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Topic: Travelling/Summer Memories/Travel Experience

Level: B1

Warm-Up Activity ~ 5 min

Say a travel-related word (e.g. beach, adventure, backpacking), and then participants take
turns saying the first word that comes to their mind related to that word. (The trick is to say
everything quickly)

Travel Story Sharing ~ 20 minutes

Invite each participant to share a brief travel story. It could be about a recent trip, or a
favorite vacation memory. Ask them to find a photo related to their story and show it to other
participants. Give them about 2-3 min to find a suitable photo and think of the story.

Discussion: (in groups or together)

1. What is your dream destination?
2. Do you prefer passive or active holidays?
3. Are you a mountain or sea person?
4. Do you usually plan your travel, or do you prefer a more spontaneous approach?
5. Have you experienced cultural differences while travelling?
6. Do you have any favourite items you always bring on a trip? Are there any essentials
you never forget to pack?
7. Have you ever bought a souvenir as a memento from your travels? What was it, and
what does it remind you of?
8. How do you kill time during long travels? Share your tips
9. Have you ever created a travel vlog to document your trips? If so, how do you usually
record your experiences: through writing, photography, or videos?
10. What famous landmarks have you visited during your travels?
11. Have you ever experienced lost luggage while travelling? How did you handle the
12. Have you ever travelled solo? If not would you like to try?

Travel Bucket List Activity ~ 10 min

Have each participant create a mini "Travel Bucket List" with at least three destinations they
would love to visit someday and why. Again ask to share photos.
Vocabulary List:
Destination (noun) the place to which someone is travelling
Spontaneous (adjective) doing something without planning
Essentials (noun) the most important or necessary things
Souvenir (noun) an item you buy or keep as a reminder of a place you've visited
As a memento keeping something as a memory of that event or place
To kill time spending time doing something when you have free time or are waiting for
something else
Landmark (noun) a famous place or monument often visited by tourists
Luggage (noun. uncoun) bags, suitcases, or containers used while travelling
To handle (verb) / to deal with manage a situation, task
Solo travel traveling alone without companions

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