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Assignment 1

Interview Me?
Value 2%

Assignment overview
Let's get to know each other a little before diving into class. Navigate to our course Blackboard
and locate the discussion board as demonstrated by your course instructor in the first-class
session and begin a new discussion post with the goal to Tell us about yourself!

Our objective is building a place to share what we feel comfortable sharing. In three or four
sentences introduce yourself and consider adding some of these additional details. Keep the
approach welcoming, respectful and professional.

This is a task which is evaluated based on completion not content.

Here are some things you might share.

 Your name and the name you prefer to go by

 Where are you from?
 What are your post-college plans?
 What is one of your favorite places?
 Do you have a favorite team or band?
 Do you have any unusual talents?

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