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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

U. E. Colegio Eduardo Blanco

Docente: María Virginia Brusco Alumno: Lorena Rojas

3er año “B”

Lechería, 16 de febrero de 2021.

Good morning, my name is Lorena Rojas, and today I am going to
explain to you what kind of personality I have and what color represents
me. To put them in context, I did some tests that determine what kind of
person I am.
The first one pointed out to me that I belong to the type of enthusiasts
who represent approximately 7% of the population, and are represented
by the color orange, who are so energetic, with such creative minds, so
free, so charismatic and if they are able to focus on a topic, they can
contextualize large ideas and theories.
This type of personality I feel that it reprimands me a lot, because I
always try to be the most enthusiastic person, the happiest, I work hard in
what I do, I am the fastest to think and start ideas, and I also try to be so
kind and such a good person as I can. However, sometimes I am so
distracted, and so emotionally dependent, that if I thought more with my
head and less with my heart, I know that I would be more productive; just
as I am so talkative, and if I did less I could stop disenfranchising the
people around me.
Unlike my sister's personality, she is a logical type and her
representative color is blue, she is more thoughtful than me in some things,
she is quieter, she has a broader vision and she is guided more by logic
than I.
However, I am more energetic than her, more restless, I analyze
things a little less and I am more sociable and talkative than her. She is
much more introverted than me, and I am more extroverted than her
Doing these tests helped me a lot to know what kind of personality
I have and what kind of person I reflect on others, it was also so fun, so
interesting and such a good experience.
It was also very similar to other tests, although the others were
shorter, and on the other hand the personality test for me is more accurate
than the color test.
Having my personality type is very advantageous, but in some
situations I think that if I were another type of person, it would be very
interesting to know how I would react. Just like if I thought like my sister,
I would be a more thoughtful and logical person.
If I did not belong to the group of enthusiasts, perhaps I would
belong to the group of researchers, and if I did not identify the color
orange, it could represent the color green.
Thank you very much for your attention, I hope you carry out these
tests and enjoy them as much as I do, and that in the future you will know
each other more and more.

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