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TSLB 3113

Task 3: Oral Presentation

Identify one current issue/ concern in language assessment in the

Malaysia primary schools in groups pertaining to assessment in the
KSSR system.
Name: Chin Jing Ting
Lim Chia Yie
Current Issue/Concern

Progression of teachers from

summative assessment to
formative assessment in the
Malaysian primary schools.
Summative Assessment

 Summative assessment takes place after the learning has

been completed and provides information and feedback
that sums up the teaching and learning process( Faculty
Development and Instructional Design Center, n.d).
 For examples: UPSR, Final Examinations
Formative Assessment
 Formative assessment can be defined from its purpose to
provide learners with information about their progress which
they can use to guide their continuing learning, to provide
teachers with information which they can use to guide
course development, lesson planning or curriculum
development (Husain, 2013).
 Such evaluations are on going and monitor developments
by identifying strengths and weaknesses of all aspects of
teaching and learning. It is designed to provide
information that may be used as the basis for future planning
and action (Husain, 2013).
The assessment system in the Malaysian
educational context
 Previously, the assessment system was focusing on public
examination but formative assessment has been
introduced in recent years. In 2011, school based
assessment (SBA) which consists of both assessments,
formative and summative has been implemented formally
on the Year One students through the implementation of
 It is a form of assessment which is planned, administered,
scored and reported by the subject teachers following
the guidelines from the Malaysian Examination Syndicate
(Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia, 2011a).
 The main objectives of its implementation is to get an
overall picture of individual’s potential, to monitor
individual’s development and to help them to increase
their potentials as well as to make a meaningful reporting
on individuals. In other words, SBA is assessing the
process and product of each and every student in
formative and summative way by practicing both, the
assessment for learning (AfL) and assessment of learning
(AoL) concept.
 In 2016, the Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah
(KSSR) or the Standard Curriculum for Primary
Schools (SBCPS), first introduced in 2011, was revised to
align with the Common European Framework of
References (CEFR) for languages. This more action-
oriented approach resulted in fundamental changes to
teaching, learning, and assessment including the
integration of an innovative school-based assessment
KSSR: National
KBSR: national CEFR: Primary
examination One to Three
(UPSR) + School
(UPSR) only Abolished Exam
Based Assessment
Summative Assessment Summative Assessment
Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment Formative Assessment
Aziz, H. (2018, December 19). Is your child in Standard One to Three? Here are the changes taking place next year. Retrieved March 27, 2019, from New Straits
Factors that
effect the 1) Teacher’s Knowledge and
teachers on Understanding
summative 2) Teacher’s Workload
to formative

3) Time Constraints
Teacher’s Knowledge and Understanding
 Based on a statement by the Examination Board (Utusan Malaysia, 2012), it can be
stated that teachers do not have a complete understanding of the implementation of
SBA nor the processes of teaching and learning. This problem could arise as teachers
find it difficult to construct instruments related to assessment in its various forms
because they are more familiar with examinations that test student achievement.
(Arsaythamby Veloo, 2015)
 There were indications that the teachers were aware about SBA. However, the
respondents were uncertain about the role they needed to play in SBA. As claimed by
Ferguson-Patrick (2009, p. 2), “Most staff development and school improvement
activities continue to leave teachers’ knowledge and skills essentially untouched”. In
this instance, there is evidence that the teachers’ knowledge and skills in implementing
SBA is still quite poor despite of the guidelines and objectives provided by the
 A large majority (81.8%) of the teachers were not aware of the fact that formative
assessments can also be used to evaluate student learning at the end of a learning
topic / unit (Gurnam Kaur Sidhu, 2018).
Based on a study “Perception towards SBA implementation among teachers in
Malaysian schools” carried out by Mohd Aisamuddin bin Mat Hassan and
Rohaya Talib (2013), they found out that:

