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EPF Withdrawal Process Guide

1. 1. Check Eligibility: Confirm that you meet the criteria for withdrawing from your EPF
account. Common reasons include retirement, unemployment, purchasing a house,
medical emergencies, marriage, education, etc.
2. 2. Gather Required Documents: Depending on your reason for withdrawal, gather
necessary documents like identification proof, bank account details, employment
details, and any specific forms or certifications needed for your withdrawal reason.
3. 3. UAN and KYC Verification: Make sure your Universal Account Number (UAN) is active
and your KYC (Know Your Customer) details are updated and verified on the EPFO
(Employees' Provident Fund Organisation) portal.
4. 4. Login to EPFO Portal: Access the EPFO portal using your UAN and password. If you
haven't activated your UAN, you need to do it first.
5. 5. Visit Online Claims Section: Navigate to the 'Online Services' tab and select 'Claim
(Form-31, 19, 10C & 10D)' from the drop-down menu.
6. 6. Enter Details for the Claim: Fill in the required details in the claim form. The form and
details will vary based on your withdrawal reason.
7. 7. Upload Documents (if required): For certain withdrawal reasons, you might need to
upload scanned copies of relevant documents.
8. 8. Submit the Application: After verifying all the details and documents, submit your
application. You may receive an OTP on your registered mobile number for verification.
9. 9. Tracking the Application: Post submission, you can track the status of your claim
through the EPFO portal.
10. 10. Receiving the Amount: Upon approval, the withdrawal amount will be credited to
your registered bank account, usually within 15-20 days.

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