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Comparing the Kinesiological

Arm-Length Reflex Test

with a Myotonometric Measurement
of Muscle Stiffness
Raimund Engel, MSc., D.O., a, b, * Mag. Dr. Astrid Grant Hay a
a Vienna School of Osteopathy, Vienna, Austria
b International Academy of Physioenergetics, Vienna, Austria
*Corresponding author:

arm-length reflex test, kinesiology, muscle stiffness, myotonometry, Physioenergetics

Summary The arm length-reflex (AR) test is a kinesiological test used as a diagnostic tool by medical
doctors and other health practitioners. Based on the direct relation between muscle stiffness and
length, this study aimed to compare the subjective AR test results with changes in the objective
measurement of muscle stiffness. 20 subjects were found to have a negative AR test at the baseline
(M1) and a positive AR test after a test stimulus with a strong magnet on a dysfunctional body zone
(M2). During M1 and M2 the stiffness of the subjects’ pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi and biceps
brachii muscles was measured with a MyotonPro device. The between-sides difference of the
baseline measurement (M1) and the experimental measurement (M2) were compared using the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test. It showed a significant difference (p=0,028), so the hypothesis could be
confirmed, suggesting that there is an objectively measurable effect.

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a supplement to classical kinesiological muscle
INTRODUCTION testing (Klinghardt, 2004; Tschernitschek and
Fink, 2005).
The Arm Length-Reflex (AR) Test
Developed by Belgian osteopath Raphael Van The basic principle of all forms of Kinesiology is
Assche in the early 1980s (Rossaint, 1987, p. 95; to observe changes in muscle function as the
Van Assche, 1996, p. 29), the arm length-reflex organism’s response to a specific stimulus
(AR) test is a kinesiological test, which is used as (mechanical, thermic, chemical or
a diagnostic tool by medical doctors, dentists psychological). While in Applied Kinesiology (AK)
and other health practitioners. this is mainly done by manual muscle testing,
measuring the force of specific muscles
Historically, several authors in the field of (Walther, 1981), therapists in Physioenergetics
manual therapies have described various tests make predominantly use of the AR test.
of their patients’ arm length as a diagnostic
means. The osteopath Thomas Northup used a Typically the AR test is performed with the
test of the length of upper and lower subject in supine position and the arms in 180°
extremities in conjunction with palpation of the anteversion/elevation, so that the arms are
deltoid and gastrocnemius muscles to detect rested on the treatment table beside and above
the most important somatic dysfunctions in his the head. The tester takes each of the subject’s
patients’ spine (Northup, 1983, p. 129). Alan wrists in one of his hands and applies equal
Beardall, chiropractor and founder of Clinical traction in a cranial direction on both arms,
Kinesiology, described the ‘arm check’ as a test observing if there is a difference in length (see
of the endocrine system and autonomic Figure 1).
nervous system (Beardall, 1986, p. 1/3) while in
Sacro-occipital technique a difference in arm
length is supposed to indicate a unilateral
contraction of the M. psoas (Blum, 2006). What
these earlier arm length tests have in common,
is that firstly they all use a rather high amount
of force, stretching the respective myofascial
chains to the end of their range, and secondly
that each of them offers a very specific
interpretation of a positive test. In contrast, Van
Assche developed the AR test as a general-
purpose tool for stimulus-response testing in
various domains of health, using weak to
medium traction to detect myofascial reflex
reactions (Lechner, 1997, pp. 93–100; Rossaint,
2005, pp. 203–206; Van Assche, 1996, pp. 29–
The AR test was first taught in Spain, Germany
and Austria, but more recently it’s use has
spread to other European countries, South
America, Russia and Japan, where it is taught by
Raphael Van Assche, and colleagues including
the first author (Engel and Seitschek, 2007).
From the beginning on it has formed the core
element of a kinesiological method called
Physioenergetics (also Holistic Kinesiology), but
more and more it is also taught in the context of
other kinesiological systems, where it is used as Figure 1: Negative AR - test

