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UNIVERSE :- The universe is a large collection of billions of galaxies.

Galaxy: - A galaxy is a large collection of billions of stars.
Our solar system exists in the milky way galaxy.

UNIVERSAL LAW OF GRAVITATION: - Force of attraction between two

objects / bodies is directly proportional to product of their mass and inversely
proportional to square of distance between them.

G = Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 X 10-11 Nm2/kg2
Gravitational force is responsible to bind all massive body in solar system and

Gravity: - Gravity means force.

Force of attraction of earth due to their mass on other body / object is known
as gravity.
Gravity depends on two factors:
Mass of earth and radius (distance) of earth.
Suppose Me mass of earth and m mass of an object placed on the surface of
earth then Force of gravity between them is:
F = G Me m / R 2
G = Universal gravitational constant G = 6.67 X 10-11 Nm2/kg2
R = radius R of earth.
Gravity is a non-contact force (field force) and it is due mass.
Like charge, Mass also create a field itself in which other mass experience force
of attraction known as gravitational field.
How much or less force of attraction any object experience in a gravitational
field is known as gravitational field strength. It is represented by “g”.

Gravitational Field Strength “g” : - It is a measurement of force / strength

of a body (Stars, Planets & satellites) due to their mass.
g = GM/R2
Where- G = Universal gravitational constant
M = Mass of earth
R = Radius of earth
The value of g on the surface of earth = 9.8 N/kg or m/s2
For Simplicity of calculations, we often use as g = 10 N/kg
Hence, due to different mass and radius of Stars, Planets & Moons, they have
different gravitational field strength.


We know that
g = G x Mass of Moon / (Radius of moon)2
g = 6.67 x 10-11 x 7.35 x 1022 / (1.74 x 106)2
g = 1.6 N/kg


gravitational field strength of moon = 1/6th x Earth gravitational field

SOLAR SYSTEM : - A system which bind Sun, planets, satellites.

There are eight planets and one satellite (moon) of earth.
Other planets also have satellite.
Planet near sun experiences large gravitational force due which to orbit more
Planet away from the sun experience comparatively less gravitational force due
to which orbit less curved.
Overall orbit of all planets treated as almost circular.
In solar system all planets revolve / orbit around the sun and satellites revolve
around the planets due to gravitational force.
Hence gravitational force:
• causes moons to orbit planets
• causes the planets to orbit the Sun
• causes artificial satellites to orbit the Earth
• causes comets to orbit the Sun.
Satellite :-

A comparatively less mass body revolve / orbit around planet is known as

Example- Moon
There are two types of satellites:
Natural satellites: Moon
Artificial satellites: man made satellites is known as artificial satellites.
It is use for communication, scan earth surface etc.
All types of satellites revolve / orbit around planet due to gravitational force.

Asteroids : - An asteroid is a minor planet that is an object that is neither a

true planet nor a comet, orbit within the inner Solar System.
They are rocky, metallic, or icy bodies with no atmosphere.
Sizes and shapes of asteroids vary from 1-meter to almost 1000 km in
The greatest number of asteroids are located between the orbits of Mars and
Jupiter known as asteroid belt.
Asteroids are generally classified to be of three types: C-type, M-type, and S-
type. These were named after and are generally identified with carbonaceous,
metallic, and salicaceous compositions, respectively.

Comet:- Comet are large objects made of dust and ice that orbit the Sun in
elliptical orbit.

Comets have highly elliptical orbits, with the Sun at one focus. When they
come in close to the Sun they speed up, due to the larger gravitational force on
them. They also develop bright tails that point away from the centre of the
Sun. These are caused by tiny ice crystals that melt and break off from the
comet and reflect the bright light of the Sun.

Describe the differences in the orbits of comets, moons, and

Comets have highly elliptical orbits , Moons have circular orbits and planets
orbit in slightly squashed circles, called ellipses.
Assume that planets orbit / revolve around the sun in circular orbit-
We know that
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