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INTEGRATED SCIENCE 2 - CHEMISTRY classified according to their chemical properties, fitting

them into sets of three or triads.

OF ELEMENTS lithium (Li), sodium (Na), and potassium (K)
calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), and barium (Ba)
Elements chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), and iodine (I)
Are chemically the simplest substances which make John Alexander Reina Newlands (1866)
up matter
Law of octaves
Cannot be broken down using chemical reactions
arranging the elements of increasing atomic weights
Naming the periods
Exist physically as atoms, the smallest unit of matter
Dmitri Mendeleev (1869)
with a nucleus, enclosing the positively charged Elements in a row are arranged by increasing atomic
particles (protons) and no charged particles Arranged the known elements horizontally by number, from left to right.
(electrons) that move around the nucleus. increasing atomic weights while placing elements with
Their inclusion in the same raw also means that they
similar properties in a column.
___________________________________________ have the same number occupied electron shells
Law of periodicity / periodic Law signified by their row number (from 1-7)
Atomic Mass
Henry Gwyn Jeffrey’s Moseley (ex: Hydrogen and Helium, both in the first row, have
The sum of the mass of constituent protons and
1 electron shell)
neutrons (and electrons, in an infinitesimal amount) Adapted Mendeleev’s format but instead used the
atomic number of elements in arranging them
Atomic number
Modern Periodic Law
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
“the physical and chemical properties of the elements
are the periodic functions of their atomic numbers”
Antoine Lavoisier (1789)
The first to work on organizing the known elements
First to say “element” A you go down the periodic table, the number of
LABELING PERIODS AND GROUPS & FAMILIES elements for each period increases. The first period
In 1789, he published a chemistry textbook has 2 elements; the second and third periods have 8
containing the list of “simple substances”, as he called elements each; the fourth and fifth periods have 18
the elements. Elements are placed on a grid with 7 rows, called elements each.
periods, and 18 columns, called groups or families.
Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner (1829) To fit the periodic table in a single page, most periodic
made the first earliest attempt of classifying the tables are shown to have 2 extra rows (the lanthanide
elements. and actinide series) at the bottom composed of 14
elements each, which are actually part of the sixth
and seventh periods, bringing up the total number of transition metal groups, which have known uses for Group 2: Alkaline-earth Metals
elements in these periods to 32 each. their radioactive properties.
This group consists of beryllium (Be), magnesium
NAMING THE GROUPS or FAMILIES Mendeleev’s initiative to place elements in groups for (Mg), calcium (Ca), strontium (Sr), barium (Ba), and
having similar physical and chemical properties have radium (Ra). They are also lustrous, silvery metals.
An international standard for naming the groups was
paid off in discovering new elements and predicting
established by the International Union of Pure and They have lesser reactivity with other elements and
their unknown properties. Over the years, some of
Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), wherein groups are compounds, including water (the reaction of which
these groups were given distinguishing names in
labelled using numbers 1 to 18. also results in the formation of alkaline products).
relation to their properties. For this discussion, we will
Previous naming schemes, such as the traditional be focusing on four groups – Group 1, 2, 17, and 18 – Group 17: Halogens
(using Roman numerals and letters A and B; e.g., IA, and the different properties that group them together.
This group consists of fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl),
IB) and the American naming scheme (using numbers
bromine (Br), iodine (I), and the less known astatine
and letters A and B; e.g., 1A, 1B) are still used. The
lanthanides nor actinides are labeled; however, they
bring up the total number of groups to 32. These nonmetal elements range from being solids to
liquids to gases in their pure state, most of which are
halogen was derived from the Greek word hals,
meaning “salt”, because these elements usually have
reactivity with metals to form salt (such as in sodium
chloride (NaCl) or table salt).
Group 18: Noble Gases
Group 1: Alkali Metals
This group consists of helium (He), neon (Ne), argon
This group consists of lithium (Li), sodium (Na), (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn). All
Groups contain varying numbers of elements. potassium (K), rubidium (Rb), cesium (Cs), and the these elements are colorless gases.
less known francium (Fr). All these elements are soft,
The 2 leftmost and 6 rightmost groups, which contain They are also called inert gases because they have
