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Aula 8

Reconhecer e utilizar de forma adequada discursos e as formas de reportá-los.
Expressar diferentes formas de conversas através de situações contextualizadas.


At the end of this class, it is expected that the students:

Utilizar o discurso direto e indireto.
Empregar o uso diferentes perguntas para obter informações em forma de discurso direto
e indireto.
Expressar situações variadas
Ler e interpretar os textos expostos
Consolidar o vocabulário abordado na aula.


Compreender o uso e forma dos variados tempos verbais necessários aos emprego do
discurso direto para o indireto.

Camila Andrade Chagas Vieira

Língua Inglesa IV


Olá! Daremos início à oitava aula e para isso é necessário que seu con-
hecimento acerca do uso geral dos principais tempos verbais esteja bem
consolidado. Isso porque falaremos de situações variadas em que o uso
destes tempos verbais será essencial para a compreensão desses assuntos.
Para darmos início a compreensão do uso e emprego dos discursos
direto e indireto, vamos fazer a leitura do seguinte texto? Em seguida , uma
reÁexão respondendo as questões referentes.
Guess Who I Bumped Into?
Tim wandered along the path thinking aloud, "If I continue this diet
I should lose twenty pounds by the end of..." when BOOM! he bumped
into another city dweller out for a day's walk in the park.
"I'm terribly sorry," he apologized, "I was so caught up in my thoughts,
I didn't see you!" he managed to stammer.
Smiling, Sheila responded, "It's OK. Nothing's broken... No really, I
wasn't watching my step either."
Suddenly they both stopped making excuses and stared at each other.
"Don't I know you from somewhere?" inquired Tim while Sheila ex-
claimed, "You're Tim, Jack's brother, aren't you?!"
They both began to laugh as they had met each other the week before
at a party that Jack had given.
Still laughing, Tim suggested, "Why don't we have a cup a coffee and
donut?" to which Sheila replied, "I thought you wanted to continue your
diet!" They both were still laughing by the time they reached the Swimming
Donut cafe.


Comprehension Questions
Why did Tim bump into Sheila?
1. He was on a diet.
2. He wasn't paying attention.
3. He was writing his thoughts down.
Where do they live?
1. In the park
2. In the countryside
3. In the city

What a story! Aula 8
Whose fault was the incident?
1. Tim's
2. Sheila's
3. It's not clear.
Where did they Àrst meet?
1. In the park
2. At the Swimming Donut
3. At Tim's Brother's house
Why was Tim's suggestion funny?
1. He was supposedly on a diet.
2. The name of the cafe was strange.
3. They were on a walk and there were no donuts in the park.

Later that day Sheila reported the story to her friend Mike. Fill in the
blanks with reported (indirect) speech using the text above. Check your
answers on the following page.
As he was walking down the path Tim said if he ____ ____ diet he
____ lose twenty pounds. We bumped into each other. He apologized
saying he ____ terribly sorry. I told him it ____ OK, that nothing ____
broken. Tim said he ____ so caught up in ____ thoughts that he ____
____. He seemed embarrassed, so I added that I ____ my step either. At
that moment we recognized each other! He asked me if he ____ ____ from
somewhere. I then remembered that he was Jack's brother. We both had
a good laugh and then he invited me to have a cup of coffee and a donut.
We had a great time together.


É possível dizer o que alguém falou de duas formas: utilizando o

discurso direto (nesse caso apenas transcreve-se o que foi dito) e através
do discurso indireto (quando optamos por contar com nossas próprias
palavras o que foi dito).
Discurso direto: Bob said: “I love you”.
Discurso indireto: Bob said that he loved me.

Língua Inglesa IV

Discurso direto: Bob told me: “I love you”.

