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► Exercise 1. Answer the questions.

1. What is the object of Syntactic Typology?
2. What basic unitsfor comparison in Syntactic Typology do you know?
3. Give the definition of thr term “sentence”
4. How can thesentence be characterized in the syntax of compared languages? (I.
Mestchaninov, V. Skalicka, and J.Greenberg’s viewpoints).
5. Characterize and compare types of syntactic relations in English, Uzbek and Russian

► Classroom activities

Exercise 2. Round table discussion. Divide into four groups and discuss these
problems in groups. In 10 minutes present your topic, after all they make
overall conclusion.

The problem of Clarification of the

hyperonyms and terms of polysemy
hyponyms in and homonyms

Comparison of
simple words in
compared languages Compound words in
English and Native

Exercise 2. Discuss the following questions in mini groups.

Exercise 3. Look at the questions in the chart about ways of word formation
in English, Russian and Uzbek languages. Write your answers first in the
YOU column.
. Interview your partner and write his/her answers in your partner column.

Questions You Your partner

The ways ofword
formation in modern
The ways ofword
formation in modern
Five main ways of
word formation in
modern Uzbek

Exercise 4. Look at the text about similarities and differences of word -

formation in compared languages. There are 12 mistakes are underlined in it.
Replace them with the correct words from the box below.

origin independen prefixing boun negative full

repetition or reversal proper semi- d prefixes

The main similarity of forming words is having the way of affixing in all
compared languages. And all of them have the subtypes, such as borrowing,
suffixing and prefix-suffix. For example, English prefixes are such particles
that can be prefixed to separate words and it is mostly characteristic for
forming verbs. Prefixes can be considered more dependent than suffixes in
English. They can be classified according to the nature of words in which they
are used: prefixes used in notional and functional words. Prefixes used in
notional words are irrelevant prefixes, which are semi-bound morphemes, e.g.
re- (rewrite). Prefixes used in functional words are bound morphemes because
they are met in the language as words, e.g. over- (overprotected) ( cf. over the
book ).
Prefixes can be classified according to different principles:
1. Semantic classification:
a) prefixes of positivemeaning, such as: in- (invaluable), non- (non-
morphological), un- (unhappy) etc.
b) prefixes denoting planned actions, such as: de- (deregulate), re- (redo), dis-
c) prefixes denoting time, space, degree relations, such as : inter-
(international) , hyper- (hypertension), ex- (ex-friend), pre- (pre-reading),
over- (overhead) etc.
2.Usage of prefixes can be classified as follows:
a) native (Germanic), such as: un-, over-, under- etc.
b) Romanic, such as : in-, de-, ex-, re- etc.
c) Greek, such as : sym-, hyper- etc.
Besides, there are a lot of borrowed suffixes in English:
Auto-, Demi-, Mono-, Multi-, Semi-, Post-;

Exercise 5. You are given different classifications of suffixes in

English, Russian and Uzbek languages. According to the classification match
the suffixes with their sub groups.

I. Part-of-speech classification
1. noun-forming suffixes -ize, -ify, -а-ть, -а, -лан
2. adjective-forming suffixes -able, -less, -ous, -ный-ной, -ли, -
3. verb-forming suffixes -er, -ism, -ник, -ец, -увчи, -
4. adverb-forming suffixes -teen, -ty, -надцать, -ой (-ый), -
5. numeral-forming suffixes -ly, -о, -лаб, -она.

II. Semantic classification

1. nationality -ness, -ity, -увчан
2. the agent of the action - dom, -ry, -ship, -ati
3. quality - ian, -ese, -ish, -вич, -лик.
4. diminutiveness -er, -ist, -ent, -ок, -чи.
5. collectivity -ie, -let, -ling, -ette.
III. The lexico-grammatical character of the stem.
1. suffixes added to verbal stems -e, -ly, -ish, -ness, -
ость, -и-е,- лик
2. suffixes added to noun stems -er, -ing, -ство, -
ация, -кич, -ги 3.suffixes added to adjective stems -less, -
ful, -ni-ый, -ный, -кор, гар

Exercise 6. Are these statements true (√) or false (×)?

Correct the false statements.
1. Stress interchange is occurred in all compared languages.
2. Sound interchange is one of the ways of
productive word formation
3. Sound imitation is the way of word-building when a
word is formed by imitating different sounds.
4. Sounds produced by animals, birds, insects, such as:
to hiss, to buzz, to bark, to moo, to twitter etc; лаять, мычать,
щебетать, вовулламоқ, миёвламоқ, сайрамоқ.
5. Sounds produced by human beings, such as : to
splash, to rustle, to clatter, to bubble, to ding-dong, to tinkle etc;
звякать, звенеть, греметь, тақилламоқ,
шитирламоқ, тарақ-туруқ.
6. In blends three ways of word-building are combined
7. Back formation is the way of word-building when a
word is formed by dropping the final morpheme to form a new
8. One of the Russian non-morphological ways of word
formation is semantic, which can express the similar function with
Uzbek semantic way of forming words.
9. The last distinctive feature of Uzbek language word
formation way is composition, which cannot be found in other
compared languages.
10. The main way of word formation in English is
considered compounding, while in Russian and Uzbek it is
Exercise №2. Check your comprehension on comparative analysis
of English and Native languages word-formation types.
Tick√ what can you understand.

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