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In a pre-test without any stimulus the arm If the stimulus does not cause the positive
length is typically more or less equal, if the result described above, it will be assumed that
subject does not have any pathological the cause for the pain lies in another part of the
restrictions in shoulder or elbow joints. After body. This type of stimulus-response-testing
the pre-test various stimuli are applied, e.g. was developed in AK where the stimulus is
touching a painful zone of the subject’s body. If called ‘challenge’. In AK a positive challenge is
the AR test after the stimulus still shows the defined as a stimulus that is mediated by local
same length on both sides, it is regarded as a receptors and the central nervous system
negative test. If the stimulus is individually (Garten, 2004, p. 27) and causes a change in the
relevant for the patient, it seems to cause patient’s reaction during a manual muscle test
changes in the relation between muscle groups (Rosner and Cuthbert, 2012).
on the left and right side of the body, resulting
In general, the AR is regarded as a binary
in a ‘shorter arm’ on one side during the AR test
(yes/no) answer to a wide variety of challenges,
(Van Assche, 1996, pp. 29–33). To be regarded
which is not caused by one single muscle, but
as a positive test result, the difference in arm
rather by whole groups of muscles on both
length has to be equal to or bigger than the
sides of the body, including muscles of the arm
length of the thumb’s distal phalanx, only then
as well as muscles of the trunk.
the respective stimulus is regarded as
something worth of further investigation or Physioenergetics and the AR test have been
treatment (see Figure 2). described in several books (Lechner, 1997;
Lechner and Krieger, 2002; Mastalier, 1996;
Muelas, 2014; Roca, 2002; Rossaint, 2001, 2005,
1987; Williams, 2007), but despite its long and
widespread use in clinical practice to date no
studies have been published that tried to
compare the results of the AR test with those of
an objective measurement device.

Muscle length and stiffness

In mechanics stiffness refers to a body resisting
an applied change in length. The relations are
defined as F = k*d where F is the applied force,
d the amount of elongation and k the stiffness
of the body or tissue (Özkaya et al., 2012, pp.
175–176). In mechanics (e.g. in a spring) k is
typically regarded as a constant, in living tissue
k is another variable: the stiffness of a muscle
increases in a linear fashion with the muscle’s
force output (Bizzini and Mannion, 2003). In a
typical AR-test the force (F) is kept constant and
the elongation is variable, so the formula above
could be converted to d=F/k. Based on these
relations it can be assumed that the difference
in arm-length as observed during the AR test is
caused by changes in the balance of muscle-
stiffness between the two sides of the body.
Higher stiffness in the muscles on one side
would result in a shorter arm on the same side,
so muscle stiffness seems to be a suitable point
Figure 2: Positive AR-test after magnet
of comparison with a positive or negative
outcome of the AR test.