silvery metals.
the most elements per group, are called the main little to no reactivity.
groups. Elements in these groups are usually present These metals react rapidly (and usually violently) with
in life forms, such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, “noble” because they do not “react” with anything.
water, the product of the reaction being highly alkaline
nitrogen, and phosphorus. Apparently, back then, choosing not react with
or basic, hence the name alkali metals.
anything was a noble trait in humans!
The remaining 10 groups in between the main groups They are highly reactive and will form compounds
are called the transition metal groups, which contain readily in the presence of other elements. Because of
most metals that you may be familiar with, such as this, they are usually not found in nature in their pure
iron, copper, zinc, gold, and silver. Lastly, the state.
lanthanides and actinides are called the inner
SLG 16.2.2 - PERIODIC TABLE OF ELEMENTS PT 2 Metallic Properties
Metallic properties of elements such as luster, Atomic Radius
conductivity, ductility, and malleability vary across the
Atomic radius decreases from left to right across a
periodic table.
period and increases from top to bottom in a group.
Metallic elements are usually shiny (metallic luster)
The distance from an atom’s nucleus to the outermost
and good conductors. They are also reshaped easily
electron shell.
into thin sheets or drawn as thin wires.
The effective nuclear charge affects atomic radii of
Nonmetallic elements have dull or earthy lusters.
They are poor conductors and usually brittle in their
solid form. Most nonmetallic elements are gases at Higher effective nuclear charge pulls electrons closer
standard temperature and pressure (STP). to the nucleus thus decreasing atomic radius. The
repulsion between electrons also affects atomic
Metallic properties become more evident from right to
radius. This is the reason why you should expect
Periodic Trends left across a period and top to bottom in a group.
larger atomic radius down a period with an increasing
The 118 elements are arranged into periods and Hydrogen (H) is an exemption from this trend being number of electrons.
groups (or family) based on their atomic number. This the only nonmetal in Group I.
organization revealed repeating patterns of physical, Nonmetallic property increases in the opposite
chemical, and electronic properties that we call direction. This trend in physical attributes is caused by
periodic trends. other periodic trends such as electronegativity,
The net charge of the nucleus “felt” by the electrons ionization energy, and electron affinity.
on the outermost shell of an atom is the effective Elements boron (B), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge),
nuclear charge. arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), tellurium (Te), and
The interaction of an atom’s nucleus and the polonium (Po) are metalloids. Metalloids exhibit
electrons as well as the interaction among its metallic and nonmetallic properties. Semiconductors
Ionic Radius
electrons define atomic radius, electronegativity, and such as silicon found in electronic gadgets exploit
other properties of an element. unique properties of metalloids. The distance from the nucleus to the outermost shell
as an atom accepts or donates an electron.
Periodic behavior of physical and chemical attributes
of elements are a function of its atomic number Element radii increases from right to left across a
(number of protons in the nucleus). This principle is period and decreases down a group for both metals
known as the periodic law. and nonmetals.
Elements that lose electrons called cations have
smaller ionic radii as the remaining electrons are
pulled closer to the nucleus.
Anions, on the other hand, have higher radii as the It increases from left to right across a period and
element accepts electrons caused by increased bottom to top within a period.
repulsive forces among electrons.
Since metals have lower electronegativity than
nonmetals. They tend to lose electrons during
chemical reactions while nonmetals usually accept
them. However, Group 18 (Noble Gases) elements
neither accept nor donates electrons because of their

Ionization Energy
It requires a certain amount of energy to kick off the
electron on the outermost shell. This is called the
atom’s ionization energy.
Ionization energy increases from left to right across a
period and from bottom to top of a group.
As the effective nuclear charge increases across a
period, electrons become more attracted to the
nucleus and difficult to remove.
Outermost electrons are located farther from the
nucleus making the attractive force lower thus
requiring less energy to kick the electron out of the
atom. Reduced metallic property as ionization energy
increases will be observed.
Electronegativity measures the ability of atoms to
attract electrons during chemical bonding.

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