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My English experience

For me , experiences are like the adventures , one can never get
enough of them.

It all began when I was a little girl. My father used to sing and play the
guitar in his free time a lot. His favorite groups were The Beatles ,
Rolling Stones, Mama's and Papa's….you can guess….a lot of English
words. In those days we didn't have Internet and there was not so
many program on radio or TV in English , but I was lucky – one day our
teacher came in to our class with a new student Igor . He had just
moved from America . He spoke very little Serbian . The teacher
assigned me to help him with his school obligations . And as you can
presume , I have learned more English…Later on I ' ve studied English at
school. Nevertheless I turn back to those early childhood days to find
my esteem.

As a teenager , I have had time for exploration of my vocations much

more then I do now . From my point of view that meant that I can read
and learn in order to discover something new . An experiance . So I did
I've read mainly poetry as I recall . Shelly , Byron, E.A.Poe, Shakespeare
were some of my favorite ones.

Later on I improved my English some more with my teacher Jelena

Ruzic . She has helped me to study for my FCE exam which I needed for
my job in International primary school.

I am still learning English. Still enjoying the jurney.

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