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Preliminary experiments showed that it was and pain-free way. A probe at the tip of the
difficult to achieve a test force that is precisely device creates a mechanical impulse and
balanced between the two arms. This is why transmits the reactive forces of the measured
this study used a design where the length was tissue. The measure of stiffness is derived from
kept equal, so comparable measurements of the tissues resistance against the impulse, a
the muscle stiffness between the two body more detailed description of the other
sides could be obtained. parameters and the device’s technical
specifications can be found in a recent article by
Aims and Hypothesis Schneider and colleagues (2015). The device’s
The aim of this study was to clarify, if the reliability has been demonstrated in several
subjective observation made by a tester could studies (Agyapong-Badu et al., 2013; Aird et al.,
be confirmed with an objective measurement 2012; Bailey, 2013; Chuang et al., 2012; Zinder
method by measuring the muscle stiffness of M. and Padua, 2011), with ICCs ranging from 0,68
biceps brachii caput breve (BB), M. latissimus to 0,99, also for a novice user (Mooney et al.,
dorsi (LD) and M. pectoralis major (PM). These 2013), and it is described as a valid
three muscles were chosen because their measurement method for muscle stiffness
contraction during a positive AR test had been (Pruyn et al., 2015). For this study a MyotonPro
reported by practitioners, and because they device (Serial No: 000080) was used for the
were easily accessible for the measurement in measurement of muscle stiffness, with the
the test position. default setting of multiscan mode, where each
The hypothesis was that the difference in measurement consists of 5 individual
muscle stiffness between the left and right side consecutive scans.
of the body would change significantly after a
positive challenge (defined by a positive AR
Test stimulus
As described above, the system of
test), compared to the baseline measurement.
Physioenergetics uses various stimuli as
diagnostic ‘questions’, among which the most
MATERIALS AND METHODS frequently used procedure consists of a patient
touching a zone on his body, where he has any
pain or discomfort, immediately before testing
24 healthy subjects were recruited among
the AR (Lechner and Krieger, 2002, pp. 98–102).
students and lecturers of Physioenergetics.
Whenever such a stimulus triggers a positive AR
Exclusion criteria were pain or restricted range
test, the respective zone is regarded as worth of
of motion in shoulder or elbow joints, a positive
further investigation or treatment. A positive AR
AR test already at the pre-test, a body mass
test consists of a difference in arm length,
index (BMI) > 30 kg/m2 (Gapeyeva and Vain,
which typically disappears after several seconds.
2008, p. 6) and also pacemakers as a magnet
As this would have been too short to perform
placed close to the subject might impair the
all the measurements, the technique of
pacemaker’s functioning (Beyerbach and
magnetic challenge also known as ‘magnetic TL’
Rottman, 2014). All participants were informed
(Garten, 2004, p. 38) was used to create a
about the procedure and risks and signed a
persistent stimulus. In that approach the
consent form before participating. The study
patient’s hand is replaced by a strong
received local institutional ethics approval. All
permanent magnet, which is placed on the
testers were practitioners in Physioenergetics
patient’s body. As long as the magnet stays in
with a minimum of 3 years of experience in
place, the AR phenomenon persists. This study
using the AR test in practice. The measurements
used a magnet challenge, employing a
with the MyotonPro device were performed by
cylindrical magnet with a diameter of 30 mm, a
the first author after several hours of training.
height of 12 mm and a magnetic force of 3000
MyotonPro Gauss (or 0,3 Tesla).
The MyotonPro is a handheld device that
measures muscle tone, stiffness and several
Before the experiment all subjects were
other mechanical parameters in a non-invasive
informed about the procedure and risks

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involved, the criteria for inclusion and exclusion the cumulated muscle stiffness between left
were checked, and the subjects signed a and right side would increase from M1 to M2.
consent form.
During the experiment the subject was on his
back, the tester was standing or sitting on a
chair at the head of the subject to pull the arms
and the technician alternated between chairs
on the left and right side of the subject to make
the measurements. The subject put his arms in
180° elevation and rested them on the
treatment table while the technician marked
the points for the MyotonPro measurement on
the skin of the subject.
Then the tester performed the baseline AR test Figure 3: Marking arm position with laser beam
without any stimulus, obtaining a negative test
result with both arms at the same length. (In
any other case the subject would have been
excluded.) The end position of the arms during
this negative test was marked by a laser beam
across a dot in the folds of the wrist for
reference (see Figure 3). In this position the
baseline measurement (M1) on the six muscles
(M. latissimus dorsi, M. pectoralis major und M.
biceps brachii, all bilaterally) was performed.
In the next step the tester was looking for an
individually relevant zone on the subject’s body,
where the placement of a permanent magnet
caused a positive result in the AR test. The side
of the observed short arm was recorded, and
then the tester pulled the arms into the same
position as in M1, verified by the laser beam
across the wrist marks. When typically during
an AR test the tester would apply identical
traction on both sides and achieve an apparent
difference in arm length, in this experiment the
length was kept a constant by using different
amount of force on left and right side. In this
position the second measurement (M2) on the
six muscles (M. latissimus dorsi, M. pectoralis
major und M. biceps brachii, all bilaterally) was
After the experiment the subjects were asked, if
they had experienced any unpleasant effects or
shoulder pain. All subjects who reported
shoulder pain were excluded. To assure a
correct procedure and identical positioning
during the measurements the whole
experiment was recorded with a video camera
positioned directly above the subject. The
expected outcome was that the difference of

