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List of Practicals

1. Preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata.

2. Experimentally show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.
3. Studying (a) binary fission in Amoeba, and (b) budding in yeast and Hydra with the
help of prepared slides.
4. Identification of the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed (Pea, gram or red
kidney bean).

Practical No. 1
To prepare a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata.
Materials Required
Leaf of Tradsscantia or periwinkle or balsam, slide, coverslip, forceps, needles, cotton cloth, brush,
blotting paper, watch glass, blade, dropper, glycerine, safranin and compound microscope.
Stomata (singular: stoma) are tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves. Through they are found
on both upper and lower epidermis of leaf but they are more in number on the lower epidermis. Each
stoma is bounded by two kidney-shaped guard cells. These guard cells possess a nucleus and a
number of chloroplasts. The walls of guard cells are differentially thickened and elastic, i.e. they are
thickened on inner side and thinner and more elastic on outer side.
The opening and closing of stomata is operated by the change in the turgidity of guard cells. The
stomata help in exchange of oxygen, carbon diodide and water vapour between atmosphere and plant.
 Take a freshly plucked leaf, and remove the peel from its lower surface by tearing it.
 Put the leaf peel in a watch glass containing water so that the peel does not dry.
 To the watch glass containing leaf peel, add 1-2 drops of safranin to stain the peel.
 With the help of brush, place the leaf peel in the centre of a clean slide.
 Put a drop of glycerine on the slide over the peel.
 Now, with the help of a needle, gently place a coverslip over the peel.
 Remove the excess glycerine with a blotting paper.
 Observe the slide, first, under the lower magnification (i.e., 10 X) of a compound microscope and
then, under the higher magnification (i.e., 45 X).
 Epidermis or leaf peel consists of a number of cells which are irregular in outline and are arranged in
single layer with no intercellular spaces.
 Tiny pores called stomata are seen in the epidermal cells.
 Each stoma consists of two kidney-shaped guard cells.
 Each guard cell has a nucleus and many chloroplasts.
Minute apertures called stomata are seen in the temporary mount of leaf peel. Each stoma is enclosed
by two kidney-shaped guard cells. These guard cells differ from other epidermal cells in having

 Peel should be taken from freshly plucked leaf.
 Peel should not be allowed to dry.
 Leaf peel should not be over stained.
 The slide should not be dirty.
 Use a brush to transfer the leaf peel from watch glass to slide.
 Peel should be placed in centre of slide.
 Curling of peel should be avoided while placing it on slide.
 The epidermal peel should be small in size.
 Place the coverslip gently to avoid entry of air bubbles.
 Excess stain and glycerine should be removed with blotting paper.

Practical No. 2
Experimentally show that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration
To show experimentally that carbon dioxide is given out during respiration.
Materials Required
Conical flask, U-shaped delivery tube (tube bent twice at right angles), cotton wool or moist blotting
paper, water, thread, beaker, test tube, rubber cork with one hole, 20% freshly prepared KOH
sokution, vaseline, soaked gram seeds.
Respiration is a biochemical process during which food (glucose) is oxidised to liberate energy. It is a
catabolic process.
In the experiment, moist gram seeds are taken as they are actively respiring and releasing CO2. The
CO2 released is absorbed by KOH and forms K2CO3.
2KOH + CO2 ⟶ K2CO3 + H2O
 Take about 25-30 seeds of gram and germinate these seeds by placing them on moist cotton wool or
moist blotting paper for 3-4 days.
 Place the germinated seeds into a conical flask and sprinkle a little water in flask to moist the seeds.
 Take freshly prepared 20% KOH solution in a test tube and hang it in conical flask with help of
 Close the mouth of conical flask by placing a rubber cork containing one hole.
 Through the hole of rubber cork, insert one end of the U-shaped glass delivery tube in the conical
flask and place the other end into a beaker filled with water.
 Seal all the connections of the experimental set-up with vaseline so as to make it air-tight.
 Mark the initial level of water in the U-shaped delivery tube.
 Keep the apparatus undisturbed for 1-2 hours and note the change in level of water in the tube.
After sometime, the level of water in U-shaped delivery tube dipped in water of the beaker rises.

