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Use the following format to answer the following questions: Times New Roman, 12 pt, double-
spaced, no paragraph space, use paragraph indentation, 1-inch margins

1. Describe a work scenario that you’re familiar with or you’re interested in learning about,
where the leader of the company clearly displays the traits described in one the leader
types. Come up with concrete examples of how these traits have lead to success. Search
for information on the web. [about 275 words; about 1 page]

2. What style of leader do you think goes best with your personality? Choose one that aligns
well with your strengths. Explain. [about 125 words; about ½ page]

3. Add a final reflection explaining what type of culture or country could be, in general
terms, categorized by one of the leadership types discussed in class. [about 125 words;
about ½ page]

Write your answers on the next page (not here)
Describe a work scenario that you’re familiar with or you’re interested in learning about,
where the leader of the company clearly displays the traits described in one the leader
types. Come up with concrete examples of how these traits have lead to success. Search for
information on the web. [about 250 words; about 1 page]

Elon Musk's leadership at Tesla is one workplace where a leader demonstrates the qualities of a

great leader. Musk's ability to clearly state the company's goal and mission to accelerate the

global switch to renewable energy evidences his transformational leadership. The Tesla team is

inspired and motivated to collaborate to achieve this challenging objective by effectively

communicating this vision. Through initiatives like Gigafactories and partnerships with SpaceX,

Musk has shown that he is a risk-taker and hands-on leader who anticipates and actively pushes


This transformative leadership approach has been essential to Tesla's success in the electric car

market. Tesla has risen to the top of the automobile industry because of advancements like high-

performance batteries and autonomous driving technology, which were made possible by Musk.

Musk places a strong focus on innovation and teamwork, which has inspired Tesla employees to

push limits and revolutionize the business. This is reflected in the company's culture.

What style of leader do you think goes best with your personality? Choose one that aligns
well with your strengths. Explain. [about 125 words; about ½ page]

I resonate with servant leadership, similar to Elon Musk's style at Tesla. Musk emphasizes

serving the larger good, which aligns with my view that team needs should come first. Servant

leadership is exemplified by Tesla's flat organizational structure, open lines of communication,

and Musk's dedication to reducing barriers for his staff. This approach encourages teamwork and

a sense of common purpose, which is, in my opinion, crucial for driving creativity and

addressing difficult problems.

Add a final reflection explaining what type of culture or country could be, in general terms,
categorized by one of the leadership types discussed in class. [about 125 words; about ½

Sweden is an outstanding example of a nation whose culture aligns with the ideas of servant

leadership. Sweden's social structure strongly emphasizes equality, teamwork, and making

decisions as a group. Swedish leaders value the needs and welfare of their teams and frequently

concentrate on furthering the common good. This cultural tendency is evident in many areas,

including the nation's robust social welfare system and dedication to sustainability. Open

communication, inclusion, and a flat organizational structure are highly prized by Swedish

leaders, who create an atmosphere where people feel heard and appreciated at work. The focus

on reaching a consensus and using a supportive leadership style fosters an innovative culture that

is nationally representative of the traits linked to servant leadership.

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