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Research Methodology: Exploring the Lived Experiences of New Mothers

1. Introduction

The purpose of this qualitative research study is to gain a deep understanding of the lived experiences of
new mothers during the postpartum period. Through an interpretative phenomenological approach, the
study aims to explore the emotional, social, and psychological dimensions of motherhood, providing
insights into the challenges, joys, and coping mechanisms of women in the first six months after giving

2. Research Design

This study adopts a phenomenological research design, allowing for an in-depth exploration of the
subjective experiences of new mothers. Phenomenology is particularly suited to this research as it seeks
to understand the essence of human experiences from the perspective of the participants.

3. Participant Selection

A purposive sampling method will be employed to select participants who meet the inclusion criteria:
women aged 18 to 35, having given birth within the last six months, and representing diverse socio-
economic backgrounds. Aiming for a sample size of 15 participants, data saturation will guide the
decision to cease participant recruitment.

4. Data Collection

Semi-structured interviews will serve as the primary method of data collection. Open-ended questions
will be used to encourage participants to share their personal narratives, emotions, and reflections on
their postpartum experiences. Interviews will be audio-recorded with participants' consent, transcribed
verbatim, and anonymized to ensure confidentiality.

5. Data Analysis

Thematic analysis, following the steps outlined by Braun and Clarke (2006), will be employed to identify
patterns, themes, and meanings within the data. Initial coding will be conducted independently by two
researchers, and consensus meetings will be held to refine and finalize the coding framework. The
process of constant comparison will be used to ensure rigor and trustworthiness in the analysis.

6. Ethical Considerations

This study will adhere to ethical principles, obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring
confidentiality, and allowing participants the right to withdraw at any stage. Institutional Review Board
(IRB) approval will be sought before commencing the study.

7. Trustworthiness

To enhance the trustworthiness of the findings, the study will employ member checking, where
participants will be given the opportunity to review and validate the interpretation of their experiences.
Peer debriefing and reflexivity will be maintained throughout the research process to minimize biases
and enhance the rigor of the study.

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