despite the power, money and influence that hitherto characterize their political life? Well, | don’t want to insinuate that | have the answer but my interactions with politicians ‘and working in a political setup gives me a glimpse of what happens in their pursuit of the elusive and coveted title, Mheshimwa. Indeed, it’s an epic journey characterized by pleasure and pain but not necessarily in equal measure. The Devil and the General Manager A story is told of a general manager who died of a tragic road accident, Her soul arrived in heaven, where she was met at the Pearly Gates by St. Peter. “Welcome to Heaven,” he said. He went on to explain, “Before you get settled in, we have higher orders to let you spend a day in Hell and a day in Heaven then you can choose where to live for eternity.” “Actually, | think I've made up my ‘mind... | prefer to stay in Heaven,” said the manager. “Sorry, we have rules...” and with that St. Peter put the manager in an elevator and it went down-down to hell. The doors opened and the manager found herself stepping out onto a beautiful lush green golf course. At a distance she saw her friends ‘and peers standing in front of a ‘country club; they were all dressed in evening gowns cheering for her. They ran up, kissed her on both cheeks and tatked about old times. They played an excellent round of golf and at night went to the country club where she enjoyed ‘an excellent dinner of steak and lobster. She met the Devil who was ‘actually a really cute and nice guy ‘and she had a great time telling Jokes and dancing. The manager was having such a good time that before she knew it was time to leave. Everybody shook her hand ‘and waved goodbye as she got on the elevator. The elevator went up, ‘opened back at the Pearly Gates, ‘and found St. Peter waiting for her. “Now it’s time to spend a day in heaven,” he said. PERSONAL FINANCE So the general manager spent the next 24 hours lounging around tn the clouds and playing the harp and singing. She had a great time and before she knew it her 24 hours were up and St. Peter came and got her. So, you've spent a day in hell and you've spent a day in heaven. Now you must choose your eternity.” He said. The General ‘Manager paused for a second and then replied, “Well, | never thought I'd say this. | mean, Heaven has been really great and all, but I think Thad a better time in Hell.” So St. Peter escorted her to the elevator and again the manager went down back to Hell. When the doors of the elevator opened she found herself standing in a desolate wasteland covered in garbage and filth. She saw her friends were dressed in rags and were picking up left overs in dustbins for the evening meal. The Devil came up to her, put his arm around her, and laughed at her. “I don’t understand,” stammered the General Manager, “yesterday | was here and there was a golf course and @ country club and we ate lobster and we danced and had a great a ca ee) PERSONAL FINANCE Politicians gatherd at parliament time. Now all there is a wasteland of garbage and all my friends look miserable.” The Devil looked at her and grinned, “That's because yesterday we were recruiting you, but today you are staff, welcome. The allure The allure experienced by the General Manager in Hell is the same charm that attracts a majority to join politics. They all admire politicians’ opulence and flamboyance; characterized by big machines, security details, money, power, influence, expensive wristwatches, gold chains, sexual exploits and everything that comes with a good life, Unknown to many, this insatiable desire for political office heralds the beginning of a Journey through fun often ends in bitterness, fury and misery. in pursuit of this goal, people amass wealth, establish strategic social and political networks, promise their followers anything under the sun and engage in all manner of gerrymandering to annihilate their worthy opponents. Sowing the poverty seed - setting the stage Unfortunately, Kenyan politics is ostensibly semi-structured, very expensive and skewed in favour of the filthy rich and moneyed individuals who don’t care to spend it on any multitude that promise to vote them in. Additionally, our electorate has little regard for ‘education, good manifestos and personal integrity and therefore money becomes the swing card. ‘A study by The Star Newspaper published in June, 2022 revealed that on average it would cost Kes 100 Mn to win a Gubernatorial seat, Kes 39 Mn for a Senatorial, Kes 22.4 ‘Nn for MP, Kes 24 Mn for Women Rep and Kes 3.5 Mn for MCA seat in 9th August, 2022 polls. These are not measly figures and exerts a huge financial burden on the political class from the onset. Therefore, those with less cash utilize their life savings, take ‘commercial loans, advances and hold fundraisers as well as disposing PRICE TO WIN A POLITICAL SEAT Itwould cost - Kes 100 Mn for Gubernatorial seat - Kes 39 Mn for a Senatorial, ~ Kes 22.4 Mn for MP, ~ Kes 24 Mn for Women Rep - Kes 35 Mn for MCA seat in 9th August, 2022 polls. personal property. This partly explains why youth and women find it hard to get elected. Once elected the politicians have to balance their personal finances, unrealistic