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Reviewer Quarter 2

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14130 6 75

Provi de i nsi ght i nto the chemi cal behavi or of el ements E l ectron Conf i gurati on

type of notati on that i l l ustrates an atom's el ectron di stri buti on and el ectron spi n orbi tal di agram

el ectrons occupy orbi tal s i n the order of i ncreasi ng energy. Auf bau Bui l di ng-up Pri nci pl e

every orbi tal i s si ngl y occupi ed wi th one el ectron bef ore any orbi tal i s doubl y
H und’s Rul e of M axi mum M ul ti pl i ci ty
occupi ed

maxi mum number of el ectrons per orbi tal i s l i mi ted to two Paul i ’s E xcl usi on Pri nci pl e

el ectron conf i gurati on: Oxygen 1s^2 2s^2 2p^4

orbi tal di agram: Oxygen

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng statements about p orbi tal s i s I ncorrect? T hey are f ound i n al l pri nci pal energy l evel s
Reviewer Quarter 2
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14130 6 75

Whi ch one of the f ol l owi ng statements about orbi tal s i s i ncorrect? orbi tal s can hol d two el ectrons provi ded they are spi nni ng i n the same di recti on

T he el ectroni c conf i gurati on of an atom an el ement wi th atomi c number 8 i s 1s^2 2s^2 2p^4

H und's rul e states that..... every orbi tal i n a subshel l i s si ngl y occupi ed bef ore i t i s doubl y occupi ed

sets of numbers or i ntegers that descri be the di stance of an el ectron to i ts energy

l evel , types and shapes or orbi tal s, the ori entati on of the orbi tal and spi n of T he Quantum N umbers
di recti on

descri bes the el ectron shel l , or mai n energy l evel , of an el ectron. Pri nci pal quantum number (n)

descri bes the shape of the orbi tal (n-1) Az i muthal (l )

D escri bes the posi ti on or the ori entati on of the orbi tal al ong the 3 axes of space M agneti c Quantum (ml )

descri bes how the el ectron spi ns i n a gi ven orbi tal spi n proj ecti on quantum (ms)
Reviewer Quarter 2
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14130 6 75

+ 1/2 countercl ockwi se

- 1/2 cl ockwi se

l= 2
quantum number of 3d^8
ml = 0
ms= -1/2 (cl ockwi se)

When al l el ectrons are pai red up and share thei r orbi tal wi th another el ectron,
di amagneti c
then thei r total spi n i s 0, they are cal l ed (compl ete)

E l ectrons that are al one i n an orbi tal are cal l ed (i ncompl ete) paramagneti c

T he hi ghest energy el ectron i n a neutral atom of Bromi ne i s l ocated i n whi ch

orbi tal ?

Attracti ve f orce that hol ds two atoms or i ons together i n a compound. chemi cal bond

Atoms f orm atomi c bonds to become more stabl e. atomi c bond

Reviewer Quarter 2
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14130 6 75

I t i s a chemi cal bonds are f ormed through the transf er of one or more el ectrons
f rom one atom to another
2 opposi te i ons attract each other to f orm a bond I oni c Bond
Cati on- posi ti vel y charged i on
Ani on- negati vel y charged i on

the energy requi red to remove el ectrons. i oni z ati on energy

i s the energy requi red to accept an el ectron? E l ectron af f i ni ty

hard sol i d @ 22C

hi gh mel ti ng poi nt temperatures
Properti es of I oni c Compounds
nonconductors of el ectri ci ty i n sol i d phase
good conductors i n l i qui d phase or di ssol ved i n water (aq)

Atoms wi th 4 or l ess val ence el ectrons want to l oss val ence el ectron

Atoms wi th 4 or more val ence el ectrons want to gai n val ence el ectron

I t i s a chemi cal bond f ormed by shari ng one or more pai rs of el ectrons between
two atoms. coval ent bond (mol ecul ar)
F orm of chemi cal bondi ng between two non-metal l i c atoms

are di agrams that show the bondi ng between atoms of a mol ecul e and the l one
Lewi s dot structure
pai rs of el ectrons that may exi st i n the mol ecul e.
Reviewer Quarter 2
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14130 6 75

An el ectron i n the outermost el ectron shel l of a representati ve el ement or nobl e-

val ence el ectron
gas el ement.