Germinated grams seeds in a conical flask release CO2 during respiration. The CO2 released is
absored by KOH present in the hanging test tube in conical flask. This creates a vacuum in conical
flask which causes upward movement of water in the delivery tube leading to change in level of water
in the delivery tube.
 Germinating seeds should be kept moist.
 All connections of the set-up should be air-tight.
 Freshly prepared KOH solution should be used.
 Keep one end of U-shaped delivery tube in conical flask and the other end immersed in water of the
 The test tube containing KOH should be hung carefully.

Practical No. 3

Studying (a) binary fission in Amoeba, and (b) budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides
To study (a) binary fission in Amoeba, and (b) budding in yeast with the help of prepared slides.
Materials Required
Compound microscope, permanent slides of binary fission in Amoeba and budding in yeast.
Binary Fission – This is a type of asexual reproduction which takes place in Amoeba. In this type of
reproduction, parent cell divides into two small, nearly equal sized identical daughter cells. The two
daughter cells then grow into adult organism. In binary fission parental identity is lost.
Budding – This is also a type of asexual reproduction which is common in yeast. In this type of
reproduction a small bud-like outgrowth develops at tḥe parent cell. This bud enlarges in size. The
nucleus also enlarges in size and divides to form two nuclei. Out of these two nuclei, one goes into
developing bud. When the bud attains almost the same size as that of parent cell, a separating wall is
laid down between the bud and parent cell. This bud may detach from the parent cell or may produce
another bud over it.
 Select the slide of binary fission in Amoeba and budding in Yeast.
 Set-up a compound microscope. While looking through the eye piece, adjust the mirror and
diaphragm so that microscope is illuminated.
 Now, place the slide on stage and focus at low power. Observe it.
 Without removing the slide, now change the focus to high power. Observe it.
(a) Binary Fission in Amoeba
 This is a type of asexual reproduction in which two daughter cells (or two individuals) are formed
from a single parent.
 Parent cell becomes elongated.
 Nucleus divides first and then the cytoplasm divides.
 At the point of fission, construction appears and deepens to divide the cell into two daughter cells.

(b) Budding in Yeast

 In this type of asexual reproduction, a small protuberance or outgrowth arises from the parent body
called bud.
 Nucleus divides to form two daughter nuclei, of which one passes into the bud.
 The bud now detaches from the parent body and grows independently as a new individual or may
remain attached to parent body, forming chain of cells.
 Parental identity is not lost.

The slides show reproduction by binary fission in Amoeba and budding in yeast.

 Always focus the slide, first at low power and then at high power.
 While focussing at high power, do not use coarse adjustment of microscope. Only use fine
Practical No. 4

Identification of the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed (Pea, gram or red kidney bean.
To identify the different parts of an embryo of a dicot seed (pea, gram or red kidney
Materials Required
Seeds of bengal gram/red kidney bean, forceps, cloth, magnifying glass, petridish, water.

 Soak a few bean seeds and keep them overnight.
 Drain the excess water.
 Cover the seeds with a moist cloth and keep them aside for a day.
 Peel off the seed coat carefully.
 Using your thumbs or the forceps, open the bean seed so that it falls into two halves.
 With the help of the magnifying glass, locate the parts of the bean embryo carefully.
 Draw a sketch of the inside of the dicot seed that you examined. Label all its parts.
 Been seed is kidney-shaped with a concave and convex side.
 The concave side which is slightly darker has a scar called hilum.
 Adjacent to hilum a small pore known as micropyle is present.
 The seed is covered by a seed coat.
 The embryo consists of two large, white and kidney-shaped cotyledons.
 The cotyledons are attached laterally to the curved embryonal axis.
 Rod shaped and slightly bulgy lower end of embryonal axis which lies towards micropylar end is
called radicle.
 Plumule is the upper end of embryonal axis.
 The part of embryo axis between radicle and attachment of cotyledon leaves is called hypocotyl.
 The part of embryo axis between plumule and attachment of cotyledon leaves is called epicotyl.
 The embryo of dicot seeds consists of three main parts – plumule, radicle and two cotyledons.
 The cloth which is used to cover seeds should be moist and should not get dry.
 Seeds should be open carefully so that the embryo does not get damaged.

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