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Chat 1
Flexible Learning Tutor: RD BENJAMIN D. PARAGAS


Lessons Covered
 Course Orientation
 Module 6 Lesson 1: “Understanding the Facilitative Teaching-Learning
 Forum Discussion: “Teaching and Learning Philosophy and Strategies”

To Do
 Live Session: Meet Your Facilitator and Co-Learners (30 minutes to one
hour before the start of Session 1 Proper) – Schedule the first Live Session
with learners. Agree on a date, time, and platform. Post the schedule, link (if
any), and other announcements in the Flexible Learners Group Chat.

o Note: Inform the Technical Support about the schedule of the Live

 Conduct First Live Session with Learners

o Check In: Check In Question: If you were an ice cream, what flavor
are you? Why?
o Prayer
o Introduce yourself as the Flexible Learning Tutor
o Let each learner introduce himself/herself, which place they are from,
what grade and subject they teach.
o Some questions you ay ask (Expectation Setting):
 Why did you take this course?
 What do you hope to achieve through this course?
o You may assign one learner to summarize the responses, or the FLT
may do it.
o SAY: Thank you for sharing your expectations. I can feel your
enthusiasm to learn from each other and to share your experiences.

 Discuss course policies and other information.

Course Policies and Other Information

Assignments and Reflection

 Submit the written requirements using the appropriate
 Submit one version only.
 Submit your own work.
 Cite your references using the MLA citation format.
 Any learn found to have committed academic dishonesty shall
be immediately dropped from the course.
 Check the rubrics that will be used to evaluate your course
requirements. Refer to the learner’s guide.

 Write your post in English.
 Check if you post answers the proper question.
 Do not repeatedly post the same message.
 Do not turn the forum into a private discussion.
 Do not post offensive words, pictures, videos, or links.
 Learners are encouraged to be friendly, helpful, and kind.
 Remain respectful at all times.

Live Sessions
 The live session is a videoconference with your facilitator and
co-learners. You will agree as a class on the date and time of
your live session and which app to use.
 Come on time for the live session and stay for the entire
 Review the past lessons and activities before the live session.
 Prepare your questions and clarifications that you have
regarding the past lessons.
 Participate actively.
 Provide clear, detailed, and proper responses to move
discussions forward.
 Respect the view of your FLT and co-learners.
 Advise your FLT beforehand if you cannot attend the live

Chat Sessions
 Use complete sentences and complete words. No to
 Observe correct spelling and grammar though typographical
errors are understandable.
 Stick to the topic at hand. Do not introduce a different topic.
Wait for the cue of the tutor that the discussion shall now shift
to a new topic.
 If you are not be able to catch up with some parts of the chat
due to power interruption or fluctuating internet signal, you
may view the chat session, still on the CHAT PAGE, and send
your answers to the “FORUM” before the next chat session so
your other co-learners and your tutor can also react. Just
ensure that your responses to the different issues discussed
during the chat session you are making up should be only in
one document and be posted only as one new discussion.
 You are required to have a minimum of 30 chat entries to be
considered present in the session. While all entries, regardless
of length and substance are automatically counted by the
system, I will base my ratings on the quality /substance of
your reactions and views. Everyone is required to provide
answers to all the questions being asked.

Conduct Q&A and reply to learners queries.

End of Course Orientation



Good afternoon, everyone. I’m Jerry B. Sario, Jr., your flexible learning tutor
for this course. I am delighted to welcome you to TEACHeXCELS Class 4. I
hope that everyone’s safe! We thank God that despite the pandemic, we
are here for your course.

Start the session with a short prayer. Amen.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the blessings that You’ve given us. Thank
you for sparing us from the wrath of Tropical Storm Jenny.

Thank you for this opportunity of meeting people, sharing ideas and getting closer
to each other though we are miles apart and do not see each other but these
become possible because of your Wonders;

May you equip us with attributes needed on this endeavor. Help us focus our
hearts and minds on what we are about to do. Inspire us by your Spirit and may
this first learning engagement be meaningful and worth treasuring.

Forgive our sins. We ask all these, in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN.

So our final chat schedule is every Thursday from 2PM to 5PM. Should
there be any changes, I will inform you in our group chat.

Note to the Tutor on the Self-competency Checklist: Check their individual

Self-Competency Checklist. You can ask them to accomplish the checklist before
you proceed with the lesson. Explain the importance of the competency checklist.
You can also check their responses from the dashboard.

Sharing Time:

Assess your competency levels (Give them 5 minutes for this activity)

As you start this learning journey, it is important to assess first where you
are in terms of your competency profile. Reflect on the following questions
and share your answers in the chat box:

Based on your Self-Rating Competency Checklist, which competencies are

you already good at? Think back on a peak moment in your life as a
master teacher when these strong competencies were most highlighted.
How might this course help you in your role as a teacher? Share your
expectations from this course.

What is your assessment of yourself based on the listed competencies…

Are you a novice? Apprentice? Practitioner or an Expert? Please share and
briefly describe why you regard yourself as such….

Thank you for sharing. I am happy that majority of you already complied
with the requirement to accomplish the pre-Module 1 Self-rating
competency checklist.

I hope that the remaining flexible learners (FLs) who did not comply with
this yet will follow suit soonest. This is supposed to be accomplished
before the start of the formal chat session, before you even start reading
the modules.

Whatever your level of competency, capacitating yourself like going back to

school, listening to mentor or coach, attending/conducting a learning
action cell session, making advance readings and the like will somehow
help you improve your level of competency.

Moreover, this TeachExcels course will help you improve your competence
as a school leader.

Ask the Following Questions:

How did you fare in the checklist? Are you pleased with the result? Which
competency do you need to develop further?