The response for this question is generally negative as 42% respondents disagree
to easier class management using SBA.
The conclusion for this study is that good implementation of SBA relies heavily
on factors such as teachers’ attitude, orientation of the subject matter, teachers’
knowledge of the assessment procedure and their skills in implementing the
assessment procedure itself.
Teacher’s Workload
 Tan’s (2010) study showed that there were many issues related to
the implementation of SBA in Malaysia, especially teacher-related
issues. One major challenge was the increase in workload for the
teachers. This resulted in teachers not being able to conduct
continuous assessment. Furthermore, teachers were not able to
conduct SBA more creatively as they were facing time constraints
and inadequate resources (as cited in Arsaythamby Veloo, 2015).
 Teachers who wanted to record the assessments online frequently
experience server malfunction. This has considerable increase
teachers workload and pressure in performing something that is
very new not only to them, but to the students as well (Talib, 2013).
Time Constraints
 As claimed by Hamzah and Sinnasamy (2009) who quoted
Weir (1994), teachers had negative feelings towards SBA due
to two common reasons: it was imposed on them and
time-constraint. Another area in need of attention is the
worry that the teachers have on their collaboration with
their students and colleagues. The teachers indicate a
need for their students to understand the students’ role
in SBA. It is also highlighted that coordination with other
teachers implementing the assessment is necessary but
not as efficiently practiced.
 More hands-on sessions, such as workshops and open
discussions on the challenges and issues in implementing
the assessment, need to be carried out (Majid, 2011).
 Trainings should be conducted focusing on the time
management, students’ exposure to the assessment and
techniques or strategies on how teacher collaboration
can be done will be helpful (Majid, 2011).
Suggestions (cont.)
 Teachers should take steps to overcome their weaknesses
in different aspects such as teaching pedagogies,
assessment strategies, knowledge of subject matter, and
guidance given to students to realize assessment for
learning in their classrooms. Teachers require more
time and preparation to implement SBA effectively.
 In our opinion, we think that teachers should accept
formative assessments as an effective assessment method
to assess pupil’s overall performance, including the
process in their learning.
 Although there are some limitations, formative
assessments is possible to be carried out in classrooms
through initiatives and strategies by everybody involved in
Works Cited
Faculty Development and Instructional Design Center. (n.d.). Formative and
Summative Assessment. Northern Illinois University, 1-4.

Arsaythamby Veloo, H. N.-A. (2015). Teachers’ Knowledge and Readiness towards

Implementation of School Based Assessment in Secondary Schools.
International Education Studies, 193-203.

Aziz, H. (2018, December 19). Is your child in Standard One to Three? Here are the
changes taking place next year. Retrieved March 27, 2019, from New Straits

Elankovan, V. (2018, December 20). Std 1, 2 & 3 Students No Longer Need to Sit for
Mid-Year & Final Exams Starting 2019, Here’s Why. Retrieved March 27,
2019, from World of Buzz:

Ferguson-Patrick, K. (2009). Cooperative learning and quality teaching: Early career

Elankovan, V. (2018, December 20). Std 1, 2 & 3 Students No Longer Need to Sit for
Mid-Year & Final Exams Starting 2019, Here’s Why. Retrieved March 27,
2019, from World of Buzz:

Ferguson-Patrick, K. (2009). Cooperative learning and quality teaching: Early career

teachers striving for quality. 16th International Conference on Learning, 1-4.

Ghazali, N. H. (2016). The implementation of School-Based Assessment System in

Malaysia: A study of teacher perceptions. Malaysia Journal of Society and
Space , 104-117.

Gurnam Kaur Sidhu, S. K. (2018). CEFR-aligned school-based assessment in the

Malaysian primary ESL classroom. Indonesian Journal Of Applied Linguistic ,

Husain, N. B. (2013). ESL Teacher Perceptions and Practice on Formative

Assessments in Classrooms . Faculty of Education , 1-27.

Majid, F. A. (2011). School-Based Assessment in Malaysian Schools: The Concerns

of the English Teachers. US-China Education Review , 393-402.

Talib, M. A. (2013). Perception towards SBA implementation among teachers in . 2nd

International Seminar on Quality and Affordable Education, 194-200.

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