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Section A: Transistor Circuit.

(15 Marks)

Exercise 1: Consider the following circuit:

When the photodiode D is not lighting, it is blocked. It is light up when an inverse current of
20µA goes through.

1) Show that the transistor is blocked when the photodiode is not light up. In this case,
calculate the values of IE, IB and VCE. (6 marks)
2) Calculate the current ICSat of the saturated transistor. (2 marks)
3) Deduce the minimal value of the current ID of the diode for the transistor to just be
saturated. (4 marks)
4) Precise the values of the currents and their voltages in this case. (3 marks)

Section B: Voltage Regulator with Zener diode. (15 Marks)

Consider the following diagram:

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Ve is a voltage that can vary from 0 to 30V ;Dz is the zener diode such that Vzmin = 6V and Vzmax =
6,4V, Izmin = 5mA ; Pmax = 0,5W ; Rp = 470Ω ; Rc can vary from 0 to 1KΩ.

A. We maintain Rc = 1KΩ = constant and we do vary Ve.

1) What type of stabilization are we working on? (1 mark)
2) Determine the value of Vemin of Ve corresponding to the beginning of stabilization;
(2 marks)
3) Determine the value Vemax of Ve corresponding to the upper limit of stabilization;
(1.5 mark)

4) Calculate the stabilization factor = (1 mark)

5) Plot the curve = ( ). Take: for x-axis 1 cm → 10V and y-axis 1 cm → 2 V.
(1 mark)
B. We now maintain Ve constant and equal to 30V and we then vary Rc :
a) Calculate Iz for Rc = 1KΩ and Vz = 6,2V. (2 marks)
b) Calculate the value Icmax de Ic corresponding to the upper limit of stabilization;
(1.5 marks)
c) Calculate the value of Ic pour Rc = 0. (2 marks)
d) Plot the curve Uc = f(Ic). Echelle : 1cm → 10mA and 1cm → 2V. (3 marks)

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