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The Vice-Principal,

Pakistan International School,


Subject: Request for Change in IGCSE Subjects for the 2025 Examination

Respected Vice-Principal,

It is stated that I’m a student of grade IG-2 (Girls). I am writing this application to request a
change in my selected subjects for the upcoming 2025 IGCSE examination. I would like to drop
Computer Science, a subject I have not studied before, and replace it with Business Studies, a subject
I have previously studied and made considerable progress in at my previous school.

I understand the significance of this decision and its implications for my academic future. After
careful consideration and assessment of my strengths and interests, I firmly believe that pursuing
Business Studies aligns more closely with my academic aspirations and career goals.

I have already covered more than half of the Business Studies curriculum during my previous
schooling, which gives me confidence in my ability to prepare for the IGCSE examination
independently. I am committed to dedicating ample time and effort to self-study, ensuring that I
meet the required standards for the examination.

Additionally, I kindly request your support in facilitating the necessary arrangements for hosting the
Business Studies examination at the designated time and location. I assure you of my commitment to
excel in this subject and uphold the standards set by the examination board.

I would greatly appreciate your guidance and assistance in effecting this change in my subject
choices. Please let me know if there are any further procedures or documentation required from my
end to complete this transition smoothly.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration of my request. I am looking forward to
your positive response and guidance regarding the next steps in this process.

Yours Sincerely,

Zuryab Jaffar.

Parent’s Signature


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