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Write about the following topic:

Soil degradation is a major problem in most countries.

What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Sample Answer

There are two main reasons for soil degradation. One of the main causes is plastic waste. Thousands of plastic
products are used and thrown away every day. These products then end up in landfills, where rainwater flows through the
waste, creating toxic substances underground. As a result, soil quality is reduced, which affects the healthy growth of crops.
Another cause is ______________________________________________________________________

Fortunately, there are some possible solutions to tackle soil degradation. Firstly, __________________________
Secondly, __________________________________________________________________________


Body 1

• ____________________________ There are two main reasons for soil degradation.

• ____________________________ Plastic waste is one of them.

Thousands of plastic products are used and thrown away every day. These products then
• ____________________________ end up in landfills, where rainwater flows through the waste, absorbing the toxic
substances in plastic and creating harmful liquids under the ground.

• ____________________________ As a result, soil quality is reduced, which affects the healthy growth of crops.

• ____________________________ Another cause is _____________________________________________.

• ____________________________ _________________________________________________________

• ____________________________ _________________________________________________________

Body 2

• ____________________________ Fortunately, there are some possible solutions to tackle soil degradation.

• ____________________________ Firstly, _____________________________________________________.

• ____________________________ Secondly, ___________________________________________________.

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