Discurso indireto: Bob told me that he loved me.
Com os exemplos acima, observe que existe uma diferença entre “said”
e “told”
Apesar de ambos signiÀcarem “disse”, devemos usar “said” toda vez
em que na frase não for mencionado com quem se está falando. O uso do
“told”, no entanto, deve ser usado sempre que for mencionado com quem
se está falando.
Na transformação do discurso direto para o indireto, e vice-versa, é
necessário Àcar atento aos tempos verbais, assim como aos pronomes e
advérbios de tempo que acabam sofrendo alterações. Segue abaixo uma
tabela para consulta:


Direct Speech (Discurso Direto) Indirect Speech (Discurso In-

Simple Present Simple Past
Bob said: “I love Mary”. Bob said that he loved Mary.
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Bob said: “I am writing a letter”. Bob said that he was writing a letter.
Simple Past Past Perfect
Bob said: “I wrote a letter”. Bob said that he had written a letter.
This That
Bob said: “This is my car”. Bob said (that) that was his car.
Obs.: Nesse caso, pode-se omitir
o “that” que está entre parênteses.
These Those
Bob said: “These tickets are too Bob said that those tickets were too
expensive”. expensive.
Today That day
Bob said: “There is a great movie Bob said that there was a great
on TV today”. movie on TV that day
Tomorrow The next day / The following
Bob said: “It will rain tomorrow”. day
Bob said that it was going to rain on
the following day.
I He/she
Bob said: “I am hungry”. Bob said that he was hungry.
We They
Bob said: “We have to work”. Bob said that they had to work.

What a story! Aula 8
Para maior detalhamento e prática segue o link do site oÀcial do con-
selho britânico: (en/intermediate-grammar/reported-speech-1)

Vamos praticar com mais leitura?

Reported Speech (Telling stories)

Mrs Sarah GreenÀeld was worried because she hadn’t seen her pet cat,
Percy, for nearly two days. She told her neighbour, Frank Armstrong about
it. Frank said he knew where Percy was and took her to a tall tree in the
street. He pointed up at a branch near the top of the tree where Percy was
sitting. Mrs GreenÀeld called out to her cat but it did not move. Then she
asked Frank Armstrong what she should do. He suggested that she should
telephone the Àre brigade and ask them to help.
Mrs GreenÀeld went back to her house and phoned the local Àre sta-
tion. She told them about the cat and asked them to come and save the cat.
Twenty minutes later, a big red Àre engine parked outside Mrs GreenÀeld’s
house. Mrs GreenÀeld showed the Àre ofÀcer where Percy was sitting in
the tree. The Àre ofÀcer asked Mrs GreenÀeld what the cat liked eating.
She told him that Percy’s favourite food was sardines. The Àre ofÀcer said
it would be difÀcult to catch the cat because it would be very frightened
and asked her if she had got any sardines.
Mrs GreenÀeld opened a tin of sardines and gave it to the Àre ofÀcer.
The Àre ofÀcer extended the tall ladders on the Àre engine and climbed up
to the cat. He held out the open tin of sardines and called to the cat. Percy
was very hungry and he could smell the sardines. He scrambled towards
the Àre ofÀcer who caught him easily. From the top of the ladder, the Àre
ofÀcer called to Mrs GreenÀeld and told her he had caught the cat.
Mrs GreenÀeld was very happy and thanked the Àre ofÀcer as he was
climbing down the ladder. After the Àre ofÀcer had handed the cat to Mrs
GreenÀeld, she put it on the ground with the tin of sardines. Mrs GreenÀeld
thanked the Àre ofÀcer again and invited him to have a cup of tea and a
slice of cake at her house. The Àre ofÀcer accepted the invitation and they
walked to her house. Twenty minutes later, after two cups of tea and three
slices of cake, the Àre ofÀcer got into the big red Àre engine and started
the engine to drive away. Unfortunately, as he was reversing the Àre engine,
he ran over the cat and killed it.
FONTE> › Secundaria › Inglés

Língua Inglesa IV


Read the story and work out who said…

a) “It’s all right. I’ve got him!” _________________
b) “Would you like to have a cup of tea and a slice of cake?”
c) “I haven’t seen Percy for two days.” _________________
d) “He loves sardines.” _________________
e) “I know where he is. I saw him this morning.” _________________
f) “What do you think I should do?” _________________
g) “Why don’t you phone the Àre brigade?” _________________
h) “The cat’ll be very frightened so it’ll be difficult to catch.
i) “Have you got any sardines?” _________________
j) “Would you like another slice of cake?” _________________

Vamos praticar com mais exercícios?

