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1 .

Prompt emission of X-ray by an atom ionised by a higher energy X-ray is a type of which of the


a) Luminescence

b) Fluorescence

c) Phosphorescence

2. The polarity of a covalent bond is due to

A c) greater electretnegativity difference between two atoms

) lesser electronegativity difference between two atoms

d) Spontaneous emission

b) lesser bond energy

e) Greater bond energy 3. The relative attraction of the nucleus for the electrons in a chemicul
bond is called

b) Electron affinity

c) Electronegativity

a) Ionization energy

4. ICP is used to analyse samples in which of the following states?


b) Gases

Aj Solids

5. Force responsible to hold atoms together in a compound is called

c) Attractive force

c). Interaction

d) None of these

Solids and liquids

d)-All of above represent the same entity

a) Bond

6. Which of the following is the disadvantage of ICP mass spectroscopy?

a) Incapable of multi-elernent analysis

b) Less sensitivity

c) Impossible to obtain isotopic information

Not useful for detection of non-metals

Isotopes are the atoms of different elements

D Isotopes differ in number of neutrons

) Isotopes have similar chemical properties

7. Which of the following does not match the characteristics of an Isotope?

a) Isotopes of some elements are radioactive

. Which radioactive element is used in the treatment of cancer?

a) Lodine-131

b) Uranium-234

9. The covalent compounds are soluble in

c) All bases

d) Plutonium-239

b) Ali solvents

c) Cobalt-50

Non-polar solvents
a) All acids

10. How can the intensity of radiation be increased in Hollow cathode lamp? A) Addition of non-
conductive protective shield of mica

b) Increasing the pressure of the filling gas

c) Addition of nitrogen to neon or argon in the lamp

d) Changing the metal of the anode

11. The electrons present in the outermost shell are called

a) Valency electrons

b) Duplet electrons

12. Bond will be ionic when the E.N difference of bonded atom is

a) Equal to 1.7

13. Which of the following components of the X-ray fluorescent spectrometer induces

Excitation source

b) Octate electrons

Greater than 1.7 c) Less than 1.7 d

c) Energy analyser
d) X-ray spectrometer

14. The total number of electrons that take part in forming bonds in O, is

a) 2

15. Energy released or absorbed when electrons are added in atom is

a) Lonization potential

16. The octet rule is

b) 6

c) Electronegativity

d) 8

e) Walence electrons

) No specificity exists

Fluorescent radiation?

e) Detection System
Electron affinity d) Activation energy

a) The tendency of atoms to have eight electrons in the outermost shell. B) the tendency of
atoms to have eight pairs of electrons in the valency shell X

b) The tendency of the molecule to have a total of eight electron

c) The tendency of atoms to have eight non-bonding electrons

17 . Negative Eu anomaly in the REE patterns indicate to fractionation of

A ) K-Feldspar

b) Horriblende


18. Factors governing the formation of an ionic bond are

Dj biutite

a) Low ionization energy of metal and high electron affinity of non-metal atom

b) High ionization energy of metal and high electron affinity of non-metal atom c) low ionization
energy of metal atom and low electron affinity of non-metal atom

c) High ionization energy of metal and low electron affinity of non-metal atom

19. Which method is used for dating relatively recent geological event?
c) Carbon - 14 methods

a) K- Ar method

b) U-pb method

20. Elements which readily-form ions with an outermost 8-electron shell are:

b) Chaleophile

a) Siderophile

21. Clarke is the:

a) Dispersed elements in the earth's crust


d) Rb Sr method.

d) Atmosphere

Average percentage of an element in the earth's crust.

d) Bulk composition of earth.

c) Distribution of a particular element between two phases.

22. Who was introduced the term siderophile, Chaleophile lithophile and atrophied


23. Chondrites are consisting primarily of:

24. (SiO_{J})_{n}^{2\pi-} may be the empirical formula of:

25. Beryl, Be_{3}Al_{2}Si_{6}O_{18}i :

a) Olivine only

a) Cyclic silicates

a) an orthosilicate

known as: 26. Different elements with the same neutron number but with different values of atomic
Weight and protons are

n) Isotopes

b) Clarke (1924)

c) Rir.gwood (1975)

d) Cameron (1937)

b) Pyroxene only

Olivine and/or pyroxene

d) Iron and Nickie.

b) Pyro silicates

c) Chain silicates

d) both a & c

b) a pyrosilicate

ea cyclic silicate

d) None

27. Match the following:


d) Isotherm

b) Isobars

1. Siderophile

(i) Sulfides

2. Chaleophile

(ii) Silicates

3. Lithophile
(iii) Metallic irons.

(iv) Atmosphere.

a) 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-1, 4-iv

b) 1-iii, 2-ii, 3-iv, 4-1.

