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Group Assignment (20%)

Business Plan Guideline

Please, follow the following business plan template for your group assignment.
I. Cover Page/Title Page
A. Business project title (or company name), address, and phone number
B. Name(s), addresses, and phone number(s) of all key people
II. Table of Content
III. Executive Summary
A. Brief description of the company, its products and services, and its business strategies and market
B. Brief overview of its managerial and technical experience of key people
C. Brief statement of the financial request and how the money will be used
Note: the executive summery should not to exceed two pages.
IV. The business overview
A. Overview of Company company/its business
B. Vision and Mission Statement
V. Company Products and Services
A. Description: product or service features, customer benefits, warranties and guarantees, etc.
B. Patent or trademark protection
VI. Business Strategy
A. SWOT analysis (strengths ,weaknesses , opportunities and threats)
B. Company goals and objectives
C. Competitive strategy: Cost leadership, differentiation and focus
VII. Marketing and Sales Plan
A. Target market , market size and trends
B. Promotion ,Pricing and Placing strategies
VIII. Production(Operations) Plan
A. Raw materials, machinery, and equipment
B. Production process and capacity, facility location and layout, etc.

IX. Organizational Plan
A. Key managers and employees: backgrounds , experience, and skills
B. Duties and responsibilities of managers and employee
C. Form of ownership chosen and reasoning, etc.
D. Company structure (organization chart)
X. Financial Plan
A. Funding requirements =Loan or Investment Proposal
B. Financial forecasts (Financial statements :year 1 by month, years 2 and 3 by quarter)
 Income statement, Balance sheet, Cash flow statement, breakeven analysis, Ratio analysis, etc.
XI. Timetable for Implementation Plan / Launching the Business( if applicable)
XII. Appendix/annex
 supporting documentation, including market research, financial statements, organization charts, résumés, and other items)

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