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Some people think parents should read stories to children.

Others think parents don't need to do that as children can read books or watch TV, or movies
by themselves.
What is your opinion?

Parents sometimes do read stories to children. Some people think it is unnecessary for them to do
so. While others completely disagree. I believe it is at most necessary for them to do so.

Firstly, I think children always tends to look at their parents as a role model. Even though nobody is
perfect, when we are kids we think that our parents are the perfect people. So, when parents
spending quality time with children is something they appreciate the most. Even when we think that
reading stories are little things that do not matter. I think those little things are very important for
building good relationships and hence the foundation of young minds.

Moreover, even if reading books and watching TV may feel like the exact same thing, it is not.
Because, those platforms do not allow children to ask their doubts. Young minds may question each
and every thing they may hear. So their parents reading to them builds their imaginations with no
doubts, cause it’s the people they trust the most. The interaction also improves their social skills.

Finally, it also helps parents to monitor what influences their children. These days it is difficult to
control the negative aspects of social media on children, if parents are not vigilant. It is difficult to
understand what is present to children, since we have immense exposure to knowledge with the
popularity of social media. So in addition to spending quality time reading stories can help parents
understand what is going on their child’s minds.

Taking everything into consideration, I think it is necessary for parents to read stories and cherish
their child’s overall growth in addition to spending quality time with them.

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