4. Atmosphere

c1-iii, 2-1, 3-ii, 4-iv

28. Chromium is a straggly lithophile element in the earth's crust, but it is found as a Chalcophilte in
some meteorites because of:

a) Oxygen rich


Oxygen deficiency

29. The electronic configuration of isotopes of an element is

d) 1-iv, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-i

c) Hydrogen deficiency.

d) Carbon deficiency

c) different
d) none of these

(Z is atomic number and N is

number of neutrons)

c) =N-Z

d A=2(Z+N)

following components?

b) Slit 31. The electron opties consists of an electron gun followed by which of the

Electron beam probe

b) Carbon

d) Uranium-235

30. The mass manber A is given

b) similar

a) A=Z-N

a) Collimator

a) Helium

c) Amplifier

. When Uranium-238 emits a particles it decays in to



Which of the following statement is/are correct for amphibole silicates?

a) The empirical formula is (SiO_{3})^{2}]r b) There are only one type of tetrahedra.

c) There are two types of tetrahedra: those sharing 3 vertices & those sharing 2.

d) The empirical formula is [(Si_{4}O_{11})^{6-}]_{i1}

34. The mica minerals like Muscovite, phlogopite and Biotite make some rocks to sparkle as they
break very easily

into thin parallel sheets of flat surfaces, which reflect the light. The reason is:

a) These are ortho silicates containing discrete units of SiO2 tetrahedra. b) These are framework

c) These are phyllo silicates with layers which are held together by strong van der Waal's forces.

These are phyllo silicates with layers which are held together by weak van der Waal's forces.

35. The Si^{4+} units in Feldspars are replaced by:

36. Name the type of the structure of silicate in which one oxygen atom of SiO is shared: c)

a) Nesosilicate

b) Sorosilicate

d) Tectosilicate

37. The formula of cyclic silicate in which 6 tetrahedra are arranged cyclically is: d



3)\cdot Si_{6}O_{i8}12\cdot

b) Si_{6}O_{18}^{6-}

) Si_{6}O_{18}^{\%}

38. In which isotope of oxygen out of O^{16}, 0^{17} and O^{18} there are equal number of protons,
electrons and neutrons? d


b) O"

c) O^{18}

) none of these

U\rightarrow K+\alpha




c) Ionic bond

c) Charge

d) Molecular weight

Van deer Waal’s bond.

Mass to charge ratio

9. In inert gases the bond is:

a) Metallic bond

b) Covalent bond

40. Mass spectrometer separates ions on the basis of which of the following?
a) Mass

41. Which of the following statements is not true about mass spectrometry?

@Impurities of masses different from the one being analysed interferes with the result

B ) It has great sensitivity c

) It is suitable for data storage

It is suitable for library retrival


. The electron optics consists of an electron gun followed by which of the following components?

a) Collinator

43. The most favourable conditions for the formation of an ionic compound is

Low charge on ions, small cation and small anion b) ) high charge on ions, small cation and large

High charge on ions, large cation and large anion

C 44. In a bond between two atoms X and Y, the shared electron pair does not lie in the centre. The
bond is

Low charge on ions, large cation and small anion

a) Single bond
45. An element with atomic number equal to one, exists in three isotopes namely {}^{1}H_{1}
{}^{2}H_{1} and {}^{3}H_{1} Which out of these has only one electron in its outermost shell?

b) {}^{2}H_{1}

c) Slit

b) Non-polar bond


c) Amplifier

Polar bond

d) All the three

d) . Which isotope of chlorine out of {}^{35}Cl_{17} and {}^{37}Cl_{17} has greater number of
neutrons than the protons? B)_{17}Cl^{37}

Neither of the two

Characteristics of an Isotope? 47. Which of the following does not match the

Electron beam probe

e) Co-ordinate bond


a) Isotopes of some elements are radioactive c) Isotopes differ in number of neutrons

A molecule


Isotopes are the atoms of different elements

e) Isotopes have similar chemical properties

48. A unit of matter which cannot be broken down into other substances by ordinary chemical
methods is:

a) A mineral

b) A compound

49. A Plan for obtaining a sample from a field is called:

a) Population design

b) Sampling design

50. The term isotope is used for the elements:

a) Same chemical properties and same atomic weight.

c) An element

Sampling frame

d) Sampling distribution

b) Differing in atomic weight and stability but not appreciably in chemical properties. C) Same in
atomic weight and stability but differing in chemical properties.

c) With the same atomic weight but different in neutrons and protons value. 51. Which type of
bond is present in the diamond?

a) Metallic bond

b) Lonic bond

C Covalent bond

52. In

The periodic table of elements, the elements are Decreasing atomic weight. Increasing atomic
number. C) Increasing volume. D) Decreasing atomic number.

Arranged in order of:

c) Van deer Waal’s bond.

a) 53. An element is characterised by the:


Number of protons in its nueteus b) Number of neutrons in its nucleus c) Number of neutrons and

None of these.

54. The geochemical character of an element is largely governed by the:

a) Number of proton in the nucleus

Electronic configuration of its atoms.

d) All the above.

55. occupy the same place in the periodic table.


b) Isotones


What property of an element determines its chemical behaviour?

c) Number of neutrons in the nucleus

a) Isobars

d) None of these
a) Size of an element c) Molar mass of the element d) None of these

Valency of an element

A van der Waals bend

(b) Covalent bond

(c) Metallic bond

(d) Ionic bond

58. The mineral, quartz, is an

Example of:

a) A single-chain silicate

Ba framework silicate

b) A sheet silicate

c) A double-chain silicate.