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng quantum numbers can di sti ngui sh between two el ectrons
M agneti c Quantum
presents the spati al ori entati on of an atomi c orbi tal ?

a rul e that must be f ol l owed that contai n 8 val ence el ectron octet rul e

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng compounds i s cl assi f i ed as non-pol ar coval ent? H -S

a si ngl e pai r of el ectrons i s shared si ngl e bond

Why does the Lewi s dot structure show onl y the el ectrons i n an atom's outermost
Onl y outer shel l el ectrons can be i nvol ved i n chemi cal bondi ng
orbi tal ?

What property of water al l ows i t to be such a versati l e sol vent that i t i s of ten
Pol ari ty and cohesi on
cal l ed the "uni versal sol vent"

I t i s nonpol ar because i ts charges are di stri buted symmetri cal l y and i ts geometri c
Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng correctl y expl ai ns the pol ari ty of CO2
shape i s symmetri cal
Reviewer Quarter 2
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14130 6 75

A water mol ecul e (H 20) i s an exampl e of a coval ent bond because E l ectrons are shared between the hydrogen and oxygen

Sodi um has one el ectron i n i ts outer shel l and chl ori ne has 7 el ectrons i n i ts outer
I oni c, transf erri ng
shel l , the atoms wi l l f ormthei r el ectrons bond by

T he atoms i n a mol ecul e of water adopt what ki nd of geometry? bent tetrahedral

What i s the general f ormul a f or hal ocarbons? R-X

What i s the general f ormul a f or Al cohol ? R-OH

What i s the general f ormul a f or E ther? R-O-R

What i s the general f ormul a f or Al dehyde? R-COOH

Why i s i t that sugar di ssol ves i n water but oi l i s not? Sugar i s pol ar mol ecul e whi l e oi l i n non-pol ar mol ecul e.
Reviewer Quarter 2
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14130 6 75

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng descri bes the saponi f i cati on? Cl eavi ng of ester mol ecul es i nto carboxyl i c aci d and al cohol

Whi ch of the f ol l owi ng i s true about the saponi f i cati on val ue of oi l ? the shorter the chai n of f atty aci ds, the hi gher the saponi f i cati on val ue

T he characteri sti cs of condensati on pol ymeri z ati on are gi ven bel ow

I . onl y -C-C- l i nkages present i n the pol ymer structure
I I and I I I
I I . use of bi f uncti onal or pol yf uncti onal monomers
I I I . el i mi nati on of a smal l byproduct mol ecul e

Whi ch statement correctl y expl ai ns why pl asti cs made f rom thi s pol yester onl y Permanent di pol e di pol e f orces and van der Waal s f orces exi st between pol yester
sof ten at hi ghtemperatures? chai ns

Whi ch two pol ymers have the same l i nkages bondi ng the monomers together? nyl on and protei n

Whi ch row shows a natural pol ymer wi th the same l i nkages as a syntheti c pol ymer? nyl on and protei n

Whi ch statement about pol ymers i s correct? F ormi ng addi ti on pol ymers produces onl y one product.

Pol yesters and pol yami des are types of syntheti cpol ymers. Whi ch statements are
I . T hey are made by addi ti on pol ymeri z ati on.are made by condensati on
I I and I V
I I . T hey pol ymeri z ati on.
I I I . T he monomers f rom whi ch they are made are unsaturated hydrocarbons.
I V. T he monomers f rom whi ch they are made contai n reacti ve f uncti onal groups
Reviewer Quarter 2
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14130 6 75

Protei n, carbohydrate, and nucl ei c aci d mol ecul es are the resul t of smal l er
mol ecul es bonded together, What type of process occurs to attach these smal l er D ehydrati on synthesi s
mol ecul es?

Whi ch pai r of compounds react to f orm a condensati on pol ymer? H OC6H 12OH and H OOCC3H 6COOH

RN A and D N A di f f er because they uti l i z e di f f erent sugars wi thi n thei r

Ri bose, D eoxyri bose
nucl eoti des. What sugar i s bei ng uti l i z ed by RN A and D N A?

. Among the three pri mary di etary sources of carbohydrates, whi ch one remai ns i n
the di gesti ve system f or the most extended peri od?

Protei ns are l arge, compl ex mol ecul es that pl ay many cri ti cal rol es i n the body.
ami no aci ds
What i s the mai n monomer of protei n?

Why do l i vi ng organi sms need to di gestcarbohydrates i nto smal l uni ts? T hey are smal l enough to pass through the cel l membrane

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