Solicit answers from the learners

You next step is to identify those competencies that will require more of
your time and attention as you study the lessons in this module.


FT Say:

As a master teacher and future school head, I know that you have
attended a lot of trainings, seminars and schooling for you to become
competent and effective. With this exposure, I believe that you’re able to
create a conducive school environment where teachers are “facilitators of
learning” and learners are “happy learners”.

In our session today, we shall focus our discussion on two lessons: 1)

Understanding the Facilitative Teaching Learning Process and 2) Toward
Effective Teaching – Learning.

Lesson 1 (Understanding the Facilitative Teaching Learning Process) will

dwell on teaching philosophy, characteristics of facilitative teaching and
four categories of teaching styles.

On the other hand, lesson 2 (Toward Effective Teaching – Learning) will

revolve around learning styles of students and the factors that affect their
learning and students’ motivation for learning as well as strategies that
can enhance teaching learning in school.
Sharing of experiences, readings, reflections and insights, which are
relevant to our lessons, will be much appreciated.


Understanding the Facilitative Teaching-Learning Process

Focusing on our lesson on Understanding facilitative teaching-learning

process, can you cite an example of a training that you have attended that
really helped you in crafting your philosophy of teaching? Can you also
share your philosophy of teaching? What impact does it have to your
teachers and students?

Thank you for your sharing.

(Note to FLT: Capture significant responses and repost/affirm/confirm)



Have you read the Roles and Behaviors of Facilitative teachers by Smith
and Blake (2005)(Smith & Blake)? There are eight (8) and one of the stated
roles is “give learners the opportunity to collaborate and negotiate in
determining their learning and assessment process”. Why is this role so

Thank you for your sharing.

NOTE TO FLT: Capture significant responses and repost/affirm/confirm)

As an instructional leader, you are expected to inspire teachers to do well

in their teaching. More often than not, when teachers are inspired by their
school head, they are very much willing to give their “best” not only in the
delivery of the lesson but in almost all areas. What do you think are the
best attributes of a facilitative teacher?

Thank you.

NOTE TO FLT: Capture significant responses and repost/affirm/confirm.

Now, we talk about your role in supporting facilitative teaching-learning

process (TLP).

Cite an example or examples of support you are providing to the teachers

to enable facilitative TLP.
NOTE TO FLT: Capture significant responses and repost/affirm/confirm.

When doing instructional supervision, school heads usually have plans or

what we call, Instructional Supervisory Plan (ISP). The plans are being
discussed with the concerned teachers. How do teachers find you entering
into their classroom to observe? What are usually the focus of your
observation? Please share.

NOTE TO FLT: Capture significant responses and repost/affirm/confirm

For those who have Instructional Supervisory Plan (ISP) , congratulations!

It is really a guide towards effective IS. The school head has to develop a
mechanism by which teachers will always look forward to being

Note: Teaching style the way in which teaching tasks are chosen and carried out
(Mohanna, Chambers & Wall, 2008). Formal authority, demonstrator or personal
model, facilitator or delegator.)page 32

Benefits of these teaching styles.

Let us remember:

1. Teaching philosophy is a set of beliefs that teachers values and use as

guide in teaching. It is being developed by his/her experiences. It is
the duty of the school head to align the philosophy of the teacher with
the school’s instructional goals.
2. Facilitative learning is a learner-centered approach to the teaching



Hello, everyone. How are you doing? I hope you're finding our chat session
more interesting. Feel comfortable. Share your insights for these may
inspire others. 

We were discussing about instructional plans. I found that many of you

are really preparing their IS. That's good! This is indeed very important to
ensure effective teaching-learning process (TLP) in the classroom.

In order that TLP becomes effective, there are some things that we have to
consider. Many to consider are the teaching -learning styles. What do you
know about teaching styles? Learning styles? Please share.

Note to FLT: Capture significant responses and repost/affirm/confirm


NOTE TO FLT: You may expound the following:

Learning styles (Kolb and Kolb (2005), learning style describes individual
differences in approaches to ways of learning.

What works for Juan, may not necessarily work for Peter.

Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetics, Tactile

Learning style inventory. (page 52)

Role of the principal: guide teachers in preparing lesson plans using

teaching stlyes and techniques that would cover as many learning styles
as possible.


In doing your job, at times we have to be motivated and self-propelling. We

also need to motivate our teachers. When we know our teachers, when we
know where they are coming from and we have a feel on them, we expect
for a school that would surpass the set performance. Do you believe so? 

Can you share an experience when you have touched the life of a teacher.

NOTE TO FLT: Capture significant responses and repost/affirm/confirm

From today and onward, having learned from the sharing and experiences
of your co-learners, what is your immediate action regarding creating a
facilitative and effective teaching-learning process? 

It is indeed important to be reflective. As a school head, learn to always

put your feet in the shoes of your teacher. We all started as teachers. 


Before we finally end our discussion, may I know what you learned from
our session or what insights have you gained.



Thanks for your insights and reflections. It was indeed a fulfilling day
having an interactive discussion with you. As a takeaway, the school head
plays an important role in the teaching-learning process. He/she can spell
a difference in the lives of the teachers that would redound to "touching
the lives of students". It actually has a domino effect. Learn to unlearn,
relearn and learn. 

Thank you again for all your beautiful insights! Thank you, Miss Rose for
the technical support. Few reminders: 1. Our class starts at 9:00 AM-
12:00NN on Tuesday, with a 15-min break in between. 2. Please always
visit the Forum for updates. Our technical support will also update you.3.
You may contact me or I may contact you for some issues and concerns.
Please read the Modules before joining the session. Have a blessed day

***END OF CHAT 1***

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