57. Which one of the following

Is not a strong bond?

59. What type of silicate minerals is shown from this arrangement of silicate tetrahedra?
a) Ortho silicate.

b) Cyclic silicate.

Framework silicate.

d) Phyllo silicate.

60. Higher value of electron affinity means

a) Atom will lose electron easily

Atom will gain electron easily

c) Atom may form the di-positive ion.

d) The reason is unknown

Question# 2: Write (V) in front of the correct statements and (x) in front of the incorrect statements
(30 points, 0.5 point for each)

1. No two molecules will be fragmented and ionized in exactly the same manner.

2. In mass spectrometer, the sample gas is introduced into the highly evacuated spectrometer tube
and it is ionised by electron beam.X

3. The measurement of intensity of fluorescent X-rays provide a simple and Non-destructive way of

analysis. 4. Fluorescent X-ray spectrometers would require only moderate-intensity X-ray tubes.X
5. Capture occurs when a minor element enters a crystal preferentially to the major element because
it has a higher ionic potential than the major element.

6. High-field strength elements (HFSE's) are incompatible owing to high charge

7. Diamond does not contain a covalent bond X

8. Siderophile elements are with an affinity for a liquid metallic phase (usually iron)

9. Atomisation or ionisation occurs at high pressure conditions

10. In Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, Tungsten lamp is the generally used radiation source X

11 . Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy is used for the analysis of metals.

12. Electron probe microanalyser is a method of destructive elemental analysis.

13. The energy of an atom in a compound is higher than individual

14. The energy required to remove an electron from an atom is called activation energy

15. Radioactive isotope is isotope that decays away radioactively due to an unstable nuclear

16. Sr is the normalizing isotope used in Rb-Sr work. It is stable and non radiogenic

17. Elements having high I.P values are metals

18. An ionic bond is formed between one metal atom and one metalloid atom X 19. A covalent bond
involves sharing of electrons between two atoms having similar electronegativity X
20. The tendency of atoms to attain a maximum of eight electrons in the valance shell is known as:
Tetrad rule 21. Beta rays are used to control the thickness of plastic, paper, and metal sheets

22. Major elements Harker diagrams Cogenetic lavas = well-defined trends

23. In metals, the inner electrons form a shared sea of electrons. X

24. Metallic bonding is an attraction between positive ions and electrons

25. The Atoms of solid Ar are held together by Van der Waals forces X

26. Elements which readily-form ions with an outermost 8-electron shell are Siderophile X

27. The geochemical character of an element is largely governed by the Electronic configuration of its
atoms. 28. Isotopes of an element have different atomic number but same mass numbers. XL

29. 147Sm→ 143Nd + alpha decay

30. Admission Involves entry of a foreign ion with an ionic potential less than that of the major ion.

31. Isotopes have different chemical properties

32. An atom of hydrogen contains no neutrons. 33. The isotope used to remove the brain tumours
and treatment of cancer i: U-235

34. Isotopes of the same element must have the same number of electrons

35. Equilibrium melting continuously reacts and equilibrates with crystalline residue until
36. Camouflage occurs when the minor element has the same charge and similar ionic radius as the
major element

37. Muscovite is a single chain silicate

38. Carbon is NOT among the 8 most abundant elements in Earth’s crust 39. The general formula of
silicate ion present cyclic silicates is Si_{2}O_{7}^{6-}

40. Layered silicate structures in clays consists the Si_{2}O_{5}^{2-} group. 41. Empirical formula of
double chain silicates is (Si4O11)

42. The ratio of si^{\prime} to ‘O’ in phyllosilicates is 2:4 X

4.3. The overall charge present on the cyclic silicate anion [Si_{6}O_{18}]^{n-} is 12

44. Sorosilicates have 3D structure

45. Name of the structure of silicates in which three oxygen atoms of (SiO_{4})^{4-} are shared is

46. Beryl is a silicate. Its anion part contains [Si_{n}O_{3n}]^{12-} , then the value of n is 6

47. lonic potential is Charge divided by radius

49. Gamma rays are used to detect whether cans or bottles are filled up to the required amount.

48. Electron sea exists in covalent bond X

50 . Geochemistry concerns the study of the distribution and cycling of elements in the core of the
earth X

51. A contaminant is a Pollutant when it harms the environment

52. A toxic pollutant is a substance present in greater than natural concentration as a result of nature

53. 86Sr is a stable isotope, and not created by breakdown of any other parent

54. The ions of one element can extensively replace those of another in ionic crystals if their radii
differ by less than

Approximately 60%

55. Chalcophile elements are with an affinity for a liquid sulphide phase and are also likely
partitioned in the core 56. In the isochron diagram we obtain the age, t, from the slope of the line,
since m=(e^{\lambda t}-1) and the initial

Ratio from the intercept. 57. 1 wt.\%=100000 ppm X

58. An isotope of iodine is used in the treatment of goitery

59. {}^{14}C_{6} is used in estimating the age of old and dead objects in archaeology

60. Radio-phosphorus (P^{32}) is used in the treatment of skin diseases

With best wishes

Prof.Dr. Mohamed. M. El-Sayed

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