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Eleisha Salmons Literacy Map


Age 5: My first experience with school

Although I had fun in my Kindergarten
class and got to read aloud in class, my teacher was not very nice to me and as a result I didnt make many friends and had difficulty in school. home reading all the books I could and my parents provided me with lots of educational and interesting options. My knowledge and skills with reading continued to grow

However, I would spend lots of time at

Age 7: Difficulties lead to strengths

I was often distracted in class and was bullied frequently at my school, which made me shy and introverted. However one of my coping mechanisms was reading. I would take books outside at recess to read, and read under my desk when I couldnt concentrate on the lessons. This made me a target to get bullied more, and made the teachers upset with me. It seemed like I could never win.

Age 11: Thank you Mrs. Walters!

Things continued on in a downward spiral until I met Mrs. Walters. She was my Grade 6 teacher and finally understood my situation. For so long I had been told I was a Problem student when really I just was easily distracted in class and would read because that was one of the only things that interested me. She gave my parents the doctor who would diagnose me with A.D.D and get me some real help to deal with my distractions. She not only helped me in class repeatedly but got me to volunteer to read in kindergarten classes during recess, and continued to praise me in English, and the Arts.

As a senior student in elementary school, we were paired up with younger students for reading time and to assist them with reading exercises. My student Sarah, had a hard time reading and under my teaching she blossomed. She loved the exercises I came up with her to do, and the books that we picked out together were about topics she wanted to read about. She improved vastly during our time together and I got compliments from my teachers, but the true reward was seeing Sarah enjoy reading and develop a passion for it.

That was my first ever time really teaching students and It sparked something in me. The passion for teaching that grew over time, and continued into my high school and university careers.

I used my knowledge and passion for reading to succeed in high school, but I was also able to tutor in music, and assist the teacher in her lessons. I was grateful for that knowledge when I started studying opera, because I had to learn and decode the meanings and pronunciations of Italian, German, French, Latin, and Even Russian.

While in my final year of my degree at Laurier, I participated in Laurier Students for Learning. I was part of the Weekly Reading Circles for younger students, and one boy Liam continued to ask for me each week. I had originally planned to go to teachers college for High school, but working with Liam made me realize my true passion lies with teaching children.

Thank You!

My life has been greatly Impacted by literacy, and my adventure is still just beginning. I am excited to see how I will learn and grow in the coming years!

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