individual demands by the electorate, managing the expectations of the newly found status and sustaining it. How a politician balances financial and Political demands largely determines their life after active politics. Regrettably, most of them fail due to lack of sound personal finance management. The discord Generally, a political office ought to be treated like any other day job where there are set targets and goals to be achieved for a pay to meet one’s needs and selected wants. Unfortunately, most politicians spend substantial amounts on wants rather than needs. As soon as they assume office, they acquire fuel guzzlers, relocate to leafy suburbs, establish mansions with lush gardens courtesy of car loan and mortgage facilities. This eats into their monthly pay meant for family and investments. As though that is not enough, some take their kids to some of the best private schools ‘where school fees cost an arm and a leg, Before the dust settles, the politicians’ ‘generous’ heart reminds them that it’s time to throw colourful and lavish thanksgiving ceremonies to their electorate and financiers. During the occasions, elated by the large turnout they share plans about setting up foundations to support ‘community projects and offer scholarships to a few deserving kids from poor families - not a bad thing. Mheshimiwa’s spirit enters their ‘delicate’ soul fast and furious and before they realize, they have changed friends, hangout joints to the high-end ones and the old wardrobe are overhauled with Italian and Mao suites sold by Little Red. This lifestyle attracts all manner ‘of people who envy Mheshimiwa’s newly acquired status with all sorts of suggestions from business deals to relationships. By the time their ‘conscious mind awakens, they have been swindled through failed business deals and the skimpily dressed working class ladies they have been entertaining are now suing for child support. ‘As they say, ‘when it rains it pours,” and ‘when a monkey's death is looming all trees in the forest get slippery.” Mheshimwa’s campaign financiers still owed start demanding for their cash, the apartment he started has stalled and now his monthly expenditure outweighs the income. He ends up taking commercial loans against Sacco savings and payslip to sustain the Mheshimiwa lifestyle In a rush against time and to cover for the lost traction, Mheshimiwa ‘engages in rent-seeking behaviour and conflict of interest while discharging his duties, inviting the attention of watchdog institutions (EACC, DCI, KRA, ODPP, ARA among others) The tranquility of the title Mheshimiva starts to fade as soon as he realizes elections are around the comer and he still has undelivered ‘campaign pledges. Mheshimiwa now needs a campaign war chest in light of serious aspirants disparaging his dismal performance. Come elections, he struggles to put up a spirited fight but loses by a narrow margin. He is left desolate with PERSONAL FINANCE A past political rally by the current president of Kenya ‘summons to Integrity House and the courts, loans and bills to pay as he tries to look for alternative gainful ‘engagement. At this point, Mheshimiwa invites himself to a meeting to question his, conscience on whether the allure and pursuits were worth everything. Nevertheless, he has to contend with the fact that he is now poorer, an absentee family man and a social misfit despite retaining the empty title of a Mheshimiwa, Free Yourself from Mheshimiwa’s Bondage So, how can Mheshimiwa avoid the allure and financial pitfalls in pursuit of their self-actualization? Surely, | don't promise | have the answer since the charm fs real, ‘tempting and realities hard to avoid. Nonetheless, politicians have to confront the power beast, overcome the burning desires and avoid unwarranted adventures. For heaven's sake, when the allure to join politics attacks your mind ask God for wisdom as Solomon did. Weigh your risks and rewards for pursuing the political office. Always have the end in mind and remain focused on what matters throughout ‘your public life. Once in office, exercise self control, contentment and deliver your mandate wholeheartedly; largely with State resources not necessarily personal finances. Avoid the insanity to overly spend Personal finances to appease and meet unrealistic demands by the electorate. For the sake of your peaceful retirement, have a significant regular saving plan comprising of non-withdrawable deposits or life insurance plans. Invest in business and/or projects that guarantee residual income (for instance, rental income, shares in growth and value stocks, treasury bonds among others). ‘Additionally, like the shrewd manager who was to be sacked by his master in the book of Luke 16:1-9, leverage on community welfare structure as entry points for establishing and sustaining relationships with the electorate. Also invest in social capital centered around your family and close allies as they will offer you a soft landing when you fall from grace. ‘The writer is a Principal Research Officer at the County ‘Assembly of Nyandarua ‘SOCIETY OF CLERKS AT THE TABLE IN KENYA NEWSLETTER ISSUE 5 ©

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