Preencha os espaços em branco com o tempo verbal correto:
Exemplo: “I saw her” Ⱥ He said the he had seen him.
a) “There is a butterÁy in my garden.” Ⱥ I said ___________a butterÁy
in my garden.
b) “I’ll see you later.” Ⱥ She said she _________________me later.
c) “We are very sad.” Ⱥ They told me they ___________________very sad.
d) “Can I go out with you?” Ⱥ He asked me if he _________________out
with me.
e) “I'll dance next Saturday.” Ⱥ She said she ________________next
Reescreva as frases usando o Reported Speech.
a) “What time will you be there?”
He asked ________________________________________________
b) “Does he like chocolate?”
She asked if_______________________________________________
c) “Why did you leave?”
She asked me _____________________________________________
d) “Girls! It's time to leave the room.”
She told ___________________________________________________

What a story! Aula 8
e) The boy was crying.
She said that_____________________________________________.
Responda às perguntas usando o Reported Speech.
a)Is Lisa at work? She asked me if ______________
b) Is she late? He asked me if __________________
c) Is it hot outside? She asked me if _____________
d) Are they in Brazil? He asked me if _____________
e) Is the station near here? She asked me if _______

Faça a mudança das frases abaixo do discurso direto para o discurso

indireto. Escolha um dos verbos abaixo para introduzir sua resposta.
1 – ask
2 – tell
3 – say
a) “For your own good, don't do it”. He_______________.
b) “She is leaving tonight.” He _____________________.
c) “Can you get me a piece of paper, please?” She___________.
d) “They got married last week.” He ________________.
e) “Hurry! I can't arrive late!” She __________________.

O link postado no AVA levará para um vídeo com uma prática mais
dinâmica. Baseando-se no trecho de um Àlme, o vídeo (Reported speech.
Watch the clip, answer the questions) vai sugerir algumas atividades utilizando o
discurso direto e indireto.

Finalizamos esta aula discutindo, praticando e reÁetindo acerca de como
utilizar e diferenciar o discurso direto do indireto.
Não deixe de fazer uso de seu material e responder as atividades sug-
eridas. Assim como expandir seu conhecimento através de sites e outros
recursos interativos.


Nesta aula aprendemos as diferenças e uso dos discurso direto e in-


Língua Inglesa IV


Consigo identiÀcar o uso das diferentes formas para discurso direto

e indireto?
Consigo estruturar frases com expressões de tempo e pronomes ad-
Consigo diferenciar , identiÀcar e empregar o uso de cada estrutura
em suas situações particulares?


Concluindo como utilizar os discursos diretos e indiretos, na próxima

aula vamos falar sobre o uso de verbos seguidos de gerúndio e inÀnitivo!
Até lá!

HEWINGS, M. Advanced Grammar in use. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2005.
BEAUMONT, D. , GRANGER, C. English Grammar. An Intermediate
Reference and Practice Book. Oxford: Heinemann, 1992.
AZAR, B. Understanding and Using English Grammar. 3rd edition.
White Plains, NY: Pearson Education, 2002.
SWAN, M., WALTER, C. The Good Grammar Book. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2001.
VINCE, M.; SUNDERLAND, P. Advanced Language Practice. London:
Macmillan, 2009.
VILAÇA, M. Dominando os Verbos Ingleses. Rio de Janeiro. Editora
Ciências Modernas, 2005


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