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Table 1: Mean stiffness of the 6 measured muscles
Muscle M1 M1 M2 M2
1 1 1 1
(short/long side) Mean Std. Deviation Mean Std. Deviation
M. pectoralis major - s 275,79 88,10 278,37 75,80
M. pectoralis major – l 278,31 77,03 270,03 82,39
M. latissimus dorsi – s 331,44 74,21 341,03 65,95
M. latissimus dorsi - l 339,44 82,80 340,21 66,51
M. biceps brachii – s 249,50 37,17 253,11 34,44
M. biceps brachii – l 255,81 30,58 254,18 32,14
N=20, units are N/m

Data analysis and processing stiffness per body side and phase were
calculated and tested for normality with the
The MyotonPro software for windows (Myoton Shapiro-Wilks test. As the data did not show a
Desktop Software, 2015) was used to download normal distribution, M1 and M2 were
the raw measurement data from the device. compared with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
Then several steps of data conversion were
performed using a python script (Python for RESULTS
Windows, 2015): The 5 multiscan results that
the MyotonPro device had created for each Out of the 24 subjects three had to be excluded
muscle during each phase, were averaged into because of shoulder pain during the experiment,
one single result. Then the left/right data were one other subject because the measurement at
converted into short arm/long arm data one of the muscles was technically impossible
according to the side the tester had indicated due to a repeated ‘probe jump off’ error. Out of
and the data from the original file were the remaining 20 subjects 85% showed a short
aggregated into a new table, where all left arm during the AR test, 15% a short right
measurements were aggregated in one single arm. In 8 subjects the magnet was placed on
table row per subject. Excel (Excel 2010, 2010) the right side of the body, in 5 subjects on the
software was used to identify outliers, and all left side and in 7 subjects medially. A Chi-
cases of outliers were controlled on the video squared test showed no association between
recording for deviations from the protocol or the side of the challenge and the side of the
confounding factors. short arm. All of the subjects described
themselves as right-handed.
Statistical analysis Regarding the muscles individually, a trend
The resulting file was used as the basis for
towards increase of the short-long-difference
statistical tests performed in the open source
from M1 to M2 was visible in all three muscles
statistics software GNU PSPP (GNU PSPP
(see Table 2), while a statistically significant
Statistics Software, 2015). In PSPP sums of

Table2: Between-side differences in M1 and M2

1 1 1 1 1 2
Muscle M1 M2 M1 M2 Difference P
(short side-long Median Median Mean (SD) Mean (SD)
st st
side) (1 Quartile) (1 Quartile)
M. pectoralis major -18,9 (-56,1) -17,6 (-34,2) -2,52 (72,43) 8,34 (61,51) 10,86 0,218
M. latissimus dorsi -21,6 (-36,25) 0,80 (-12,1) -8,00 (45,05) 0,82 (25,81) 8,82 0,025
M. biceps brachii -6,2 (-19,65) -3,4 (-10,3) -6,31 (19,86) -1,07 (24,64) 5,24 0,054
Summe -16,83 (81,61) 8,09 (63,20) 24,92 0,028
N=20, units are N/m
Significance in Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test

