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My goal is to graduate college this academic year. My plan to stay motivated is to break
down the goal. For example, right now my focus is on the completion of our thesis and being
able to pass other courses that I have this semester. I also get motivation from my family, friends,
and especially my classmates, since we will be on this journey all throughout and we share the
same goal. I will track my progress by having a planner or to-do list. I do it by putting notes on
my phone's home screen so I can see and check what I need to do and manage my time for every


11. Consider sharing your goal with an accountability partner or mentor. If you do, write
their name and how they will support you.

Accountability Partner:

Supportive Role: Nathalie will support me by maintaining open lines of communication,

discussing each other’s goals, sharing wins, and addressing current challenges to devise viable

12. Visualization: Take a moment to visualize yourself achieving this goal. How does it feel,
and what does success look like?

I would feel very happy since I can finally finish my studies after so many years. I would
feel a sense of pride and fulfillment since I am able to achieve one of my life goals. What I
envision of this goal’s success, is me, marching in the graduation ceremony together with my
batchmates and my family will be there to watch me graduate.

13. Write a positive affirmation related to your goal that you can repeat daily to reinforce
your commitment.

I can do this because I believe in myself. It will be difficult, but as long as I keep making
small steps every day to reach the goal, I can. Challenges are just part of the journey. No matter
what, I will not give up.


14. After completing this worksheet, what insights or changes have you gained about your
goal and your approach to achieving it?

I realized that sharing a goal with a partner, envisioning the goal, and making
affirmations to oneself is a big help. It made me more motivated and excited about reaching it.
We all have our struggles and it will not be easy but with hard work and dedication, anything is

15. Commitment: Sign and date this worksheet to symbolize your commitment to working
toward your goal.

Signature over printed name:

Date: September 14, 2023

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