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Innovation game

Physical and health education


The objective is to capture as many flags as possible from the opponent's base and safely
return them to your own base while navigating fun physical challenges throughout the game.

Teams and Roles:

- Players are divided into two teams: Red Team and green Team.

- Each team consists of up to 8 players minimum being 4 for each team, where roles are split
between Runners (capturing other team's flag) and Defenders (defending their own flag at
home base).

- Age group: 8 years and older.

- Space required: A large area, either outdoors or in a large indoor space divided into two main
home bases.

- Equipment needed:

- Two bases located at opposite ends of a large playing field (outdoor preferred).
- six Flags in total, three at each base.

-colored tapes to showcase every team base

-minimum 4 soft balls two for each team if they are 4 every team/ maximum 8 softballs 4 for
every team (so the amount of softballs given to defenders on every team is half the amount of

- 2 envelopes for each team containing consequences. And 8 card to be placed in each one.

- Each player wears a colored arm/headband denoting their role (made by ribbons or thread)

Game Setup:
- Divide the players into two even teams, each player having the team differentiator shown
clearly as a arm band or headband.
- At the start signal, both teams' Runners race to steal flags from the opponent's base while
avoiding their Defenders.
- If a Runner is tagged by a Defender in the opponent's territory, they must return to their own
base before attempting again.
- A Runner can only carry one flag at a time.
- When a Runner captures a flag from the opposing team's base, all opposing team members
can run after them as long as the flag is in their hand, not just defenders.
- Defenders cannot leave their designated zone but are equipped with soft throwable objects
(foam balls) that they can use to knock out Runners from a distance.
- when you are hit by a ball you go and draw a card from the consequence envelope located at
your home bas before continuing the game
-some consequence cards might have bonus points but never more than the points capturing a
flag gets yours

- Teams must work together to create strategies for reaching the opposing team's base and
getting their flag while simultaneously defending their own team's home base from opponent

-When a flag is found, players must carry it back to their home base by hand without the use of
any other equipment or aid. The flag can't be thrown around and if another team member
touches you with the flag in your hand you have to drop it, and return to your own base before
re-entering the game.

-. Opposing team members are not allowed to enter the opponent's home base but can take up
defensive positions around it.

- Each captured flag is worth 3 points.

- The game lasts for 15-minutes with a brea at 7 minutes.

- The team with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

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