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difference was only measured in the LD but the sides changed: During M1 the stiffness
(Wilcoxon test, p=0,025). was higher on (what later in M2 would be) the
long side, during M2 on the short side (see
For the sum of all three muscles the between-
Table 2). Again this could be explained by the
sides difference of the baseline measurement
theory that additional muscles, which were not
(M1) and the experimental measurement (M2)
measured during this project, are part of the AR
were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank
response as well. These other muscles might
test. It showed a significant difference (p=0,028),
increase the difference in stiffness and have a
so the hypothesis could be confirmed.
significant impact on the AR phenomenon.
Muscles like quadratus lumborum, erector
DISCUSSION spinae, obliquus internus, obliquus externus or
The hypothesis could be confirmed that the intertransversarii could be involved through a
between-sides-difference in muscle stiffness lateral flexion of the trunk, the M. serratus
changes significantly after a positive magnet- anterior and M. trapezius could have a part in
challenge. This seems to confirm the claim making the arm on one side appear longer by
made by Physioenergetics practitioners that the an upward rotation of the scapula (Lippert,
AR is not just an artefact, but a measurable 2006, p. 103,200).
change in the patient’s muscles.
The measured changes in muscle stiffness were Louisa Williams adapted the AR test, calling it
quite small. This is consistent with the clinical AM-FM-technique (Williams, 2007) and later
observation that changes after a positive Matrix Response Testing, speculating that it was
challenge are usually not spontaneously visible, not a muscular response but rather a rapid
but only become apparent with the traction on depolarization of the extracellular matrix
the arms. It also is consistent with the theory, (Williams, 2016). Although the references she
that other muscles, which were not measured, cites do not seem to support her hypothesis, it
contribute to the AR phenomenon. A quick and cannot be ruled out through this study’s results,
crude plausibility check indicates however, that as we used a technique that indiscriminately
the measured results might still represent a measures stiffness in muscles and connective
relevant part of the AR phenomenon: The mean tissue. The use of EMG might help to clarify, if
stiffness of the 3 muscles adds up to 865 N/m, the AR is a reaction in muscles or connective
the shift between the 2 sides during a positive tissue.
AR test was 24,92 N/m, which is about 3% of
A reflex pattern similar to the AR, with flexion
the total. Assuming that muscle chains from the
on one side and extension on the other side,
pelvis to the fingers are involved in the AR
has already been described by Sherrington
phenomenon, we can try to compare the length
(1910) as flexion reflex and crossed-extension
from the iliac crest to the tip of the thumb with
reflex. This reflex is also termed nociceptive
the length of the distal phalanx of the thumb,
flexion reflex (Sandrini et al., 2005), it only
which is per definition the minimum difference
occurs after painful stimulation and is site
for a positive a AR test. In a subject with 168 cm
dependent. This contrasts with the AR that
height the distance from the iliac crest to the tip
seems to occur as a reaction to painful or non-
of the thumb is 107 cm, and the distal phalanx
painful stimuli and independently of the
of the thumb is 3 cm long, results are consistent
stimulus’ body side.
with the expected relations between length and
stiffness like they were discussed above. Within Another type of reactions that might be related
neither of the two measurement phases any with the AR phenomenon are anticipatory
significant difference of stiffness between sides postural adjustments (APAs), minor changes in
was detected, although this would have been activation or inhibition of muscles that serve for
expected in M2, when the tester observed a the preparation of a movement, e.g. a step
difference in arm length. Contrary to what was forward (Massion, 1992). These APAs, which are
expected, the non-significant difference in described as having a very small (Danion and
stiffness was bigger during M1 than during M2, Latash, 2011, p. 19) mechanical effect, are not

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just associated with voluntary movement, but International Academy of Physioenergetics in
also with startling stimuli. The phenomenon of Vienna, Austria and is applying the AR testing in
startling stimuli triggering motor reactions is his evaluation and treatment of patients.
termed StartReact, and in contrast to the
classical startle response it can be triggered AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS
even by lower-intensity stimuli not usually
regarded as startling in nature (Nonnekes et al., RE conceived the research idea, constructed the
2015). Unlike the AR, APAs have only been literature review and drafted the manuscript.
observed in standing individuals so far, but they AGH was in charge of the statistical analysis and
seem to have the low threshold and the small revised the manuscript
size of the reaction in common with the AR,
making it a potentially promising area for
further research.

While the results seem to indicate that there is
some kind of measurable effect after a positive
challenge, more research is needed. The
changes in muscle stiffness, which were
measured in this study, were too small to
explain the AR phenomenon entirely, so it
remains open, which other muscles contribute
to the observed reaction.
Furthermore the mechanism behind the
measured changes is not clear. To clarify, if the
stretch reflex is involved, the study could be
repeated without traction on the arms, to see if
the reaction is still measurable in a neutral
position. The measurement of autonomic
parameters like heart rate, breathing rate,
galvanic skin response, etc. could indicate,
whether the observed motor response to a
positive challenge is accompanied by autonomic

The authors express gratitude to Reinhard
Beikircher and Florian Pichler from the FH
Krems – University for Applied Sciences for
providing a MyotonPro device for the duration
of this study. The authors also thank all subjects
and testers who have dedicated their time to


No outside funding was received for this project.
RE is a board member and lecturer of the

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