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branches of engineering emerged to address specific areas of

expertise. Civil engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical

engineering, and many other disciplines began to take shape, each
focusing on unique aspects of technological innovation.
Civil engineering involves the design and construction of
infrastructure that supports human activities. Bridges, roads, dams,
and buildings are just a few examples of the projects that fall under
the purview of civil engineers. These professionals are responsible for
ensuring the safety, functionality, and sustainability of the built
Mechanical engineering, on the other hand, deals with the design
and manufacture of mechanical systems and devices. From engines
and turbines to robots and vehicles, mechanical engineers apply
principles of physics and mathematics to create efficient and reliable
machines that enhance various industries.
Electrical engineering focuses on the study and application of
electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism. Electrical engineers are
responsible for designing and developing electrical systems,
including power generation, transmission, and distribution. They also
contribute to the invention and improvement of electronic devices
that have become integral parts of our daily lives.
1.3 The Engineering Design Process
At the heart of engineering lies the design process, a systematic
approach to problem-solving and creation. Engineers follow a series
of steps to identify problems, explore potential solutions, evaluate
their feasibility, and ultimately bring their ideas to life.
The engineering design process typically involves the following

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